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stratagem was practised by Huon de Bourdeaux, in Egypt.-In The Life of Ipomydon,' the festivities that attended the solemnization of the nuptials of Ipomydon and the Princess of Calabria were very splendid :

"On the morrow, when it was day,
They busked them, as I you say,
Toward the church, with game and glee,
To make that great solempnitè.
The archbishop of that land
Wedded them, I understand.
When it was done, as I you say,
Home they went without delay.
By that they come to the castel,
Their meat was ready every deal.
Trumpes to meat gan blow tho,
Claryons and other minstrels mo.
Tho they washed and went to meat,
And every lord took his seat.
When they were set, all the rout,
Minstrels blew them all about,
Till they were served with pride
Of the first course that tide.
The service was of great array,
That they were served with that day.
Thus they ate, and made them glad,
With such service as they had.
When they had dined, as I you say,
Lordis and ladies yede to play;
Some to tables, and some to chess,
With other games, more and less."

In the romance of Ogier le Danois,' Churlot, the degenerate son of Charlemagne, incensed at losing two games to the young Baldwin, kills him with the massive chess-board: and the same fatal accident occurs in the romance of Guy of Warwick,' where Fabour, being invited by the Prince of Persia to play at chess, has the imprudence to give checkmate to the haughty son of the Soudan, who, offended by his presumption, wounds him on the head with the chess-board, which Fabour seizing in his turn, with one blow lays the prince dead at his feet. In the romance of Sir Tristrem,' our hero is skilled in minstrelsy, in the mysteries of the chase, and in all knightly games; and hearing that the captain of a Norwegian vessel, freighted with hawks and treasure, had challenged any one to play at chess, for a stake of twenty shillings, he goes on board with Rohand and his sons, accepts the challenge, and wins from him six hawks and one hundred pounds, and the captain, to avoid paying what he had lost, puts to sea with Tristrem; the vessel being overtaken with a tempest, the mariners impute it to the injustice they have been guilty of, and under this impression pay Sir Tristrem his winnings, and put him on shore in an unknown country:


Ther com a schip of Norway,

To Sir Rohantes hold,

With haukes white and grey,

And panes fair y fold:†

Tristrem herd it say,

On his playing he wold
Twentie schilling to lay,
Sir Rohant him told,

And taught:

For hauke silver he yold;+
The fairest men him raught.§.

• Pennies, by implication wealth: thus, As prince proud in pan, means as

wealthy as a prince.

t Manyfold.

Yielded, or gave.

Reached, gave.


A cheker" he fond bi a cheire,
He asked who wold play;
The mariner spac bonair,t
"Child, what wiltow lay?—
"Oyaint an hauke of noble air,
Tventi schillinges to say;
Whether so mates other fair,
Bere hem bothe oway."-
With wille,

The mariners swore his faye,§
For sothe ich held their tille.

Now bothe her wedde¶ lys,

And play thai bi ginne;
And sett he hath the long asise,**
And endred beth ther inne:
The play beginneth to arise,

Tristrem deleth atvinne;
He dede als so the wise,
He yaf has he gan winne
In raf;

Of playe ar he wald blinne,**
Sex haukes he yat and yaf.§§
Rohant toke leue to ga,ll

His sones he eleped¶¶ oway;
The fairest hauke he gan ta,"
That Tristrem wan that day,
With him he left ma

Pans for to play;
The mariner swore also,
That pans wold he lay,
An stounde:tt
Tristrem wan that day,
Of him an hundred pounde.

The education of Sir Tristrem, comprising the art of war, with the mysteries of the chase, skill in music, poetry, and the few sedentary games used by the feudal nobility, united all that was necessary, or even decent to be known, by a youth of noble birth. Huon of Bourdeaux, disguised as a minstrel's page, gives the following account of his qualifications to a heathen Soldan: " Sire, dit Huon, je sais muer un epervier, voire un falcen, chasser le cerf, voire le sanglier, et corner quand la bête est prinse, faire la droicture aux chiens, trancher au festin d'un grand roi ou seigneur, et des tables et echecs en sais autant, et plus que homme qui vive." "Oh! Oh!" se dit Yvoirin, " ces ne sont mie la les faits de valet de menestrier, bien duiroient ils a gentil Damoiseau."

The most splendid game of chess occurs in the romance of "Sir Gaheret." That champion was entertained in the enchanted castle of a beautiful fairy, who engaged him in a party at chess in a large hall, where flags of black and white marble formed the chequer, and the pieces, consisting of massive statues of gold and silver, moved at the touch of the magic rod held by the player. Sir Gaheret, being defeated, was obliged to remain the fairy's prisoner, but was afterwards liberated by his cousin Gawin, who check-mated the mistress of the enchanted chess-board.-A similar adventure occurs in the romance of "Lancelot du Lac," de partie, fol. 101. That the knowledge of chess during the 13th century was far from being contemptible, may be inferred not only from an attentive perusal of the following pages, but likewise from the corroborating testimony of contemporary writers. Boccacio, who lived in the 14th century, tells us that chess had then

* Chess-board.

§ Faith.

† Spake courteously: Débonnaire-Fr.
I pledge thereto.

+ Against. Their pledge.

** Sir Walter Scott, in his notes to Sir Tristrem, supposes this to be a term of Chess, now disused; the long Assize, however, was a favourite game at that period. # Speedily.

11 Called.

* Would stop. *** Take.

SS He got and gave.
Il Go.
At that time; an expletive.

### It is not in romance alone that we trace the partiality of our ancestors for this amusement. It was early known to the northern people, and skill in this interesting game was one of the accomplishments of a Scandinavian hero: in the Laws of Howel Dha, a chess-board is allotted as the reward of the king's principal bard. Vide Sir Tristrem, edited by Sir Walter Scott.

become a usual amusement at Florence; and we are also informed that in the year 1266, a Saracen named Buzecca, came to Florence, and in the Palace del Popolo, before Count Guido Novello, played on three chess-boards at one time, with the first masters in Florence, playing with two by memory, and with the third by sight: two games he won, and the third he made a drawn game by perpetual check.

The laity, however, were not the only admirers of this interesting game, for it appears to have formed one of the recreations of Monachism: thus in the statutes of the Savoy Hospital, it was enacted,-"Statuimus, &c. quod nullus magister, vicemagister, capellanus, perpetuus vel conductilius, aut aliquis alius minister, vel servitor hospitalis prædicti, pro tempore existens, ad talos, cartas, vel aliquos alios jocos illicitos et prohibitos, infra hospitale prædictum, clam vel, palam, quoquo modo ludet. Poterint enim omni tempore ludere ad scaccos," &c. MS. Cott. Cleop. c. v. xxiiii. a. And the most usual time of the day when the monks were permitted to recreate themselves in this manner, was probably after dinner; for we are told,

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Robert Holcot,* the learned Dominican friar, wrote a book on chess, and of course played the game. Jacopo Dacciesolo, or Jacobus de Cœsolis, another Dominican, wrote on chess before the year 1200; his book is entitled "liber moralis de scaccor," but contains no rules for playing.


* Mr. Turner, in his History of England, vol. ii. p. 591, says, Among those authors whose.researches have been the most extensive and successful, Holcot the Dominican friar, who flourished about 1330, deserves particular notice. He not only wrote some Latin commentaries on part of the Scriptures, which are remarkable for the great range of classical authors whom he quotes, and for his repeated encomiums on knowledge and literature; but he also composed, under the name, and therefore most probably with the sanction of the Bishop of Durham, (the English prelate to whom Petrarch addressed the letter which was never answered,) the work entitled Philo-biblon; the object of which peculiarly was, to excite a love of general study; an encouragement of new books; a desire to collect them; a taste for the liberal arts; indulgence for poetry; and an increased facility to students to read the books that were obtained." The work is 492 of the Harl. MSS. and commences with the following lines: Incipit prologus in philibiblon Ric'i dunelmenc' ep'i que' libr' co'posuit Robt' Holcote de ordi'e p'dicator' s'b no'i'e d'c'i ep'i. Vniu'sis xpi fidelib' ad quos sc'pti p'se'tes p'uen'i't Ricard' Ep's salute' in d❜no sempit'na, &c. At the end of this prologue, which occupies four pages of the MS.,

follow the contents:

Incipiunt capitula philibiblon Ricardi dunelmensis Episcopi.

¶ Quare thesaurus Sapientiæ potissimé sit in libris

Qualiter amor libris rationabiliter debeatur
Qualiter in libris emendis sit pretium estimandum
Querimonia librorum contra clericos jam promotos
Querimonia librorum contra religiosos possessionatos
Querimonia librorum contra religiosos mendicantes
Querimonia librorum contra bella

De multiplici oportunitate quam habuimus librorum copiam conquirendi Quare licet opera veterum amplius amaremus non tum dampnamus studia modernorum

De successia perfectione librorum

Quare libros liberalium artium protulimus liberalibus viris

Quare libros gramaticales tanta diligentia curavimus revocare
Quare non omnino vileximus fabulas poetarum

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Qui deberent esse potissimi librorum dilectores
Quot commoda confert amor librorum

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A copy of this treatise (in small 4to.) very beautifully written, is in the British Museum, MS. Harl. No. 1275. This work was translated into French by Jehan de Vignay, a monk, a copy of which is also in the British Museum; the MS. has these lines in it," Et suiret du jeu des eschez fut translate de latin en francois pour se roy iehan de france premier de ce nom par frere iehan de vignay, hospitalier de lord de hault pas," &c. It is from this French version that Caxton translated his edition, printed in 1474 with the first metal types used in England.

I shall now proceed to describe the very curious MSS. on chess, which have been consulted in drawing up the present essay; and then afterwards pursue my inquiry into the state of the game in Europe during the 13th and 14th centuries.

(To be continued.)


On the Death of Christina, Queen of Sweden.

THE tree, which shaken of its royal boughs
Gave with its trunk a shelter and a shade-
Whose broad and towering top to heaven arose,
High, as in earth its roots were deeply laid-
Where men the nest of all their hopes had made,
Whence Virtue sought support amidst her woes,
The branches of whose glory broadly spread
From the far West to where the Caspian flows-
Yields, as its massy roots are rent away,

And in its mighty ruin buries all
That in the shelter of its shadow lay.
It sinks as if the solid world gave way,
Majestic in the thunder of its fall,
And mighty, e'en in ruin and decay.

To Italy.

WHERE is thine arm, Italia?-Why shouldst thou
Fight with the strangers?-fierce alike, to me
Seem thy defender, and thine enemy;

Both were thy vassals once-though victors now.

Thus dost thou guard the wreath that bound thy brow,
The wreck of perish'd empire?-When to thee
Virtue and Valour pledged their fealty,

Was this thy glorious promise, this thy vow?

Go then reject thine ancient worth, and wed

Degenerate Sloth: 'midst blood, and groans, and cries,
Sleep on, all heedless of the loud alarms.

Sleep, vile adulteress: from thy guilty bed,
Too soon th' avenging sword shall bid thee rise,

Or pierce thee slumbering in thy minion's arms.

Qui sit meritorius libros novos scribere et veteres renovare
De debita honestate circa librorum custodiam adhibenda

G. M.




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Quare tantam librorum colleximus copiam ad communem profectum scolarum et non solum ad propriam voluptatem

De modo communicandi studentibus omnibus libros nostros.

Exhortatio scolarium ad rependenda pro nobis suffragia debitæ pietatis

I have preferred giving the Latin divested of its abbreviations for the sake of classical readers, who I hope will pardon my digressing into so long a note-the MS. is well worth a careful perusal.

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Seville, 1805.

WHEN the last census was made, in 1787, the number of Spanish females confined to the cloister, for life, amounted to thirty-two thousand. That in a country where wealth is small and ill distributed, and industry languishes under innumerable restraints, there should be great number of portionless gentlewomen unable to find a suitable match, and consequently glad of a dignified asylum, where they might secure peace and competence, if not happiness, is so perfectly natural, that the founders and supporters of any institution intended to fulfil these objects would deserve to be reckoned among the friends of humanity. But the cruel and wicked church law, which, aided by external force, binds the nuns with perpetual vows, makes the convents for females the Bastilles of superstition, where many a victim lingers through a long life of despair or insanity. Though I do not mean to enter into a point of Theological controversy, I find it impossible to dwell for a moment on this subject without expressing my utter abhorrence and detestation of the cold indifference with which our church looks on the glaring evil consequences of some of its laws, when, according to her own doctrines, they might be either repealed or amended without relinquishing any of her claims. The authority of the Roman Pontiff, in all matters of church government, is not questioned among Catholics. Yet, from a proud affectation of infallibility, even upon such points as the most violent partisans of that absurd pretension have never ventured to place within its reach, the church of Rome has been so sparing of the power to reform her laws, that it might be suspected she wished to abandon it by prescription. Always ready to bind, the heirs of Saint Peter have shown themselves extremely averse to the more humane office of loosing on earth, except when it served the purpose of gain or ambition. The time, I believe, will never come when the church of Rome will agree to make concessions on what are called matters of faith. But I cannot discover the least shadow of reason or interest for the obstinacy which preserves unaltered the barbarous laws relating to the religious vows of females; unless it be that vile animal jealousy, which persons, deprived of the pleasures of love, are apt to mistake for zeal in the cause of chastity: such zeal as your Queen Elizabeth felt for the purity of her maids.

The Nunneries in this town amount to twenty-nine. Of these, some are under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Friars, whose rule of religious life they profess; and some under that of the Episcopal See. The last generally follow the monastic rules of Saint Benedict, Saint Bernard, or Saint Jerom; and it is remarkable, that the same superiority which is observable in the secular above the regular clergy, is found in the nuns under the episcopal jurisdiction. Some of the last inhabit large convents, whose courts and gardens allow the inhabitants ample space for exercise and amusement. Instead of narrow cells, the nuns live in a comfortable suit of apartments, often at the head of a small family of younger nuns whom they have educated, or of pupils, not under re

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