THE BROWN JUG. From the Opera of the "Poor Soldier," by J. O'KEEFFE. The song itself is attributed to the REV. FRANCIS FAWKES. DEAR Tom, this brown jug that now foams with mild ale It chanced, as in dog-days he sat at his ease His body, when long in the ground it had lain, A potter found out in its covert so snug, And with part of fat Toby he form'd this brown jug, THE WINDS WHISTLE COLD. From the Opera of " Guy Mannering." DANIEL TERRY, born 1780, died 1828. THE winds whistle cold, And the stars glimmer red, The flocks are in fold, And the cattle in shed. When the hoar frost was chill Upon moorland and hill, And was fringing the forest bough, Our fathers would troul The bonny brown bowl, And so will we do now, Jolly hearts! And so will we do now. H Gaffer Winter may seize Upon milk in the pail; "Twill be long ere he freeze The bold brandy and ale; For our fathers so bold, They laugh'd at the cold, When Boreas was bending his brow; For they quaff'd mighty ale, And they told a blythe tale, And so will we do now, Jolly hearts! And so will we do now. A GLASS IS GOOD. From the Farce of the "Rival Soldiers." A GLASS is good, and a lass is good, And a pipe is good in cold weather; A bottle is a very good thing, With a good deal of wine in it; A song is good, when a body can sing, And to finish, we must begin it. For a glass is good, and a lass is good, And a pipe is good in cold weather; A friend is good when you're out of good luck, For a justice, good, the haunch of a buck, With such a good present you'll buy him; And a pipe is good in cold weather; MAY WE NE'ER WANT A FRIEND, NOR A BOTTLE TO GIVE HIM. THOMAS DIBDIN. SINCE the first dawn of reason that beam'd on my mind To share that good fortune, I still was inclined, And impart to who wanted, what I wanted not. 'Tis a maxim entitled to ev'ry one's praise, When a man feels distress, like a man to relieve him, And my motto, tho' simple, means more than it says, "May we ne'er want a friend, or a bottle to give him.” The heart by deceit or ingratitude rent, Or by poverty bow'd, tho' of evils the least, The smiles of a friend may invite to content, And we all know content is an excellent feast; 'Tis a maxim entitled to ev'ry one's praise, When a man feels distress, like a man to relieve him, And my motto, tho' simple, means more than it says, "May we ne'er want a friend, nor a bottle to give him." A BUMPER OF GOOD LIQUOR. From the "Humming Bird." Canterbury, 1785. A BUMPER of good liquor FILL THE GOBLET AGAIN. LORD BYRON. FILL the goblet again! for I never before Felt the glow which now gladdens my heart to its core; I have tried in its turn all that life can supply, I have basked in the beam of a dark rolling eye, I have loved! who has not? but what heart can declare That pleasure existed while passion was there? In the days of my youth-when the heart's in its spring I had friends! who has not? but what tongue will avow, The heart of a mistress some boy may estrange, Friendship shifts with the sunbeam, thou never canst change; Thou grow'st old, who does not? but on earth what appears, Whose virtues, like thine, still increase with its years? Yet, if blest to the utmost that love can bestow, We are jealous! who's not? thou hast no such alloy, When the season of youth and its vanities past, There we find, do we not? in the flow of the soul, When the box of Pandora was open'd on earth, Long life to the grape! for when summer is flown, The age of our nectar shall gladden our own, We must die! who must not? May our sins be forgiven, THE BEST OF ALL GOOD COMPANY. BARRY CORNWALL. SING! Who sings To her who weareth a hundred rings? Ah! who is this lady fine? The Vine, boys, the Vine! The mother of mighty Wine. O'er wall and tree, And sometimes very good company. Drink!-Who drinks To her who blusheth and never thinks? The Grape, boys, the Grape! O, never let her escape Until she be turned to Wine! For better is she Than Vine can be, And very, very good company! Dream!-Who dreams Of the God that governs a thousand streams? 'Tis Wine, boys, 'tis Wine! O, better is he Than Grape or tree, And the best of all good company. A SONG AFTER A TOAST. C. MACKAY. From "Legends of the Isles," 1845. IF he, to whom this toast we drink, |