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tain, with fifty men to support him. After from the most distant and western part the enemy's fire, they were to leap into of the fort, to that side which was next the ditch*; and their orders were to fol. the town ; upon which our men got into low them close, if they retired into the a demibastion in the most extreme part upper works ; nevertheless, not pursue of the fortification. Here they got possesthem further, if they made into the inner sion of three pieces of cannon, with hardfort; but to endeavour to cover themselves ly any opposition; and had leisure to cast within the gorge of the bastion.

up a little intrenchment, and to make “ A lieutenant and a captain, with the use of the guns they had taken to defend like number of men, and the same orders, it. Under this situation, the enemy, when were commanded to a demibastion, at the drove into the inward fort, were exposed extremity of the fort towards the west, to our fire from those places we were poswhich was above musket shot from the sessed of, in case they offered to make inward fortification. Towards this place any sally, or other attempt against us. the wall, which was cut into the rock, Thus, we every moment became better was not faced for about twenty yards; and better prepared against any effort of and here our own men got up, where they the garrison. And, as they could not found three pieces of cannon upon a plat- pretend to assail us without evident haform, without any men to defend them. zard, so nothing remained for us to do

“ Those appointed to the bastion towards till we could bring up our artillery and the town, were sustained by two hundred mortars. Now it was that the general men, with which the general and prince sent for the thousand men under brigadier went in person. The like number, under Stanhope's command, which he had postthe direction of colonel Southwell, were ed at a convent, half way between the to sustain the attack towards the west; town and Monjouick. and about five hundred men were left un- " There was almost a total cessation of der the command of Dutch colonel, fire, the men on both sides being under whose orders were to assist, where, in cover. The general was in the upper part his own judgment, he should think most of the bastion, the prince of Hesse below, proper; and these were drawn up between behind a little work at the point of the the two parties appointed to begin the bastion, whence he could only see the assault. My lot was on the side where heads of the enemy over the parapet of the prince and earl were in person ; and the inward fort. Soon after an accident where we sustained the only loss from the happened which cost that gallant prince first fire of the enemy.

his life. “ Our men, though quite exposed, and “ The enemy had lines of communicathough the glacis was all escarped upon tion between Barcelona and Monjouick. the live rock, went on with an undaunt. The governour of the former, upon heared courage; and, immediately after the ing the firing from the latter, immediately first fire of the enemy, all, that were sent four hundred dragoons on horseback, not killed or wounded, leaped in, pel- under orders, that two hundred dismountmel, amongst the enemy; who, being ing should reenforce the garrison, and the thus boldly attacked, and seeing others other two hundred should return with pouring in upon them, retired in great their horses back to the town. confusion ; and some one way, some “ When those two hundred dragoons another, ran into the inward works.

were accordingly got into the inward fort, There was a large port in the flank unseen by any of our men, the Spaniards of the principal bastion, towards the north waving their hats over their heads, reeast, and a covered way, through which peated over and over, Viva el Rey, Viva. the general and the prince of Hesse fol- This the prince of Hesse unfortunately lowed the flying forces; and by that means took for a signal of their desire to surrenbecame possessed of it. Luckily enough, der. Upon which, with too much warmth here lay a number of great stones in the and precipitancy, calling to the soldiers gorge of the bastion for the tise of the following: They surrender, they surrenfortification; with which we made a sort der! He advanced with near three hunof breast work, before the enemy recover- dred men who followed him without any ed of their amaze, or made any consider orders from their general, along the cur. able fire upon us from their inward fort tain which led to the ditch of the inward which commanded the upper part of that fort. The enemy suffered them to come bastion.

into the ditch, and there surrounding “ We were afterwards informed, that them, took two hundred of them prisonthe commander of the citadel, expecting ers, at the same time making a discharge but one attack, had called off the men upon the rest, who were running back the

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way they came.

This firing brought the houses possessed by the Miquelets. Offiearl of Peterborough down from the up- cers and soldiers, under this prevailing per part of the bastion, to see what was terrour, quitted their posts; and in one doing below. When he had just turned united body (the lord Charlemont at the the point of the bastion, he saw the prince head of them) marched, or rather hur. of Hesse retiring, with the men that had ried out of the fort ; and were come half so rashly advanced. The earl had ex- way down the hill before the earl of Peterchanged a very few words with him, when, borough came up to them; though on my from a second fire, that prince received a acquainting him with the shameful and shot in the great artery of the thigh, of surprising accident, he made no stay; but which he died immediately, falling down answering, with a good deal of vehemence, at the general's feet, who instantly gave • Good God, is it possible!' hastened orders to carry off the body to the next back as fast he could. convent.

I never thought myself happier than “ Almost the same moment an officer in this piece of service to my country: came to acquaint the earl of Peterborough I confess I could not but value it, as hav. that a great body of horse and foot, at ing been therein more than a little instru. least three thousand, were on their march mental in the glorious successes which from Barcelona towards the fort. The succeeded ; since immediately upon this distance is near a mile, all uneven ground; notice from me, the earl galloped up the so that the enemy was either discoverable hill, and lighting when he came to lord or not to be seen, just as they were Charlemont, he took his half pike out of marching on the hills, or in the vallies, his hand ; and turning to the officers and However, the general directly got on soldiers, told them, if they would not horseback, to take a view of those forces face about and follow him, they should from the rising ground without the fort, have the scandal and eternal infamy upon having left all the posts, which were al. them, of having deserted their posts, ready taken, well secured with the al- and abandoned their general. lotted numbers of officers and soldiers. “ It was surprising to see with what " But the event will demonstrate of

alacrity and new courage they faced what consequence the absence or pre- about, and followed the earl of Peter. sence of one man may prove on great occa. borough. In a moment they had forgot sions. No sooner was the earl out of the their apprehensions; and, without doubt, fort, the care of which he had left under had they met with any opposition, they the command of the lord Charlemont, would have behaved themselves with the (a person of known merit and undoubted greatest bravery. But as these motions courage, but somewhat too flexible in his

were unperceived by the enemy, all the temper) when a panick fear (though the posts were regained, and anew possessed earl, as I have said, was only gone to take in less than half an hour, without any loss; a view of the enemy) seized upon the sol. though, had our forces marched half mus. diery, which was a little too easily complied ket-shot further, their retreat would have with by the lord Charlemont, then com- been perceived, and all the success attenmanding officer. True it is, for I heard dant on this glorious attempt must have an officer, ready enough to take such ad. been entirely blasted. vantages, urge to him, that none of all Another incident which attended this those posts we were become masters of, happy enterprise was this. The two hunwere tenable ; that to offer at it would dred men which fell into the hands of the be no better than wilfully sacrificing hu- enemy, by the unhappy mistake of the man lives to caprice and humour; and prince of Hesse, were carried directly just like a man's knocking his head into the town. The marquis of Risburg, against stone walls, to try which was a lieutenant general, who cammanded the hardest. Having overheard this piece of three thousand men which were marching lip-oratory, and finding by the answer from the town to the relief of the fort, that it was too likely to prevail, and that examined the prisoners as they passed all I was likely to say would avail nothing, by; and they all agreeing that the general I slipped away as fast as I could, to ac- and the prince of Hesse were in person quaint the general with the danger im- with the troops that made the attack on pending

Monjouick, the marquis gave immediate “ As I passed along, I took notice, orders to retire to the town; taking it that the panick was upon the increase; for granted, that the main body of the the general rumour affirming, that we troops attended the prince and general ; should be all cut off by the troops that and that some design, therefore, was on were come out of Barcelona, if we did foot to intercept his return, in case be pot immediately gain the hills, or the should venture too far. Thus, the wifor



tunate loss of our two hundred men turn- tively speaking, when it was besieged ed to our advantage, in preventing the by the king and mareshal de Tess advance of the enemy, which must have

with an army of upwards of twenty. put the earl of Peterborough to inconceivable difficulties.

five thousand men; and after they “ The body of one thousand, under had, with a loss of more than three brigadier Stanhope, being come up to

thousand men, retaken Monjouick Monjouick, and no interruption given us in twenty-three days, which lord P. by the enemy, our affairs were put into

took (as we may say) in one hour. very good order on this side ; wħile the

Captain Carleton mentions an alcamp on the other side was so fortified that the enemy, during the siege, never

most unparalleled instance of publick made one effort against it. In the mean

spirit in the earl of Peterborough, time, the communication between the two as well as of generosity towards the camps was secure enough; although our very man who, unfortunately for the troops were obliged to a tedious march

cause in which they were embarked, along the foot of the hills, whenever the general thought fit to relieve those on

had succeeded in undermining the duty on the side of the attack, from those

earl's authority and supplanting him regiments encamped on the west side of in his command. The clergy and Barcelona.

magistrates of Huette, hearing that “The next day, after the earl of Peter- ford P. suspected the inhabitants of borough had taken care to secure the first having given intelligence to the enecamp to the eastward of the town, he gave orders to the officers of the fleet my respecting his baggage, which to land the artillery and ammunition be.

had been plundered within a league hind the fortress to the westward. Im- of that place, and taken from the mediately upon the landing whereof, two small guard which general Windham mortars were fixed; from both which we

had appointed to escort it to the camp plied the fort of Monjouick furiously at Guadalaxara, and fearing that out with our bombs. But the third or fourth day, one of our shells fortunately lighting of resentment he might lay their on their magazine of powder, blew it up;

town in ashes, offered his lordship and with it the governour, and many full satisfaction, and to pay in money principal officers who were at dinner with or decontado the amount of what he hin. The blast, at the same instant, had lost: but he told them that “ he threw down a face of one of the smaller bastions; which the vigilant Miquelets,

had just come from my lord Galway's ready enough to take all advantages, no

camp at Chincon, where he found sooner saw (for they were under the hill, that they were in a likelihood of very near the place) but they readily en. wanting bread; and as he imagined tered, while the enemy were under the it might be easier to them to raise utmost confusion. If the earl, no less

the value in corn than in ready mo. watchful than they, had not at the same moment thrown himself in with some

ney, if they would send to that value regular troops, and appeased the general in corn to lord Galway's camp, he disorder, in all probability the garrison would be satisfied.” had been put to the sword. However, The author's relation (p. 226) of the general's presence not only allayed the cruel and barbarous treatment, the fury of the Miquelets, but kept his which a captain of the English guards own troops under strictest discipline : so that, in a happy hour for the frighted

and his party of convalescents, going garrison, the general gave officers and

to join their battalion, experienced soldiers quarter, making them prisoners from the Spaniards in a villa not far of war."

from Campilio, is sufficient to fill Our limits, which we have already every one who reads it with horrour. exceeded, will not permit us to de- In his account of the fatal battle of tail the other various exploits of lord Almanza, he gives, with much canPeterborough in Spain ; particularly dour and simplicity, a beautiful and his compelling king Philip to quit interesting picture of the duke of his dominions, by relieving Barcelo- Berwick, both as a man and as a com, na with a handful of men, compara- mander. By the representations of


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two Irish officers, who pretended to the hills under major general Shrimpbe deserters, and were properly in- ton, and whom it was in his pow-r to structed for the purpose, the duke have destroyed; and thus he exhimade the credulous Galway believe bited, in his own person, a striking that the duke of Orleans was in full verification of the noble maxim, march to join him (Berwick) with 6 that victory to generous minds is twelve thousand men. Galway there only an inducement to moderation." fore became eager to attack before The few very concise observations, the junction should take place; and which the author makes respecting the duke of Berwick was overjoyed the recall of the earl of Peterboto see him appear, a little after noon, rough, are calculated to create indigwith forces fatigued by a hard march nation in every honest and generous of three long Spanish leagues in the breast; and a universal sentiment heat of the day. Finding Galway of regret will also be excited, by the ready to run headlong into the snare reflection that the zealous, faithful, prepared for him, the duke drew up and intelligent writer himself was so his

army in the form of a half moon, unworthily passed by without reward with three regiments advanced to a for all his services. convenient distance, in order to make These Memoirs were first pubup the centre, and conceal his dispo- lished in the year 1743, a few years sition from the enemy; which regi. before the commencement of our laments were expressly ordered to re- bours; and having become scarce treat at the very first charge. This and little known, they have been stratagem had nearly the same effect properly reprinted by an anonymous on the English, who attacked them, editor, who has duly executed his which Annibal's contrivance pro• office by prefixing some introductory duced on the Romans at the battle observations, and a few biographical of Cannæ : for our troops, seeing the particulars of the eminent hero who others retire suddenly before them, is the principal subject of them. Bepursued them after their then custo- sides the useful military instruction mary manner with shouts and hal- which they afford, they contain much looings, till the duke, observing that topographical and characteristick dethey had advanced far enough, order scription ; together with clear and ed his right and left wings to close, distinct accounts of the manners, and thus cut off from the rest of our customs, and amusements of the army all those who had so eagerly Spaniards; for all which particulars followed the imaginary runaways. we must refer to the volume, perHis native sympathy, however, and suaded that a perusal of it will gragoodness of disposition would not suf- tify the historian, the professional fer him to allow his troops to attack man, and the general reader. those who had retreated to the top of


The Works of Mrs. Anne Steele, complete in two volumes, 12mo. Boston. Munroe,

Francis, and Parker. 1808. THE specimens of Mrs. Steele's general desire to see her whole compositions, given to the American works; and we congratulate the compublick in Dr. Belknap's collection munity, that they have at length of psalms and hymns, excited a made their appearance. Either the


English edition was out of print, or The prose is of too poetical a cast ; few copies of it, we presume, were

but the sentiments flow from a heart imported; for, after diligent inquiry, deeply affected with a sense of its we were never able to find but a sin- own imperfections, and aspiring after gle copy of a single volume. This the beauties of holiness. The poetry edition is very neatly and correctly is seldom if ever, prosaick. It is of a printed, and does credit to the re- character somewhat resembling the spectable press from which it pro- poetry of Watts ; yet distinct and ceeds.

peculiar. It has its simplicity, its Mrs. Steele's character, as a writer, tenderness, its grace, and sometimes is too well known to require notice; its sublimity. If, in general, it be and too well established, to need con- less fertile in its imagery, it is more firmation. To many, who have not chaste ; if less elevated, it is more seen these volumes, may be grate. equable ; if less familiar, it is more ful to know, that they are more re- delicate ; if less adventurous, it is plete with evangelical truth, than the more correct. The author, distinselected specimens, excellent as they guished for exquisite sensibility, as are, may have led them to imagine. well as for ardent piety, cheered her The divinity of Christ, the atone- own pilgrimage with these songs of ment, the influence of the Spirit, and Zion; and such must be their inthe perseverance of saints, are here fluence on every reader, whose soul prominently exhibited.

is attuned to celestial harmony.


tion grow,

FROM THE BRITISH CRITICK. Pathetick Tales, Poems, &c. By J. B. Fisher, author of the Hermitage, Mort Cas

tle, &c. 12 mo. pp. 155. 7s. London. 1808. THIS author is modest, and THE STORM KING. frankly avows that poverty has been

“ Heard you the wailing scream, at midhis muse. He begins by celebrating of the Storm King ?-Heard you the rat

night hour, a patron or patroness to whom multi

tling shower tudes have been obliged, but whom we Pour down the steep; while through the never saw addressed by name before.

dismal gloom,

The bird of darkness chanted from the “All hail Subscription!’tis to thee we owe

tomb ? The plenteous fruits, which from inven

Heard you the neighbouring monks de. Without thy aid, full oft the toiling þard As, fired by lightning, blazed their mo.

spairing cry, Would lose, unpitied, his deserved reward.”


Heard you the dead men's mouths move We rejoice to find that this goddess to and fro, has been tolerably propitious to Mr. And ghastly grin, and chatter tales of wo! Fisher ; for his humility is by no

Heard you the traveller's agonizing shriek, means unaccompanied by merit;

Tost by the roaring tempest, from the

peak? though, at the same time, we cannot Heard you all nature shudder with afbut wish him a more steady patron ; fright, or, what would be yet better, a more Fearful her reign was closed in endless profitable employment than writing

night? The following is a just and

While the fierce Storm King rode wild successful ridicule of modern tales of Those horrours heard you ?-No!-No


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through the sky, horrour :

more did I."

p. 92

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