Still to be neat, still to be drest, As you were going to a feast ; Still to be powdered, still perfumed : Lady, it is to be presumed, Though art's hid causes are not found, All is not sweet, all is not sound. Give me a look, give me a face, That makes... The book of English songs - Strana 43podľa Charles Mackay - 1860 - Počet stránok 319Úplné zobrazenie - O tejto knihe
 | 1781 - Počet stránok 384
...Laily, it is to be prefum'd, Though art's hstl caufes are not found; All is not Tweet, all is not found. Give me a look, give me a face, That makes Simplicity a grace; Robe loofely flowing, hair a> free I Such fweet negleft more taketh me, Than all th' adulteries' of... | |
 | Apollo - 1800 - Počet stránok 224
...Ladv, it is to be prefum'd, Tho' art's hid caufes arc not found, All is not fweet, all is not found. Give me a look, give me a face, That makes SIMPLICITY a grace; Robes flowing, hair as free ; Such SWEET NEGLKCT more taketh me Than all th" adulteries of art THE... | |
 | English poets - 1801 - Počet stránok 382
...drest, As you were going to a feast ; Still to be powder'd, still perfum'd ; Lady, it is to be presum'd, Tho' art's hid causes are not found, All is not sweet,...neglect more taketh me Than all th' adulteries of art That strike mine eye, but not mine heart. HUE AND CRY AFTER CUPID. I BEAUTIES, have 'ye seen a toy,... | |
 | George Ellis - 1803 - Počet stránok 468
...[From " The Silent Woman."] Still to be ppwder'd, still perfum'd : Lady, it is to be presum'd, Though art's hid causes are not found, All is not sweet,...of art ; They strike mine eyes, but not my heart. [From " Masques at Court."] BEAUTIES, have ye seen this toy, Called Love ! a little boy Almost naked,... | |
 | Lyre - 1806 - Počet stránok 208 powdred, still perfum'd ; Lady, it is to be presum'd— Though art's hid causes are not foundAll is not sweet, all is not sound! Give me a look,! Such sweet neglect more taketh me, Than all the adulteries of art; That strike mine eyes, but not my heart. THOMJS CAREW. 1620. Sufficient honour... | |
 | Charles Snart - 1808 - Počet stránok 506 were going to a feast ; Still to be powder'd, still perfum'd : Lady, it is to be presum'd, Though art's hid causes are not found, All is not sweet,...look, give me a face, That makes simplicity a grace ; Robe loosely flowing, hair as free : Such sweet neglect more taketh me, Than all th' adulteries of... | |
 | British poets - 1809 - Počet stránok 510
...still perfum'd ; Lady, it is to be presum'd, Tho' art's hid causes are not found, All ts not swreti all is not sound. Give me a look, give me a face, That makes simplicity a grace ; Rnbes loosely flowing, hair as free; Such sweet neglect more taketh me Than all th' adulteries of... | |
 | John Aikin - 1810 - Počet stránok 330
...pleating example. STILL to be neat, still to be drest, As you were going to a feast; Still to be powdcr'd, still perfumed, Lady, it is to be presumed, Tho' art's...adulteries of art; They strike mine eyes, but not my heart. * B. JONSON. * This is one of a very few productions of the once celebrated author, which, by their... | |
 | Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - Počet stránok 748 were going to a feast; Still to be powdered, still perfum'd : li'ly, it is to be presum'd, Though art's hid causes are not found, All is not sweet,...look, give me a face, That makes simplicity a grace j Robes loosely flowing, hair as free: Such sweet neglect more taketh me, Than all th' adulteries of... | |
 | George Ellis - 1811 - Počet stránok 472
...[From " The Silent Woman."] Still to be powder'd, still perfum'd : Lady, it is to be presum'd, Though art's hid causes are not found, All is not sweet,...of art ; They strike mine eyes, but not my heart. [ From " Masques at Court."] BEAUTIES, have ye seen this toy, Called Love ! a little boy Almost naked,... | |
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