Cui per ardentem fine fraude Trojam Plura relictis: Dî probos mores * docili juventæ ; Et decus omne. Quique † vos bobus veneratur albis, Jam mari terraque manus potentes Nuper et Indi. Jam fides, et pax, et honor, pudorque Copia cornu, CHORUS PUERORUM. Augur, et fulgente decorus arcu Corporis artus: Si Palatinas videt || æquus arces Proroget ævum. Moris docilis juventæ. CHORUS I + Dî senectutis placidæ. § Impetret bellante prior. 1 pious Æneas, furviving his country, secured a free paffage, without damage, thro' the burning Troy, about to give them more ample possessions than those that were left behind: O ye Deities, grant to the tractable youth probity of manners; to old age, ye Deities, grant a pleasing retirement; to the Roman people, in general, wealth, and a numerous progeny, and every kind of glory. And may that prince, the illustrious issue of Anchises and Venus, who this day worships you with offerings of white bulls, reign fuperior to the warring enemy, but merciful to the proftrate. Now the Parthian, by fea and land, dreads our powerful forces and the Roman axes: now the Scythians beg to know our commands, and the Indians, but lately so arrogant. Now truth, and peace, and honour, and ancient modesty, and neglected virtue, dare to return, and happy plenty appears, with her horn full to the brim. CHORUS of the YOUTHS. Phœbus, the God of augury, and confpicuous for his shining bow, and dear to the nine muses, who, by his falutary art, fooths the wearied limbs of the human body; if he, propitious, surveys his own Palatine, May he prolong the Roman affairs, and the happy state of Italy to another luftrum, and to a ftill improving age. CHORUS PUELLARUM. Quæque Aventinum tenet Algidumque, Applicet aures. UTERQUE CHORUS. Hæc Jovem sentire, Deosque cunctos, Dicere laudes. CHORUS OF VIRGINS. And may Diana, who possesses mount Aventine and Algidus, regard the prayers of the Quindecemviri, and lend a gracious ear to the fupplications of the youths. CHORUS of YourHS and VIRGINS. We the choir, that were taught to fing the praifes of Phœbus and Diana, bear home with us a good and certain hope, that Jupiter, and all the other Gods perceive and attend to these our fupplications. END of the FIRST VOLUME |