TUBAL CAIN. CHARLES MACKAY, OLD Tubal Cain was a man of might, In the days when Earth was young; Till the sparks rush'd out in scarlet showers, And he sang, "Hurrah for my handiwork! Hurrah for the hand that shall wield them well, To Tubal Cain came many a one, As he wrought by his roaring fire, And each one pray'd for a strong steel blade, And he made them weapons sharp and strong, And gave him gifts of pearls and gold, And they sang, “Hurrah for Tubal Cain, But a sudden change came o'er his heart And Tubal Cain was filled with pain He saw that men, with rage and hate, That the land was red with blood they shed, And he said, "Alas! that ever I made, And for many a day old Tubal Cain Sat brooding o'er his woe; And his hand forebore to smite the ore, And bared his strong right arm for work, And he sang, And the red sparks lit the air "Not alone for the blade, was the bright steel made;" And he fashion'd the first ploughshare. And men, taught wisdom from the past, Hung the sword in the hall, the spear on the wall, And And plough'd the willing lands; sang, "Hurrah for Tubal Cain, Our stanch good friend is he; And for the ploughshare and the plough, But while Oppression lifts its head, Or a tyrant would be lord, Though we may thank him for the plough, SONG FOR TWILIGHT. BARRY CORNWALL. HIDE me, O twilight Air! Hide me from thought, from care, From all things, foul or fair, Until to-morrow! To-night I strive no more; If I must see through dreams, Be mine by morning streams To watch and wander! So may my spirit cast Have leave to ponder ! And, should'st thou 'scape control, But, if earth's pains will rise, THE OLD ARM CHAIR. ELIZA COOK. I LOVE it, I love it! and who shall dare I've bedew'd it with tears, I've embalm'd it with sighs. 'Tis bound by a thousand bands to my heart; Not a tie will break, not a link will start; Would you know the spell ?-a mother sat there ! And a sacred thing is that old arm-chair. In childhood's hour I linger'd near To fit me to die, and teach me to live. She told me that shame would never betide As I knelt beside that old arm-chair. and watch'd her many a day, eye grew dim, and her locks were grey; st worshipp'd her when she smiled, from her Bible to bless her child. on, but the last one sped as shatter'd, my earth-star fled ! 'Tis past, tis past! but I gaze on it now, With quiv'ring breath and throbbing brow: 'Twas there she nursed me, 'twas there she died, And memory flows with lava tide. Say it is folly, and deem me weak, Whilst scalding drops start down my cheek; But I love it, I love it, and cannot tear My soul from a mother's old arm-chair. OH! a dainty plant is the Ivy green, Of right choice food are his meals I ween, The walls must be crumbled, the stones decay'd, To pleasure his dainty whim; And the mould'ring dust that years have made, Is a merry meal for him. Creeping where no life is seen, A rare old plant is the Ivy green. Fast he stealeth on, though he wears no wings How closely he twineth, how tight he clings, And he joyously twines and hugs around A rare old plant is the Ivy green. Whole ages have fled, and their works decay'd, But the stout old Ivy shall never fade For the stateliest building man can raise, Creeping where no life is seen, THE WILD CHERRY-TREE. BARRY CORNWALL. Он,-there never was yet so pretty a thing, Nothing that ever so merrily grew, Up from the ground when the skies were blue, Nothing so fresh-nothing so free As thou-my wild, wild Cherry-tree! |