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The comtnodities with which the markets in Virginia are supplied « make a figure" in these elegant lines :

s6 The mutton tolerably fat.
The veal as lean as any cat.”
“ Small birds that every taste may hit
They bring from blackbirds to tom-tit.”

“ The other crabs you cheap may buy Eighteen for four pence halfpenny." We

e are very glad to see that this book is printed by subscription; since benevolence is certainly better than taste!



La Fete de la Rose; or the Dramatick Flowers ; a Holyday Present for Young Peo

ple. By Mrs. B. IIoole. 24to. pp. 22. 6d. 1809. We have read these verses with But geranium declared it was his place to singular pleasure; and young people,

stand in their holydays, may be delightfully Earl marshal, by heirship, at majesty's

hand; amused by them. A walk in the And the myrtle, with blossoms all white garden, with this book in the hand,

as a bride, will be a very interesting entertain- Placed herself with great modesty, close ment. The rose, queen of flowers, by his side. designed to give a feast to her friends;

Then powdered auricula headed his cou

sins, following the example of birds, beasts, Gowslip, primrose, and polyanth, walking and insects ; but the lilly persuades

by dozens. her to have a theatre placed upon the The flaunting ranunculus, yellow and red, lawn, and a tragedy performed, with By the gentle anemone softly was led;

pantomime following. Many of Rich stocks of all ages, behind them were our readers, we think, will readily

placed, pay for a sight of the tragedy, in. Gay pink s intermingled with infinite taste ; terlude, pantomime, and concluding And monkshood a moment forgot all his

Convolvolus opened her eyes on the scene, banquet, if we treat them with a

spleen. view of the theatre,

The marygold gaudy, and love in a mist, “On a hill, near the lawn, with pale vio- With larkspur and hyacinth, shone in the

lets o'ergrown, The queen in full majesty sat on her Mezereon was there in his jacket of red, throne;

And pining narcissus, still hanging liis In a robe of pink satin this Venus was

head ; drest,

His dashing relation, the daffodil came, And a diamond of dew glittered bright on With sprightly miss Jonquil, a sweet scenther breast:

ed dame; A mantle of green moss around her was Poor charity too, in her boddice of blue ; born,

And low-bred nasturtiums whom nobody To soften the radiance it could not adorn;

knew, Behind her as guards, the tall holy-oaks Though none were invited some coxcomba stood,

where there, The carnation sat near her, a prince of the And London-pride simpered to see them blood ;

appear ; The white rose, and damask too, claimed

The sweet-briar and hawthorn united to their high stations,

screen, As peers of the realm, and as royal rela- From vulgar intrusion the throne of their tions ;

queen ; For supporters the lilach and jessamine But in spite of their thorns 'twas beset at came,

all hours, And the flexile laburnum bowed low to the By elegant creepers, and parasite flowers."




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Das Krieg spiel, &c. The Game of War. Pamphlet. 8vo. London, 1809. THIS game is founded on the prin. To this character of the game of ciple, that in war success does not war," for which we are beholden to a always depend on the excellence and foreign journalist, we would add, that

, valour of the troops, but much more an officer in command is more frefrequently on the combination of quently at a loss to discern the intenmarches, and on a judicious disposi- tions of his adversary, than to frustion of the different corps of which trate them, when detected, before the army is composed. The ancient they are put in execution. The plans wars, the modern wars in general, laid by two ingenious players, for the and, especially, the military events movements of their troops, would that took place in Germany at the suggest many resources, of which close of 1805, have corroborated this though only one could be executed, principle, and have suggested the several might have merit. The habit idea of this game, which, by uniting of promptitude and decision, yet of amusement with utility, offers to mi- selection, after having compared diflitary men an instructive recreation, ferent plans in the mind, could not by imitating on a map, or plan of any but be strengthened by a friendly kind, the movements of two opposing opposition of this nature. And the armies, and, in which the intention is, after thoughts of what should have to reduce the adversary, by skilful been done, under existing circumcombinations of tacticks and by taking stances, are much inferiour sources all advantages, to give up the game. of anxiety to the mind of the comba

This game has three distinct re- tant, than a wrong order given while commendations: 1. It is much easier countermarching in presence of the to learn than chess: 2. It is more in- enemy. teresting: 3. It is, especially, more Chess is generally understood to instructive to any one who is study- have been conceived in the same ing the art of war: because the same spirit as this “ game of war." It principles are adopted in playing at consists in the attack and defence of it as in real operations in the field, the sovereign powers of two countries, and thereby the party becomes fa- whose dominions are divided by a miliarized with great maneuvres, river. Many famous generals have and learns to derive advantages from desired that their officers should be topographical plans, which have al- familiar with the chess board: and ways considerable influence on the for the same reason we have thought motions of armies, and the positions this article deserving of a place in our taken by troops.

work. The implements for this game are, When Christina, queen of Swea large map, to represent an exten- den, was on her journey to Rome, sive district, and a box with figures, she visited the French academy, and which are disposed according to the desired them to proceed in the allotrules of the game annexed. The ted business of the evening, that she combination is such, that it may be might enjoy their conversation. It played on any map, provided those proved to be the revision of certain who play agree beforehand on the articles of their dictionary of the different roads, the extent of marches, French language. and the strength of the position ;-- The phrase under discussion was: the better to explain these points, “War is the game of Kings.” The they are settled cu a map that is president apologized for the subject, given with the materials for playing as being merely accidental, and intendat this game.

ing no reflection on crowned heads.


The queen only laughed, and ex- of officers in our island might derive pressed sentiments which have been profit, in a military sense, from this happily rendered by our poet Cowper: amusement: and though we must re“War is a game, which were their subjects gret the necessity that renders the wise,

profession of war honourable, yet, Kings should not play at.”

while that necessity continues (and Nevertheless, in a case like the see no hope of its being removed) present, we give leave even to sub- the advantages to be derived from jects to play at it, as the result of the studying it as a science must be more conflict need inspire no

than tolerated: they must be comPerhaps some among the great body mended.



Sermons to Young Ladies. By James Fordyce, D.D. Philadelphia, republished by

Mathew Carey, 1809. THE author of these sermons is and the slaves of our pleasures: but certainly a man of taste and genius ; as intended to be reasonable and and what is still greater praise, he agreeable companions, faithful and appears to have a warm and generous affectionate friends, the sweetners and concern for the best interests of hu- the charm of human life; in a word, manity. His style, his manner, the as designed to soflen our hearts, and observations he makes, plainly show polish our manners. Though nature, that he knows the world ; that he has observing the same distinction here, carefully studied, and is well ac- as in the more delicate frame of their quainted with the human heart; and bodies, has, in his opinion, formed that he is possessed of every qualifi. the faculties of their minds less vigocation necessary to execute the im- rous than those of men, yet she has portant task he has undertaken. bestowed upon them, he thinks, a There are, indeed, to the best of our

greater sensibility of heart, and recollection, no compositions of this sweetness of temper; a nicer and kind in the English language, in quicker discernment of characters ; a which are to be found greater delica- more lively fancy; and a greater deсу

of sentiment, correctness of ima- licacy of taste and sentiment. gination, elegance of taste, or that Attend, then, to his instructions, contain such genuine pictures of life ye fair! He addresses you in and manners.

character of an affectionate brother; The author's style of preaching and you will find him a discreet guar. is entirely new, having never, as far dian, a prudent counsellor, a faithful as we know, been before attempted. friend, and a rational companion. It requires uncommon talents to suc- Hearken to him, and he will teach ceed in it: and he has succeeded to

you how to captivate the heart of admiration. His design is to improve every virtuous beholder-how to the most amiable and most agreeable spread a lustre round your persons part of the creation, for whose best superiour to that of all the diamonds interests he professes an unfeigned in the universe-how to enrich and regard and fervent zeal. He enter. adorn your understanding--how to tains the highest idea of their impor- enjoy solitude-how to shine in contance and destination; considers them versation without designing it-how not in that debasing light in which to inspire a mixture of cumplacence they are too often considered, as and respect-how to unite decency formed only to be domestick drudges, and sense with mirth and joy. Take

him for your guide, and he will lead' have steeled their breasts by system, you from the wide and dangerous whom the boasted principles of infiwalks of idle amusement and dissipa- delity has raised to a glorious contion, from the gay and fluttering tempt of all laws, human and divine, scenes of vanity, into the peaceful delivered from the vulgar conceit of and delightful paths of knowledge, immortality, and enabled to conquer genuine beauty, and elegance. He the little weaknesses of nature, with will show you how to escape disho- the ignoble prejudices of education: nour and remorse, reproach and ri. and such wily wretches, such obdu. dicule: and prove, that sense and rate and flagitious offenders, he as. capacity, joined to meekness and sures you, abound every where.modesty, are exempted from the con- Listen then to this faithful and kind dition of every thing else; which is, monitor, and he will convince you, to lose its influence, when it loses its that your safety lies in retreat and novelty. Attend to him, and he will vigilance, in sobriety and prudence, teach you to cultivate genuine worth in virtuous friendship and rational instead of artificial forms; to practice conversation : in domestick, elegant, undissembled sweetness, instead of and intellectual accomplishments, in fictitious courtesy; to level the fantas- the guardianship of Omnipotence, tick structures of pride, and to raise on which can only be obtained by TRUE their ruins the plain and modest, but RELIGION, pleasing and grateful fabrick of Such, and many more such, are meekness and humility. He will show the important lessons this excellent you the difference between flaitery preacher will teach you; nor does he and approbation, between smiles and approach you, ye fair ones, with an attachment. He will direct


in austere countenance, or an awful sothe choice of your companions and lemnity. On the contrary, his aspect diversions; how to guard against the is cheerful and sprightly; he is no less follies of your own sex, and the arts of entertaining than he is instructive; ours. He will teach you to despise, or he thinks those persons, strangers to rather to pity, the futility of those true wisdom, who suppose her mofrivolous fops, those empty, conceit- nitions incompatible with cheerful ed, and insignificant danglers, that images or joyful ideas; and he is too are to be seen, in such numbers, in well acquainted with the human every place of publick resort--whose mind, to hope to reform its errours capacity reaches no higher than flat- without conciliating its affections, or tering every young woman they see, toimagine that the tutoring of terrour into good humour, by telling her alone, as he expresses himself

, will perpetually, how handsome, and how produce the love of goodness. Happy fine she is.

the mothers who follow his maxims, He will teach you to dread and in forming the taste and manners of to guard with the utmost caution their daughters ! happy, thrice hap; against those cool, complimental, py, the daughters, who are blessed smooth tongued libertines-those sly, with such mothers. insinuating, insidious deceivers, who

FROM THE MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR JULY, 1809. SOME expectation was raised in would be difficult, even amid the the publick mind from the Batchelor's mass of modern publications, to point of Mr. Moore, better known by the out one so destitute of every qualifi. name of Anacreon Moore; but it cation to render it worthy of notice.



The following is an account of a hunting match in Athol, for the entertainment of Mary, Queen of Scots, extracted from “Gunn's Historical Inquiry respecting the Harp.”

ISHALL give it in the words of an addressing her thus: Do you observe eye-witness. I had a sight of a very that stag who is foremost of the herd? extraordinary sport. In the year 1563, There is danger from that stag; for the earl of Athol, a prince of the if either fear or rage should force blood-royal, had, with much trouble him from the ridge of that bill, let and vast expense, provided a hunt- every one look to himself, for none ing match for the entertainment of of us will be out of the way of harm, our most illustrious and most gra- as the rest will all follow this one; cious queen. Our people call this a and having thrown us under foot, royal hunting. I was then a young they will open a passage to the hill man, and was present on that occa- behind us.' What happened a mosion. Two thousand Highlanders ment after, confirmed this opinion; were employed to drive to the hunt- for the queen ordered one of the best ing ground all the deer from the dogs to be let loose upon a wolf; woods and hills of Athol, Badenoch, this the dog pursues--the leading Marr, Murray, and the countries stag was frightened-he flies by the about. As these Highlanders use a same way he had come there--the light dress, and are very swift of foot, rest rush after him, and break out they went up and down so nimbly, where the thickest body of the Highthat, in less than two months time, landers was. They had nothing for it they brought together two thousand now but to throw themselves flat on red deer, besides roes and fallow the heath, and to allow the deer to deer. The queen, the great men, and pass over them. It was told the a number of others, were in a glen, queen, that several of the Highlandor narrow valley, when all these deer er's had been wounded, and that two were brought before them; believe or three had been killed outright; me, the whole body moved forward and the whole body of deer had got in something like battle order. This off, had not the Highlanders, by sight still strikes me, and ever will their skill in hunting, fallen upon a strike me; for they had a leader stratagem, to cut off the rear from whom they followed close wherever the main body. It was of those that he moved. This leader was a very had been separated, that the queen's fine stag, with a very high head. The dogs, and those of the nobility, made sight delighted the queen very much, slaughter. There was killed that ulay but she soon had cause for fear, upon three hundred and sixty deer, with the earl's (who had been from his five wolves." early days accustomed to such sights )

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