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Drink Habit Overcome

In 48 Hours by the

Oppenheimer Treatment

No Detention From Business

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The Oppenheimer treatment is the mainstay of
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surmount the barrier of an acquired drink habit



James H. Alexander, Formerly Vice-President Standard
Oil Co.

Jose Aymar, Lawyer, New York.

Irving Bacheller, Author of "Eben Holden."'

Leroy W. Baldwin, Pres. Empire Trust Co., New York.
Charles R. Brown, Banker and Broker, New York.
Chas. Evans, President Atlantic City National Bank.

A. H. De Haven, De Haven & Townsend, N. Y. Stock Ex-

Sylvester T. Everett, Banker, Cleveland, Ohio.
Anderson Fowler, Produce Exchange, New York.
Carl H. Fowler, Attorney, New York.
George Haldorn, Mining Attorney, N. Y.

Jas. W. Husted, Ex-Mayor of Peekskill, N. Y.

Henry C. Irons, Seaboard Realty Co.

E. E. Jackson, Ex-Governor of Maryland.
Wm. H. Jackson, Congressman from Maryland.

Oliver H. Lau, M. D., Detroit, Mich.

John MacGinniss, Vice-Pres., United Copper Co., Butte,

Kenneth K. M'Laren, Sec'y Corporation Trust Co. of New

Isaac Oppenheimer, M. D., New York.

Dwight W, Pardee, Treasurer of L. S. & M. S. K. R. Co
Carl F. Price, Secretary and Treasurer.
Leonard W. Sweet, New York.


Rev Charles H. Fowler, D. D., LL. D., Bishop of Metho
dist Episcopal Church,

Rev. Henry C, Potter, D. D., LL. D, Bishop of Protestant
Episcopal Church.

Rev. Henry W. Warren, D. D, LL. D., Bishop of Metho-
dist Episcopal Church.

Rev. Robert Colyer, D. D., Pastor M ssiah Unitarian
Church, New York.

Rev P. S. Henson, D. D., LL. D., Pastor Tremont
Temple, Boston, Mass.

Rev J. Wesley Hill, D. D, Pastor Grace Methodist Epis-
copal Church, Harrisburg, Pa.

Rev John J Hughes, Paulist Fathers, Church of St. Paul
the Apostle,
ew York.

Rev. J. D. Kennedy, D. D., Rector Church of St. Mark's,
Brooklyn, N. Y

Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst, D. D., Pastor Madison Square
Presbyterian Church, New York.

Rev. George E. Reed, D. D., LL. D., President Dickinson
College, Carlisle, Pa

Rev. Floyd W. Tompkins, D. D., Rector Holy Trinity
Church, Philadelphia, Pa.

Admiral George Dewey, U S. Navy.

Gen. H. C. Corbin, Major General, U. S. A.

Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, U. S. Senator from New York.
Hon. Lyman J. Gage, Ex-Secretary of the Treasury.
Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, Secretary of the Treasury.
Hon. Chas Emory Smith, Ex-Postmaster General.
Hon William A. Stone, Ex-Governor of Pennsylvania.
Hon. John Weaver, Mayor of Philadelphia.

Geo, L Chase D. D., LL. D., President Hartford Fire In-
surance Co.

Willis George Emerson, Author, Grand Encampment, Wyo
Hon Wm. T, Stead, Editor Review of Reviews, London

The Oppenheimer Institute

No. 159 West 34th Street, New York City

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Atlantic City, 2001 Pacific Avenue.
Pittsburg, 110 West North Ave., Allegheny.
Knoxville, Tenn.

West Philadelphia, Pa., 3332 Chestnut St.

Correspondence Confidential

Detroit, Mich., 56 Garfield Ave.
Philadelphia, 841 North Broad Street
London, England,

Thanet House, 231 Strand, W. C.)

Institutes will be opened in other cities as opportunity offers.

NOTE:-Write for pamphlet "Can Drunkenness be Cured?" by Lady Henry Somerset A Poster Effect Calendar for 1905 "Spectres of Drink" mailed for 10 cents -stamps or silver


(C. M.)

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

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A New Year's Meditation.


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"Thou shalt call his name Jesus.""We see Jesus." "Who do men say that the Son of Man is? . . . Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." "We love Him because He first loved us.' Wonderful words! Peerless name, ideal man; loved by sinners, adored by saints. and worshipped by angels. We grow weary of the repetition of other names however great and honored; but the name of Jesus is ever an inspiration, and the cry of the soul who has felt the power of his life is, "Tell me more about Jesus.'

Jesus, in the Greek language, is Joshua, and Joshua, in Hebrew, means salvation. The name of Jesus has a double meaning-Jesus, Jehovah, the Saviour. The list of Old Testament worthies that stands at the head of the New Testament bears witness that Jesus of the New Testament is none other than Jehovah of the Old Testament, the Son of God manifested in the flesh. The word was made flesh and dwelt among us, "Emmanuel, God with us." Jesus is the Son of God, of the seed of Abraham, the son of David according to the flesh, made under the law to redeem them that are under the law that we might receive the adoption of sons. This great honor God has bestowed upon us through the incarnation of his son. Jesus is the Son of God, the Son of Man. He is human and divine. As to his human nature he is of the same substance as his mother, Mary, and as to his divine nature he is of the same substance as God his Father. He is Godman-possessing the nature of God and man. Son Incarnate, Wonderful Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace!

The name of Jesus is prophetic and historic. He is the great center of his

tory and prophecy, as the sun is the great center of the universe, beautifying and brightening everything he touches with his rays. So Jesus, the light of the world, is the center of creation.

God revealed Himself by names, and that progressively just in proportion to man's capacity to comprehend the meaning of the name revealed. To Adam, God revealed Himself as Elohim, the strong one who rules. To Abraham, as Elshaddai-God Almighty, and as Jehovah Jireh, the one who provides. To Moses He revealed His self-existence as Jehovah. "I am that I am"-the all sufficient one. As Jehovah is the greatest name in the Old Testament Jesus is the greatest in the New; a name by which he was never personally addressed. There was something so glorious about the person of Jesus that neither friend nor foe had the courage to address Him by His name. They called him Rabbi, Master, or used the pronoun thou or he.

The name of Jesus has been, and is surrounded by a halo of glory. Ever since the original sin of our first parents and their expulsion from the presence of God, there has been a great longing in the soul for the coming of some great personage who could deliver man from the guilt and thraldom of sin. The cry has been, "O that I knew where I might find him!" The world failed to satisfy the restlessness of the race. Everything ever tried proved powerless to raise man up and deliver him from the enslaving power of sin; hence, the intense longing which predominated in the human heart for the coming of the desire of all nations.

The promise of His coming was first given to Eve, and subsequently to the

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