Once by my carving true love's knot, That wounds and tears were both our lots, Once did I breathe another's breath, And in my mistress move; Once wore I bracelets made of hair, Once were my clothes made out of wax, Once did I sonnet to my saint, Once in my breast did dangling hang A little turtle dove; Once, in a word, I was a fool, And then I was in love. A DOUBT RESOLVED. DR. R. HUGHES. From the third book of " Lawes's Ayres." FAIN Would I love, but that I fear The fair one she's a mark to all, Young lover know it is not I, DEAREST! DO NOT YOU DELAY ME. From FLETCHER's Comedy of the "Spanish Curate," 1622. DEAREST! do not you delay me, Since thou know'st I must be gone; Wind and tide, 'tis thought doth stay me, But 'tis wind that must be blown From that breath, whose native smell Indian odours far excel. Oh! then speak, thou fairest fair! Kill not him that vows to serve thee; But perfume this neighbouring air, Else dull silence, sure, will starve me; "Tis a word that's quickly spoken, Which, being restrain'd a heart is broken. YOU MEANER BEAUTIES. SIR HENRY WOTTON, born 1568, died 1639. You meaner beauties of the night More by your number than your light; Ye violets that first appear, By your pure purple mantles known, As if the spring were all your own; Ye curious chaunters of the wood, That warble forth dame nature's lays, By your weak accents-what's your praise, So when my mistress shall be seen, In sweetness of her looks and mind; Th' eclipse and glory of her kind? This song is supposed to have been inspired by the charms of the Queen of Bohemia, daughter of King James I. It is printed with additional stanzas in Chambers's "Scottish Songs," as the composition of Henry Lord Darnley, the unfortunate husband of the unfortunate Mary Queen of Scots. The additional verses are of no great merit, and do not seem to have been the composition of Sir Henry Wotton. Dr. Percy has altered the word "moon," in the concluding line of the first stanza, to "sun," but without sufficiently considering whether the alteration were an improvement. The "sun" is not one of the beauties of the night. The poet knew his meaning better than his critic. WOMAN'S INCONSTANCY. SIR ROBERT AYTOUN, born 1570, died 1638. Thine be the grief, as is the blame; What reason I should be the same? Nothing could have my love o'erthrown, If thou hadst still continued mine; Yea, if thou hadst remain'd thy own, I might perchance have yet been thine: But thou thy freedom did recal, That if thou might elsewhere enthral; A captive's captive to remain. 1243 When new desires had conquer'd thee, Not constancy to love thee still. And prostitute affection so; Since we are taught our prayers to say, Yet do thou glory in thy choice, Thy choice of his good fortune boast; To see him gain what I have lost: From Ritson's "Caledonian Muse "-Sir Robert Aytoun was a Scotchman by birth but his poems belong to English literature. WOMAN'S INCONSTANCY. JOHN DONNE, born 1573, died 1631. If thou beest born to strange sights, Ride ten thousand days and nights Till age snow white hairs on thee; And swear, No where, Lives a woman true and fair. If thou find one let me know, Such a pilgrimage were sweet, Yet do not! I would not go, Though at next door, we might meet; Yet she, Will be, False ere I come, to two or three. DRINK TO ME ONLY WITH THINE EYES. From "The Forest," by BEN JONSON, born 1574, died 1637. DRINK to me only with thine eyes, Or leave a kiss but in the cup, The thirst that from my soul doth rise, But might I of Jove's nectar sup, I sent thee late a rosy wreath, Not so much honouring thee, It would not wither'd be, Since then, it grows and smells, I swear, STILL TO BE NEAT. From "The Forest," by BEN JONSON. STILL to be neat, still to be drest, Give me a look, give me a face They strike mine eyes, but not my heart. |