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The SELECT COMMITTEE appointed to inquire into the Education of the Lower Orders in the Metropolis, and to report their Observations thereupon; together with the MINUTES of the EVIDENCE taken before them, from time to time, to the House; and who were instructed to consider what may be fit to be done with respect to the Children of Paupers who shall be found begging in the Streets in and near the Metropolis, or who shall be carried about by Persons asking Charity, and whose Parents, or other Persons who they accompany, have not sent such Children to any of the Schools provided for the Education of poor Children;-HAVE, pursuant to the Order of the House, inquired into the Matters to them referred, and have agreed to the following REPORT:


OUR Committee have examined a great body of Evidence, which has been reported and ordered to be printed, respecting the State of Education among the Lower Orders in the Metropolis; and they have found reason to conclude, that a very large number of poor Children are wholly without the means of Instruction, although their parents appear to be generally very desirous of obtaining that advantage for them.

Your Committee have also observed with much satisfaction, the highly beneficial effects produced upon all those parts of the Population which, assisted in whole or in part by various Charitable Institutions, have enjoyed the benefits of Education.

Your Committee have not had time this Session fully to report their Opinion upon the different branches of their

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