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Sour Wine sweetened by Charcoal. experiment: Let a drop of hot sealing MR. CREVE, of Wisbaden, has disco- wax fall upon the finger; bear the pain vered a method of recovering wine that

till it is gone off, and let the sealing wax has turned sour. For this purpose he em


upon the finger five or ten minutes;

then take it off, and no marks of a burn ploys powdered charcoal. The inhabitants of the banks of the Rhine have bestowed

will be found. On the other hand, a blister on him a medal, as a reward.

is raised, if it is instantly taken off. Glaziers use white lead whenever they re

ceive burns from soldering irons. If you The following is Mr. Hume's new plan for put your hand or foot into a basin of detecting arsenick.

water rather hotter than you can bear, the LET one grain of white oxide of arse. pain is greater the moment you take it out, nick and the same quantity of carbonate of than while it remains in. Your's &c. C. 7. soda be dissolved, by boiling in ten or twelve ounces of distilled water, which ought to be done in a glass vessel ; to this Account of Works constructed for the Malet a small quantity of the nitrate of silver nufacture of Mineral Tar, Pitch, and be added, and a bright yellow precipitate Varnish. will instantly appear. This is a more deci

THREE considerable works were erect., sive test 'than sulphate of copper. But

ed in Staffordshire, on the banks of the thoug this process answers very well with” potash, or even lime water, the canal, for the purpose of procuring tar, common carbonate of soda ought to be pitch, and varnish from coal. One at Brad

ley, another at Tipton, and the third at preferred.

the level colliery and iron works at Dudley

wood. To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine.

These tar works are erected in the vi. cinity of collieries and iron works. The

masters of these works furnish the tar IN page 104, of vol. xvi. your correspon. works with coals, for the coak which they dent X. opposes what he calls the vulgar produce; and leave the products of the custom of applying oil, honey, &c. in process to the proprietors of the tar works, cases of burns and scalds. But he must which are managed as follows: either have had no experience, or reason- A range of eighteen or twenty stoves is ed very superficially on the subject, if he erected, and supplied with coal kept burnsupposes that the application of cold water ing at the bottom. The smoke is conducted can have any effect in relieving the pain. by proper horizontal tunnels, into a capaIt is impossible that the heat or fire should cious closed funnel, of more than one hunremain in the flesh any considerable time dred yards in length. This funnel is built after the accident has happened. The heat, with brick, supported by brick arches, and therefore, which we generally feel about has a shallow pond of water formed on its the part afficted, proceeds from infam. top, which is filled when required by a mation, which your correspondent forgets steam engine belonging to the iron works. is the consequence and not the cause of the cold of the water condenses the smoke heat. The fibres, by means of which we re- which falls on the floor of the funnel in the ceive the sense of pain, are covered and form of tar, and is conveyed by pipes into defended from external matter by the a receiver, from whence it is pumped into third and innermost skin. This covering a large boiler, and boiled to a proper conbeing destroyed or otherwise materially in- sistence, or else it is inspissated into pitch, jured by fire, air or any other extraneous in which case, the vapour which arises dumatter having access to the nerves causes ring this inspissation is condensed into an exquisite pain, which water or wet cloths oil, used for varnish. do but increase. Spirits of turpentine, No smoke is let to go to waste in these which one of your correspondents sug- works, except a very little from some small gests, or any other sort of oil, by supply. funnels, which are kept open to give ing the place of a covering, instantly re- draught to the fires. lieves the pain. If a blister be not very The process requires but little attenlarge, honey, or white lead, should be laid dance, the principal labour being that of on to keep the air out. If it is large, it supplying the fuel. In one of the tar works should be punctured, and oil applied; but twenty tons of coals are used each day, and the skin should not be taken off until it is three labourers with a foreman, are suffidressed. The propriety of keeping the air cient for the business; from this work about from burns may be proved by any one who twenty-eight barrels of tar, of 2 1-2 cwt. has courage to try the following simple are produced in six days, or twenty.one


barrels of pitch of the same weight. Some coal is so bituminous, as to yield one eighth of its weight of tar; but the above is the average produce.

In hilly countries, the stoves may be

erected at the foot of the hill, and the condensing funnel higher up: streams of water may, in such situations, be often found which can be made to supply the pond over the funnel, without pumping.


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By Hopkins & Earle, Philadelphia, Published-Rush's Works.

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By W. Wells &T. B. Waite & Co. Boston, Republished-The Works of Mrs. Chapone: now first collected-Containing, 1. Letters on the Improvement of the Mind. 2. Miscellanies. 3. Correspondence with Mr. Richardson. 4. Fugitive Pieces. To which is prefixed, An account of her Life and Character, drawn up by her own fa mily. In two volumes.

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W. W. Woodward,

son, D. D. F. R. S. E. one of the Ministers Will shortly put to press, the following of the High Church, and Professor of Lo. Works-Second edition of Scott's Family gick, and Metaphysicks, in the University Bible, in 5 quarto volumes, with maps, of Edinburgh-with an account of the chronological tables, and a Concordance, Life and Character of the Author. The Bible can be subscribed for separate Gospel Gloss, representing the Miscarriafrom the maps, &c. as the publick choose; ges of English Professors, or a Call froin or the maps, &c. without the Bible. The Heaven to Sinners and Saints, by Repen. Bible with the maps, $6 50 per volume; tance and Reformation, to prepare to meet without, $6_Maps, &c. boards, $3, God. By Lewis Stuckley-Recommended bound, $4.-A large edition of the above by Dr. Ryland. mentioned work is disposed of.-W. W. J. Kingston, Baltimore, proposes W. will accommodate subscribers for the To republish, by subscription (with all New or Old Testament separate, or toge- convenient speed) in six parts, one dollar ther-the New Testament will be $10, 2 each part, A Dictionary of the Holy Bible,

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thors, and a considerable quantity of origi. Simeon's Helps to Composition, contain- nal matter. By the Reverend and Learned ing 600 skeletons of Sermons, with James Wood. The first American Edition, Claud's Essay on Composition, and ten carefully printed on a fine paper, royal complete Sermons on the Christian Ar. size, from the European copy. These vomour, in five large octavo volumes-price lumes will form a very valuable part of the to subscribers, $2 50 per volume, bound Library for Ministers and People. The raand lettered.

pid sale of a long edition through England, Shrubsole's Christian Memoirs, in one Scotland, and Ireland, bears ample testivolume--this work is contemplated for mony. press in a short time. The above is in form John Vance & Co. Baltimore, of A New Pilgrimage to the Heavenly Je- To publish-A new work, entitled, rusalem: containing by way of Allegorical Washington, or Liberty Restored. A Narrative, a great variety of Dialogues on Poem in ten Books. By Thomas Norththe most interesting subjects, and Adven- more, Esq. tures of eminently religious persons--from

Ænedæ in ferrum pro libertate ruebant. the third edition, with the Life of the Au.

Æn. viii. 648. thor, about $1 25, nearly 400 pages 12mo. With the Proposals are handsome com- Almighty Being! who on the human mind mendations of the work. It is expected Hast deep impressed the unutterable worth to be out early in the Spring:

Of Heaven-sprung Liberty, and didst deThe Christian Preacher, or, Discourses on Preaching, hy several eminent Divines, The curse of Ignorance with all its woe: English and Foreign, revised and abrid. Upon that nation which should spurn hir ged, with an Appendix, on the choice of gifts; books, with observations on the merits of "To thee I call, and beg thy heavenly aid their Authors. By Edward Williams, D. To uphold my mortal pinions while I sing. D. second edition with improvements, in Freedom restored to half the peopled one neat 12mo. volume.



earth W. W. W. expects also to put to press, By Freedom's noblest bulwark, Washingin one volume, Sermons by James Finlay



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Philip H. Nicklin & Co. Baltimore, late Bishop of Worcester, 3 vols. 8vo. 11. Propose to republish-Rutherford's An. 113. 6d. cient History.

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View of the History, Politicks, Commerce, To republish, by subscription- Jerusa

and Literature of Asia, for the Year 1806. Jem Delivered. A Heroick Poen. Transla. By the late Lawrence Dundas Campbell, ted from the Italian of Torquato Tasso. Esq. Vol. VIII. in two Parts, 11. 4s. By John Hoole. First American, from the

Alphonzo; or, The Natural Son. Transeighth London Edition, with Notes.

lated from the French of Madame de By Somebody, Boston,

Genlis, 3 vols. 13s. 6d. To publish—'Tis Something_Nothing.

Cælibia choosing a Husband. By Captain On Saturday, Nov. 18, 1809, will be publish. Torrens, 10s. ed, the first number of Something. To be

Elements of Art. A poem on Painting, continued weekly, if Nothing prevents.

in six Cantos; with Notes and a Preface. Edited by Oudeis-Nemo-Nobody, Esq.- Including Strictures on the State of the Prospectus. The Editor of “ Something” Arts, Criticism, Patronage, and Publick promises Nothing. Subscribers it is hoped Taste. By Martin Archer Shee, R. A. 8vo. may be found who will encourage “Some.

138. thing” of a literary nature, at the price of

Letters from London to Dublin, from a three dollars a year; one half paid in ad.

Student of Law to his Father in Ireland, vance; for Something will come to Nothing

the State of Manners, Opinions. if Nothing comes to Something.

Politicks, the Court, Legal Practice, Pub.

lick Amusements, Literature, &c. &c. in. RECENT BRITISH PUBLICATIONS.

terspersed with Characteristick Anecdotes

of nearly Five Hundred Persons, in the The History of Canine Madness and

different Departments of Publick Life. 2 Hydrophobia, with the Methods of Treat

vol. post 8vo. 16s. ment, ancient and modern. By George Marmion Travestied. A Tale of Mo. Lipscomb, M. D. &c. &c. 8vo. 7s.

dern Times, 8vo. 9s. large paper, 12s. The pulpit, or a Biographical and Li

PROPOSED BRITISH PUBLICATIONS. terary accoant of Eminent Popular Preachers, interspersed with occasional Clerical Mr. Bigland, author of Letters on His. Criticism, for 1809. By Onesimus. 8vo. 98. tory, &c. is preparing a General History

A Dane's Excursions in Britain. By Mr. of Europe, from the peace in 1783 to the Andersen, author of a Tour in Zealand, present time. &c. 2 vol. sm. 8vo. 12..

Jeremy Bentham, Esq. author of the Lectures on Painting. Delivered at the Treatise on Scotch Reform, has in the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. By the late press a work on Libel Law. John Opie, Esq. Professor in Painting to Sir George Staunton has sent to the the Royal Academy, 4to. 11. 18.

press a Translation from the original LanA new Treatise on Algebra, for the Use guage of the Leu-lee, of the Fundamental of Schools. By John Mole. 78.

Laws of the Chinese Empire, as far as reProceedings on the Trial between Bur- lates to their Penal Code. gess, à pauper, and Wm. Cobbett, for A work under the title of Tales of other oppression, and false imprisonment.-- Countries is in the press. The tales are Before Mr. Justice Lawrence, on Thur's founded on circumstances relating to the day, July 20, 1809, 1s.

author in his travels through some of the A Map of the Southern Provinces of continental countries. Holland, with Part of the Netherlands, Dr. Clarke's Travels through Russia; 28. 6d.

and the territories of the Don Cossacks, A new Map of Germany, Holland, Po- Kuban Tartary, the Crimea, &c. will very land, Hungary, and Part of France. By shortly be published; as will also a comIgnatius Heymann, head post master at plete collection of Voyages and Travels Trieste, 9 sheets, l. 2s. on rollers or in from Columbus to the present time. case, 31. 38.

Mr. Benthamı has two works of consideThe Island of Walcheren, with a gene- rable promise in the press. One, entitled ral Map of the Province of Zealand. 5s. Elements of the Art of Packing, its applied

The Librarian. Being an account of to Juries; and the other The Perils of the scarce, valuable, and useful English Books, Press. Manuscript Libraries, Publick Records, Cromwelliana; or Anecdotes from au&c. &c. By James Savage, of the London thentick documents, illustrative of the Institution. Vol. II. 6s. 6d.

character of Oliver Cromwell and liis The Works, in Prose and Verse, of family, will shortly be published in one Mrs. A. Cowley; with Notes. By Dr. Hurd, volume small folio,



dorcet, ib. Madame de Rochefoucault,

258. Madame Roland, ib.
AerostaTION, 357.

Bloomfield, Robert, letter from, 22. His ada
Ali, Pacha of Janina, history of, 202. dress to a Spindle, 195.
Ambassadour, English, his audience with Bon Mots, rules for making them, 276.
the Sultan, 277.

Buonaparte, his campaigns in Italy, 110.
America, poetical picture of, reviewed, Battle of Arcole, 111. Of Rivoli, 112.

328. South America, its importance, po. Siege of Mantua, ib. His Court, 317.
pulation, wants, &c. 29, 33, 41.

Bourbon, Duke of, 423.
American Traveller, Letter from an, 66. Brewster, Dr. his instrument for deter-

Governour Ellis, ib. A Russian Princess, mining distances, 358.
67. Prince Lichtenstein, ib.

Burns, Reliques of Robert, reviewed, 10.
Anecdotes of Birds, reviewed, 43.

His Poem of Bonie Doon, 70.
Anecdotes, of a Minister, 68. Of Castor
Oil, ib. Of a Town Crier, 69. Of Milton,

ib. Of Miss Taylor, ib. Of Mr. Fuller, ib. Camilla de Florian, reviewed, 382.
Of Captain Bishop, 197. Of Rolf Krage, Campbell, Thomas, his Gertrude of Wyo-

ming, 225.
Antiquities, discovery of, 136.

Carey William (see Baptist Missionary
Apes and Monkeys, anecdotes of, 55.

Society) 151.
Argens, Marquis d' Memoirs of, 260. Carleton, George, Memoirs of, 176. Battle
Arsenick, new mode of detecting, 429. of Seneff, 178. Of Steenkirk, 180. Of
Asthma, recipe for, 281.

Monjouick, 183.

Cavern, The, reviewed, 383, Story of, 384.

Cayenne, account of the Colony of, 341.
Bachelor, The, a novel, by Thomas Moore, Characters of the Sixteenth Century, 201.

Charles, the First, his entrance into Lon.
Baptist Missionary Society, an account of, don, 199.

reviewed, 150. Origin of it by William Cookery, a new system of domestick, re-
Carey, 151. Goes to India, 151. Appoint- viewed, 1. Extracts from, 4.
ed a Professor at the College of Fort Cornaro's temperance, 428.
William, 155. Mutiny at Vellore, 158. Cowley, Hannah, Memoirs of, 208.
Conversion of the Hindoos, practicable Cowper, William, lis translation of Mil.
and proper, 161 to 164.

ton's Sonnets, 70. His tame Hares, 172.
Banks, Sir Joseph's, account of Merino His translation of Milton's Poems, 366.

Critical Essays on the performers of the
Bateman, Mary, execution of, 121.

London Theatres, 301. Pope, 301. Hen.
Beaufoy, Henry, author of Scloppetaria, derson, 302. Quin, 303. Cibber, 304.

Mrs. Pritchard, 305. Mrs. Barry, ib.
Bidding Wedding, description of, 423. Mrs. Yates, 306. Garrick, ib. Kemble,
Bingley, William, his Memoirs of British 307. Elliston, 309. Kemble, junior, ib.
Quadrupeds, 171.

Cook, 310. Rae, Dowton, 310.
Biographie Moderne, reviewed, 236. Gre. Crocodiles of the Nile, 335. Their habits,

goire, 244. Garat, 245. Merlin de Douai, 336.
246. Merlin de Thionville, ib. Jean De Cromek's reliques of Burn's, reviewed, 10.
bry, 247. Cochon, 248. Maury, 249, Mi.
rabeau, 250. Carnot, 251. St. Just, 252.

Rewbell, 253. Lepeaux, Barras, Roger Degen, his machine for raising a person in
Ducos, Sieyes, Barthelemi, Fenelon, the air, 357.
Desezé, 254. Malesherbes, 255. Target, Diamonds, may be consumed by fire, 61.

Fronchet, Anacharsis Cloots, 256. Con. Found in Golconda, Pegu, Şciam, and
TOL. Ile


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