Obrázky na stránke

The importance of religion to the virtue and happiness of private life, and to the welfare of fociety-The importance of believing in Jefus Chrift-The hiftory of the fall-The deceitfulness of fin-The nature of uprightness-The character of Jonah-The conduct of Nathan and David-The characters of Herod, Judas Ifcariot, and Pontius Pilate―The doctrine of regeneration-The one thing needful— Public worship, the difpofition and conduct of our Saviour at the grave of Lazarus-The temper and conduct of the Bereans, the importance of a religious education-The character and obligations of a christian minifter, with two charges.

ART. 39 A Concise Hiftorical Account of the present Conftitution of the Unitas Fratrum. 8vo. Is. Lewis.

The principles and practice of the Unitas Fratrum or Unity of the Evangelical Brethren, as they call themfelves, have been long fince expofed in Rimias's hiftory of the Herrnhutters or Moravians, with their founder count Zinzendorf. It was natural to fuppofe that fuch an expofition would have prevented their increase in this country; if experience had not taught us that fanaticifm, like camomile, flourishes by being trampled on. Thus it appears they have gained fuch ground, as to give encouragement for the tranflation of the prefent hiftory from the German of La Trobe: Whether its publication will tend to ferve the fociety is fomewhat problematical, at leaft it will have little tendency that way with the fenfible and really religious part of mankind, who are in any degree acquainted with their character and conduct in this country.

ART. 40. Confiderations for the Ufe of young Men, and the Parents of young Men. 12mo. 2d. Johnfon.

A very fimple exhortation against the fin of fimple fornication. When the paffions of young men however are moderate enough to liften to the ftill voice of reafon, the perufal of it may be of advantage to preferve them in the fame ftate of moderation. The author is faid to be that induftrious writer and univerfal philanthropist Dr. Priestley.

ART. 41. R. Jehude F. Salomonis, vulgo dicti Charizi, Eloquentia ·Hebraica, Principis, primus et tricefimus Confeffus, de Latrone tranffigurato, nuper e Codice manufcripto Latine converfus. Accedunt Verficuli ex quinquagefimo ejufdem confeffu excerpti.

4to. Is. 6d.

Two pieces felected from the works of Chariz, a Spanish Jew, who lived in the twelfth century, are here printed in Hebrew and Latin; for the entertainment of what kind of readers we do not readily imagine.

ART. 42. The Precepts of the Levitical Law ftill in force. By the Rev. Herbert Jones. 12mo. 6d. Mathews.

A fermon, preached in Henry the VIIth's chapel at Westminster. in Auguft laft; in which the reverend author carries his orthodoxy very near the boundaries of abfurdity.

ART. 43. The unalterable Nature of Vice and Virtue.

Preached at St.

James's, Weftminster, April 4, 1775. By Peter Pickard, A. M. 8vo. 6d. Payne.

Mr. Pickard has here obliged the world, at the request of his


hearers, with the copy of a fenfible and judicious difcourfe; which, with a laudable zeal for the interefts of virtue and religion becoming his character, he delivered from the pulpit. Its defign is chiefly to cenfure the pernicious principles inculcated by the famous (we had almoft faid infamous) letters of the late Earl of Chesterfield; the public reception of which does as little honour to the morals as to the taste of the present age.

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ART. 1. Hiftoire du Bas-Empire, par Mr. Le Beau.

The Hiftory of the Lower Empire, commencing with Conftantine the Great. Vol. 17 and 18.

The general character of this history is well known: the two volumes, now published, carry it down from the year 1041 to the end of the reign of Alexis Comnenus, in 1118: including the era of the crufades, of which Mr. Le Beau treats at large.

ART. 2. Hiftoire des Campagnes de M. de Maillebois en Italie, &c. The Hiftory of the Campaigns of the Marfbal de Maillebois in Italy during the Years 1745 and 1746. 2 vols. 4to. by the Marquis de Pefay.

This hiftory is well written and is by no means unworthy the elegant pen of its noble author.

ART. 3. Analyfe de l'Hiftoire, &c. Or, An Analysis of the Abbé Raynal's Philofophical and Political Hiftory of the European Settlements in the Eaft and Weft Indies.

This analyst is a zealous contender for eftablished fyftems both in religion and government; oppofing that philofophical spirit and freedom of enquiry, which diftinguishes Abé Raynal's history.

ART. 4. Elemens du Droit Naturel, par Jaques Burlamaqui, Profeffeur en Droit. Ouvrage pofthume, publiè complet pour la premiere fois. The Elements of Natural Law, a pofthumous work, now first published compleat. 8vo. Lausanne.

These elements are faid to be the fubftance of the lectures Profeffor Burlamaqui read to his pupils.

ART. 5. Traité de Droit Naturel de fon Application au Droit Civil & au Droit des Gens, &c. i. e. A Treatise concerning the Laws of Nature and their Application to the Civil Law and the Law of Nations, by M. Vicat, J. U. D. 4 vols. 8vo. Lausanne.

A valuable compilation from Puffendorf, Grotius, Bynkershock and other writers on the law of nature and nations.

ART. 6. Eloge Hiftorique de la Raifon, Sc.-The Hiftorical Eulogy of Reafon, delivered at the Meeting of a Provincial Academy, by Mr. Chambon.-Paris.

This Mr. Chambon is fuppofed to be M. de Voltaire, in the manner of whofe philofophical romances this little piece is written.

ART. 7.


ART. 7. Entretiens Philofophiques & Critiques fur plufieurs Points de Morale d'Hiftoire, &c.-Philofophical and Critical Conferences on feveral Points of Morality and Hiftory. By M. M. P. P. C. Paris.

The Abbe Couet is faid to be the author of these conferences, in which an orthodox catholic divine difputes with a modern fashionable freethinker, and of courfe demolishes his fuperficial antagonist. ART. 8. Nouveau Dictionnaire de Phyfique & des Sciences Naturelles, &c.-A New Dictionary of Natural Philosophy and of Natural Science; containing a general Hiftory of Animals, Vegetables, Minerals, and of all the Phenomena of Nature; together with a Hiftory of the PhyficoMathematical Sciences, and of whatever relates to Natural Philofophy and Natural History, 8vo. 2 Vols. Paris.

A judicious and well-executed compilation. ART. 9. Phyfique du Monde demontrée par une feule caufe un seul principe, commun á tous les corps, Sc.-The Conftitution of the Natural World demonftrated, as derived from one caufe, and founded upon one principle, which belongs to all bodies in general, and is peculiar to each Separately confidered, by P. B. Defbayes. 8vo. Versailles.

Mr. Defhayes, who it appears is phyfician to the king of France's houshold, has difcovered that the fource of motion and the cause of all natural phenomena is nothing but the air.

ART. 10. Examen de la Houille, confiderée comme engrais des terres, Or, An Enquiry into the Properties of Charcoal, confidered as Manure for fattening Land, by Mr. Raulin, M. D. and F, R. S. Paris.

It is, it feems, the cuftom in France and Flanders to manure the land with charcoal, a practice which this ingenious man endeavours to prove pernicious and deftructive.

ART. 11, Traité de la Diffolution des Metaux, &c. i. e. A Treatife con cerning the Diffolution of Metals, by Mr. Monnet. 12mo. Paris.

An experimental treatife worthy the perufal as well of the artift

the chemist.

RT. 12. Hiftoire des Progres de l'Esprit Humain dans les Sciences Natu relles & dans les Arts qui en dependent, favoir l'Espace. le Vuide, &c. An Hiftory of the Progress of the Human Mind in Natural Knowledge and the Arts that depend upon it. 8vo. Paris.

This work is compiled by M. Saverien, author of the lives of the philofophers and other refpectable publications, among which the prefent is not undeferving a place.

ART. 13. Obfervations fur la Phyfiques, fur l'Hiftoire Naturelle, & fur les Arts, c. 8vo. Paris.

The fixth volume of Abbé Roxier's mifcellaneous publication of tracts in phyfics and natural history.

ART. 14. Memoires Obfervations fur la Perfectibilité de l'homme par les Agens phyfiques & moraux,Memoirs and Obfervations concerning the degrees of perfection which Men may receive from Natural and Moral Agents, by Mr. Verdier. 8vo, Paris.

A publication intended for the instruction of youth, but too abfrufe and profound for the purpofe.

ART. 15. Defcription et Ujage d'un Cabinet de Phyfique Experimentale. A Defcription, with the Use of a Cabinet for experimental Philofophy. 2 vol. 8vo. Paris.


An account of the various apparatus neceffary for making expe riments in phyfic, by Mr. de la Fond, profeffor of mathematics and natural philofophy, in the univerfity of Paris, and author of a work in much efteem, entitled Leçons de Phifique.

ART. 16. Dictionnaire d'Hippiatrique, Cavalrie, Manage & Mares challerie. Or the Farrier's, Trooper's, Riding-Mafter's, and Horfer men's Dictionary. 4 vol. 8vo. Paris.

To fay that this work is the production of the famous La Foffe, fo eminently distinguished for his knowledge in every thing relating to horfes, is fufficient to recommend it.

ART. 17. Obfervations fur les Fievres putrides & malignes, &c. Obfervations on putrid and malignant Fevers, together with Reflections on the Nature and immediate Caufe of a Fever. Dijon.

Thefe obfervations are published by Dr. Fournier, of the Royal Society of Montpelier, and appear to be the result of much attention and long experience.

ART. 18. L'Autorité des Livres du Nouveau Teftament contre les Incredules. Or, A Defence of the Books of the New Teftament against the Objections of Unbelievers. 8vo. Paris.

A copious and fpecious reply to the common objections made to the truths of Christianity.

ART. 19. Effai fur l' Ecriture Sainte, ou Tableau Hiftorique des Avantages que l'on peut retirer des Langues Orientales pour la parfaite Intelligence des Livres Saints.

An Efay on the Holy Scriptures, or an Hiftorical Difplay of the Advantages that may be deduced from the Oriental Languages, refpecting the right Interpretation of the facred Writings. 12mo. Paris.

In this effay, its author, Abbé Ducontant de la Molette, vicargeneral of Vienne in Dauphiny, has laid down a plan for a new polyglott, lefs voluminous and coftly than thofe of Walton, Le Jay, Montanus or Ximenes; to which he has added a specification of the feveral languages neceffary to be ftudied, as the means of attaining. the knowledge of the fcriptures in the original.

ART. 20. L'Art D'Aimer, et Poeftes Diverfes, de M. Bernard The Art of Love and other Poems, by M. Bernard. 8vo. Paris.


M. Bernard is by no means the worst of the modern French poets; on the contrary, he poffeffes an eafe and elegance of expreffion, that appear to have recommended him to the notice of one of the best if the introductory epigram, addreffed to him by Mr. Voltaire, be not merely complimentary.

ART. 21. Du Theatre, ou Nouvel Effai fur L'Art Dramatique.

A New Efay on the Drama.

Svo. Amiterdam.

An elaborate attempt to recommend, what the French call La Comedie Larmoyante, and the English, Sentimental Comedy. ART. 22, Dictionnaire Portatif Theologique & Philofophique, contenant la Refutation des Principes établis dans les Ecrits des Philofophes Modernes. Par M. L. Paulian.

A portable Theological and Philofophical Dictionary, containing a Refu tation of the Principles eftablished in the Writings of modern Philofophers. 12mo. Paris.

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Mr. Paulian means the principles affumed, not established; for if they were established they would not be fo eafily refuted. This dica tionary is not without its ufe to fuch as are curious, to know the common arguments pro and contra in matters of religion and philofophy.

ART. 23. Contes par feu M. le Comte de Caylus,

t.-Tales by the late Count de Caylus ; intended as a Supplement to the Countess D'Aulnoy's Tales of the Fairies. 12mo. Paris.

Thefe tales are prefaced by the quaint title, "Tout vient a point qui peut attendre, ou Cadichon, fuivi de Jeannette, ou L'Indifcretion." They are much more moral, and not much lefs fanciful, than thofe of Mad. D'Aulnoy; being worthy the pen of the celebrated author.

ART. 24. Progres de la Raifon dans la Recherche du Vrai. Ouvrage pofthume de Mr. Helvetius.-The Progress of Reason in the Search of Truth. A pofthumous Work of Helvetius. 8vo. Paris.

We notice this publication to inform the reader, who might otherwife give credit to its title, that it is not a pofthumous work of Helvetius; but an impofition on the publick, by fome French fmatterer in modern philofophy; who affects to write in the ftile and manner of a man, of whom, we are perfuaded, he never learned to think.


ART. 25. Ricerche filofofiche fopra la fifica animale, &c.-Philofophical Inquiries into Animal Nature. 4to. Florence.

In this work, Abbé Fontana, its author, maintains that the nervous fluid is not the caufe of muscular motion; but that the only principle of animal life and motion is irritability.

ART. 26. Saggio Filofofico, &c.-Locke's Efay on the Human UnderFanding, by Francis Soave, Profelor of Moral Philofophy in the Royal College of Brera. Tom. 1. Milan.

This tranflation of the Effay on the Human Understanding, is done from Dr. Wynne's abridgment of that celebrated work. It is illuftrated alfo by a copious and judicious commentary, by Father Soave, the editor.

ART. 27. Delle Antichita di Ercolano, Tonio Sexti, ftu, Secundo di Bronzi. The Antiquities of Herculaneum. Volume the Sixth. Being the Second of the Bronzes. Folio. Naples.

In this fixth volume are contained upwards of 100 plates in folio, befides about 30 fmall ones; reprefenting near 200 bronzes, a few clay models, and the view of an ancient edifice, difcovered among the ruins at Pompei. Some of the drawings and engravings are very good; and others contemptible.

ART. 28. Delle Origine e delle Regole della Mufica, &c.-A Treatise concerning the Origin and Rules of Mufic; together with the Hiftory of its Progress, Decline, and Reftoration, by the Abbé Eximeno. 4to.


In this tract the learned Abbé examines into the feveral theories of mufic, laid down by Rameau, Tartini and Euler, to all which VOL. II.

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