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lying upon this intelligence, the par was their confusion and disorder, ly returned to their countrymen, that many were taken by the natives, who fed in all directions. And such and many lost in the forests.

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rad & Co. Philadelphia, Published, By Birch and Small, Philadelphia, Repub

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Justice, though slow, is sure—Ven.

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Also- A Valedictory Oration, delivered First American edition with considera. on the same occasion.

ble additions. By a Catholick Clergyman By Hopkins and Earle, Philadelphia, pub- of Baltimore, and with the authority of lished,

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Mrs. Lenox, author of the female Quir. read, and its import understood without ote, &c. with critical remarks and bio. the assistance of maps. They are indisgraphical sketches of the writer. By M. pensably necessary in order to enable us M. Noah. In 2 vols. octavo.

to comprehend the causes and calculate

on the consequences of the wonderful Mathew Carey, Philadelphia,

events which are now developing on the To republish, Fordyce's Sermons to grand theatre of Europe. Editors of Young Ladies

newspapers, and of other political and Kimbev & Corrad, and Johnson & Warner, cluty it is to convey to the American pub

seientifick periodical publications, whose Philadelphia,

lick correct information on the above menTo republish, Arrowsmith's Maps of tioned subjects, will find themselves lost America, Europe, Asia, and Africa. in a wilderness of conjectures, without the

Perhaps there is no science, which assistance of accurate maps, to be referred blends more intimately the pleasing with to, whenever they hazard an opinion upon the useful, than that which makes us ac- articles of important intelligence. Withquainted with the figure and the laws of out a competent knowledge of the topo. notion of the globe, which we inhabit, graphy of the kingdoxas and republicks, together with the relative position, and which have come within the vortex of the natural and artificial boundaries of the powers, which have convulsed the eastern continents, countries, islands, seas, rivers, hemisphere, and shaken the civilized mountains, &c. with which its surface is

world to its centre, the best written ac. diversified. It is a study, which at once counts of the efforts of the contending Amuses the imagination, exercises the nations will be involved in obscurity, and memory, and strengthens the judgment; efore the reader but little instruction. and is of primary importance in the edu Of such consequence was this science eation of youth, before the latter faculty esteemed by the literati and politicians of is so far unfolded as to render the pupil France, that soon after the revolution, competent te-more severe studies.

they founded topographical sthools, in Mr. Locke, in his tract entitled " Some which the knowledge of geography was Thoughts concerning Education," obe carried to a pitch of almost incredible Geography, I think, should be

accuracy.* bęgun with ; for the learning of the figure Aided by the labours and intelligence of the globe, the situation and boundaries of the pupils of these schools, the French of the four parts of the world, and those of are enabled to explore every part of the particular kingdoms and countries being habitable globe for the purpose of busionly an exercise of the eyes and memory, ness, pleasure, or conquest, without the a child with pleasure will learn and retain necessity of recurring to guides, or the them; and this is so certain, that I now casual and precarious information, whicks live in the house with a child, whom his may be gleaned from the inhabitants oi mother had so well instructed in this the countries they visit. It is hoped that way, in geography, that he knew the li- Americans will not suffer themselves to mits of the four parts of the world, could be surpassed by any nation in a science readily point, being asked, to any country of such utility and importance. on the globe, or any county in the map Impressed with these sentiments, we of England, knew all the great rivers, are happy in announcing to the publick, promontories; straits, and bays, in the that Messrs. Kimber and Conrad, and world, and could find the longitude and Johnson and Warner, have now in the Butitude of any place before he was six hands of the best engravers in this city, tears old. These thrings that he will thus Arrowsmith's Maps of America, Europe, karn by sight, and have by rote, are not Asia, and Africa. These will be execuie: all, I confess, that he is to learn upon in a style equal to the London engravings, the globes. But yet they are a good step and on the same scale, and it is believec aneb preparation for it, and will make the the prices will be considerably lower than demainder much easier, when his judg- they can be imported for. They hari ment is grown ripe enough for it; ben likewise engaged to have made under sides that it gets so much time now, and their direction3, Geographical Globes by the pleasure of knowing things, leads Pirst, thoss or twelve inches diameter, him insensibly to the gaining of lan- and afterwards the other sizes as the guages."

sales may requirs. This seience is not only of importance to be taught to children, but adults will See Amilat De La Croir, and ath-derive great advantages from its cultiva. French sumpings, on this shiec. tion, Scarce a page in history can be

W. R. Smith and M. Canan, Huntingdon, geography, The Sacred and Profane HisPennsylvania,

tory of the World, connected from the To publish by subscription-The Hun- creation of the world to the dissolution tingdon Literary Museum, and Montlily of the Assyrian empire, at the death of Miscellany. Exclusively devoted to amuse- Sardanapalus, and to the declension of the ment and instruction. By W. R. Smith kingdoms of Judah and Israel, under the and M. Canan. To be published monthly, reigns of Ahaz and Pekah ; including the at three dollars per annum.

Dissertation on the Creation and Fall of

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rected copy. By the late Samuel Hopkins, They have also in press, and nearly

D. D. In two volumes 8vo. An elegant ready for publication, a handsome quarto portrait and brief sketch of the author family Bible.

will be prefixed to the work. The Philadelphia Company of Booksellers, E. Sergeant, N. York, and Munroe, FranHave in press-A new edition of Dr.

cis, and Parker, Boston, Rush's Medical Inquiries and Observa

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historical, of the life and character, laA translation of Emerigon is preparing bours, and actions, of eminent persons, for the press by a Gentleman of Baltimore.

of all ages and countries, conditions and Abner Neal, Baltimore, proposes,

professions, arranged in alphabetical or. To publish by subscription Lectures der. By J. Lempriere, D. D. author of the on the Nature and End of the Sacred Of.

Classical Dictionary. fice, and on the Dignity, Duty, Qualifica

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To republish by subscription, The By John Smith, D. D. one of the ministers Science of Legislation. Translated from at Campbelton. In 1 vol. octavo, price the Italian of Gaetano Filangieri. By Ri$1 50.

chard Clayton. J. Kingston, Baltimore,

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Georgia. er's Cabinet ; consisting of more than a

To publish by subscription-Cases dehundred papers original and extracted in

termined in the Superiour Courts in the prose and verse-recommended by the

state of Georgia. following clergymen: Rev. Dr. Bend, Rev. Mr. Ingle, Rev. Mr. Richards, Rev. Mr.

Thomas and Whipple, Newburyport, Knox, Rev. Mr. Sinclair, and the follow

To republish-A Compendious System ing teachers : Messrs. J. Brown, William

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schools. Compiled from the latest and Price to subscribers one dollar.

most distinguished European and Ameri

can travellers, voyagers and geographers. Daniel Fenton, Trenton, New Jersey,

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tem of Company Discipline, founded on denomination. By the Rev. David Simp- the regulations of Baron Steuben, late son, M. A.

major general and inspector general of D. Longworth, New York,

the army of the United States. Containing To republish-Grieving's A Folly; a the manual exercise, facings, steps, turnnew comedy. By Richard Leigh, Esq.- ings, wheelings, miscellaneous evolutions, And Two Faces Under a Hood, an opera. and firings. Together with the duty of By T. Dibdin.

officers and privates. Ornamented with Williams and Whiting, New York, handsome copper-plates of company evoTo republish by subscription in 3 vols. lutions. Designed for the use of the miSvo. illustrated witin four maps of ancient litia. Third edition, improved. Copy right.




Lettres et Pensées du Maréchal Prince de Ligne, publiés par Madame la Baronne

de Staël Holstein. Letters and Thoughts of Marshal Prince de Ligne, published by the Baroness de Staël Holstein. 2 vols. octavo, price 108. London, 1809.

THE name of the fair editor, knowledged by all Frenchmen (those which graces the title page of this of happier times, of course) as one publication, might, alone, afford a of the liveliest, best bred men in strong presumption in its favour. France. And seldom did they give For in this mode of literary adoption, that praise to a man who was not the judgment of a writer of her high born among them. The prince de reputation and discernment, cannot Ligne is even the only foreigner, be biassed by those parental feelings perhaps, who in French composition, which too often are the prolifick may be taken as a model, instead source of selfdelusion. Indeed, some of being considered as a copyist. over cautious criticks, knowing the (We know another foreigner, much lady's extraordinary turn of mind; superiour to the prince in the oriher romantick democracy; her sub- ginality of his French compositle metaphysicks, and her perfectabi- tions; we mean our countryman Hatity of melancholy,* might pause a milton.] His bravery had that dashing while, thinking it likely that, not- character of impetuosity, which is withstanding her acknowledged ta. usually attributed to French courage. lents, the work she has thus ushered There is reason to suspect, that on before the publick, might be a stu- various occasions, since the date of pendous production of the genuine his letters, the prince de Ligne would German school. In this, however, have wished for more opportunities they will be most agreeably disap- to display his French bravery against pointed. “ The marshal prince de the French.

" It follows of course, Ligne,” as the editor tells us in her that the editor has not taken upon preface (page 1 and passim] “ was ac- herself to refute or to support, any

of the opinions maintained by the * Madame de Staël has written to prove, prince de Ligne, on different subthat the absolute perfection of human na. jects,” &c. This alludes principally ture is a state of perfect melancholy; and that we are distinguished from brutes, 10 the sentiments expressed by the only by a disposition to arrive at that prince on the French nation, and perfect state : to express which, she has French revolution ; sentiments not coined the word perfectibilite.

perfectly congenial to those of the

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editor, or to those of the present ruler of France. This blemish, however, will not weigh heavily against the prince de Ligne in the judgment of our readers. And they will peruse, with a lively interest, the spontaneous effusions of a nobleman already known by several valuable publications on history, and on military af fairs. A nobleman who saw his com pany courted, and his conversation sought after by the greatest men of his age; who served his sovereign successfully, both in the cabinet, and in the field; who enjoyed the favour and even the intimacy, of six crowned heads; among whom were Frederick II. of Prussia, Joseph II. of Austria, and Catharine II. of Russia; who, to the most brilliant gallantry joined the most accurate judgment, with the most thorough knowledge of the world; and who, in the midst. of courts, knew how to flatter without degrading himself, and to speak the truth without offending the delicate ears of majesty. The following extracts display the true character of the prince de Ligne's work; and therefore we shall introduce them without further preliminaries.

The first is an extract from a

sprightly account given by the prince of a journey in company with their imperial majesties of Russia and Austria, and holding conversations with them on subjects so interesting and important, that we will not lose the privilege of listening. We have seldom an opportunity of joining such distinguished society, or of visiting the distant region to which a few lines will now transport us.

"I fancy myself still dreaming, when in the corner of a coach with six seats, which is a real triumphal chariot, adorned with cyphers in precious stones, I find myself seated between two persons, on whose shoulders the heat often makes me fall asleep, and from whom,. in waking, I hear these expressions: I have thirty millions of subjects, as they say, reckoning only the males.' I have twenty-two, replies the other, 'including all.'-'I ought to have an army of at least six hundred thousand men,' says the first, "from Kam

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"In our carriage, we pass in review all states and all great people. God knows how we treat them. Rather than subseribe to the separation of thirteen provinces, like my brother George,' said Catharine the second, I would have shot myself. And rather than dismiss myself, as my brother and brother-in-law have done, by convoking and reassembling the nation to talk of abuses, I know not what I would have done,' said Joseph the second.

"They agreed in opinion also respecting like, and against whom the emperour the king of Sweden, whom they did not said he had taken a prejudice in Italy, on account of a robe de chambre of blue and silver, with a bunch of diamonds. They allowed him energy, talent, and underdefence (for the favours conferred by him standing. -'Yes certainly,' I said in his on me, and the marks of a great character which I have seen him display, attach me to him) Your majesty really ought to prohibit a dreadful libel, which dares to treat as a Don Quixote, a prince of excellent qualities, amiable, and endowed with genius.

"Their imperial' majesties sometimes felt one another's pulse in respect to those poor devils the Turks; and they threw out observations, looking at one another. As an admirer of glorious antiquity, and a little fond of novelty, I spoke of re-establishing the Greeks; and Catharine wished to give birth again to Lycurguses and Solons. For my part, I spoke of Alcibiades: but Joseph the second, who attends more to the future than the past, and is more attached to substance than imagination, inquired: What the devil must we do with Constantinople?"

"In this manner, they captured several islands and provinces, without appearing to be engaged in any thing particular; and I said within myself: Your majesties will only capture miseries. We treat him too well,' said the emperour, speaking of me; he has not sufficient respect for us. Do you know, madame, that he was in love with one of my father's mistresses; and that he defeated me when just entering into life, in a contest for a marchioness, who was beautiful as an angel, and who was the first love of us both?"

"Here is no reserve between these two great sovereigns. They related to each other the most interesting circumstances.

Has your life never been attempted? I have been menaced.-I have received

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