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in the above passage, and some few others, that candour seems for a moment to be forgotten; and from this passage, and those few others, we might almost be tempted to believe that your Lordship may have spoken more from the judgment of others than your own. Were I, in turn, to lay down the same rule of judgment as peremptorily as yourself, and not fearing any appeal to my "outward life and conversation”—I should tell you, that whoever so pronounces, even if he belonged to the "infallible" Roman Church, -whatever may be his "outward life and conversation," has no particular reason to boast of "that pure Christian spirit which comes from above!" for, my Lord, a voice more powerful than yours, or that of any human being, has said, "JUDGE NOT, AND YE SHALL NOT BE JUDGED!"

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But utterly disregarding any human condemnation of that spirit, on which He only can pronounce, to whom "all hearts be open," even respect cannot refrain from a smile at the following most conclusive testimony, from whatsoever “suggestion," " * it may have arisen,

* See the passage in which his Lordship says, " it has been suggested."

"The more spiritual and the more scriptural have been the "views of those who have honoured me with their notice, the more entire has been their approval!!”


To say the truth, I fear, few truly "scriptural" Christians would be inclined to admit of such an "infallible" test, either of "spiritual or scriptural views," seeing the test would doubtless be the accordance of such spiritual and scriptural views with your own!

Leaving these suggestions to your candid reflections, I believe very few will read what follows without the deepest concern, admitting the facts to be as stated.

"That the most grievous of those evils which surround, at "the present moment, the Church, is the non-residence of the "beneficed Clergy; and that, notwithstanding their residence is "far more general than some years ago, out of 10,533 livings in "England and Wales, there should be only 4413 residents; more "than 4000 livings insufficient to maintain a minister; more "than four thousand eight hundred with not fit residence upon "them!!"

The consequences are obvious, and as awful as obvious; but the inference drawn might not be entirely such as is drawn by your Lordship, for, thirty or forty years ago, the residence of the Clergy was much more lax than it is in these days, nor were they so assiduous and exemplary in their duties; but when the evils and crimes in consequence of the "non-residence" of the Clergy are justly estimated, did it never

enter into your thoughts, my Lord, that, besides swarms of infidel tracts of all kinds, there are ignorant, and hypocritical, and ranting instructors, with little of "that wisdom which is "from above," in every creek and corner of the land? and further, that the more they preach what they pronounce "the only true gospel,”nay, and the more general is the residence of the Parochial Clergy, new crimes and new abominations, like armed men, sown from dragon's teeth, start up on every side. But if these things are so, cannot your Lordship conceive, that when on one side we are encountered by daring and open vice and profligacy, and when, on the other, there is a "zeal not according to knowledge;"—when, among those who are puffed up as the only " truly religious and spiri

tual," there are often found the most loathsome examples of depravity;-when morals and moral obligations are often, among such teachers and preachers, kept entirely out of sight, as not part of that gospel of grace they are sent to preach ;*-when seraphic ladies visit the cells of the direst murderers, and

See a most instructive letter, produced at the last assize for the Western circuit, of an evangelical and married old "Schoolmaster," to one of his young female scholars.

send them smirking to the gallows ;*. -can we wonder, that every assize, in every assize town in the kingdom, is fertile in cases of hideous depravity, without tracing the cause entirely to the neglect of the Clergy, or on account of "non-residence" and pluralities?

The inestimable advantage of clerical residence in a Christian nation must, indeed, be universally admitted, and the want of it as deeply deplored; but how many baptized at the hallowed fonts of our national faith, are still religiously and virtuously brought up-more, far more—and that chiefly owing to an educated clergy dispersed through our remote hamlets-far more so brought up, in this Protestant community, including Scotland, than are to be found in any other nation of the earth!

Alas! we need not look far to find numerous other causes besides the non-residence of the Clergy to account for much of the "ignorance

* See the disgusting account of a young lady's smile of approbation when that ruthless murderer Cook was taken from the bar! How could any Christian magistrates suffer these soulpolluted misses to visit the cells of felons?

A lady has published a tract confessing that this most inhuman murderer appeared in her eyes "the brightest son of God"!!

"and irreligion that prevails," or to convince us why" gaols are crowded," and why "cir"cuit after circuit the judges are lamenting "the ALARMING INCREASE OF CRIMES!" Page 8.

But we now come in direct contact with the Frima mali labes, Cathedral Sinecurists, on account of whom I have thought it right to address this humble remonstrance to your Lordship.

"£300,000 per annum are devoted entirely to sinecures ! "the purpose for which it is paid is that of providing divine "service in about thirty cathedral and collegiate churches.”— Lord Henley.

My Lord, did you, and do you, and can you say, that £300,000 is devoted " entirely to sinecures"? The episcopal office is spared, and he must in these days, be bold in moral courage, who, exposed to insult and proscription, against which grey hairs and virtuous lives afford no protection, would be in haste to accept that, or any of the more dignified stations in the Establishment. But is an Archdeacon's office "an entire sinecure," who, for half or one-third of the wages of a London tailor's traveller, is employed in attending visitations, or various religious meetings through the county, with almost incessant occupations, and calls

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