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sions of this section shall be guilty of murder, subject, stay, during which Lucy was not at home, asked had now grown to woman's stature--tall, though to indictment, and on conviction, shall suffer death if they would let him have lodgings with them she scarcely seemed so, except when among her by hanging. for a few months,-a single room for bed and playmates; and in her maturing loveliness, ful"Sect. 13. And be it further enacted, That should books, and that he would take his meals with filling, and far more than fulfilling, the fair proany of the foregoing offences be committed under co- the family. Enthusiastic boy! to him poetry had mise of her childhood. Never once had the young lour of any pretended rules, or ordinance, custom, or law of said nation, all persons acting therein either been the light of life, nor did ever hero of poetry stranger-stranger no more-spoken to daughas individuals or as pretended executive, ministerial, belong more entirely than he to the world of ima- ter, father or mother, of his love. Indeed, for all or judicial officers, shall be deemed and considered gination! He had come into the free mountain that he felt towards Lucy, there must have been as principals, and subject to the pains and penalties region from the confinement of the college walls, some other word than love. Tenderness, which herein before prescribed. and his spirit was expanded within him like a was almost pity--an affection that was often sad, "Sect. 14. And be it further enacted, That for all rainbow. No eye had he for realities-all na- wonder at her surpassing beauty, not less at her demands which may come within the jurisdiction of ture was seen in the light of fancy-not a single unconsciousness of its power-admiration of her a magistrate's court, suit may be brought for the same in the nearest district of the county to which object at sunrise and sunset the same. All was spiritual qualities, that ever rose up to meet inthe territory is hereby annexed, and all the officers beautiful within the circle of the green hill tops, struction as if already formed--and that heartserving any legal process, or any person living on whether shrouded in the soft mists, or clearly throbbing that stirs the blood of youth when the any portion of the territory herein named, shall be outlined in a cloudless sky. Home, friends, col- innocent eyes it loves are beaming in the twientitled to receive the sum of five cents for every leges, cities,-all sunk away into oblivion, and light through smiles or through tears, these, mile he may ride to serve the same, after crossing Harry Howard felt as if wafted off on the wings and a thousand other feelings, and above all, the the present limits of said counties, in addition to the of a spirit, and set down in a land beyond the sea, creative faculty of a poet's soul, now constituted fees already allowed by law; and in case any of said foreign to all he had before experienced, yet in his very being when Lucy was in his presence, officers should be resisted in the execution of any its perfect and endless beauty appealing every nor forsook him when he was alone among the tice of the Interior court or Judge of the Superior hour more tenderly and strongly to a spirit awa-mountains.

legal process issued by any court or Magistrate, Jus

court of any of said counties, he is hereby authorized kened to new power, and revelling in new emo- At last it was known through the country that to call out a sufficient number of the militia of said tion. In that cottage he took up his abode. In Mr. Howard-the stranger, the scholar, the poet, counties to aid and protect him in the execution of a few weeks came a library of books in all lan- the elegant gentleman, of whom nobody knew his duty. guages; and there was much wondering talk much, but whom every body loved, and whose over all the country side about the mysterious father must at least have been a lord, was going --in a year or less-to marry the daughter of young stranger who now lived at the Fold.

"Sect. 15. And be it further enacted, That no Indian or descendant of any Indian residing within the Creek or Cherokee nations of Indians, shall be deemed a competent witness in any court of this state to which a white person may be a party, except such white person reside within the said nation."




Every day, and when he chose to absent him- Allan Fleming-Lucy of the Fold. Oh grief and self from his haunts among the hills, every hour shame to the parents-if still living-of the noble was Lucy before the young poet's eyes-and boy! O sorrow for himself when his passion dies every hour did her beauty wax more beautiful in-when the dream is dissolved-and when, in his imagination. Who Mr. Howard was, or even place of the angel of light who now moves beif that were indeed his real name, no one knew; fore him, he sees only a child of earth, lowly but none doubted that he was of gentle birth, born, and long rudely bred, a being only fair as and all with whom he had ever conversed in many others are fair, sister in her simplicity to his elegant amenity, could have sworn that a maidens no less pleasing than she, and partaking Many a tame tradition embalmed in a few pa- youth so bland and free, and with such a voice, of many weaknesses, frailties, and faults now thetic verses, lives for ages, while the memory and such eyes, would not have injured the hum- unknown to herself in her happiness, and to of the most affecting incidents to which genius has blest of God's creatures, much less such a crea- him in his love! Was there no one to rescue allied no general emotion, fades like the mist, and ture as Lucy of the fold. It was indeed even them from such a fate,-from a few months of leaves the heart-rending grief undeplored. Ele-so,- for before the long summer days were gone, imaginary bliss, and from many years of real gies and dirges might have well been sung amidst he who had never had a sister, loved her even as bale! How could such a man as Allan Fleming the green ruins of yonder cottage, that looks now if she had slept on the same maternal bosom.be so infatuated as to sell his child to fickle youth, almost like a fallen wall-at best, the remnants of Father or mother he now had none,--indeed, who would soon desert her broken hearted! Yet a cattle shed, shaken down by the storm. Twen- scarcely one near relation; although he was rich kind thoughts, wishes, hopes and beliefs prety years ago-how short a time in natural history in this world's riches; but in them poor in com- vailed, nor were there wanting stories of the -how long in that of private sorrows!-all parison with the noble endowments nature had olden time, of low born maidens married to tongues were speaking of the death, that there lavished upon his mind. His guardians took lit- youths of high estate, and raised from hut to hall, befel, and to have seen the weeping, you would tle heed of the splendid but way ward youth, and becoming mothers of a lordly line of sons, that have thought that the funeral could never have knew not now whither his fancies had carried were counsellors to kings and princes. been forgotten. But stop now the shepherd on him, were it even to some savage land. Thus, In spring, Mr. Howard went away for a few the hill, and ask him who lived of old in that the Fold became to him the one dearest roof months-it was said to the great city of London, nook, and chance is, he knows not even their under the roof of heaven. All the simple on- and on his return at Midsummer, Lucy was to be name, much less the story of their afflictions.-goings of that humble home, love and imagina- his bride. They parted with a few peaceful That farm-house was inhabited by Allen Flem- tion beautified into poetry; and all the rough or tears, and though absent were still together.-ing, his wife, and an only child, known familiarly coarser edges of lowly life were softened away And now a letter came to the Fold, saying that in her own small world, by the name of Lucy of in the light of genius that transmitted every thing before another Sabbath he would be at the Fold. the Fold. In almost every vale among the moun- on which it fell; while all the silent intimations A few beautiful fields in Eastdale, long mortga tains, there is its peculiar pride-some one crea- which nature gave there of her primal sympa-ged beyond their fee simple by the hard working ture to whom nature has been especially kind, thies, in the hut as fine and forceful as in the statesman from whom they reluctantly were passand whose personal beauty, sweetness of dispo- hall, showed to his excited spirit pre-eminently ing away, had meanwhile been purchased by sition, and felt superiority of mind and manner, beautiful, and chained it to the hearth around Mr. Howard, and in that cottage they were to single her out, unconsciously, as an object of at- which was read the morning and the evening abide, till they had built for themselves a house traction and praise, making her the May-day prayer. a little farther up the side of the sylvan hill, beQueen of the unending year. Such a darling What wild schemes does not love imagine, and low the shadow of Helm Crag. Lucy saw the was Lucy Fleming, ere she had finished her thir- in the face of very impossibility achieve! "I Sabbath of his return and its golden sun, but it teenth year; and strangers who had heard tell will take Lucy to myself, if it should be in place was in her mind's eye only, for ere it was to deof her loveliness, often dropped in, as if by acci- of all the world. I will myself breathe light over scend behind the hills, she was not to be among dent, to see the beauty of Rydelmere. Her parents her being, till in a new spring it shall be adorn- the number of living things. rejoiced in their child; nor was there any reasoned with living flowers that fade not away, pe- Up Forest-Ullswater the youth had come by why they should dislike the expression of delight |rennial and self renewed. In a few years, the the light of the setting sun; and as he crossed and wonder, with which so many regarded her. bright, docile creature shall have the soul of a the mountains to Grassmere by the majestic pass Shy was she as a woodland bird, but as fond of very angel--and then before God and his holy of the solitary Hawse, still as every new star her nest too; and when there was nothing near altar, mine shall she become forever--here and arose in heaven, with it arose as lustrous a new to disturb, her life was almost a perpetual hymn. hereafter--in this paradise of earth, and if more emotion from the bosom of his betrothed. The From joy to sadness, and from sadness to joy;-celestial be, in the paradise of heaven." midnight hour had been fixed for his return to the from silence to song, and from song to silence; Thus two summers and two winters wheeled Fold, and as he reached the cliffs above Whitefrom stillness, like that of the butterfly on the away into the past; and in the change, imper-moss, lo! according to agreement, a light was flower, to motion, like that of the same creature ceptible from day to day, but glorious at last, burning in the low window, the very planet of wavering in the sunshine over the wood top, was wrought on Lucy's nature by communication love. It seemed to shed a bright serenity over to Lucy as welcome a change, as the change of with one so prodigally endowed, scarcely could all the vale, and the moon glittering waters of lights and shadows, breezes and calms, in the her parents believe it was their same child, ex- Rydelmere were as an image of life, pure, lonely, mountain country of her birth. cept that she was dutiful as before, as affection- undisturbed, and at the pensive hour how proOne summer day, a youthful stranger appearate, and as fond of all the familiar objects, dead found! "Blessing and praise be to the gracious ed at the door of the house, and after an hour's or living, round and about her birth place. She God! who framed my spirits so to delight in his

beautiful and glorious creation,-blessing and and on--and away--and returning--was heard mould in which she formed him; and yet the praise be to the Holy One, for the boon of my the buzzing of large bell flies, attracted by beau- internal sympathies of the world are deeply inMary's innocent and religious love." Prayers ty in its corruption. "Ha, ha!" starting up, he terested in the personal history of this supposcrowded fast into his soul, and tears of joy fell cried in horror, "What birds of prey are these, ed anomaly of nature. The obscure and dofrom his eyes, as he stood at the threshold, almost whom Satan has sent to devour the corpse?"-mestic incidents of Voltaire's existence, those afraid in the trembling of life-deep affection to He became stricken with a sort of palsy, and few voiceless days not sung in glory's legend, being led out to the open air, was laid down, are not sought with that inquisitive ardour that

meet her first embrace!

In the silence, sobs and sighs, and one or two seemingly as dead as her within, on the green impels the multitude after the haunted reveries long deep groans! Then in another moment he daisied turf, where beneath the shadow of the of Rousseau. The latter deeply participated saw through the open door of the room where sycamore they had so often sat, building up beau- in those half physical traits that are attributes Mary used to sleep, several figures, moving to tiful visions of a long blissful life!

and fro in the light, and one figure upon its knees The company assembled, but not before his of nearly all the race of man, the most common

-who else could it be but her father! unnoticed eyes; the bier was lifted up and moved away

bosoms thrill and sympathize to the represen

he became one of the pale faced company-and down the sylvan slope, and away round the head tation of his feelings, all brilliant and glowing there he beheld her on the bed, mute and mo- of the Lake, and over the wooden bridge, ac- as they are, tinged by the magic of his genius tionless, her face covered with a deplorable companied here and there, as it passed the way-there is a chord in almost every heart that beauty--eyes closed, and her hands clasped upon side houses on the road to Grassmere, by the echoes the language of his passions. But acher breast! "Dead, dead, dead!" muttered in sound of Psalms--but he saw, he heard not,--curately to appreciate Voltaire, requires an inhis ringing ears a voice from the tombs, and he when the last sound of the spade rebounded from tellect subtle by nature or refined by study, fell down in the midst of them with great violence the smooth arch of the grave, he was not by, but and a predominance of the moral over the phyupon the floor. all the while he was laying where they left him, sical passions. In this age of religious liberty, Encircled with arms that lay round him softer with one or two pitying dalesmen at his head the fanatical deism of Voltaire appears extraand silkier far than flower-wreaths on the neck and feet. When he awoke again and rose up, vagant and absurd; but let it be remembered of a child who has laid him down from play, was the cottage of the Fold was as if she had never that he lived at a period when the young De he, when he awoke from that fit-lying even on been born-for she had vanished forever and aye, la Barre was beheaded for a trifling insult of his own maiden's bed, and within her very bosom and her sixteen years smiling life was all extin-fered to a wooden image of the virgin, during that beat yet, although about to beat no more! guished in the dust! a moment of accidental intoxication, and the worthy and respectable Calas broken on the wheel for a mere heresy of opinion.

At that blest awakening moment, he might have Weeks and months passed on, and still there thought he saw the first glimpse of light of the was a vacant wildness in his eyes, and a mortal morning after his marriage day, for her face was ghastliness over his face, inexpressive of a reaturned towards his heart; with her faint breath-sonable soul. It scarcely seemed that he knew Did (they) not this for France! which lay before Bow'd to the inborn tyranny of years? ings he felt the touch of tears. Not tears alone where he was, or in what part of the earth, yet Broken and trembling to the yoke she bore.” now bedimmed those eyes, for tears he could when left by himself, he never sought to move have kissed, but the blue lids were heavy with beyond the boundaries of the Fold. During the The writer thus remarks upon the ephemesomething that was not slumber-the orbs them first faint glimmerings of returning reason, he ral nature of that celebrity which is based selves were scarcely visible-and her voice-it would utter her name over and over many merely upon talents for shining in society. was gone, to be heard never again, till in the times, with a mournful voice, but still he knew I am haunted with a peculiar sense of the choir of white robed spirits, that sing at the right not that she was dead-then he began to caution brevity of life; it seems as though a consciousthem all to tread softly, for that sleep had fallen ness of this brevity should silence all prejudi

hand of God!

Yet no one doubted that she knew him-him upon her, and her fever in its blessed balm might ces, predilections, tastes, even the simplest acts who had dropped down like a superior being, abate; then with groans too affecting to be borne of choice, and that a serene and ignorant nonfrom another sphere, on the innocence of her by those who heard them, he would ask, why, chalance is the only reasonable mode of existsimple childhood-had taught her to know so since she was dead, God had the cruelty to keep ence; images of the illustrious dead present much of her own soul--to love her parents with him, her husband, in life; and finally, and last of themselves, particularly those who were unfora profounder and more holy love-to see, in cha- all, he imagined himself in Grassmere Church-tunate in their earthly career; what are they racters more divine, Heaven's promises of for-yard, and clasping a little mound on the green, now, with all their impassioned aims and intense giveness to every contrite heart-and a life of which it was evident he thought was her grave, studies; they float phantoms over the mirror of perfect blessedness beyond death and the grave! he wept over it for hours and hours, and kissed imagination and memory; and they, in whose A smile that shone over her face the moment it, and placed a stone at its head, and sometimes that she had been brought to know that he had all at once broke out into fits of laughter, till the path of life flowers were strewn, what are they come at last, and was nigh at hand-and that hideous fainting fits returned, and after long con- brilliant geniuses, that shed such lustre over but traditionary shadows. Where are all those never left it, while her bosom moved--no, not vulsions, left him lying as if stone dead! As for for all the three days and three nights that he con- his bodily frame, when Lucy's father lifted it up Paris in the days of Marmontel; who cast a tinued to sit beside the beautiful corpse, when in his arms, little heavier was it than a bundle radiance, warm, joyous, and extatic, over their father and mother were forgetting their cares in of withered fern. Nobody supposed that one so care-defying circles; there, not the feeblest ray sleep, that smile told all who stood around watch miserably attenuated and ghost-like, could for of intellect, not the most sterile desire to please, ing her departure, neighbour, friend, priest, many days be alive,--yet not till the earth had were lost; they were eagerly caught and reparent, and him, the suddenly distracted and de- revolved seven times round the sun, did that body flected back as in a hundred vivid mirrors.solate, that, in the very moment of expiration, die, and then it was buried far far away from the Was Marmontel sincere were these people she knew him well, and was recommending him Fold, the banks of Rydal water, and the sweet seducing as his gay pencil portrays was the and his afflictions to the pity of one who died to mountains of Westmoreland; for after passing torch of friendship inextinguishable-the loves save sinners. like a shadow through many foreign lands, he of capricious youth perpetuated to frozen age?



Two days and two nights, we have said, did ceased his pilgrimage in Palestine, even beneath No-in these fallacious descriptions, it is the he sit beside her, who so soon was to have been the shadow of the Mount Sion, and was laid with novelist, not the biographer, who writes. But his bride--and come or go who would into the a lock of beautiful hair, which from the place it where now are all these votaries of learning room, he saw them not--his sight was fixed on held, strangers knew to have belonged to one and the arts, above all, of the art of happinessthe winding sheet, eyeing it without a single dearly beloved--close to his heart on which it where is their pathway, their home? what tear from feet to forehead, and sometimes look- had lain so long, and was to moulder away in avails that facility, clearness, celerity, eagleing up to Heaven. As men forgotten in dun-darkness together, by a Christian hand and in a eyed penetration and wit, their painful laborigeons have lived miserably long without food, so Christian sepulchre. ous route to the pinnacle of intellect? "They did he, and so he would have done, on and on to won and passed away," to the darkness and the most far off funeral day. From that one desolation of the tomb; and is it for this we chair close to the bed side he never rose. Night after night, when all the vale was hushed, he children of the moment refine ideas, give subWe find the following notice of a work entitled as never slept. Through one of the midnights above, in the New York American. It is now in the stance to phantoms, and labour for a precarious there had been a great thunder storm, the light-course of publication in this city. possession? Impressed with these ideas, all ning smiting a cliff close to the cottage; but it the monuments of genius and industry fade inThe pages that we have seen, with some in- to insignificance all is vanity." seemed that he heard it not; and during the floods of next day, to him the roaring vale was stances of false taste, and want of judgment, silent. On the morning of the funeral, the old evince a good deal of thought and originality, people for now they seemed to be old-wept to expressed with tenderness and vivacity. The That true but chilling text rebukes my ardour; see him sitting unconscious beside their dead following notice of Rousseau is sketched with even now it censures what I write. child-for each of the few remaining hours had spirit, and is a favourable specimen of the style The following excerpts from this new publinow its own office, and a man had come to nail of the book:cation may prove entertaining. down the coffin. Three large specks suddenly Rousseau was a being of very rare organiza- WIT AND HUMOUR.-Wit is abstract and realighted on the face of the corpse-and then off, tion; he himself believed that nature broke the fined; it resembles a delineation of Nature in

"The why-the where-what boots it now to tell?"

some of her eternal forms, recognised in every what an assumed contempt of France, and last of many attempts to compel him to fast. He age. Humour is more conventional; it is an proud devotion to the minutest of her customs took up the coals, blacked his face, went out, emblem of the fleeting fashions of the day. and then the perpetual rivalries, and tasteless and lay down. At night he did not return into

FRIENDSHIP. When friendship is altoge- struggles for pre-eminence through every the lodge of his parents, but slept without. In ther an affair of taste, and founded on the basis branch of society-the author of Pelham and his dream he saw a very beautiful woman come of caprice, it resembles the craving felt for pe- Vivian Grey, has some faint glimpses of the down from above, and stand at his feet. She culiar fruits, flowers, or beautiful toys; this truth, which he announces with the tone of a said, 'Ono-wut-to-kwut-to, I am come for you; species of friendship springs from the refine- first discoverer-but surely the story of those see that you step in my tracks.' The lad obeyment of independence or the recklessness of novels is every way unnatural. ed without hesitation, and stepping carefully in obscure poverty; the struggling aspirant for LOSING CASTE. That class of persons to her steps, he presently found himself ascending consequence finds it too unprofitable to meet whom nature has been niggardly in the gifts above the tops of the trees, through the air and his views, he requires a more solid foundation of mind or body, have always the means of beyond the clouds. His guide at length passed but the common friendship of the world goes equalizing themselves in society; let them de-through a small round hole, and he followed her and found himself standing on a beautiful and for something, and its bonds should not for tri-scend a single step in the scale of rank, and extensive prairie. fling perfidies be severed; this error of sensi- they will be received with esteem and consid- "They followed the path which led them to bility is too common in early youth, where the eration by those below; but alas! how rare is self-love of one party, wounded by the self-love the spirit that dictated the choice of the Roman they saw on one side pipes and war clubs, bows, a large and rich looking lodge; entering here, and self-interest of another, recoils as though (first in a village, rather than second at arrows and spears, with various implements and appalled by discoveries hateful and horrid, and Rome;) these slighted people, who seem to be ornaments of men. At the other end of the vehemently renounces all social ties-but what fashioned in mind and person for the foils or lodge, were the things belonging to women. a dream is life without society or extended in-appendages of society, live in contented inferi- Here was the home of the beautiful girl, who ority, and regard forfeiture of caste as the only had been his companion, and she had on the LOSS OF BEAUTY.-The world affects to mortal disgrace. sticks, a belt she had not finished weaving. She commiserate the wounds of the heart, and to EGOTISM. The fanciful, the boundless ego- said to him, my brother is coming, and I must disregard those of vanity.-What a division tism of genius flows from the same obscure conceal you.' So putting him in one corner, she of ideas is here produced by two phrases, that principle that inspires the insipid garrulity of spread the belt over him. Ono-wut-to-kwut-to, are in reality synonymous. With what su- the unlettered, superannuated valetudinarian however, watched what passed without from his perficial frivolity the loss of beauty is treated who forever prates of disease. It is an inherent concealment, and saw the brother of the young by authors of great merit in other respects, and propensity, ripened to an unwonted exuberance woman come in, most splendidly dressed, and also in those gossiping conversations in actual by the prevailing fashions of the day-for how take down a pipe from the wall. After he had life which mean nothing; and yet, to the indi- little is known of the secret emotions that thrill-smoked, he laid aside his pipe and the sack convidual, how immense is that loss-what conse-ed the bosoms of Pope and his contemporaries? taining his pah-koo-se-gun, and said, When, my quences it involves! Often glory, honour, re- But to the wits of the present era a Boswell sister, will you cease from these practices? Have spect, consideration, esteem, power, love, ex- were a superfluous appendage-the moralist you forgotten the greatest of Spirits has forbid den you to steal the children from below? You tinction of influence, either for good or evil; it will perhaps derive new lights from this universuppose that you have concealed this that you strikes at all the moral part of being, and if sal confidence. have now brought, but do I not know that he is


these are not wounds of the heart, what are? A CHARACTER.-The contour of his head here in the lodge? If you would not incur my Circumstances or disposition sometimes render and face was intellectual and majestic, and his displeasure, you must send him immediately down beauty a thing indifferent to its possessor; but features handsome, though not perhaps symme- to his friends.' But she would not. He then often it is so identified with being, as to make trically regular, wore a look of penetration and said to the boy, when he found that his sister was the destiny of the individual; and its destruction sensibility that could never be mistaken; yet determined not to dismiss him, 'You may as well unhinges the whole order of life, bringing more there was a shade over their meaning, and the so- come out from that place, where you are not piercing ills to the heart of sensibility, than phisticated eye of society might have deemed concealed from me, and walk about, for you will perfidy, calumny, or even penury. his history too intensely written there. In those be lonesome and hungry if you remain there.'

FRENCH WOMEN are gifted with so redun- countenances where benevolence is strongly He took down a bow and arrow, and a pipe of dant a share of genius and energy, that in them conspicuous, there is usually an accompanying red stone, richly ornamented, to give him. So common sentiments become passions: of this na- look of imbecility. I have noticed this effect in the the boy came out from under the belt, and amuture was Du Deffand's friendship for Walpole, portraits of philanthropists and saints, whether sed himself with the bow and pipe the man gave and the love of De Sevigne for her daughter. sketched from nature or imagination-but his him, and he became the husband of the young For nearly two centuries France was embellish-was at once benign and intellectual. His po- woman who had brought him up from the woods ed by a succession of resplendent women; their liteness was invincible--it resembled inspiration, near his father's lodge. decay was, indeed, "impregnate with divinity," and had its source in the heart-there it ema- "He went abroad in the open prairie, but in which shone with great lustre as life's frail ta- nated, and from the most rare and amiable of all this fair and ample country, he found no inhaper waned; their youth was crowned with wit weaknesses,-tenderness for the feelings of bitants, except his wife and her brother. The and gayety-their age consoled by devotion, others, and boundless indulgence towards hu- plains were adorned with flowers, and garnished or philosophy, brilliant recollections, and above man frailty. He commented on life and its va-mals were not like those he had been accustomwith bright and sparkling streams, but the aniall, by the early acquired habit of happiness; rieties as on a drama too hacknied to elicit se-ed to see. Night followed day, as on the earth, the friendships of youth were retained and ma- verity of criticism; and the charm of his address but with the first appearance of light, the bro tured by these amiable old people, and youth arose from the delicate flattery of manner rather ther-in-law of Ono-wut-to-kwut-to began to make sought admittance to their venerable coteries than phrase,-enforced by the tones of a voice preparations to leave the lodge. All day, and as to the repositories of the wit and grace of exquisitely modulated. other days. In our land, old people have no influence over sentiment or fashion; custom prescribes to them a dull, cloistered, monotonous life, which withers the mind ere the frame Wawgunukizze, in answer to my inquiries conloses its vigour; there exists no good without cerning their opinion of the sun and moon, re-all the time of their absence, and he obtained its attendant evil, and our happy government, lated to me the following fable: from his brother-in-law permission to accompany which ensures to youthful industry the certain- "Long ago, an old Ojibbeway chief and his him in one of his daily journeys. They went on ty of independence, re-acts on age in the form wife, who lived on the shore of Lake Huron, in a smooth and open path, through prairies, to of cold neglect or reluctant obedience. had one son, a beautiful boy. His name was which they could see no boundary, until Ono

Au-do-me-ne, an intelligent Ottowwaw

every day, he was absent, and returned in the evening; his wife, also, though not so regular in the time of her departure and return, was often of absent great part of the night.

"He was curious to know where they spent

ENGLISH SOCIETY.-What unimaginable Ono-wut-to-kwut-to, (he that catches clouds) wut-to-kwut-to, becoming hungry, asked his aristocrats the English are! they firmly believe and his totem, (family name) after that of his companion if he did not think he should find that all their plebeians come hideous from the father, a beaver. He would have been a great any game. Be patient, my brother,' said he, hands of nature; then the solemn frivolity of favourite with them, for he was, in the main, af- this is my road in which I walk every day, and their distinctions, and the solemn pedantry fectionate and dutiful, except that they could at no great distance is the place where I conwith which they are displayed; would not the him charcoal, instead of his usual breakfast, he you shall see how I am supplied with food." never persuade him to fast. Though they gave stantly eat my dinner. When we arrive there stoic laugh to read that the use of the fork in would never blacken his face, and if he could "They came at length to a place where were eating, and the disuse of cheese, are deemed find fish-eggs, or the head of a fish, he would many fine mats to sit down upon, and a hole the surest tests not only of gentility, but of all roast them, and have something to eat. Once through which to look down upon the earth. the finest qualities, and this from authors of they took from him what he had thus cooked in Ono-wut-to-kwut-to, at the bidding of his comlearning and reputation. What exquisite spe- place of his accustomed breakfast, and threw panion, looked down through this hole, and saw cimens in their Tremaines and De Lisles-lim some coals instead of it. But this was the far beneath him the great lakes, and the villages,

LICKING MOLASSES.-A rustic of very sinnot of the Ojibbeways only, but of all the red skins. In one place he saw a party, stealing gular ambition, wished to be a king, that he silently along toward the hunting camp of their might do nothing all day, but "lick 'lasses and enemies, and his companion told him what would swing on a gate." If licking molasses were to be result of the attack they were about to make. be taken as a proof of royalty, kings and queens In another place he saw people feasting and may be seen on our wharves as thick as flies dancing; young men were engaged in their on a summer's day-children, from three to sports, and here and there women were labour ten years of age, each armed with a straw or ing at their accustomed avocations. small stick, which is inserted through the bungThe companion of Ono-wut-to-kwut-to call hole of the molasses hogsheads into the tempted his attention to a group of children playing beside a lodge. Do you see,' said he, that ng sweet, drawn up, licked of its contents, A part of each active and beautiful boy? at the same time again inserted, and so on. throwing a very small stone, which hit the child, draught, in discharging into the mouth, is lodged on the face, until the filching sprigs of roywho immediately fell to the ground, and presently they saw him carried into the lodge. alty are daubed from ear to ear. But these little bipeds are not the only creaThen they saw people running about, and heard that she-she-gwun, and the song and tures whose ambition leads to the licking of prayer of the medicine man, entreating that the molasses. We saw a drayman's horse the other child's life might be spared. To this request day, which seemed to be infected with the same his companion made answer, 'send me up the desire for sweets. He had made good his posiwhite dog.' Then they could distinguish the tion, beside a hogshead, the contents of which hurry and bustle of preparation for a feast, a were overflowing by reason of the heat, or white dog killed and singed, and the people, the agitation of unlading-and there he stood, who were called, assembling at the lodge. industriously licking molasses, and smacking While these things were passing, he addressed his lips, as happy as the sweetest toothed biped himself to Ono-wut-to-kwut-to, saying, 'There on the wharf.

are among you in the lower world, some whom you call great medicine men; but it is because their ears are open, and they hear my voice, when I have struck any one, that they are able to give relief to the sick. They direct the people to send me whatever I call for, and when they have sent it, I remove my hand from those I had made sick.' When he had said this, the white dog was parcelled out in dishes, for those that were at the feast, then the medicine man, when they were about to begin to eat, said, "We send thee this, Great Monito;' and imme-1 diately they saw the dog, cooked, and ready to be eaten, rising to them through the air. After they had dined, they returned home by another path.

"In this manner they lived for some time, but Ono-wut-to-kwut-to had not forgotten his friends, and the many pleasant things he had left in his father's village, and he longed to return to the earth. At last his wife consented to his request. 'Since,' said she, 'you are better pleased with the poverty, the cares, and the miseries of the world beneath, than with the peaceful and permanent delights of these prairies, go. I give but since you permission to depart; not only so, I brought you hither, I shall carry you back to the place where I found you, near your father's lodge; but remember, you are still my husband, and that my power over you is in no manner diminished. You may return to your relatives, and live to the common age of man, by observing what I now say to you. Beware how you venture to take a wife among men. Whenever you do, you shall feel my displeasure; and if you marry a second time, it is then you shall be called to return to me.'

"Then Ono-wut-to-kwut-to awoke, and found himself on the ground, near the door of his father's lodge. Instead of the bright beings of his vision, he saw about him his aged mother, and his relatives, who told him he had been absent about a year. For some time he was serious and abstracted; but, by degrees, the impression of his visit to the upper world wore off. He began to doubt of the reality of what he had heard and seen. At length, forgetful of the admonitions of his spouse, he married a beautiful young woman of his own tribe. Four days afterwards she was a corpse. But even the effect of this fearful admonition was not permanent. He again ventured to marry, and soon afterwards, going out of his lodge one night, to listen to some unusual noise, he disappeared, to return no more. It was believed that his wife from the upper world came to recall him, according to her threat, and that he still remains in those upper regions, and has taken the place of his brotherin-law, in overlooking the affairs of men."


Tall Ida's summit now more distant grew,
And Jove's high hill was rising on the view;
When, from the left approaching, they descry
A liquid column towering shoot on high:
The foaming base an angry whirlwind sweeps,
Where curling billows rouse the fearful deeps.
Still round and round the fluid vortex flies,
Scattering dun night and horror thro' the skies.
The swift volution and th' enormous train
Let sages vers'd in nature's lore explain!
The horrid apparition still draws nigh,
And white with foam the whirling surges fly!-
The guns were prim'd; the vessel norward veers,
Till her black battery on the column bears.
The nitre fir'd; and while the dreadful sound,
Convulsive, shook the slumbering air around,
The wat'ry volume, trembling to the sky,
Burst down a dreadful deluge from on high!
Th' affrighted surge, recoiling as it fell,
Rolling in hills disclos'd th' abyss of hell.
But soon, this transient undulation o'er,
The sea subsides; the whirlwinds rage no more.


He died upon a sunny isle,

That lifts above the Indian sea,
Its verdant face to catch the smile
Of sunshine, radiantly;-
The land of sun and fever, where
Death lingers on the breathing air,
Where every grove is beautiful

With fruit and flower which time must cull,
Where through the green veranda's walls
The chastened light of summer falls;
And every breeze which steals along

The melting waves and blossomed bowers,
Is musical with nature's song,

And fragrant with the breath of flowers!
He came for gold-for yellow gold-
His dreams were full of wealth untold;
Of stately barks that hailed to him;
Of gorgeous halls and grottoes dim;
Of streams rejoicing in the shade,
By bower and trelliced arbour made;
Of smiling servants gathered near
In grateful love but not in fear;
And more than these-his own loved one-
With her white brow and soft dark eyes,
Fair as the new-born flower, whereon
Never hath looked the noon-day sun,
An Houri in his Paradise!-

Yet his was not a sordid heart,
He did not love the merchant's mart,
His finer soul revolted when
He mingled thus with selfish men-
Yet long and wearily he bore

The burthen of incessant care-
Unfriended, on a stranger shore,
While Hope still hovered dimly o'er

One object which he valued more
Than all the wealth he gathered there→
The loved one in his native land
More dear than gems of Sarmacand.
And he had wealth-the wealth of gold-
But oh-it came too late for him-
The sunken cheek-the eye grown dim,
The price of its acquirement told.
The fever of that fatal isle

Cours'd madly in each burning vein-
And Death came o'er his spirit, while
Delirium revelled on his brain.

Yet in his ravings there was heard
With many a wild and dream-like word,
The whisper of his loved one's name,
So soft and full of earnestness-

It seemed as if that dear one came
The pillow of his fate to bless,—
A visiting of spirit-even

As angel-ministers may come
Down from the crystal walls of heaven

To sooth us in our darkened home!
He dies; and there they buried him
Where bowers of tropic loveliness,
With bloom and perfume cast their dim,
Still shadows on his resting-place!
There bent no parent o'er his bier-
No sister, pale and beautiful,
To deck his grave, and drop a tear

For every flower her hand might cull.
And who is she the loved and young!
Moveth her step as buoyant now?
Does music melt upon her tongue,
And sunshine tremble on her brow?
There is a green and pleasant grave,
In Carolina's sultry air-

The funeral flowers around it wave,-
The loved and beautiful is there!
Ask of her father-why he sits

So lonely in his gorgeous hall,
So still and sad, yet wild by fits?

And wherefore does he vainly call
His lost and buried child o'er whom,
The funeral flowers in freshness bloom-
As if the mocking voice which comes
In echoes from the darkened rooms,

And from the cold and empty wall,
Were like the soft rich voice of her,
Whose dwelling is the sepulchre?

Old man!-thy own stern pride hath brought
This misery on thy later years,
Thy own perverted feelings wrought

The curse that turn'd thy life to tears
The pride of wealth-the pride of birth,
Vain phantoms-light as idle breath-
They drove thy daughter's lover forth,

And gave thy lovely one to Death!
Alas! that gold hath power to burst
The strongest ties of human trust,-
To bind the glowing wing of Love
To earth, it fain would soar above,-
And poison all that God hath given,
In earnest of the joys of Heaven!


At Baltimore, on Tuesday morning, by the Rev. Mr. Nevins, the Rev. SAMUEL G. WINCHESTER, of Philadelphia, to Miss GRACE, youngest daughter of Alexander Mactier, Esq. of Philadelphia.

On Thursday evening, 10th inst. by William Milnor, Mayor, GEORGE GOODMAN, to HESTER ZANE, daughter of Jesse Zane, all of this city.

On Thursday evening, June 10th, by the Rev. J. Abercrombie, D. D. Mr, DAVID HILL, to Miss ELIZABETH, daughter of Mr. Thomas Desilver, of this city.

At Alexandria, on Thursday evening, by the Rev. Mr. Reese, Mr. PETER HUNTER, of Philadelphia, to Miss JULIA ANN DENEAL, of Alexandria.


At Monrovia, Africa, on the 22d of April, the Rev. RUDOLPH DEITHSHEY; and on the 26th, the Rev. Jonx BUHRER, Missionaries attached to the German Mission at that place.

On Friday, in the 78th year of his age, SAMUEL FENIMORE, Esq.

On Monday, 14th inst. Mr. BENJAMIN KLINE, in the 43d year of his age.

Checks, Cards, Handbills, and PRINTING of every description executed with neatness, accuracy, and despatch at this office.

No. 26.


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Published every Thursday by JESPER HARDING, 36 Car-1 You can now appreciate the motives of the-your proposal-it was unexpected—it is acter's Alley, and 74) South Second Street. Price, $2 50 per young men for engaging in their mischievous cepted," and she was just falling into his arms Agents who procure and forward payment for four sub-plot-if you cannot, we pity you. -when he stepped back with a look of the scribers, shall receive the fifth copy for one year; and so in Cousin Nancy was on a visit at Frank's pa- most perfect astonishment-"A proposal, couproportion for a larger number. ternal residence, but she had remained so pro- sin! in God's name, what do you mean? you vokingly long that Frank was out of patience alarm me." with her, and could so far forget hospitality as "Perfidious man! deceiver, did you not on to hoax her occasionally for fun's sake. your knees offer me your heart and your hand?” The bet was ratified by a mutual grasp, and My heart! Oh Lord! My hand! Ha, ha, ha; O might I recall from the dreams of delight, in went Frank, assuming an air of awkward drunk-drunk-I must have been-Ha! ha! Which life's opening morning unveil'd to my view; mystery that was calculated to rouse the suspi-ha!"


For the Literary Port Folio.


I'd ask for the moments I wander'd with you!
For still as flows onward the current of years,
One by one the soft visions of memory decay;
But the joy of those moments as brilliant appears,
As when it first flash'd over life's darksome way.
And how sweet 'tis to turn, amid trouble and strife,

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Some charm that still lingers in memory's light,-cion of his venerable cousin. Closing and In two hours cousin Nancy, two trunks, six bolting the door, behind he drew the curtains, bandboxes, a squirrel and two canaries, were taking care to have a peeping hole for his ac-packed into the stage, and driven off to Washcomplice; who surveyed the preparations with ington, together. They never returned. infinite glee; he then seated himself by the side of his wonder-struck cousin, and seizing her unresisting hand, began to whisper soft things in her ear. She was amazed with joy; wriggled in her chair; tried to blush; in short she Translated by the Editor of the N. Y. Journal of further; fell on his knees, and poured forth a acted like a fool. Frank now proceeded still Commerce, from the German of Engel. Friedberg was but a youth, when his rare torrent of unmeaning rhapsody; called her god- talents gained for him an honourable station in dess-angel-idol of his soul-besought her to the Metropolis. His father, a venerable counhave mercy on him and declare his fate-any try clergyman, who had devoted much of his thing; even the killing no was better than his attention and property to the education of this his only son, resolved, notwithstanding his years suspense. "Speak, my adored cousin; pronounce my sentence, and oh let it not be that and the length of the journey, to accompany him to the place of his future residence. I must which will drive me to despair or suicide." "Why-my dear Frank-you must know-go, said the old man, and see where he is to rehow can I-that is-it is so unexpected-time which shall make my memory dearer to him than side, and give him a last token of my love, to decide." "Dearest of women, must I remain ever.

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To a charm that still blooms in the desert of years;
Like the rainbow of hope 'mid the tempest of life,
Illuming with rapture "the flow of our tears.
Then might I recall from the dream of delight,
Which life's opening morning unveil'd to my view;
Some charm that still lingers in memory's light,-
I'd ask for the moments I wander'd with you.
R. R. R.



COUSIN NANCY-OR THE VIRGIN OF 70. "I will lay you a dozen of wine, Tom, that in agony till morning?-well I will strive to live After their arrival in town, they sought out I in and make love to cousin Nancy," said till then-but then-then you must give me my the curiosities it afforded; and the day before the gay and fashionable Frank Dewese to his answer." He caught her in his arms, and she the father's return, visited the Insane Hospital. associate in frolic, as they stood one evening in made no opposition, but sighed deeply-" my The manifold scenes of misery which they there the piazza looking through the window into a dear, dear Frank!"-his lips wandered freely witnessed, wrought upon the son's mind with room where sat the lady in question, busily over her face and neck, trailing the moveable all the power of novelty. He was particularly engaged in extracting the sweets of the last complexion after them, and daubing his chin, affected with the appearance of an aged and novel. cheeks and nose most elegantly in its sanguine venerable looking man, who had once been in "Done for a dozen," replied the laughing hues; he tore himself from her-tumbled pur-high life, but now appeared like a perfect child Tom, "it were worth a basket of Jolly's best posely over a chair-mistook by a similar acci- in every thing he said and did. The Overseer to see you rouge-gathering on the furrowed dent the closet-door for the entrance of the described to them how this unhappy being had cheeks and skinny lips of that walking anatomy passage-and finally joined his almost smother-been deprived of his property and reputation, -that splendid example of the eternal sister-ed friend, who was bursting with repressed and at length his reason, by the vices of his sons; laughter. and, as he proceeded, the old man grinned a Cousin Nancy had toiled through life for "Bravo! Frank, Bravissimo! the wine is ghastly smile at every interval of the narration, threescore years and ten, enjoying all the pla- yours; but by all the powers of farce and co-as if he would confirm its truth. Formerly, contonic pleasures of single blessedness. In all medy, it is richly earned-Ha! ha ha! wipe and then he besought his maker with an earnesttinued the Overseer, he had moments of reason, respects but two, she was, to say the least, suf- off the red lead, Frank, from your lips-'twill ferable; but her affectation was as provoking poison the Burgundy."


ness and melancholy which affected even me, to take him out of the world. But he has such

as her amatory disposition was vexatious. The The next morning Frank came down very moments no more. Sorrow has effaced from his first never allowed her to keep a calender be- late and languid into the breakfast room; mind the last vestige of reason. This also the yond her thirty-first year-made her ape the scarcely noticed the members of the family, old man affirmed by his usual token of assent; dress, manners, and habits of a girl-use rouge but seemed to be entirely busied with yawning and, as if he still retained an obscure recollec without bounds-wear gaudy dresses-attend-sipping his coffee-and tumbling the morn- tion of the incidents related, cast his eyes penjuvenile assemblies of amusement-and take ing papers. His friends were surprised at his sively towards heaven. The son walked on in lessons in music daily. The second, (her ama- conduct-almost as much as they had been by silence, at his father's side, till they arrived at tiveness) was ever hurrying her into love ad- the gorgeous display on the person of cousin their lodgings. Great God! he then exclaimed, ventures; making her the bore of all the beaux; Nancy, who had made an early appearance in how terrible is the doom of the maniac. Never, sending her heart on one wild goose chase after the character of Aurora, clothed in all the tints, that I remember, have I felt such a horror within another, until she could scarce swear to it as hues and colours imaginable. Streamers, red, me as at this moment. To exist, and yet not to her own; and leading her to imagine that she yellow and blue, fluttered from head, waist, exist! To have all the faculties of the mind blotwas making conquests wherever she went. and ancle; lace contended with muslin, and ted out; and in the very bloom of life to be noReader, can you not see her now before thee, silk strove with satin, to add charms to the thing but a breathing corpse-nothing but the large as life? her gray locks saucily giving the fair virgin of seventy, while all the mysteries wandering shade of a departed soul! How are lie to her raven papillote, her corrugated phiz of the cosmetic art had been poured out to these wretched beings excluded from the numsmeared with paste rouge until it looks like a gratify the various senses to which the young if they were not present, as if they heard not. ber of the living! imprisoned, buried, treated as mine of red chalk; her sinewy neck and wi- and beautiful address themselves.

He paused for a few moments, walking back and

thered bosom forming a deep yellow ground to Frank and his cousin out-sate them all at forth with a melancholy aspect, and then exdisplay the lace above it, and exposed with a table. He was just finishing his roll, and was claimed, O the destiny of humanity! I shudder generosity which fifty years ago would have about rising from the table, apparently uncon- to think what I am, when I consider what I may been irresistible; her dress flashing with rain-scious of her presence. Francis! dear Frank," be.


bow ribands, and her fidgetty movements be- sighed his cousin. "What will you, fair cou- Much as I pity the condition of these unhappy traying the restless activity of the soul, fret- sin!" "I am ready to answer your question of beings, said the father, the amount of their acting and chafing within its venerable taberna- last evening." "Question! what question, tual suffering is far less than we should be likely cousin?" "Nay, dear Frank, spare my blushes to imagine. Can the want of consciousness be


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