One wide water all around us, Hark! what means that dreadful cry? "The fore-mast's gone," cries ev'ry tongue out, Come, my hearts, be stout and bold; While o'er the ship wild waves are beating, Both chain-pumps are choked below: Let the guns o'erboard be thrown; The leak we've found it cannot pour fast; Up and rig a jury fore-mast, She rights! she rights, boys! we're off shore. Another stanza to this song appears in some collections, but we omit it, as not neces sary to the completion of the story, and as quite unworthy of the sentiment which pervades the rest of the piece. According to some versions, the last line should read "She rights! she rights, boys! wear off shore." COME, BUSTLE, BUSTLE. COME, bustle, bustle, drink about, Our can is full, we'll see it out, And then all hands to sea. And a sailing we will go, will go, K Fine Miss at dancing school is taught But we go better when we've brought The jockey's called to horse, to horse, When horns and shouts the forest rend, With gold and silver streamers fine What's got at sea, we spend on shore And a sailing they do go, do go; Now dashed upon the billow, None stops the dreadful leak; Each breathless seaman crowds, As she lay, till the day, In the Bay of Biscay, O! At length the wished-for morrow, Each heaved a bitter sigh; The dismal wreck to view, As she lay, on that day, In the Bay of Biscay, O! Her yielding timbers sever, Her pitchy seams are rent. When Heaven all bounteous ever, A sail in sight appears, We hail her with three cheers, Now we sail, with the gale, From the Bay of Biscay, O! THE MID-WATCH. RICHARD BRINSLEY SHERIDAN. WHEN 'tis night, and the mid-watch is come, And chilling mists hang o'er the darken'd main, Then sailors think of their far distant home, And of those friends they ne'er may see again; Each serving at his gun, Should any thought of them come o'er your mind, Their hearts to hear That their old companion he was one. Or, my lad, if you a mistress kind Have left on shore, some pretty girl, and true, And sighs to think how it may fare with you; You serving at your gun, Should any thought of her come o'er your mind, How 'twill cheer Her heart to hear That her old companion he was one. POOR JACK. CHARLES DIBDIN. Go, patter to lubbers and swabs, do you see, Though the tempest top-gallant mast smack smooth should smite, Clear the deck, stow the yards, and bouse everything tight, Avast! nor don't think me a milksop so soft For they say there's a Providence sits up aloft, I heard our good chaplain palaver one day And a many fine things that proved clearly to me For, says he, do you mind me, let storms e'er so oft There's a sweet little cherub that sits up aloft, To keep watch for the life of poor Jack! I said to our Poll-for, d'ye see, she would cry- What argufies sniv'ling and piping your eye? Why, what a damn d fool you must be! Can't you see, the world's wide, and there's room for us all, Both for seamen and lubbers ashore? And if to old Davy I should go, friend Poll, You never will hear of me more. What then? All's a hazard: come, don't be so soft: Perhaps I may laughing come back; For, d'ye see, there's a cherub sits smiling aloft, D'ye mind me, a sailor should be every inch And with her brave the world not offering to flinch As for me, in all weathers, all times, sides, and ends, For my heart is my Poll's, and my rhino's my friend's, Even when my time comes, ne'er believe me so soft As for grief to be taken aback; For the same little cherub that sits up aloft BLOW HIGH, BLOW LOW. CHARLES DIBDIN. BLOW high, blow low, let tempests tear My heart, with thoughts of thee, my dear, Shall brave all danger, scorn all fear, The roaring winds, the raging sea, In hopes on shore, To be once more Safe moor'd with thee! |