PREFACE. NEW words but utter old truths, even when worthily spoken. New generations need restatements of established doctrines to suit the style of thought and culture peculiar to them. The people of no age will read old books much. A few scholars and antiquaries will drink knowledge at the old fountains; the common people will look for new springs, or go without. Freshness is the first requisite for their taste. New books, therefore, must continue to come, while the people continue intelligent. The conviction that the Way opened by the Master for the return of prodigal humanity to its Father's house, has been closed by the dicta of a mistaken Church, is one reason for the appearance of this book. The Light set for perpetual shining in the pathway of sinners, and the freedom of the human soul, its grandest prerogative, given for immortal uses, are said to be so limited to man's present life, that salvation by Gospel means can be experienced only by men in the flesh. Against such limitation of man's duty and opportunity, and Christ's saving power, this book utters a sincere protest. Death has figured too much in human theology, and flesh has been magnified into a too important factor. That they have their place and use in the Divine economy, there can be no doubt; but that the eternal loss of millions of souls is occasioned by them, or hangs upon them, may not only be doubted, but denied. And the denial in new terms may fitly be made as a centenary utterance of that growing Christian denomination whose very name and existence stand for the salvation of the intelligent creation. It is the duty of Christ's disciples to keep His way of life open, and to invite men every-where to come and walk therein. In every possible form, in strength and in weakness, should the invitation be given. Feeble though it be, the voice of this little. volume is a humble invitation for men to come and walk in the Savior's Open Way of eternal life. G..S. W. LAWRENCE, MASS., March, 1870. |