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Being now arrived at what are called who are delighted with that species of weats of discretion, and looking back on composition,

which we confess we are my past life with shame and confusion,

not. when I recollect the many advantages I have had, and the bad use I have made Some beautiful poetry is occasionof them, the hours I have squandered, ally interspersed with her reflections, and the opportunities of improvement I and the poem in blank verse at p. 97, have neglected ;-when I imagine what,


some remarkably sweet with those advantages, I ought to be, and find myself what I am; I am resolved to en- issuing from the wood on the fire, deavour to be more careful for the future, if during a severe frost, exhibit a very the future be granted me; to try to make pleasing proof with what facility and amends for past negligence, by employing elegance the writer could diversify every moment I can command to some

Translations good purpose; to endeavour to acquire also from the German are occasional

her style and metre. all the little knowledge that human nature is capable of on earth, but to let the word ly introduced ; but what must ever of God be my chief study, and all others

entitle Miss Smith to the highest subservient to it; to model myself, as far degree of praise, and occasion her as I am able, according to the gospel of “Jaudari a laudatis," are her versions Christ; to be content while my trial from the Hebrew, which are consilasts, and when it is finished to rejoice, dered by those who are competent trusting in the merits of

my Redeemer. I have written these resolutions to stand

to decide on their merits, as being as a witness against me, in case I should remarkable for their accuracy. Perbe inclined to forget them, and to return haps the remarks on Locke, at p. to my former indolence and thoughtless. 141, et seq. may be pointed out as ness, because I have found the inutility the most striking and most satisfacof mental determinations. May God grant me strength to keep them !** p. 57. tory example of precision of thought,

Miss Smith, it appears, was, in the and acuteness of reasoning, in the earlier part of her life, an admirer of whole volume. Enough, however, Ossian; but this partiality subsided af- has been said, and sufficient proofs, ter she became acquainted with the we conceive, introduced to justify the learned languages. An imitation of assertion, that this lady was no comOssian appears at p. 77, et seq.

which mon character. And, when, in adcannot fail of being acceptable to all dition to all that has been said above,

it is remembered, that a spirit of * “Of this paper Mrs. S. says: 'I genuine Christian piety, faith, hope, firmly believe this prayer was accepted; and charity, untinctured by fanaticism for í do not recollect any instance in and undebased by affectation, char

charac. which she could justly be accused of terized her short but active life, who either indolence or thoughtlessness, except on the subject of her health. On will not unite with us in the regret, that point she trusted too much to the that such a light should be shown for strength of a naturally good constitution ; so short a time to the world ? But and had so little confidence in human God seeth not as man seeth, and skill, that she neglected such means in his will be done.. the commencement of her last illness, as in all probability would have removed it.”

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Récit Historique de la Campagne de Buonaparte en Italie. Historical Account of the

Campaign of Buonaparte in Italy, in the years. 1795 and 1796. By an Eye Witness 8vo. London, 1808.

WHEN two opposite parties therefore, is founded on the uniform divide the world with fierce conten- tenour of the man's conduct, rather tion, the man who, from whatever than on the writer's testimony. The circumstances, is placed at the head charges he prefers against Buonaof one of them, can hardly be rightly parte are highly probable, but we appreciated by his contemporaries. could not record them as historians, While he pursues his triumphant ca- nor admit them as criticks. reer, he is a deity to his followers, who worship in him that fortune which

This work, the author informs us, is their idol, and shouts of victory written to confute another work, pub

in his introduction, was purposely drown the accusing voice of his in

lished in Paris in 1797, entitled Cam. jured, but conquered foe. On the other hand, malignity too often preys lie, pendant les Années IV. et V. de la

pagne du Général Buonaparte en Itaon exalted characters, and cankers that laurel which it could not blast. République Françoise, par un Officier

Général. Posterity alone, by comparing the several testimonies, when hope and In that performance, Buonaparte, fear, gratitude and resentment, have of course, derives his triumphs solely lost their sway, is enabled to form an from his own genius and bravery ; impartial judgment. In that trial of but in the publication before us he is fame, the character of the writers, represented in a different character, on both sides has necessarily a great indeed! With an immense supeweight:-but, this is an anonymous riority of forces he purchases petty publication !

advantages by an immense sacrifice These reflections are rather meant of lives; all his conquests are preas general, than as applying to the pared by treason, and his frequent man whose deeds are the theme of blunders in the field are repaired by this work. Indeed, his offences are treachery. In the most critical mo“ too rank,” his crimes are too noto- ments, he pretends to capitulate, and rious, to admit of a doubt or of a pal- snatches victory froin the hands of liation. Besides, the same scenes of his 100 credulous antagonist. Sometreachery, plunder, and devastation, thing like this, we have heard often, which were acted in Italy, are now from good authority ; but does the acting in Spain. There, too, generals author think that his unavowed puband officers have been seduced, others lication will convince the dazzled have been tampered with ; most enor- multitude, the mass who have not mous atrocities have followed deceit. had the same means of information ? ful promises of friendship and protec- To tear the laurels, however unde. tion. We easily believe, that Buona- served, from the guilty head of a sucparte made use of the influence of cessful villain, indirect means are the archbishop of Milan to pacify the unavailing and unbecoming. Truth incensed inhabitants of Pavia, under scorns to be defended but by manlipromises of forgiveness, and that he Besides, we cannot reconcile afterwards disarmed them and gave it to our feelings as Englishmen, that the town to plunder (as our author officers of rank, however culpable in affirms, pp. 117, &c.) for the same appearance, should be accused of hahas been done in Madrid ; the same ving sold themselves to the enemy of promises have been held out to the their country for money, without beinhabitants of Vittoria. Our opinion, ing afforded an opportunity of meet


ing the foul charge; or even the knowledge of their accuser.

We have stated the dangerous tendency of admitting anonymous publications to the privileges of authenticated documents or historical facts, principally from our regret on seeing accounts of important transactions, destitute of the signature of a writer, who professes to have been an eye witness, and whose work is not without internal proofs of veracity. We shall now proceed to make a few extracts, mostly from this officer's relation of events on which we have had some previous information. All the world has heard of Buonaparte's prodigious feat in planting the standard of liberty on the famous bridge of Arcole, in spite of a tremendous fire of artillery and musketry. Let us hear our historian, who speaks decidedly on that affair.

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Augereau, seeing that those fierce republicans were completely dismayed by the enemy's fire, took the standard of liberty, and carried it to the extremity of the bridge; but without producing the desired effect. This fact is certified, by the historian of the campaigns of Italy, and by a letter from general Berthier. They both add, that this very courageous action, proving useless, Buonaparte himself had recourse to the same stratagem, which, in his hands, was completely successful...

"What would he say, however, were we to deny this act of bravery of which he boasts? We were present at that battle; we saw very distinctly a French officer, with a flag in his hand, advancing alone on the bridge. We saw general Alvinzi, convinced that it was a flag of truce, give orders to suspend firing; but we have no recollection whatever, of having seen a second officer tread in the footsteps of the first. Yet such a fact would have been too publick, not to be remarked. Neither is it credible; because the Austrian artil

lery, which had respected the first, who was supposed to be the bearer of a flag of truce, would not, in all probability, have respected the second, whose temerity would have cost him his life." pp. 183, 184.

The author then maintains, that this bridge was not carried on that day [Nov. 15] but that the position was

maintained against Buonaparte, on the 16th, and on the 17th; that on the evening of this day, general Alvinzi ordered a retrograde motion, at which murmurs ran so high in the army, that on the 19th, he resumed his former position at Arcole; but quitted it again on the 20th for Vincenza, instead of pushing forwards to Verona, which he could then have taken easily.

"But," continues the author, "what was the surprise of the whole army, and the rage of many, when, being arrived on the middle of the road, we met general Alvinzi, on horseback, who ordered us to fall back on Vincenza! I then saw an Austrian colonel, frantick with rage, break his sword in three pieces, and declare that he would no longer serve in an army, which its commander in chief was covering with shame. Similar sentiments were openly manifested by several others." p. 188.

At the end of the chapter on the battle of Arcole, the author relates the known anecdote of Buonaparte's fall into a marsh with his horse, in a flight, after an unsuccessful attack on Arcole. He adds that a negro alone ventured to come to his assistance, and was, in consequence, made captain of cavalry, and presented as such to the army. This we have heard repeatedly in France, in the years 1798 and 1799, from officers of the army of Italy, and from Augereau himself. We have heard the same Augereau, in a large dinner party, at Thoulouse, before several of his brother officers, claim the sole merit of having planted the standard of liberty, both on the bridge of Arcole, and on that of Lodi; with many bitter sarcasms on Buonaparte's vain boasting. Indeed, we never heard it denied by any officer of the army of Italy; and we have conversed with several. But, that army knew too much of its general; after the evacuation of Egypt, these troops were not allowed to enter France; but were sent to Italy, and from thence to Saint Domingo; those who have contrived to revisit France have been intimidated, or seduced,--or--have disappeared.

Speaking of the battle of Rivoli most ancient French families. This (pp. 190, et seq.) which completed language passed uncontradicted, and the conquest of Italy, the author af- unpunished, at least for the time. Ink firms that Buonaparte was entirely fact, Latour Foissac had done his surrounded (which, by the by, Ber- duty. We have heard a friend, an thier fairly owns in his report) that officer who commanded the gate the whole Austrian army were ex

Pradella, on the last day of the siege, claiming, we have them! when Buo- state, publickly that, in twenty-four naparte sent a flag of truce, to solicit hours, he lost seventy-one men out of an armistice of one hour, to settle the one hundred; that the garrison was terms of a capitulation. It was grant reduced to 3000 men; and, that the ed; and, a quarter of an hour before breach at Pradella was large enough its expiration, Buonaparte-attacked for a whole battalion to form in it. the Austrians, unawares, and not only That officer suddenly disappeared saved his army, but obtained a com- from Bourdeaux. plete victory. This we must believe; From what we have said, our readfor general Wedel attempted to play ers will see, that we had some grounds the same infamous trick, on the Spa- for stating, that this work contained pish generel, Castanos, at Baylen. internal proofs of veracity, and from

On the taking of Mantua, the last that circumstance we regret the transaction we shall examine, the au- more its not having the sanction of thor observes, that that city, which a respectable name. The author, Buonaparte had boasted to take in indeed, tells us, in his introduction, eight days, resisted his utmost efforts that “to speak ill of Buonaparte is a near eight months; that he lost be- crime which cannot be atoned for, but fore it an immense number of men; by the death of the guilty ;" and this and once, all his artillery ; yet this consideration has delayed his publisame town, with a French garrison, cation several years. A man is cerwas taken by the Austrians in the tainly not bound to publish truths, next campaign in less than a month. which he foresees will be fatal to This is undeniable ; and we add, that himself; though we should not have Buonaparte felt so keenly the shame expected this objection from a miliimplied in the comparison, that he tary man. Yet a moral obligation is

a exerted all his power (he was then certainly incumbent on him to aufirst consul) to fix the whole disho- thenticate by all possible means what nour on Latour Foissac, the French he publishes; especially on a quescommander of Mantua. He forbade tion to be decided by testimony. him to wear French regimentals ; the The French poet says, with much whole army murmured ; the order truth : Quand j'attaque quelqu'un, je was not obeyed; and Latour demand- le dois, et me nommer. ed a court martial, which was refu. From a note of the translator, this sed. His son, a youth of fifteen, pub- work does not appear to have been lickly vented the most bitter execra. originally written in French. The tions, in the military coffee house of style bears witness to this: yet, since Turin, before a numerous assembly it is intended to expose the errours of officers, against “ the Corsican of a French publication, its appearUpstart," who, to palliate his own ance in that language was indispenshame, endeavoured to disgrace the sable.


not meet

the year.

he had on,

The Wedding among the flowers. By one of the Authors of original Poems, Rhymes for the Nursery, &c. pp. 16. Price 18. London, 1808.

IT would be a thing unheard of, And his lordship declared he would rather that so gay an assembly as that of the Flowers at Court should have had no

So doubtful a person as young Bitter

Sweet. effect in disposing the hearts of the Sir Michaelmas Daisy was asked to apblooming belles, and youthful beaux,

pear, to reciprocal attachment; and we But was gone out of town for best part of find, on consulting the gazettes of the time, that many a heart was lost, And though he was sent for, Narcissue

declined many a gentle sigh was heaved, Out of pique, and preferred to keep sulk. many a vow was breathed, and many

ing behind; a glance was shot, by the conquerors For, having beheld his fine form in the as well as by the conquered, though water, some had the art to conceal their feel. He thought himself equal to any flower's ings more effectually than others. daughter;

And would not consent to increase a paSome, it appears, were withheld by

rade, family pride, others by party spirit, The hero of which he himself should have others by what they called prudential made. (misprinted, we believe, for prudish) Dr. Camomile was to have been one of the reasons : but,


But was summoned to town, to old alder"At length my lord Sunflower, whom man Hearty: publick opinion,

Old Aloe, a worthy, respectable don, Confessed as the pride of the blooming do. Could not go in the clothes that just then

minion, Avowed an affection he'd often betrayed, And his tailor was such a slow fellow, he For sweet lady Lily, the queen of the guessed shade;

That it might be a century ere he was And said, should her friends nor the pub

dressed. lick withstand,

Excuses were sent, too, from very near all He would dare to solicit her elegant hand. The ladies residing at Great Green House “Now April was dimpled with smiles, Who had been so confined, were so chilly

Hall, and the day Was fixed for the first of luxuriant May: It might cost them their lives to be out in Along the parterre in the shade or the sun,

the air. All was business, and bustle, and frolick, The Sensitive Plant hoped her friend would

and fun; For, as Flora had granted a full dispen. It thrilled every

nerve in her frame to re

excuse her, sation

fuse her, To every gay tribe in her blooming crea

But she did not believe she had courage tion, By which at the festival all might appear,

to view

The solemn transaction she'd summoned Who else were on duty but parts of the

her to. year, There was now such a concourse of beau.

Widow Wail had a ticket, but would not

attend, As had not, since Eden, appeared in one

For fear her low spirits should sadden

her friend; place; And cards were dispersed, with consent And, too wild to regard either lady or of the fair,

lord, Toevery great family through the parterre.

Honeysuckle, as usual, gadding

abroad. “ There was one city lady, indeed, that Notwithstanding all which, preparations the bride

were made, Did not wish to attend, which was Miss In the very first style, for the splendid pa. London Pride :

rade. VOL. II.

and spare,

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ty and grace;


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