From "Two Broadsides against Tobacco," 1672. THIS Indian weed, now withered quite, All flesh is hay: Thus think and smoke tobacco. The pipe so lily-like and weak, Does thus thy mortal state bespeak: Thou art e'en such, Gone with a touch. Thus think, and smoke tobacco. And when the smoke ascends on high, Of worldly stuff, Gone with a puff. Thus think, and smoke tobaceo. And when the pipe grows foul within, It does require. Thus think, and smoke tobacco. And see'st the ashes cast away: Then to thyself thou mayest say, Return thou must. Thus think, and smoke tobacco. The foregoing is a slightly-altered version of a song which was first printed in 1672, in "Two Broadsides against Tobacco." The author is unknown. The following is the original copy: THE Indian weed withered quite, Green at noon, cut down at night, All flesh is hay: Thus think, then drink tobacco. The pipe that is so lily-white, Gone with a touch: Thus think, then drink tobacco. And when the smoke ascends on high, Of worldly stuff, Gone with a puff: Thus think, then drink tobacco. And when the pipe grows foul within, It doth require : Thus think, then drink tobacco. The ashes that are left behind, May serve to put thee still in mind, Return thou must, Thus think, then drink tobacco. THE VICAR OF BRAY. IN good King Charles's golden days, To teach my flock I never miss'd, And this is law I will maintain When royal James obtain'd the crown, The penal laws I hooted down, And read the Declaration: The Church of Rome I found would fit Full well my constitution; And had become a Jesuit But for the Revolution. And this is law, &c. When William was our king declared, Old principles I did revoke, Set conscience at a distance; Passive obedience was a joke, When gracious Anne became our Queen, Occasional conformists base, I damn'd their moderation, Although the Church in danger was By such prevarication. And this is law, &c. 99 66 When George in pudding-time came o'er, I turn'd a cat-in-pan once more, From our new faith's defender; Th' illustrious House of Hanover, For in my faith and loyalty; I never more will falter, And George my lawful king shall be— Until the times do alter. And this is law, &c. "The Vicar of Bray, in Berkshire," says D'Israeli, in his "Curiosities of Literature," was a Papist, under the reign of Henry the Eighth, and a Protestant under Edward the Sixth. He was a Papist again under Mary, and once more became a Protestant in the reign of Elizabeth. When this scandal to the gown was reproached for his versatility of religious creeds, and taxed for being a turn-coat, and an inconstant changeling, as Fuller expresses it, he replied: Not so, neither; for if I changed my religion, I am sure I kept true to my principle, which is to live and die the Vicar of Bray." "Pendleton, the celebrated Vicar of Bray," says another statement, which has recently gone the round of the newspapers, "subse. quently became rector of St. Stephen's, Walbrook. It is related that in the reign of Edward VI., Lawrence Sanders, the martyr, an honest but mild and timorous man, stated to Pendleton his fears that he had not strength of mind to endure the persecution of the times, and was answered by Pendleton that "he would see every drop of his fat and the last morsel of his flesh consumed to ashes, ere he would swerve from the faith then established." He, however, changed with the times, saved his fat and his flesh, and became rector of St. Stephen's, whilst the mild and diffident Sanders was burnt in Smithfield." In a note in Nichols' Select Poems, 1782, vol. viii., p. 234, it is stated that The song of the Vicar of Bray "is said to have been written by an officer in Colonel Fuller's regiment, in the reign of King George the First. It is founded on an historical fact; and though it reflects no great honour on the hero of the poem, is humourously expressive of the complexion of the times, in the successive reigns from Charles the Second to George the First." Extract of a Letter from Mr. Brome, to Mr. Rawlins, dated June 14, 1735:I have had a long chase after the Vicar of Bray on whom the proverb. Mr. Hearne though born in that neighbourhood, and should have mentioned it, (Leland, Itinerary, vol. v. p. 114), knew not who he was, but in his last letter desired me if I found him out to let him know it. Dr. Fuller in his Worthies, and Mr. Ray from him, takes no notice of him in his Proverbs. I suppose neither knew his name. But I am informed it is SIMON ALLEYN or ALLEN, who was Vicar of Bray about 1540, and died 1588, so was Vicar of Bray near 50 years. You now partake of the sport that cost me some pains to take Letters from the Bodleian, vol. ii. part 1, P. 100. A MAN TO MY MIND. JOHN CUNNINGHAM, born A.D. 1728. SINCE wedlock 's in vogue, and stale virgins despis'd, Not the fair-weather fop, fond of fashion and lace; Not the ruby-fac'd sot, that topes world without end; Not the wretch with full bags, without breeding or merit; But the youth in whom merit and sense may conspire, This Author's Poems were printed in 1771, and dedicated to David Garrick. He was the Manager of the Newcastle Theatre, and an actor of some repute. The exact year of his death is unknown, but it was prior to 1780. FROM THE COURT TO THE COTTAGE. HARRY CAREY, died 1748. FROM the court to the cottage convey me away, And pomp without pleasure, Make life in a circle of hurry decay. |