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Because she has at all times, and in all places, 1. The same Faith; 2. The same Sacrifice and the same Sacraments; and 3. A common Head.

34. Why is the Roman Catholic Church evidently Holy?

1. Because her Founder is holy, and she teaches a holy doctrine; 2. Because she faithfully preserves and dispenses all the means of sanctification, instituted by Christ; and 3. Because there were in her at all times Saints, whose holiness God has also confirmed by miracles and extraordinary graces. (Short Hist. of Rel. §§. 37. 41. 46.)

Abuses, and failings of individual members, cannot be imputed to the Church herself, because they did not arise from her doctrine, or organization, and were never approved of by her. If a Church were no longer to be the true Church on account of abuses and scandals met with in her, why then did Christ Himself compare His Church to a field in which wheat and cockle grow together, and to a net that contains both good and bad fishes? (Matt. 13.) And where then was the true Church in the days of the Apostles? for even then there were scandals (1. Cor. 11.), and also blameworthy Bishops, in the Church. (Apoc. 2. and 3.)

35. Why is the Roman Church evidently Catholic or Universal?

1. Because from the time of Christ she has continually existed with the same Teaching-the same Priestly-and the same Pastoral-Office, as at the present time; 2. Because she is spread over the whole universe; and 3. Because she is constantly spreading in accordance with the Divine commission : 66 Go into the whole world, and preach the Gospel to every creature." (Mark 16, 15.)


Therefore, the Roman Church was always called Catholic, even by Apostates and Infidels, as St. Augustin testifies; and up to this day she is called throughout the world the Catholic Church.

36. Why is the Roman Catholic Church evidently Apostolic ?

1. Because her origin is unquestionably traced back to the Apostles; 2. Because her doctrine is grounded on Apostolic Tradition;† and 3. Because her Rulers, the Pope and the Bishops, are legitimate Successors of the Apostles. (Page 136. Quest. 20.)

It is an undisputed fact that Innovators, as, for instance, the Puseyites, approach the nearer to the Catholic Church, the more diligently and sincerely they search in the writings of the Holy Fathers for the Apostolic Traditions.

37.* But are not the other non-Catholic Religious Societies also One?

No; they are not, and cannot be, One, 1. Because they have no common Head; and 2. Because every one of their members has a right to interpret and believe the Holy Scripture as he likes.

Therefore "they are children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine." (Eph. 4, 14.)

38.* And why can none of them be called Holy? 1. Because their founders were not holy; 2. Because they have rejected many articles of faith, and means of sanctification, as for example, the Sacrifice of the Mass, and most of the Sacraments; and have, on the contrary, established principles which are directly opposed to sanctity (Short Hist. of Rel. §. 43.); and 3. Because they cannot produce from among themselves one Saint, confirmed as such by his miraculous power. 39.* Why can none of them be called Catholic?

Because they arose only in later years, and have not ceased to split again into numerous Sects, none of which is universally spread, or continually spreading in the manner ordained by Christ. (Short Hist. of Rel. §§. 43 and 47.)

40.* And why can none of them be called Apos. tolic ?

1. Because they did not come into existence till long after the time of the Apostles, and that, by separating

themselves from the old Apostolic Church; 2. Because doctrine ever wavering and ever changing, as theirs is, cannot certainly be Apostolic; and 3. Because they have no lawful Successors of the Apostles, and, therefore, neither Teachers nor Pastors, sent by Christ.

41. If then none but the Roman Catholic Church has the marks of the one Church of Christ, what follows from this ?

That the Roman Catholic Church alone is the true Church, established by Jesus Christ.

Application.-Pray frequently for the peace and exaltation of the Catholic Church, and for the conversion of the Heretics and Infidels. "Blessed are all they that love thee (the Church), and that rejoice in thy peace." (Tob. 13, 18.)

§. 3. On the End of the Church, and on her Qualities resulting from this End.

42. For what end did Christ establish the Church? Christ established the Church, that by her He might lead all men to eternal salvation.

43. What has the Church to do, in order to lead men to salvation?

She has 1. To preach the doctrine of Christ to them; 2. To administer to them the means of grace, instituted by Christ; and 3. To guide and govern them in the way to eternal life.

44. How has Christ enabled the Church to do all this in a proper manner?

He has 1. Intrusted the Church with His doctrine, His means of grace, and His powers, by conferring upon her His Teaching-His Priestly-and His Pastoral Office; and 2. He has given her the assistance of the Holy Ghost, in order that she might also perpetually preserve the Divine doctrine uncorrupted, rightly administer the means of grace, and exercise her powers for the salvation of mankind.

a, On the Infallibility of the Church.

45. By whom is the Divine doctrine always preserved pure and uncorrupted in the Church? By the Infallible Teaching Body of the Church. 46. Who composes this Infallible Teaching Body? The Pope, and the Bishops united with him.

They are also called the Teaching Church, or simply, the Church (Matt. 18, 17.), in contradistinction to the rest of the faithful, who are called the Hearing Church.

47. Why is the Teaching Church called infallible? Because, by the assistance of the Holy Ghost, she is secured against erring both in matters of faith and of morals.

48. Who assures us that the Church cannot err? Christ Himself, who has promised us,

1. That "He will be with her all days, even to the consummation of the world;" (Matt. 28, 20.)

2. That "The Spirit of Truth shall abide with her for ever;" (John 14, 16. 17.)

3. That "The gates of hell shall not prevail against her." (Matt. 16, 18.)

+Were it possible that the Teaching Church might err, the Hearing Church would likewise fall into error, as she is to be instructed and guided by the former; and then the whole Church would, contrary to the promise of Christ, be prevailed against by the spirit of lies, or the powers of hell.

49. What does St. Paul call the Church on account of her Infallibility ?

St. Paul calls the Church "The pillar and ground of the truth." (1 Tim. 3, 15.)

50. But have there not also been in the Catholic Church some individual teachers who have fallen into error?

Yes; but this happened, only because they taught

differently from the whole Teaching Body; for Infallibility is not granted to each one individually, but to the Teachers (Bishops) collectively, when united with the Pope.

If non-Catholics pretend to say that the whole Catholic Church has, in the course of time, departed from the Divine doctrine, and fallen into errors; 1. They manifestly contradict the promises of our Divine Saviour; 2. They condemn all the Holy Fathers of the Church, who taught exactly the same as the Catholic Church teaches; 3. They set themselves at variance with one another, since they have always disagreed among themselves about what properly is Divine doctrine, and what is not; and 4. They must, if the nations had been deceived by the Teaching Church, lay the fault on God, who continually accredited the Catholic Church together with her Teachers, and confirmed her authority by evidently protecting her at all times, by spreading her over the whole world, by illustrating her by innumerable miracles, and blessing her labours with the most glorious success (Short Hist. of Rel. Conclud. Remarks, §.§. 6. 7. 8); whereas, on the other hand, the Sectarians never could corroborate their pretended mission by any miracle, but, on the contrary, fell into many manifest contradictions and pernicious errors, by which the world was only more and more corrupted. (Short Hist. of Rel. §.§. 43. 47.)

51. If then differences arise in matters of faith, what are we to do ?

We must adhere to the decisions of the Church.

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"And He gave some Apostles. some Pastors and Doctors, be no more children tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the wickedness of men, by cunning craftiness, by which they lie in wait to deceive." (Eph. 4, 11. 14.)

52. By whom are the decisions of the Church given ?

Either by the Supreme Head of the Church, the Pope, or by a Council confirmed by the Pope. (Short Hist. of Rel. §. 36.)

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