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Hogarth, 95, 96, 98.

Holland, Scotch Youth in, 43, 245, 255, 268.
Home, author of Douglas, 131, 186, 256.
Horner, 21, 283, 301, 339.

Hume, Art. xix., 113-161; 8, 9, 27, 35, 46,
66, 85, 86, 102, 106, 112, 162, 164, 166,
167, 174, 176, 177, 188, 190, 193, 207, 215,
238, 240, 248, 256, 260, 273, 275, 278, 320-
321, 364, 379, 442.

Hutcheson, Art. vi., 49-86; 4, 6, 8, 22, 23,
27, 35, 40, 86, 90, 101, 105, 106, 120, 150,
184, 185, 188, 191, 200, 216, 224, 260,
313, 384, 415, 436.

Ideal Theory (of sense), 104, 105, 188
(Witherspoon), 208-216 (Reid), 251, 334-
335 (Brown), 344, 432 (Hamilton), 452.
Identity, 135, 143 (Hume), 327 (Brown),
368 (Young), 386 (James Mill).
Impressions, 159.

Induction, 2-11, 99-100, 104, 293 (Stewart),

Inferential Theory of Sense, 334 (Brown).
Infinity, 74 (Hutcheson), 337 (Brown), 386
(James Mill), 447-448 (Hamilton).
Innes, 90.

Instincts, 148 (Hume).

Intellectual Powers, 71, 251 (Monboddo),
287 (Stewart), 306 (relation to common
sense), 335-336 (Brown), 406-407 (Aber-
crombie), 432-442 (Hamilton).
Intuitions, 6, 69-70' (Hutcheson), 242 (Camp-
bell), 327, 333 (Brown), 378, 402 (Chal-
mers), 407 (Abercrombie), 447-448 (Ham-

Jackson, 112.
Jacobi, 426.
Jameson, 192.

Jardine, Art. xliii., 316–317, 8, 337, 428.
Jeffrey, Art. xlv., 337-345; 21, 283, 296,
301, 308, 317, 329, 411.
Johnson, Rev. Samuel, 184.
Jouffroy, 272, 302, 303.

Judgment Mediate and Immediate, 40 (Car-
michael), 72 (Hutcheson), 217 (Reid), 366
(Mylne), 450, 451 (Hamilton).

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Leechman, 60, 61, 65–66, 162, 465-466.
Leibnitz, 27, 42, 74, 215, 237, 272, 306, 327,
358, 403, 438.
Leland, 63, 161.

Leslie, Sir J., 284, 320.

Locke, 3, 4, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, 44, 52, 75,
84, 89, 104, 108, 120, 136, 172, 188, 192,
207, 209-210 (ideal theory), 214, 220, 221,
238, 248, 249, 251 (Monboddo), 268, 271,
272, 273, 277, 278, 279 (in Scotland), 292,
295-296 (experimental and rational), 306,
331, 432: 442, 454.

Logic, 23, 40 (Carmichael), 71 (Hutcheson),
107 (Duncan), 108 (Stewart), 164 (Smith),
185, 292, 316–317 (Jardine), 448-454 (Ham-

Mackenzie, Sir George, 268.
Mackintosh, Art. xlvi., 346–359; 21, 50, 77,
285, 301, 403, 415.
Macvicar, 78, 296.
Madison, 187.
Major or Mair, 24.
Malebranche, 120, 215.
Mandeville, 56.

Mansel, 289, 292, 422, 454.
Materialism, 206, 251, 473 (Reid).
Mathematical Truths, 138 (Hume).
Matter 45 (Baxter), 144 (Hume and John
Stuart Mill).

Memory, 135 (Hume), 215 (Reid), 235
(Beattie), 365 (Mylne), 383 (James Mill),
473 (Reid).

Mill, James, Art. li., 370-388; 173, 283, 357,
364, 365, 391, 421.

Mill, John Stuart, 8, 133, 135, 138, 141, 144,
146, 151, 220, 293, 335, 380, 381, 384-385,
402, 421, 422, 460.

Milton, 52.

Mind, 44 (Baxter), 144 (Hume and John
Stuart Mill).

Miracles, 97, 146-147, 240, 332.
Moderate Party, 17-19, 22, 52, 53, 65-66,
83-84, 87, 101, 106, 185-186, 205, 270.
Molesworth, 39, 55.
Molyneux, 55.

Justice, 151, 152, 169 (Smith), 175 (Kames), Monboddo, (James Burnet) Art. xxxi. 245–
227 (Reid).

[blocks in formation]

254, 36, 231, 270.

Moncrieff, Alexander, 90, 91.
Moncrieff, Sir Henry, 284, 339.
Moor, 61, 63, 67, 463.

Moral Philosophy, 80 (Hutcheson), 100
(Turnbull), 188 (Witherspoon), 226 (Reid),
401 (Chalmers).

Moral Sense, 34 (Shaftesbury), 79 (Hutche-
son), 85,101 (Turnbull), 150 (Hume).
More, 28.

[blocks in formation]

Natural Theology, 80 (Hutcheson), 90 (A. Rousseau, 128.
Campbell), 402-403 (Chalmers).

Necessity Philosophical, 176-178 (Kames),
265 (James Gregory), 266 (Crombie), 365
(Mylne), 400 (Chalmers), 474 (Reid).
Newton, 2, 3, 44, 47, 52.
Nominalism, 288 (Stewart).
Nonconformists, 15, 38, 58, 61.
Norris, 28.

Notion, Extension and Comprehension, 23,40,
72, 216(Reid),331 (Brown),449 (Hamilton).
Number, 70 (Hutcheson).

[blocks in formation]

Reason and Reasoning, 237 (Beattie), 288

Rebellion of 1715, 39; of 1745, 86.
Reid, Art. xxvi., 192–227, 4, 6, 8, 10, 35, 46,
48, 55, 95, 96, 99–100, 102, 103-105, (influ-
ence of Turnbull), 108, 144, 145, 158, 159-
160, 172, 188, 193, 228, 236, 248, 265, 267,
273-274 (contrasted with Kant), 275, 278,
279, 292, 300, 315, 322, 325, 326, 333, 378,
395, 404, 424, 436, 443, 454, 473-476.

Royer Collard, 272, 302, 436.
Rundle, Bishop, 98.
Ruskin, 78, 296.
Rutherford, 24, 92, 93.

St. Andrews University, 23, 394.
Saisset, 433.

Scepticism, how to be met, 156-161, 302.
Schelling, 10, 274, 303, 443.

Scotland, State of, 11-22; North-east of,
91-94; South-east of, 109-111; South-
west of, 61, 63, 92.

Scott, Sir Walter, 271, 283, 341, 412.
Seceders, 18, 88, 90.

Self-Evidence, 46 (Carmichael), 237 (Beattie),
224, 447 (Reid).

Self known, 289–290.

Sensation and Perception, 211-212 (Reid).
Sensational School, 84, 280.

Senses, Internal, 75, 76 (Hutcheson), 84, 150.
(Hume), 175 (Kames), 192, 309.

Sense Perception, 69-71 (Hutcheson), 171-
172 (Smith), 208-216 (Reid), 368-369
(Young), 379 (James Mill), 432-435

Seventeenth Century, 12-16.

Shaftesbury, Art. iv. 29-36, 41, 55, 75, 98,

101, 105, 120, 150, 185, 186, 220, 221.
Signs, Natural, 211 (Berkeley and Reid).
Simson, John, 51-52, 59.

Simson, Robert, 60, 63, 463.

Smith, Adam, Art. xxi., 162-173; 8, 21, 27,
62, 85, 129, 130, 162, 260, 275, 338, 415.
Smith, Stanhope, 188.

Smith, Sydney, 21, 283, 339.

Social Affections, 78 (Hutcheson).
Space, 47 (Baxter), 74 (Hutcheson), 137-
138 (Hume), 213 (Hamilton), 252 (Mon-
boddo), 262 (Hutcheson), 305 (Stewart),
386 (James Mill), 443 (Hamilton).
Spalding, 292.

Spencer, Herbert, 405, 460.
Spinoza, 112.
Stair (Lord), 24.
Sterling, 422.

Stevenson, Art. xv., 107-108.

Stewart, Art. xl., 275-307; 1, 4, 6, 8, 10, 21,

27, 44, 95, 99-100, 103, 209, 220, 260, 270, | Tutors, Private, 43, 61, 97.
281, 318, 319, 322, 325, 332, 339, 344, 345,
378, 388, 392, 394, 403, 415, 424, 439.
Stillingfleet, 27.

Stoic Philosophy, 120, 259.

Style, 84 (Hutcheson), 122 (Hume), 163
(Smith), 167 (Hume and Smith), 194
(Reid), 234 (Beattie), 240 (Campbell),
260 (Ferguson), 280, 308 (Alison), 322
(Brown), 418-419 (Hamilton).
Substance, 75 (Hutcheson), 136 (Hume), 289
(Stewart), 337 (Brown), 398 (Chalmers),
442 (Hamilton).

Suggestion, 211 (Reid), 323 (Brown).
Sykes, 161.

Ulrici, 422.

Ulster, 8, 49, 63.

Uniformity of Nature, 291 (Stewart), 402

United States, 9, 183–190.
Urquhart, 25.
Utilitarianism, 114, 128.

Villers, 319.

Virtue, 33 (Shaftesbury), 80-85 (Hutcheson),
151 (Hume), 169 (Smith), 337 (Brown),
359 (Mackintosh).

Voltaire, 120, 257, 295.

Syllogism, 40 (Carmichael), 72 (Hutcheson), Vossius, 22.

451-452 (Hamilton).

Sympathy, 168-169 (Smith).

Taste, 36, 191, 225 (Reid).
Theism and Theistic Argument, 41-42 (Car-
michael), 45-47 (Baxter), 175 (Kames),
307 (William Lawrence Brown), 332
(Thomas Brown), 363-364 (Brougham),
376 (James Mill), 402-403 (Chalmers),
445-446 (Hamilton).

Warburton, 125.

Welsh, Art. lv., 408-410; 22.
Wesley, 16.

Whately, 243, 444-449.
Whewell, 292, 293.

Whitfield, 16, 65, 88, 167, 467.
Will, 149 (Hume), 183 (Edwards), 226
(Reid), 251 (Monboddo), 265 (James Greg-
ory), 266 (Crombie), 336, 346, 388 (James
Mill), 400-401 (Chalmers).

Wilson, lvi., 410-414; 8, 285, 322.
Wit, 56 (Hutcheson), 236 (Beattie), 242

Theses in Universities, 22.
Thompson, Archbishop, 292, 453.
Time, 47 (Baxter), 70-74 (Hutcheson), 137-
138 (Hume), 216 (Reid and Hamilton),
251-252 (Monboddo), 262 (Hume), 383-
386 (James Mill), 443 (Hamilton).
Turnbull, Art. xii., 95-106, 4, 35, 105, 135, Wolf, 277.
161, 195, 216, 386.

Witherspoon, Art. xxiii., 183-190; 83-84.
Wodrow, 37, 39, 59, 63.

Wordsworth, 410


Cambridge: Press of John Wilson and Son.

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