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July, 1779. The farce of “ Who's gant numbers, we find inequalities, the Dupe," was performed at Drury, which prove that our fair authoress lane, in the month of April preceding, had been more intent upon seizing and it was received with that ap- the pictures of those images, which, plause, which, whenever performed, in the enthusiasm of genius, crowded it now never fails to obtain.

upon her mind, than in polishing what The Belles Stratagem, came out she had written. at Covent Garden, in February, 1780, This objection, indeed, may be apand it was received with such loud plied to most of her poems,

and and boundless acclamation, that it those passages which abound in anihad the honour of being patronized mated and impressive imagery, throw by the queen, before whom it was into stronger contrast the few lines performed once every season, for which


in harmonious and pro. twenty years after its first appear- saick.

It must still, however, be allowed, This play, when published, was by notwithstanding these objections, that express permission dedicated to her nothing can exceed the charms of majesty.

the poetry, in many of the passages; Stimulated by her favourable re- thus, in the Maid of Aragon, the ception with the publick, Mrs. Cow- Old Aragonian King, the Fair Os. ley continued to cultivate her ac- mida, the Moorish Prince, and the quaintance with the dramatick muses, French De Couci, are so many disand the Belles Stratagem was suc. tinct portraits, coloured by the vivid cessively followed by the comedies pen of genius; whilst in the tragedy of " Which is the Man,” “ A Bold of Albina, the characters of Old Stroke for a Husband,” &c.

Westmoreland and Gondibert, are The limits of this article will not portrayed in the grandest style, and permit us to dwell upon the merits of display an intimate acquaintance with several beautiful pieces of fugitive the age of chivalry. poetry; such as her specimens in The wonderful facility of this lady's imitation of Cowley, Monologue on pen, and the rapidity with which, if the death of Chatterton, the verses we may be allowed the term, the occasioned by lady Manners's Ode to flashes of her genius were transferred Solitude (which produced an intima- to her paper, is not less remarkable cy between the two ladies] her poem than the strength and variety of its entitled, Edwina, inserted in a late powers. Her productions, indeed, history of Cumberland, with some from that sprightliness and ease, by beautiful little poems, which appear- which they are characterized, exhibit

, ed in the newspapers of the day, those spontaneous coruscations of and which raised newspaper poetry genius, which all the laboured exerto an eminence it had never before tions of art must despair to accomattained. We proceed to notice her plish. flights in the higher regions of epic

Ipse volens facilisque sequetur, poetry.

Si te Fata vocant ; aliter non viribus ullis Her productions in this line, which Vincere, nec duro poteris convellere ferro. have yet been published, are the Maid In all the walks of the legitimate of Aragon, the Scottish Village, and drama, Mrs. Cowley has left ample the Siege of Acre.

specimens, to entitle her to rank with The poems which we have above the first dramatick authors of the day. alluded to, abound with beautiful and Scorning to attempt ephemeral fame, glowing imagery; but in critical jus to administer" to the perverted taste tice it must here be admitted, that of the times, to court the acclamaamidst the most luxuriant descrip- tion of the galleries, and implore the tions, and the most smooth and ele. aid of the grimacer, the painter, or


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the machinist, Mrs. Cowley, like the veteran Cumberland, has never deserted those banners of legitimate comedy, under which she first enlisted.

Equally at home in the sublime and pathetick, as in the humorous, she entered at once into the feelings of a hero, or a monarch, with as much success as into those of a slop seller, or a coquette. Doiley, in the farce of Who's the Dupe, is perhaps unrivalled on the stage; whilst Gradus, Doricourt, Flutter, Hardy, lord Sparkle, and the Pendragons, are all distinct and highly coloured por traits.

We must also here, in justice to departed merit, notice her peculiar excellence in colouring the female character. For proof of this we can safely rest our appeal to her Miss Hardy in the Belles Stratagem, and Olivia in the Bold Stroke for a Hus band.

The last hurried effort of this lady's pen was in unison with the excel lence of her heart. It was a little poem in aid of benevolence; an act of charity to one who moved in the humble sphere of sexton of the parish, and whose little property had Been swallowed up by the late floods. This little poent gives a pathetick picture of the poor man's efforts, whilst his cottage was overwhelmed, describes his losses; and delicately claims attention towards one whose pride was in conflict with his pover ty; one whose situation claimed that assistance which he could not bring. himself directly to beg.

From her habits, Mrs. Cowley might truly be termed a most disinterested votary of the muses. Her pen was not guided by mercenary views. She wrote merely for the pleasure she felt in writing. The poem of the Siege of Acre, was given to a respectable bookseller, who ask ed for it. She reserved none of her manuscripts, nor did she wait to correct them. Thus her newspaper foetry was written and sent off, free

quently within four and twenty hours after the event which had given birth to it.

Her dramatick habits had given a dramatick hue to all her compositions; and we find her occasionally assuming a fictitious signature, and answering or addressing some lovesick youth, or despairing maid, where existence to her was merely ideal.

In this lady's conversation (and the writer of this article has had the pleasure of having been occasionally present) there was nothing of that proud superiority which persons, possibly of more learning, but less. genius, sometimes assume to awe and intimidate. Easy and affable in her manners, it was ever Mrs. Cowley's endeavour to raise to a level with herself, those whose timidity would have placed below it.

Sometimes, indeed, she would enliven the topick under discussion with some sprightly sallies; but these were bright without being dazzling, the spontaneous effusions of genius, emanating from an excellent heart, and corrected by a well regulated mind..

The same ease and affability which distinguished her conversation, characterized her epistolary correspondence, where the ease and familiarity of the style soothed any sense of inferiority, and rendered her letters probably not the least perfect of her compositions.

Mrs. Cowley was married at a very early period to a gentleman whe died in India, a captain in the company's service, and brother to Mr. Cowley, an eminent merchant of Catea

ton street:

She has left a son, now at the bar, and a daughter, married in India to the Rev. Dr. Brown, provost of the magnificent college of Calcutta

The following is a list of her principal known publications, viz

Epic poems-The Maid of Aragon, Scottish, Village; and Siege of Acre.

Tragedies. Albina, Fate of Sparta

Comedies. The Runaway; Belles These, as they have individually Stratagem; Which is the Man; A passed the ordeal of criticism, and Bold Stroke for a Husband ; More would be an acquisition to the fibraWays than One; A Day in Turkey ; ry, we hope to see republished in * Both Ends of the Town ; Second collective shape. Thoughts are Best ; with the farce of, Who's the Dupe.

of the peace

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ROLF KRAGE, with a party of ed to a vicarage ; bart feeting to i-

no his warriours, once entered a house clination for the church, he resigned, in Sweden. The Swedes, who hated and was made a justice him, lighted a fire according to the for the province of Lower Rommerige, custom of those days, in the middle which situation he filled during twenof the room. But they gradually add. ty years. As he resided always in ed so much fuel to the fire, that the the country, agriculture soon became heat became intolerable. When the principal object of his attention. Rolf perceived there was no passage He carried it on diligently himself, for a retreat from the upper part of and encouraged others to follow his the room where he and his friends example.--It was his delight to hussat; and that the Swedes, who occu- band uncultivated lands, and improve pied the lower part, might go out those already cultivated. He, there wherever they thought proper, he fore, greatly promoted fertility and calmly inquired into their motives for opulence among his neighbours and such conduct? “ We mean nothing others. To increase this benefit, he at all,” said the Swedes in a scoffing bestowed great pains, particularly in tone.“ Rolf and his men are known his latter years, in the improvement not to dread either fire or steel!” of agriculture, and in encouraging “ True!” said Rolfe, we will there- and rewarding industry. He was a fore show you that we even dare to gentleman of independent circumadd fuel to the

fire, and then to pass stances, had no children, lived frugalthrough it." Rolf, and his followers, ly, and daily increased his store. He then threw their shields into the fire, was, therefore, able to render ser. by which the flames were, for a vices to others, in a manner which moment subdued; when they leaped did him honour. Many benevolent over it, and chastised the wanton traits of his life have either been formalignity of the Swedes. Hardihood gotten, or not remarked. Some, howe was at that time a quality so requisite ever, are recorded, which deserve in a hero, that Rolf could not have notice here. solicited them to spare his life, with- In the year 1748, when the inhaout disgrace. This happy thought bitants of Lower Rommerige were saved both his life and honour. distressed for seed corn, he lent them

eighty quarters of oats of his own IN the diocese of Aggershuus, growth, on condition, that it should in Norway, lived many years ago a

be paid, as circumstances might gentleman, whose life was remarka- make it convenient. Part of it reble, though it has not excited much mained unpaid at his death, in 1750, publick curiosity. He had been a and he never attempted to enforce student, aụd was afterwards appoint- payment during his life time

In the preceding year, he pur. men. Wherever he found industry, chased a large, but neglected, and it was always sure of meeting his badly cultivated farm in the parish of countenance. The female peasants Hoeland, which he improved in such in the neighbourhood never exhibita manner, that the annual seed in- ed to him their work but he imme. creased from 15 to 35 quarters, and diately made purchases ; and comthe crop from 35 to from 2 to 300 mending their diligence, paid them quarters. Having thus established a higher price than they demanded this farm, he presented it to a poor for their goods, although he might farmer's boy (not related to himself) have bought them better and cheaper whom he had brought up in rural

elsewhere. From the poor cottagers, economy; and thinking him like- who were capable of manufacturing ly to become an able manager, he


ware, he bought ploughs, further gave him 2000 dollars. harrows, and other implements of

He also purchased a fourth part of husbandry, even when he did not a farm, which he improved greatly, want them. Beneficent as he thus and presented it to an old and faithful proved himself to the industrious, he servant, whom he had also brought was inexorable to vagrants, whom up to the study of agriculture. he not only denied his assistance, but

Independent of these estates, he even made it a point to see them conhad three others in the parish of Fend, veyed to places where they would be as well as other lands; and, in order forced to labour. to be certain that these lands, by In domestick life, he proved himself being well cultivated, might yield a virtuous and considerate man ; paid benefits to those who had inclination, the highest regard to religion ; and without means, to become purchasers, acted in his situation according to he made known, that he would dis- the dictates of conscience. He dresspose of them to young and industrious ed and lived frugally ; it was pleasing poor people, on such conditions, as to him to gain in an honest way; but would suit their circumstances. He it was still more agreeable for him proposed, that they should pay him to lay out what he had gained to real a small sum annually during his life; advantage. Whenever he received and, at his decease, the property to rents, or any other certain, or uncerbelong to them and their heirs, with. tain revenue, he said : “ This shall out any further payment. But before be planted in the ground, and bear this noble intention was effected, he fruit.” died; and many young people had to

When his publick or private conregret their having lost such an ex- cerns afforded him moments of lei. cellent opportunity of establishing sure, his chief amusement consisted their future welfare.

in reading and musick. He sang The people in the neighbourhood songs of his own composition, and zealously followed his worthy exam- accompanied himself on the guitar. ple, which induced Lembak to confer He read good books, particularly the on them silver medals in testimony works of the immortal Holberg, on of his high sense of their exertions. which he placed the highest value,

He also distributed rewards for the as he had been personally acquainted extermination of ruinous animals, with the author. and birds of prey.

In Lembak's country, the fruit of Thus this generous patriot sub- his individual industry, which difstantially proved, how near the wel- fused its wholesome spirit among the fare of his country clung to his heart, inhabitants, is every where conspiby encouraging and assisting the far- cuous, and presents the noblest mers; but Lembak's zeal was not memorial of his existence. It was a confined to that particular class of clause in his will : That he should



be born to his grave by twelve of he intended to station his outposts, the most diligent farming peasants, and was completely deceived by her to whom he bequeathed a present for replies. He ordered his horses to their trouble. His wish was accord- be kept in readiness at the door; but ingly indulged; and each peasant she contrived to make the grooms expended the sum allotted to him, drunk, upon which she put the hor. on a piece of plate, which their de- ses in the stable and locked the door. scendants preserve in memory of Her next object was, under the plea the beneficent and honest Niels of compassion, to obtain permission Lembak.

of the colonel to light a fire in the

yard to comfort his men. This fire When Charles the Twelfth inva- she insensibly increased to such a ded Norway, in the year 1716, the degree, that it served as a beacon to main body of his army advanced to guide the Norwegians to the spot. wards Christiana, whence a detach- For she had informed her countryment was sent to destroy the silver meh that a fire would be the signal works at Konsberg. On this expe- for them to advance. Every thing dition a party of 800 horsemen, com- succeeded to her utmost wishes, and manded by colonel Loeven, passed her address and intrepidity were rethrough a narrow defile in the Hares. warded by the arrival of the Norwetue wood, and quartered for the night gians at her house without discovery. at Norderhoug, in the neighbourhood They took the Swedish colonel priof which a small detachment of Nor; soner, and either cut to pieces or wegian dragoons had been stationed put to flight the whole of his party. to watch the motions of the enemy. Upon which they sat down to the en. The Swedish commander, who put tertainment which Mrs. Colbioernsen up at the parsonage, soon after his had provided for their enemies. arrival received information that the The next morning she went out, Norwegians were only at the dis. in company with another female, to tance of three miles, and altogether view the field of battle. The Swedes, ignorant of his arrival. Mrs. Anna who had fled during night, in the Colbioernsen, the wife of the clergy. mean time, rallied, and being still man, who was confined at the time to superiour in numbers to the Norwehis bed, happened to overhear a con- gians, they resolved to attack them; sultation among her guests, in which but, being ignorant of the force of it was resolved to attack the Norwe. the enemy, they sent out a reconnoi. gians by break of day, and then to tring party, who, falling in with Mrs. march against Konsberg. She im- Colbioernsen, the corporal rode up to mediately determined to apprize her her, and pointing his carabine to her countrymen of their danger. In the breast, demanded instant information mean time the greatest attention as to the position and numbers of the was paid to her guests; and, while Norwegians. Her companion fainted she appeared wholly occupied in pro- away; but Mrs. Colbioernsen boldly viding for their entertainment, im- asked: “Is it the order of your king proved her information. She display- to shoot old women ?” The corporal ed equal apparent benevolence to- abashed, removed his carabine, but wards the comforts of the private persisted in his first question. “As soldiers; and, on pretext of wanting to their numbers," she replied, " that other necessaries to complete their you may easily find out, as they are entertainment, she despatched a ser- this moment mustering behind the vant, as it were, to procure them. church in order to pursue you. More

The Swedish colonel, in the I cannot tell you, not having counted mean time, inquired of Mrs. Col- them. But this I know, they are as bioernsen the road to Steen, where numerous as the bees in a hive.” Re

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