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has been placed at the head of all the Philhellenic committees formed in France, Germany and Switzerland, and he discharges the important duties of this office with the utmost zeal and discretion. In the smallest cantons of Switzerland, and among the most remote mountains, in districts almost entirely inhabited by poor herdsmen, the appeal for the cause of freedom has not been heard in vain, and sums have been collected, which are certainly large in proportion to the means of the givers.

The secrecy which is carefully preserved in all the operations of the Swiss Diet, prevents either their countrymen or foreigners from receiving information as to the statistics of the 22 cantons, unless from almanacks, annuals, or periodical works belonging to the different cantons. A work, however, has been recently undertaken by Professor Bernouilli, which will probably obviate this disadvantage. By concentrating all the information which can be obtained in regard to each canton, he expects, with the assistance of other learned men, to produce an interesting and valuable collection of documents relative to the statistics and general economy of Switzerland. This work,

the first part of which appeared at Basle a few months ago, has excited high expectations, both on account of the learning of the Editor, and the utility of such a production, if ably conducted.

A great desire for improving the condition of the population, and for keeping pace with the age, is prominent in many of the Swiss cantons. Changes in the legislation, have been proposed and executed in several of them, during the last

year. In the Valais, the punishment of death has been abolished. The same measure has been proposed at Geneva. * Here, and in the neighbouring canton de Vaud, a new code of laws is preparing; and the introduction of trial by jury has been proposed and strongly recommended by Sismondi, Dumont, Laharpe, and other distinguished: Liberals; but we regret to say, that the carrying into effect that measure, has in Geneva been postponed, and in Lausanne entirely rejected.

In almost every part of Switzerland, a very lively interest is manifested in organizing esta→ blishments for education; and it is only to be regretted that, of late years, the Jesuits have, in Some of the Catholic cantons, gained great power, and have begun to exercise a dangerous sway over the schools. The well-known institution of M. de Fellenberg at Hofwyl continues in a flourishing state. Schools of arts have been established at Zurich, Berne, Arau, and Geneva.

We have already stated, that the annual meetings for the advancement of science and art were first proposed in Switzerland, where the lovers of music and other sciences, have long been in the habit of assembling every year, in different towns, for the purpose of promoting their favourite pur


Last year, a plan for the formation of an Agricultural Society upon a large scale was organized. It is to be connected with a society which already exists for the study of Natural History; and one of its great objects will be, the examination of the best rud implements, and the latest discoveries

*We understand that a similar proposal has lately been made in Bavaria.

and experiments in agriculture, with peculiar reference to their adoption in Switzerland. Corresponding Societies are to be established in every


Without professing any positive political purpose or intention, these meetings are also useful to the Swiss confederacy in establishing a better understanding, and a more intimate connexion be tween the different cantons.

We are sorry to find in the Catholic cantons of the Swiss confederacy, fifty-nine monasteries, sixty-one nunneries, and seven hospitals for Capuchins !

The literature of Switzerland belongs partly to that of France, and partly to that of Germany. We will not, therefore, give here any particular notice of it. Sismondi, we understand, is continuing his History of France (published at Paris); but a considerable period has elapsed since the publication of his last volume. A literary and scientific periodical, the Bibliotheque Universelle, which is very extensively circulated, has been published for a series of years in Geneva, and continues to be conducted in an able manner.

Switzerland deplores the death of Baron de Staël, son of the celebrated Madame de Staël, whom, although his father was a foreigner, the Swiss are proud to number among their citizens. He united distinguished talents-which have also been appreciated in this country-with highly li beral feelings; and great benevolence, aided by a very large fortune, had placed him at the head of a number of establishments of public utility; sq that his death is to be lamented as a general loss.

Henry Pestalozzi, who has devoted his whole

life to the advancement of education, and who, by his theoretical views as well as by his various practical plans, has exerted a great influence on public instruction on the Continent, died at Neuhof near Brugg, on the 17th February 1827. He was born at Zurich on the 12th January 1745. Among his works, Lienhard and Gertrud, a kind of popular novel, has been translated into almost all languages.




In the end of the last century, the ancient Republic of Holland, so much celebrated in history, fell into the hands of the French Usurper. This event, though to a certain extent favourable to the commercial prosperity of the country, retarded its progress in all that was fitted to promote its internal improvement. But the union at length of the Belgic provinces with Holland, under the paternal reign of the present monarch, William I. has given an impulse to the kingdom of the Netherlands, which is urging it onward to equal, if not to surpass, the other European States in ci

vilization and refinement.

The chief object which the King of the Netherlands appears to keep in view, is the adoption of such measures as shall promote the happiness of his subjects. Thus cherished by their Sovereign, the people are daily making rapid progress in intellectual and moral improvement. Commerce is prospering, agriculture is improving, the working of mines is carried on with ac

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