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Inultus ut tu riferis Cotyttiasian?Xebabies 4Vulgata, facrum liberi Cupidinisore

Et Efquilini pontifex venefici

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Impune ut Urbem nomine impleris meo? ha
Quid proderit ditaffe Pelignas anus
Velociufve mifcuiffe toxicum,

Si* tardiora fata te votis manent ?

Ingrata mifero vita ducenda eft, in hoc,

Novis ut ufque fuppetas doloribus.


Optat quietem Pelopis + infidi pater, haman 65
Egens benigne Tantalus femper dapis; Potas
Optat Prometheus obligatus aliti:

Optat fupremo collocare Sifyphus liber

In monte faxum; fed vetant leges Jovis. Lib
Voles modo altis defilire turribus,

Modo enfe pectus Norico recludere romanzel (pig)
Fruftraque vincla gutturi innectes tuo,izga damlara
Faftidiofa triftis ægrimonia.

Vectabor humeris tunc ego inimicis eques:

Meæque terra cedet infolentiæ.

An quæ movere cereas imagines,

(Ut ipfe nofti curiofus,) et polo


Deripere lunam vocibus poffim meis, bedieni Poffim crematos excitare mortuos,

Defiderique temperare poculum;

Plorem artis in te § mil valentis exitum ?


Sed tardiora fata.

Yocious poffum meis, poffum; exitum,


+Pelopis infidus pater., Nullum habentis

me to


mariners. What! fhall you, without being made an example of, deridethe* Cotyttian myfteries, facred to unreftrained love, which were divulged by you A and hall you, affuming the office of Pontiff, with regard to my Efquilian incantations, fill the city with my name, unpunished? What will it avail me to have enriched the Pelignian forcereffes zuith my charms, and to have prepared poifon of more expedition than others, if a flower fate awaits you than is agreeable to my wishes? an irkfome life fhall be protracted by you, wretch as you are, only for this purpose, that you may perpetually be able to endure new tortures. Tantalus, the fire of the fidious Pelops, always in want of that plenteous banquet, which is always before him, wishes for refpite: Prometheus, chained to the vulture, wifhes for ref: Sifyphus wishes to place the stone upon the fummit of the mountain but the laws of Jupiter forbid. Thus you, in hopes of relief, fhall defire at one time to leap down from an high tower, at another to lay open your breaft with the Noric fword; and, grieving with your tedious indifpofition, fhall tie noofes about your neck in vain. For I at that time will ride on your odious fhoul.ders; and the whole earth fhall acknowledge my unexampled power. What fhall I, who can give motion to waxen images (as you yourfelf, inquifitive as you are, were convinced of) and fnatch the moon from heaven by my incantations, I, who can raife the dead after they are burned, and duly prepare the potion of love; ball I bewail the fuccefslefs event of my art having no efficacy upon you


Cotytto, or Cotys, was the Goddess of impurity.




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DI profanum vulgus, et arceo.
Favete linguis: carmina non prius
Audita, Mufarum facerdos,
Virginibus puerifque canto.

The Secular Poem. The Poet to the People.


In conformity to the opinion of M. Sanadon, and many other ingenious editors of our author, it is here thought proper to collect together, into one view, the feveral parts the fecular ode may be fuppofed to have originally confified of. Whether or no the generality.of competent judges of antiquity and Horatian elegance, be convinced that this is the form in which its author wrote, and Rome admired it; moft, I believe, will allow, that in this condition every part is confiftent, cach die vifion adds dignity to the whole, and that there arifes a poem, which is at once the finest monument of heathen worship, and perhaps the nobleft fpecimen of lyric poetry that is any where remaining-Tranflations of the feveral parts will be found by the references in the margin.



PIRITUM Phoebus mihi, Phoebus artem

bide 4. S. Carminis, nomenque dedit poëtæ. 6

V. 29. Virginum primæ, puerique claris

Patribus orti,

Delia tutela Dex, fugaces
Lyncas et cervos cohibentis arcu,
Lefbium fervate pedem, meique
Pollicis ictum;

Rite Latona puerum canentes,
Rite crefcentem face noctilucam,
Profperam frugum, celeremque pronos
Volvere menfes.

Nupta jam dices: Ego Dis amicum,

Seculo feftas referente luces,

Reddidi carmen, docilis modorum

Vatis Horati.







Lib. 4. D'Vino que: prune, Tityofque raptor
IVE, quem proles Niobea magne

Senfit, et Trojæ prope victor altæ
Phthius Achilles,

To the Chorus of Youths and Virgins.


+ First Concert. Hymn to Apollo. Chorus of Youths and Virgins

Cæteris major, tibi miles impar;
Filius quamvis Thetidos marine
Dardanas turres quateret tremenda
Cufpide pugnax.

Ille, mordaci velut icta ferro
Pinus, aut impulfa cupreffus Euro,
Procidit late, pofuitque collum in
Pulvere Teucro.

Ille, non inclufus equo Minervæ
Sacra mentito, male feriatos
Troas, et lætam Priami choreis

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Falleret aulam :


Sed palam captis gravis, heu nefas, heu!

Nefcios fari pueros Achivis

Ureret flammis, etiam latentes

Matris in alvo:

Ni, tuis victus + Venerifque grata

Vocibus, Divum pater annuiffet


neæ potiore ductos

Alite muros.

Doctor Argutæ fidicen Thalia,
Phoebe, qui Xantho lavis amne crines,
Dauniæ defende decus Camoen,
Levis Agyieu.







Palam captor gravis. Doctor Argive et Argos.

Tuis flexus vocibe

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