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THE OTAHEITAN MOURNER. I knew not why in slumber

His heart should tremble so; (Peggy Stewart was the daughter of an Otahei Chief, and married to one of Or locked in love's embraces,

How doubt and fear could grow. the Mutineers of the Bounty. On Stewart's being seized and carried away in 'Till o'er the bounding billow, the Pandora frigate, Peggy fell into a The angry chieftains came; rapid decay, and in two months died of They seized my wretched lover, a broken heart, leaving an infant daugh- They mocked my anguished claim. ter, who is still living.]

In iron bands they bound him,

I flew his fate to share;
FROM the isle of the distant ocean
My white love came to me;

They tore him from my clasping,

And threw me to despair.
I led the weary stranger
Beneath the spreading tree.

Are white men unrelenting,
With white and yellow blossoms

So far to cross the sea ; I strowed his pillow there ;

Their chieftain's wrong's revenging, And watched his bosom's heaving,

To tear my love from me? So gentle and so fair.

Are Otaheitan bosoms

No refuge for the brave; Before I knew his language,

Can exile nor repentance
Or he could talk in mine,

A wretched lover save?
We vowed to love each other,
And never to resign.

No more the Heiva's dancing,
O then 'twas lovely watching

My mournful steps will suit;
The sparkling of his eyes;

As when to the torch light glancing,
And learn the white man's greeting, And beating to the flute.
And answer all his sighs.

No more my braided tresses

With smiling flowers shall bloom; I taught my constant white love

Nor blossom rich in beauty
To play upon the wave,

Shall lend its sweet perfume.
To turn the storm to pleasure,
And the curling surge to brave.

All by the sounding ocean

I sit me down and mourn,
How pleasant was our sporting,
Like dolphins on the tide;

In hopes his chiefs may pardon him, To dive beneath the billow,

And speed my love's return. Or the rolling surf to ride.

Can he forget his Peggy,

That soothed his cares to rest ? To summer groves I led him,

Can he forget his baby, Where fruit hangs in the sun ;

That smiles upon her breast ?
We lingered by the fountains,

I wish the fearful warning
That murmur as they run.
By the verdant islands sailing,

Would bind my woes in sleep!
Where the crested sea birds go;

And I were a little bird, to chase We heard the dash of the distant spray,

My lover o'er the deep!

Or if my wounded spirit And saw through the deeps the sun

In the death canoe would rove, beams play,

I'd bribe the wind and pitying wave, In the coral bowers below.

To speed me to my love! And when my lover, weary,


P. M. J.
To our woodland couch would creep,
I sang the song that pleased him,
And crowned his lids with sleep.

My kindred much would wonder,
The white man's love to see,

AGAIN the academy I greet ;
And Otaheitan maidens

Once more, my graphick friends, we

meetWould often envy me.

Shake hands-Ah! why the greeting hand Yet when my white love's forehead,

withdraw ? Would sadden with despair,

Lo! by your looks ye seem to say I knew not why the cold drops

“ Avaunt, thou vagabond-awayShould start and quiver there.

We'd sooner take the devil by the paw!

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Well, well! once more the bard ap- It certainly must be confest,

I come a most unwelcome guest,
He sings, in spite of rolling years : 'Mid sheaves of corn a sort of wicked
Time has not stolen one atom of his fire ;

weovil: The Muse, unconscious of decay,

As for R. A.'s I briefly tell 'em,
Still pours the proud Pindarick lay, Fiat justitia ruat cælum,
Still strikes with equal energy the lyre. Although they sooner would behold the

Now, cries the critick of my rhyme,
“ How darest thou dream of the su-

blime, And fancy that it e'er inspired thy Odes?

How darest thou take a Pindar's name,

TUNE_“O a'the airts the win' can blaw.'
To steal into the dome of Fame,
And place thy Momus by the side of A BONNY lass I dearly like

And feel a fervent flame,

Aft thinkin' on her form I rove I own that Time to my surprise,

But dinna ken her name. Has done some mischief to my eyes,

Luve's darts are in her twa blu een, And done that mischief much against my

Her form is grace itsel; will;

Whane'er she smi her beauty's seen But as the Bullfinch, beyond doubt,

An' mair than I can tell. - Sings better when his eyes are out, Why not the songster of the Aonian hill ? A something that I canna name

Comes drizzlin' through my bluid,
Time too has chosen to efface

An’ strives for vent through a' my frame,
The fine Apollo form and grace
And somewhat bent to earth my lofty

I'm thinkin' it's nae gude.

But I've an inklin' what it's now And though the knave has touched my l'ts nae witchcraft ill thing, hand,

But just love's darts are shootin' thro'
The goose quill yet it can command, An' that's the very thing.
And o'er the snow the feathered giant What if she'd gie a chidin' frown,

Or cast a jeerin' ee,
Time has made free too with my


Wi' thoughts o’that I'm dizzy grown,

I think 'twad gar me die.
Those pretty, inoffensive creatures, Wi' aukwart glee I'd sing her charms,
That never yet were cruel to the fair ; An' tout her beauty's fame;

Spoiled my poor lip and dimple sleek, But I maun dumb and dowie be,
Run his hard ploughshare o'er my I dinna ken her name.

And stolen the blushing roses that were Edinburgh.

there. Time too, I own, my mouth has entered;

EPIGRAM. To steal some pearl, the rogue has ventured,

FROM morn till eve, throughout the day, And given a lisping to my tuneful My Chloe was serenely gay: tongue

I romped with Phillis-All the while But thank the Muses for their care,

Nothing disturbed my Chloe's smile. And Phebus-of his tricks aware

The next day came-The morning lowSafe is my brain--the fount of flowing

Our schemes were crost, our tempers song.

soured: The Academicians would rejoice

Still Chloe smiled--Amazed I said, If Time had also stolen my voice :

“ Can nothing vex this lovely maid ?" But while that voice exists, by Heavens

At length a tooth by luckless blow l'll sing

Was struck from out the pearly row; But mind me, while I pour my lays, Though time has long since healed the To Justice I my altar raise,

pain, Too virtuous to profane the Muse's' My Chloe never smiled again! spring


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PENNY WISE AND POUND FOOLISH. But Nelly thought it far too dear;

Indeed it cost her many a tear,

She used (for saving was her boast) POOR John had bought him half a hog, But half a pound of salt at most. And thought it would be glorious prog,

But see how Nelly was mistaken; To eat with cabbage, peas, and beans,

She saved her salt-but lost her bacon. Or with a dish of winter greens :




it. When the heat is proper, it must be Method of preserving Fruit without Sugar, hour longer, which will always be long

kept at the same degree for about half an for Home L'se, or Sea Stores.

enough, as a longer time, or greater heat, THIS is the discovery of Mr. Thomas will crack the fruit. While the bottles Saddington, of Lower Thames street, are thus getting in heat, a tea-kettle full who, with his communication to the so- of water must be got ready, boiling, by ciety, enclosed a box containing the fol- the time the fruit is done. If one fire only lowing fruits in bottles, preserved without is used, the kettle containing the bottles sugar : viz. apricots, gooseberries, cur- must be removed half off the fire, when it pants, raspberries, cherries, Orleans is at the full heat required, to make room plums, green gages, damsons, and Sibe- for boiling the water in the tea-kettle. As rian crabs; but the same mode is applica- soon as the fruit is properly scalded, and ble to all English fruits. Mr. S. describes the water boiling, take the bottles out of the process which he uses, to the follow- the water, one at a time, and fill them ing effect:

within an inch of the cork, with the boilThe bottles for this purpose are select- ing water out of the tea-kettle. Cork. ed from the widest necked of those which them down immediately, doing it gently, are used for wine or porter, these being but very tight, but you must not shake the cheapest. Being properly cleaned, them by driving the cork, as that will enand the fruit, which should not be too danger the bursting of the bottles. When ripe, ready picked, the bottles are to be corked, the bottles must be laid down on filled as full as they will hold, to admit the their sides, as by that means the cork cork going in. The fruit while they are keeps swelled, and prevents the air escafilling, is to be frequently shook down. ping out. When cold, the bottles may be The corks afterwards must be so lightly removed to any convenient place of keepstuck into the bottles as to be taken out ing. During the first month or two, it easily when the fruit is lightly scalded, will be necessary to turn them a little which may be done in a copper, a kettle, round, once or twice a week, to prevent or sauce-pan, over the fire, first putting a the fermentation that will arise from some ooarse cloth of any kind at the bottom, to fruits, from forming into a crust. By thus prevent the heat from cracking the bottles. properly attending to the fruit, and keepThen the copper, the kettle, &c. is to be ing it moist with the water, no mould will filled with cold water sufficiently high for ever take place. Afterwards it may be the bottles to be nearly up to the top of it. necessary to turn the bottles round once They are to be put in sideways, to expel or twice a month, only. the air contained in the cavity, under the In order to diversify the degree of heat, bottom of the bottle. If the copper is Mr. S. states, that he has done some fruits used, care must be taken that the bottles in 190 degrees of it, and continued them do not touch the bottom or sides of the in it for three quarters of an hour ; but copper, which would endanger their this heat be found too powerful, and the bursting. Then the heat must be increas- time too long, as the fruit by these means ed gradually, till it comes to about 170 de- was reduced to a pulp. In 1807, he pregrees, by a brewing thermometer, which served 95 bottles of fruit, the expense of generally requires about three quarters of which, exclusive of bottles and corks, was an hour. Those who have not such a thing, 11. 98. 5 1-2d. or, upon an average, about may judge of the proper degree of heat 4 1-2d. a bottle. "In winter, they may when the water feels very hot, but not hot amount to 1s. per bottle. The vessel for enough to scald the fingers. If too hot, a scalding the fruit in, should be a long little cold water may be added to temper wooden trough of six, eight, or ten feet



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in length; two or three in breadth; and Next to the white of eggs M. Parmen.
one in depth ; fitted with laths across, to tier places isinglass; because, as he just-
keep the bottles upright. This trough of ly observes, it does not alter the true co.
water is to have the heat communicated to lour of the wine, or communicate a disa-
it by steam, through a pipe from a closed greeable flavour to it.
boiler at a distance; or if the boiling water Experience has proved that white wines
wanted to fill the bottles with, is convey in particular, which have been clarified
ed through a pipe and a cock over the through the medium of isinglass, are more
trough, many hundreds of bottles ght transparent, and preserve their limpidness
be done this way in a short time. Five much longer than those to which the
guineas were voted by the society to Mr. whites of eggs have been applied, the lat-
Saddington for his communication. ter being invariably injured by a contact

with the atmospherick air. As to red

wines, a very small portion of isinglass Mr. E. Thomason [Birmingham] has taken will clear them, and consequently a speout a Patent for a new Method of manu

cies of economy is added to the other adfacturing Umbrellas, Parasols, &c.

vantages derived from the use of it, as The hearth brush is made upon this thereby an immense quantity of eggs is principle, and at present much used. The saved. patentee's object has been to conceal the M. Parmentier contributed a paper to brush part, by means of a convenient ap- the Annales de Chimie, in 1792, by which paratus, excepting during the time of its he undertook to prove, that, in many cases, using. The same principle being applied a sort of jelly, prepared from the raspings to the parasol and umbrella, the spreading of bones, might be substituted for isin. part of the latter, when not used as a de- glass. But might we not with greater fence against the weather, is concealed in facility procure a much better substitute a walking stick. Though the head of the for isinglass, than that which he makes cane, stick, &c. containing this apparatus, mention of, from our indigenous producis rather larger than those of common tions, from our fisheries of every descripwalking sticks.

tion ?-Most of the fish which are but

thinly covered with scales, and which live The French Mode of Fining, or Clarifying in our lakes, ponds, and rivers, furnish Wine.

great abundance of gelatinous substance, The complaint among the wine trade both wholesome and pleasing to the smelí with respect to the difficulty of clearing and taste, which might be prepared for wine is so general, that we conceive the the purpose already mentioned with very following extract from a valuable work little trouble. In adopting this mode we lately published at Paris, will prove not

should confer a benefit upon the nation at unacceptable to many of our readers. large, by curtailing the importation of “Of all materials used in clarifying wines isinglass, for which such immense sums and other liquids,” says M. Parmentier,

are paid to the merchants of the northern “I think that the whites of eggs are best parts of Europe. calculated to bring them to that degree

This paper may give rise to more than of perfection, and confer upon them that one philosophical question. First, what

, limpidness which they can acquire neither is that principle in an egg become stale by rest nor by filtration.” When, how. and tainted, though but little, which is so ever, the whites of eggs are made use of powerful in its nature and properties as to for the purpose of clarifying wines, &c. it taint a whole pipe of wine? Consider the is necessary to be particularly careful in smallness of an egg itself in proportion to using the freshest eggs only; and in the quantity of liquor : Consider the ex. breaking and examining them, great cau. pression“ however slightly this small tion and circumspection are to be observ. quantity be tainted ;” and when the prined, since it has often happened that a sin- ciple, or portion tainted is limited, in fact, gle egg, however slightly tainted, has given to a small portion of this small egg: Such a disagreeable flavour to a whole pipe of is the power of the tainting principle! the wine, an evil which, when once incurred, principle of corruption! Is there any beis irremediable. It is best, adds the au

neficent principle that is equally capable thor already named, to employ such eggs slightly diffused throughout its parts ?--

of meliorating its subject when only so only as are laid by hens which do not associate with cocks, because the intercourse Secondly: It is remarkable, that an exof the male renders the eggs more liable tract from fish, a commodity sufficiently to putrescence, and gives them a very bad remote, it should appear, from the nature

of any production of the grape, or its




juice, should clarify the liquor innocently, beautiful violet colour, which resists the while an egg slightly tainted, injures it. acids and alkalis, from the juice of the Isinglass is a kind of glue, prepared from fresh leaves of the aloe exposed to the air a fish. Whether any other glue, prepared by degrees. The liquid first becomes red, from any other kind of fish, might answer and at the end of a certain period turns the purpose as well; and if not, why not? to a beautiful purple violet, which adheres is also a matter of curious inquiry. The to silk by simple immersion, without the other query which a naturalist will dis. aid of acids.

cern in this communication may deserve discussion, but rather in a learned lan- Richard Walker, esq. of Oxford, has

guage, and in a direct dissertation, than proposed an alteration in the scale of the in a popular and widely circulating pe. thermometer, which suggested itself to riodical publication. Why are red wines him during a long course of experiments, more easily and effectually clarified by and which has been adopted by himself isinglass than white wines ; and whence and his friends from the persuasion of its is the sediment that subsides from them being founded on the truest principles. more easily acted on by this apparently “ The two fixed points, the freezing and feeble agent?

boiling points of water as they have hither

to been, will,” he observes, “probably neFew persons in this country know any ver fail to be continued, as being perfectly other use of the aloe than the medicine sufficient for the accurate adjustment of which it affords; but it serves for a num

thermometers. The commencement of ber of other beneficial purposes in the the scale, and the number of divisions countries where it grows." In the East In. only appear to claim attention. With redies, aloes are employed as a varnish to spect to the first, since neither the expreserve wood from worms and other in- tremes of heat or cold are likely to be assects; and skins and even living animals certained, the hope of fixing o at either are anointed with it for the same reason. of these may be entirely relinquished, and The havock committed by the white ants

it remains to fix it at the fittest interme. in India first suggested the trial of aloe diate point. Here I propose the following juice, to protect wood from them; for mode of graduation. Having ascertained which purpose the juice is either used as that the temperature of 620 of Fahrenheit extracted, or in solution by some solvent. is the temperature at which the human Aloes have also been found effectual in body in health is conscious of no inconve. preserving ships from the ravages of the nience from heat or cold, and that a de. worm, and the adhesion of barnacles. viation from that point of only one or two The ship's bottom, for this purpose, is degrees, above or below, actually produ. smeared with a composition of hepatick ces that effect under ordinary circumstanaloes, turpentine, tallow, and white lead. ces, I fixed my zero or 0 there. I adopted In proof of the efficacy of this method, the divisions of Fahrenheit, considering two planks of equal thickness, and cut those of Reaumur, the centigrades, &c. as from the same tree, were placed under too few, and decimal divisions unneceswater, one in its natural state and the sary. Hence it will follow that being other smeared with the composition ; placed at 62° of Fahrenheit, 150° will be when, on taking them up after being in the boiling, and minus 30° the freezing mersed eight months, the latter was found point of water; and all other points on to be as perfect as at first, while the for. Fahrenheit's scale may be reduced to this, mer was entirely penetrated by insects, by subtracting 62 for any degree above 6 and in a state of absolute rottenness. An of Fahrenheit, and adding 62 for any de, aquatick solution of hepatick aloes pre- gree below 0. For ordinary meteorologiserves young plants from destruction by cal purposes, a scale of this kind extend. insects, and also dead animals and vege- ing to 650 above, and as many below 0 tables from putrefaction ; which renders it will be sufficient.” of great use in the cabinets of naturalists. The spirituous extract is best for this pur. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. pose, though in this respect it is inferiour SIR, to that of cantharides, prepared by infu. I am informed that, in consequence of sing two grains in one ounce of spirits, an alteration (lately made) in the process which has been found to be so effectual of drying white lead, the health of the la. in the extirpation of bugs. Pærner as. bourers, in an extensive manufactory in serts, that a simple decoction of aloes the neighbourhood of London, has been communicates a fine brown colour to wool. very materially benefitted-the fatal conFabroni, of Florence, has extracted a stipation of the bowels, so common amongst

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