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the presentation, whether above or below, that whenany person, who has been in the service, recommended to the king's ministers


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appears to your committee, that re were great and material defects of the plan. With regard to the of persons nominated to the sucil by the court of directors, no sufIs were provided for carrying to His along with the nomination, the partithe conduct of those, who had been service before, which might render them objects of approbation or rejection. The house possesses an office of record capable urnishing, in almost all cases, materials for ging on the behaviour of the servants in their ogress from the lowest to the highest stations; and the whole discipline of the service, civil and military, must depend upon an examination of these records inseparably attending every application for an appointment to the highest stations. But in the present state of the nomination, the ministers of the Crown are not furnished with the proper means of exercising the power of controul intended by the law, even if they were scrupulously attentive to the use of it. There are modes of proceeding favourable to neglect. Others excite enquiry, and stimulate to vigilance.

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acy in the council general, the sehe court of directors shall be ordered a strict search into the records of the and shall annex to the recommenthe reasons of the court of directors for choice, together with a faithful copy of tever shall be found (if any thing can be und) relative to his character and conduct; as also an account of his standing in the company's service; the time of his abode in India; the reasons for his return; and the stations, whether civil or military, in which he has been successively placed.

With this account ought to be transmitted the names of those, who were proposed as candidates for the same office, with the correspondent particulars relative to their conduct and situation: for not only the separate, but the comparative, merit probably would, and certainly ought to have great influence in the approbation or rejection of the party presented to the ministers of the Crown. These papers should be laid before the commissioners of the treasury, and one of the secretaries of state, and entered in books to be kept in the treasury and the secretary's office.



These precautions, in case of the Appointment nomination of any who have served of counsellors, the company, appear to be necessary from the improper nomination and approbation of Mr. John Macpherson, notwithstand- Macpherson's ing the objections which stood against appointment. him on the company's records. The choice of Mr. John Stables, from an inferiour military to the highest civil capacity, was by no means proper, nor an encouraging example to either service. His conduct, indeed, in the subaltern military situation, had received, and seems to have deserved, commendation; but no sufficient ground was furnished for confounding the lines and gradations of service. This measure was, however, far less exceptionable than the former; because an irregular choice of a less competent person, and the preference given to proved delinquency, in prejudice to uncensured service, are very different things. But even this latter appointment would, in all likelihood, have been avoided, if rules of promotion had been established. If such rules were settled, candidates, qualified from ability, knowledge, and service, would not be discouraged by finding, that every thing was open to every man; and that favour alone did not stand in the place of civil or military experience. The elevation from the lowest stations unfaithfully and negligently filled to the highest trusts, the total inattention to rank and seniority, and much more the combination of this neglect of rank with a confusion (unaccompanied with strong and evident reasons) of the lines of service, cannot operate as useful examples on those, who serve the publick in India. These servants, beholding men, who have been condemned for improper














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