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anate freedom admonish me of my danger of falling, direct me how to avoid it, or with the temper of the Gofpel reprove me for any erroneous and evil conduct; for he who hath my intereft and reputation at heart, in whatever way he ftudies to fecure and establish them, I fhall always esteem my friend.


Laftly, as the Lord and head of the church. himfelf has told us, that his kingdom is not of this world-As therefore in the faithful difcharge of your office as a minifter of Chrift, you must lift up a banner against all unrighteoufnefs, and ungodlinefs of men; you may reckon upon difcouragement, and oppofition from men of a worldly and fenfual difpofition. In cafe troubles, difcouragements, and perfecutions should arife, will you hold on to the end notwithstanding?



I did not, Sir, undertake the office of a minifter, as a temporary occupation in life, or with a view of introducing myself thereby, into other hereafter-I deteft fo mean an abuse, of fo honourable a character-At prefent, it is my intention, fo long as God fhall continue me capacity and opportunity for the discharge of the duties incumbent on me in that ftation, to continue in it-I think it is not poffible to eftimate what might be the temper of my mind,

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or how firm my refolution would stand under open and cruel perfecutions for the cause of religion-Promises of courage and heroism made without the approach of danger, and the alarm of the enemy, are feldom much to be accounted of; and are more like the noify clamours of the rankest cowardice, than the genuine declarations of approved valour.-But I hope, in reliance upon that gracious Mafter, who has promifed to be with his faithful fervants unto the end of the world, that I fhall ever find the fupplies and fuccours of his grace, equal to the trials of faith with which he may please to exercife me; and that in cafe fuch times of perfecution should arife, I fhould be able to adopt the heroic declaration of St. Paul in fimilar views." Neither count I my life dear unto

myself, fo that I might finish my course "with joy, and the ministry which I have re"ceived of the Lord Jefus, to testify the Gof"pel of the grace of God."-And if called to it, with an unfhaken faith and triumphant hope, feal the profeffion of his religion with my blood: as I would both wish and pray, never to defert fo good a Mafter, in fo good a caufe.

And to the end, that that God who fearcheth the hearts, and trieth the reins of the children of men, may ftrengthen and affist me to fulfill the vows I have now folemnly and fincerely made in the prefence of him, of the holy angels, and before the face of this numerous affembly, I repeat my request for the prayers K


and fupplications of you all-efpecially of you' the people of my charge, to whom I have this day devoted myself in the Gospel of Jefus Chrift-that I may be " a workman that need "not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word "of truth"-instructing you in the principles, and exemplifying in my own life and converfation, the precepts of the Gofpel-that I may give up an account of my fidelity and fuccefs with unutterable tranfports of joy in the day of final retribution, when the top ftone of that facred edifice, the chriftian church, fhall be laid with fhouting" grace grace unto it ;" and fo being found free" from the blood of all men," may "both fave myself, and them that hear " me."




Dear SIR,


HE relation in which you have ftood to me, both in the academy and the church, would not permit me to refuse complying with your requeft, to take that part of the folemn fervices of this day, which is usually called Giving the Charge; though it is a fervice to which I have not been accustomed, and upon which I enter with diffidence. I hope, therefore, Sir, that you, and this audience will make very candid allowance for every imperfection which may attend the performance. I pretend, Sir, to no authority to dictate, or prescribe to you: that was not my practice when you was a pupil, and would be more unbecoming now you are entered into the number of christian pastors, who are all brethren, and as fuch on a level with each other; for our common Lord has no where, that I can find, given any one a pre-eminence above the rest. I prefume, Sir, to do no more than offer you a little advice, gathered from Scripture and my

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own experience and reflection, which it appears to me will be conducive to the useful exercife of your office; but it's propriety and weight I fubmit to your own judgment at prefent, and to your future experience. Nor would I be understood to defign, thus publickly to hold up my own example for you to copy, while I defcribe the qualifications and duties of a minister of Chrift. I mean, Sir, only to fuggeft to you, what I am really perfuaded would, as far as practifed, prove, by the divine bleffing, a means of rendering all of us, who are employed in the facred miniftry, more useful and comfortable, in the discharge of the important duties of our office: and therefore what I addrefs to you, I would equally charge upon my own heart-The lectures you have had in the academy on preaching and the pastoral care, make it lefs neceffary for me to enter into a great number of particulars at prefent. I shall, therefore, Sir, do little more than take the advantage of the folemn appearance of this affembly, and the folemn bufinefs of this day, in which you have publickly devoted yourself to the christian miniftry, and the fervice of fouls, to call up to your remembrance, and imprefs more deeply upon your mind and heart, a few hints of the most important qualifications for the ministry, which I make no doubt you have already often confidered, and will frequently revolve and meditate upon for the future. I chufe to ground what I have to say on the exhortation St. Paul gives to Timothy in the first Epistle,

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