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powerful enough to execute their horrible plan. They first attacked the Priesthood, that they might the mcre easily scatter the sheep, after they had smitten the shepherd. The Ecclesiastical property was confiscated and sold in France about the close of the eighteenth century; the Monks and Nuns were turned out of their peaceable abodes by force, and the Religious Houses were plundered and pulled down. Soon after, a sanguinary edict was issued against all Priests who should continue faithful to the discharge of their duties. Was any one discovered refractory, he was cast into prison, or immediately banged up to the nearest lamp-post. The Christian Era was annulled, the celebration of the Sundays and Festivals was abolished, the churches were profaned and devastated. Every thing that reminded them of Christianity was destroyed. Finally, the madness of these men arrived at such a pitch, that they proclaimed Reason to be the Supreme Being, and conducted a vile woman, as an emblem of the Deity, on a triumphal car into the Cathedral of Paris, where they placed her on the high altar, in the place of the figure of our Crucified Redeemer, and sang hymns in her honour. Order, prosperity, and public safety disappeared together with Religion; even the throne was overturned and shattered to pieces. Louis XVI., a pious and benevolent, but rather too good-natured King, was beheaded in 1793, and soon after him, his wife and his sister suffered the same death. France was for two years the scene of such horrible atrocities as are unequalled in the annals of history. Human blood flowed in

ple? Whom did the Infidels first attack, and why? What became of the Ecclesiastical property, the Monks and Nuns, and the Religious Houses ? What edict was issued against the Priests? What did the Infidels do to destroy the very name of Christianity? With what particular infamy did they brand themselves in their madness? Why did prosperity and public safety disappear? What happened to Louis XVI. and his family? What became then of France ? Were children at

torrents. Neither age nor. sex was safe from the fury of those monsters. In the Vendée, five hundred children, the oldest of whom was fourteen, were shot, because their fathers remained faithful to God and their King. The total number of the people slaughtered in this Reign of Terror was, according to some, two millions. And all this was done under the pretence of promoting the happiness of mankind. Enlightenment was their word when they abolished Religion; Liberty and Equality, when they murdered their fellow-men. At last, the sanguinary despots began to tremble for their own lives, and in order to stop the complete anarchy that prevailed, they solemnly proclaimed that the nation should once more believe in God and the immortality of the soul. In the year 1799, Napoleon, in quality of First Consul, seized upon the sovereign power; but he did not venture to govern a people without Religion. He, therefore, restored the Catholic Religion in France, and made a solemn Concordat with the Pope (A.D. 1801). However, the Church did not long enjoy this peace. Napoleon, blinded by fortune, attempted to extort from the Supreme Head of the Church certain concessions which he could not grant. The French troops invaded Rome, and carried away Pius VII. prisoner in 1809. But as God had visibly protected His Church ten years before, when Pope Pius VI. had died a captive at Valence in France, so now He did not abandon her to her enemies. Napoleon was vanquished by the Confederate Powers of Europe, and dispos

least spared? How many people are said to have been slaughtered during the Reign of Terror? Under what pretence were all these horrible crimes committed? What did the impious wretches finally do in the utmost necessity? By whom, when and why was the Catholic Religion restored in France? Did Napoleon remain a faithful son of the Church? How did he treat Pius VII. ? Did God ever withdraw His hand from the Church? What became of Napoleon, and what of the Pope ?


sessed of his crown, and the Pope re-entered triumphant into Rome (A.D. 1814). Pius VII. was succeeded in the Holy See by Leo XII., Pius VIII., and Gregory XVI.; and from the 16th of June, 1846, to the present time, the Papal throne has been occupied by Pius IX., who, in an uninterrupted succession of Popes from St. Peter, is the two hundred and fifty-fifth. (See p. 59-63.)

48. By this terrible French Revolution, Divine Providence intended to show to the world, what misery awaits those who fall off from God and the Religion of Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, this warning was not generally heeded, and the pretended Enlightening System of the French Freethinkers was also adopted in other countries. Many ancient and venerable Institutions were abrogated, Monasteries and Convents were suppressed, the authority and influence of the Church diminished, her rights derogated, her benefits and blessings disowned, and shameless infidelity, with its pernicious principles, was publicly taught in the Universities. However, Almighty God has not ceased to protect His Church, and even to glorify her by many incontestable miracles. But the greatest miracle perhaps is the continual spreading of the Church in all parts of the world, notwithstanding the great and numerous obstacles which are everywhere thrown in her way. This is peculiarly striking in North America, where, in the United States alone, forty-eight Dioceses, with Seminaries, Monasteries, Convents, Colleges, and other pious Institutions, have been founded within less than sixty years. Among

In what year did Pius VII. return to Rome? Who were his Successors ? Who is the present Pope? How many Popes

have there been from the time of St. Peter ?

48. What does the French Revolution teach us? Was this warning properly heeded? What influence had this Revolution on other countries? Did God cease to protect His Church? Which is the greatest miracle of that time? How does this in North America, especially in the United States? How

some nations of Asia, the blood of Martyrs has become the seed of new Christians. In England, the Catholic Churches, Monasteries, Convents, and Schools are visibly multiplying, owing to the continual increase of the number of those who re-enter into the pale of the true Church. In Germany also, a great change for the better has been effected. Monasteries, Convents, and Charitable Institutions have been re-established for nursing the sick, for instructing youth, for educating poor children, for opening asylums to penitents of both sexes, and for promoting the propagation of Faith. Literary pursuits have become more Christian, a new zeal has been revived, and it is being more and more understood that' unity, peace, and eternal salvation, are only to be found in the Catholic Church. If, on the other hand, many Christians, enslaved to the love. of earthly things, have become indifferent towards God and His Holy Religion, if the Church is still continually oppressed and persecuted, this ought not to shake our faith, but rather confirm us in it; for even in this we see the accomplishment of the Prophecies recorded in the Gospel, and of the prediction, that one day a great revolt shall take place from God and Christ, the Saviour of the world. (2 Thess. 2, 3. 4. Luke 18, 8.) Every one, therefore, must take heed that he be not led astray, but remain faithful until death, that he receive the crown of life. (Apoc. 2, 10.)

in Asia? How in England? What change has taken place in Germany? Where can one be sure to find unity, peace, and eternal salvation? What should we think of the indifferentism of some Christians, and of the continual persecution of the Church? What, therefore, should every one of us do?



We have now, in a small compass, surveyed the History of our Holy Religion, and considered the blessings it has conferred upon mankind from Adam, our first parent, to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and from Him, the Divine Head and Founder of our Church, to His present Vicegerent, Pius IX. How sublime and beautiful is the Religion we profess! Every thing connected with it, calls out to us: No one but God could give such a Religion to mankind.

1. No, man has not invented it; God Himself has taught it to us, and commanded us to observe it. He revealed it by holy men in the Old Testament (§.§. 6.11.7.); and in the New, precisely as the Prophecies of the Old Testament had foretold, His Only-Begotten, Eternal Son appeared on earth, and most convincingly confirmed His Divine Doctrine by numerous miracles, especially by His Resurrection from the dead (§.§. 21. 22. 23. 26. 27.). God has spoken, and no one has a right to be indifferent to His word; to despise or reject it, would be to condemn oneself to everlasting hell fire.

2. The Religion to which we belong, did not take rise only a few centuries ago; properly speaking, it dates from the beginning of the world. For its first seeds were laid in Paradise, when God promised a Redeemer to our First Parents after their fall; and the whole of the Old Law, with its sacrifices and won

What have we now surveyed? What have we chiefly considered in the History of our Religion?

1. Whence does our Religion come? By whom has God revealed it to us? How did Jesus Christ confirm His Divine Doctrine? Is it indifferent which religion we profess?

2. How old is our Religion? How do you explain and prove its great age?

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