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pose of his estate as he saw fit. The widow, in any case, would have cash. The survivor would have complete control of the business, with the stock as an asset rather than as a liability.

"All this could have been accomplished automatically by the death of Mr. A. No lawyers would have been necessary, no executors would be required, and the cost would have been just as much a part of that firm's overhead as its fire insurance or any production charge.

"That is the modern way and the message we are trying to spread, not for Fidelity Mutual, not even for insurance in general, but for hard-working business men-yes, and widows."

OME one in Chicago was curious to

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know why the Colorado Fuel and Iron 5s of 1943 are selling around 90, while Colorado Industrial Company 5s of 1934 are around 83, "when the former guarantees the latter both as to interest and principal." We endeavored to explain as follows:

"In the first place, a guaranteed bond is never as good as a first-mortgage bond." (There are exceptions, of course.) "In this case the Colorado Industrial Company's bonds are guaranteed by the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, and are hence in a slightly weaker position. In the second place, Colorado Fuel and Iron bonds are secured by the first mortgage on over 32,000 acres of coal lands, including the only anthracite west of Pennsylvania, together with coke ovens and yards in several cities, as against the Industrial Company's bonds, which are secured by a first mortgage on 83,000 acres of mineral and frontage lands, in all likelihood not so well developed, as well as by leaseholds and bonds. The difference in price which you mention is a little bit large, but to our minds not extraordinary."

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We might have added that bonds and stocks often sell "out of line"-that is, for either more or less than their real value, and that the reason for this phenomenon is impossible to find.

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HE 6% Collateral Trust Bonds of the Security Bond & Mortgage Te Company are secured by first mortgages on which the payment of principal and interest is guaranteed unconditionally by the Maryland Casualty Company. Its certificate as Guarantor is endorsed on each bond.

The Maryland Casualty Company is one of the largest and strongest surety companies in the world. Its last financial statement shows capital and surplus of $10,575,279 and total resources of $36,208,124. The guaranteed first mortgages are deposited with the Maryland Trust Company, which is the Trustee for each issue of SECURITY BONDS. Its certificate as Trustee is endorsed on each bond.

Security Bonds are eligible as investments for National Banks. Denominations $1,000, $500 and $100. Maturities one, two, three, four and five years. Write to any of the following investment bankers for Booklet No. 13.

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And here, too, are the engrossing biographies of the world's master painters-men whose lives were not only filled with trials and bitter hardships, but were most colorful and picturesque. Fiction cannot be made more interesting than these stories of tremendous efforts in the face of poverty, prejudice and the vast indifference of the mob,

224 pages. Printed by the new Aquatone process on a soft finish art paper, bound in beautiful Tyrian purple covers.

Sent for 10 Days' Free Examination

WM. H. WISE & CO., 50 West 47th St., New York


You may send me, for ten days' free examination, one copy of "Great Painters and Their Famous Bible Pictures," in Tyrian purple binding. Within that time I shall either return the book and owe you nothing, or keep it for my own and send you $5, plus a few cents postage in full payment.



Harrison, Smith & Co.

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What is the first step

to Get 8%?



Without obligating me, please send your booklets

"2% to 4% Extra" and

"Why Florida First Mortgage Investments Pay 8":

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When you are looking for a hotel or a tour, real estate, stationery, a position or a worker, some unusual delicacy-or what

School Information FREE

FREE Catalogs of all Girls' or Boys' boarding schools (and camps) in U. S. Expert advice free. Relative standing. No fees. (Also catalogs of ALL Nurses' Training Schools) Write American Schools' Assoc., 1211-0 Times Bldg., New York, or 1204-0 Stevens Bldg., Chicago


District of Columbia

You Can Manage a Tea Room

Fortunes are being made in Tea Rooms. Motor Inns,and Coffee Shops everywhere. You can open one in your own home-and make money hand over fist, or manage one already going. Big salaries paid to trained managers; shortage acute. We teach you entire business in your spare time. Write for Free Book "Pouring Tea For Profits" LEWIS TEA ROOM INSTITUTE, Dept. N5828 Washington, D. C.


Particulars of Dr. Esenwein's famous forty-
lesson course in writing and marketing of the
Short-Story and sample copy of THE WRITER'S
MONTHLY free. Write today.
Springfield, Mass.

Dr. Esenwein Dept. 58

New Jersey

large and of proved experience and responsibility.

Financing companies resemble banks in some particulars, but, unlike banks, they are not subject to the regulation and supervision imposed by law for the protection of customers and the public. In our general credit structure they are an important element, serve an important field, and are by no means to be classed among the unnecessary, merely money-making schemes which confront us every day. But in such companies. more than in many other types of enterprise there is a peculiar degree of risk which most of us do not care to share as stockholders-unless we are certain of our ground.

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[blocks in formation]

LBERT G. INGALLS is a writer of scientific articles and reviews for numerous periodicals, the "Scientific American" in particular. The editors. and through them the readers of The

are you looking for?-glance through VARICK SCHOOL Outlook have frequently been indebted



East Orange, N. J.

Evry advantage for the nervous child in a small, happy home school. Physician's references. Orange 3276-R.

to him for information on scientific de-, velopments.

In writing to the above advertisers, please mention The Outlook


Hotels and Resorts


San Ysidro Ranch, Santa Barbara

Unharmed by Earthquake Furnished bungalows of various sizes; situated on the foothills among the orange groves, overlooking the sea. Central diningroom, electric lights, hot and cold water. Good tennis court. Two miles from ocean and country club, six miles from Santa Barbara. Booklet. Address

Manager San Ysidro Ranch, Santa Barbara


Real Estate Connecticut


At NORFOLK, CONN. Summer Residence, Fully Furnished Small eighteenth-century farmhouse, thoroughly renovated, modern plumbing, electric lights, and telephone, and complete screening; 11 rooms, 2 baths; and coat-room with toilet and lavatory; butler's pantry; large kitchen with excellent range, kitchen pantry and wood and coal shed adjoining; barn and motor shed; independent water supply, ample for several houses. Tract of about 300 acres, with several available sightly building plots; altitude 1,500 ft.; over twothirds mile frontage on Litchfield Road; two miles from village green. Address

Leonard Home and H. A. Cushing, 43 Cedar St., New York

[blocks in formation]

FOR SALE-In Maine, near Augusta

small farm, newly repaired house, orchard,

Special low price now. Mrs. ALICE W market gardening, near neighbors and store: TODD, P. O. Box 1,155, Madison Maine.

New Jersey

FOR RENT FURNISHED Gentleman's residence on Montclair's most exclusive avenue. 400 feet elevation. Magnificent view. Six bedrooms, two baths. Wide porches. Comfortably furnished. Extensive library and fine paintings. Garage. Will rent reasonably for term of years. Write H. H., 4,661, Outlook, or telephone 1700 Stuyvesant or 7229 Montclair.

Tours and Travel

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A thousand
of sunshine

A THOUSAND square miles of
Sunshine-a thousand spots of warm
delight. You will think it's spring,
but here we call it winter.

Sunshiny skies that are blue be-
yond compare-gorgeous vistas, fas-
cinating and new-sunshiny streets
with flower-garlanded homes-out-
door life unhampered by rain or snow
-sunshiny stretches of open coun-
try-a golden procession of glorious
days. Such is Tucson in midwinter
-the sunniest spot in America.


Come now to Tucson-outdoor life is at its best. Golf, tennis, riding, hunting, motoring, Indian Villages, Old Mexico and hundreds of strange sights. Country and Town Clubs open to visitors.

If you want to rest or play, or find relief from overwork, pulmonary troubles, asthma, "nerves", etc., you will find much to help you in the dry SunshineClimate.


Winter excursion rates now in effect via Rock Island and Southern Pacific lines. Stop-overs on all tickets.

Mail coupon for illustrated bookletit tells about this Wonderland where Winter is unknown.

TUCSON Sunshine Climate Club ARIZONA

Tucson Sunshine-Climate Club, 501 Old Pueblo Bldg., Tucson, Ariz. Please send me your free

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EARN YOUR EUROPEAN TRIP by izing a small party. Write for particulars to STRATFORD TOURS, 452 Fifth Ave., N. Y.

The Johnson Tours, 210 E. Preston St., Baltimore Earn Your Trip to EUROPE by securing

five members for one of my tours. Established 1900. BABCOCK'S TOURS, Inc., East Orange, N. J.

For Help Wanted, Situations Wanted, and Miscellaneous Advertisements see next page


PLAYS, musical comedies and revues, minstrel music, blackface skits, vaudeville acts, monologs, dialogs, recitations, entertainments, musical readings, stage handbooks, make-up goods. Big catalog free. T. S. Denison & Co., 623 So. Wabash, Dept. 74, Chicago.


WRITE for free samples of embossed at $2 or printed stationery at $1.50 per box. Thousands of Outlook customers. Lewis, stationer, Troy, N. Y.

PERSONAL STATIONERY, 200 single sheets, 100 envelopes. postpaid $1.00, west of Mississippi River $1.10. White bond paper, blue ink, top center only. Cash with order. RUE PUBLISHING CO., DENTON, MD.


SECRETARIES, social workers, superintendents, matrons, housekeepers, dietitians, cafeteria inanagers, companions, governesses, mothers' helpers. The Richards Bureau, 68 Barnes St., Providence.


EARN $110 to $250 monthly, expenses paid, as railway traffic inspector. We secure position for you after completion of 3 months' home study course or money refunded. Excellent opportunities. Write for free booklet CM-27. Standard Business Training Institution, Buffalo, N. Y.

HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN AND WOMEN. Nation-wide demand for highsalaried men and women. Past experience unnecessary. We train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities. Big pay, fine living, interesting work, quick advance. ment, perinauent. Write for free book. "YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY." Lewis Hotel Training Schools, Suite N-5842, Washiington, D. C.

LECTURERS: Clergy who can speak on current events and who would be interested in several engagements each month in the churches of their State. Good payment. State qualifications in first letter. 6,573, Outlook.

WANTED-A first-class housekeeper for private sanitarium in New York for the upstairs department. State fully experience. 6,617, Outlook.

WANTED, March 1, refined Protestant couple, agreeable, home loving, sensible people, neat, clean, reliable, good workers, about 50. Permanent for right people, in a quiet, lonely, small farm with lady alone; treated as members of family; man to care for two pet horses and farm work, woman cooking, housework, and light laundry. Must furnish own furniture. Only kind, unselfish people loving animals and country need reply. State particulars. 6,613, Outlook.

WORKING housekeeper interested in cook ing as profession wanted for small place in country. Capable manager. Young Scotch girl also employed in household." Please state references and salary, P. O. Box 105, Irvington-on-the-Hudson, New York.

WOMAN-Publishing house has permanent sales position with executive future to offer woman of keen intelligence who has heretofore earned $50 or more a week. Previous sales experience not necessary, experience in educational work helpful. Refinement and determination essential for success. Traveling required-all transportation paidliberal drawing account and commision basis. Write, stating age and qualifications, to B. E. Sparrow, 50 W. 47th St., New York City

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By the Way

HE traffic policemen in Turkey have invented a new way of curing the auto-speeding habit. When they see a car coming at a speed in excess of the limit, they toss out into the road a large board studded with nails, points upward. If the driver can't or won't stop before his car comes to the plank, he will soon afterwards.

A friend of ours said that he intended to reverse the old saying and bring his son up to be heard but not seen. He wants the boy to be a radio announcer.

A syndicate of Chicago financiers recently bought the Chicago "Daily News" for $14,000,000. There was no real estate involved and the mechanical plant does not represent a great financial asset. The enormous purchase price indicates the great value of newspaper good will. An offer of $10,000,000 for the good will of the New York "Sun" is being considered by the Frank A. Munsey estate. The good will of the Detroit "Free Press" has been estimated at $12,000,000; the New York "Journal" is held at $20,000,000; and the reputations of the "Saturday Evening Post" and the "Country Gentleman" are said to be worth not less than $100,000,000.

Julius Tannen reports that in France the railroad conductors are announcing the train stops in English, on account of the thousands of English and American tourists. If it proves a success there, it might be a good idea to try it in the New York subways.

About forty thousand children in thirty-four cities voted for the ten books which they liked the best. Those receiving the highest votes were, in order, "Tom Sawyer," "Heidi," "Little Women," "Black Beauty," "Pinocchio," "Hans Brinker," "The Story of Dr. Dolittle," "The Little Lame Prince," Prince," "Huckleberry Finn," and "The Call of the Wild."

The "Harvard Lampoon" tells this


Latin Professor (to class)-"Open your texts, gentlemen: Line four in my book, line eight in most of yours."

Although United States Attorney States Attorney Buckner is making spectacular and effective raids against the liquor selling "night clubs" in New York City, that species of "speak-easy" is still growing in numbers and profits. The popular clubs are showing weekly profits of $5,000 and up. Promoters believe that they can operate for at least eight or ten months before

they are padlocked by Mr. Buckner. During this period they can amass a small fortune. Four or five clubs are opening each week, many of them spending as much as $30,000 for decorative purposes. The padlock method is the most effective means yet contrived for checking the evil, but experience has proved it rather futile. One prominent "speak-easy" in New York moved directly across the hallway after the padlock had closed its former abode. When patrons open the door of their present drinking-room, they can view the padlock across the hall. Many of the padlocked restaurants in New York simply move their place of business to another floor in the same building. Some further restrictions will have to be imposed in order to properly enforce this law.

Employer: "Late again! Have you ever done anything on time?" Clerk: "I bought a car."

Mail-order houses increased their sales in 1925 by 13.6 per cent over 1924. The total sales for the first eight months of 1925 were $257,000,000, Sears Roebuck doing $50,000,000 more than Montgomery Ward. Mail-order clothing sales were reported as being far below par, however, and the reason given is that the movies and the automobile have done much to rid the rural districts of their so-called "hick" sartorial desires. They now want clothes such as they see on the screen, and they drive their cars to the cities in order to get them.

Forty members of Professor George Pierce Baker's new dramatic class at Yale University recently came to New York to see "Abie's Irish Rose" as the guests of Anne Nichols, author of that much ridiculed but seemingly everlasting play. Acknowledged as a "horrible example" of play-writing, it still draws capacity crowds in its fifth year. The class will discuss the reasons thereof.

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In writing to the above advertisers, please mention The Outlook


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I first heard of Pelmanism while in England on war work. Sooner or later

almost every conversation touched on it, for the movement seemed to have the sweep of a religious conviction. Men and women of every class and circumstance were acclaiming it as a new departure in mental training that gave promise of ending that preventable inefficiency which acts as a brake on human progress. Even in France I did not escape the word, for thousands of officers and men were Pelmanizing in order to fit themselves for return to civil life.

When I learned that Pelmanism had been brought to America by Americans for Americans, I was among the first to enroll. My reasons were two: first, because I have always felt that every mind needed regular, systematic and scientific exercise, and, secondly, because I wanted to find out if Pelmanism was the thing that I could recommend to the hundreds who continually ask my advice in relation to their lives, problems and ambitions.

Failure is a sad word in any language, but it is peculiarly tragic here in America where institutions and resources join to put success within the reach of every individual. In the twenty years that I have sat on the bench of the Juvenile Court of Denver, almost every variety of human failure has passed before me in melancholy procession. By failure I do not mean the merely criminal mistakes of the individual, but the faults of training that keep a life from full development and complete expression.

It is to these needs and these lacks that Pelmanism comes as an answer. The "twelve little gray books" are a remarkable achievement. Not only do they contain the discoveries that science knows about the mind and its workings, but the treatment is so simple that the truths may be grasped by anyone of average education.

In plain words, what Pelmanism has done is to take psychology out of the college and put it into harness for the day's work. It lifts great, helpful truths out of the back water and plants them in the living stream.

As a matter of fact, Pelmanism ought to be the beginning of education instead of a remedy for its faults. First of all, it teaches the science of self-realization; it makes the student discover himself; it acquaints him with his sleeping powers and shows him how to develop them. The method is exercise, not of the haphazard sort, but a steady, increasing kind that

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brings each hidden power to full strength
without strain or break.

The human mind is not an automatic
device. It will not "take care of itself."
Will power, originality, decision, resource-
fulness, imagination, initiative, courage-
these things are not gifts but results. Every
one of these qualities can be developed by
effort just as muscles can be developed by
exercise. I do not mean by this that the
individual can add to the brains that God
gave him, but he can learn to make use of
the brains that he has instead of letting
them fall into flabbiness through disuse.

By Judge

limiting their efforts to the development of some single sense. What Pelmanism does is to consider the mind as a whole and treat it as a whole. It goes in for mental team play, training the mind as a unity.

Its big value, however, is the instructional note. Each lesson is accompanied by a work sheet that is really a progress sheet. The student goes forward under a teacher in the sense that he is followed through from first to last, helped, guided and encouraged at every turn by conscientious experts.

Pelmanism is no miracle. It calls for application. But I know of nothing that pays larger returns on an investment of one's spare time from day to day.

(Signed) BEN B. LINDSEY.

Note: As Judge Lindsey has pointed out, Pelmanism is neither an experiment nor a theory. For almost a quarter of a century, it has been showing men and women how to lead happy, successful, well rounded lives. 550,000 Pelmanists in every country on the globe are the guarantee of what Pelman training can do for you.

No matter what your own particular difficulties are poor memory, mind wandering, indecision, timidity, nervousness or lack of personality-Pelmanism will show you the way to correct and overcome them. And on the positive side, it will uncover and develop qualities which you never dreamed existed in you. It will be of direct, tangible value to you in your business and social life. In the files at the Pelman Institute of America are hundreds of letters from successful Pelmanists telling how they doubled, trebled and even quadrupled their salaries thanks to Pelman training.

"Scientific Mind Training" is the name of the absorbingly interesting booklet which tells about Pelmanism in detail. It is fascinating in itself with its wealth of original thought and clear observation. "Scientific Mind Training" makes an interesting addition to your library.

Your copy is waiting for you. It is absolutely free. Simply fill out the coupon and mail it today. It costs you nothing, it obligates you to nothing, but it is absolutely sure to show you the way to success and happiness. Don't put it off and then forget about it. Don't miss a big opportunity. MAIL THE COUPON NOW.

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Other methods and systems that I have
examined, while realizing the value of
mental exercise, have made the mistake of
Please mention The Outlook when writing to the PELMAN INSTITUTE OF AMERICA



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