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wind, with cloud, and a three days' rain. The temperature, without the slightest warning, tumbled forty degrees in a single night. The congealed Spectator warmly demanded fire. But there was no fire in the hotel, nor even so much as a chimney. In the little detached kitchen there was a cook-stove in which smoldered a few embers of wood, but even here no chimney, only a comfortless stovepipe. Moreover, the big black cook made the Spectator thoroughly aware that his room was better than his company. The other guests, swathed to the eyebrows in vast shawls, sat huddled up in speechless misery, and waited for the cold snap to be over. The Spectator, being shawlless, retired to the cold comfort of his bed. Such was his introduction to the delights of the tropics!

Of course time brought him juster impressions. There came days of perpetual sunshine, days and weeks without a cloud, when the air was so clear that the Spectator could almost count the grass-blades on the distant islands in the harbor. There were no shadows on the mountain-sides, no half-tones in the landscape; and when at last the great hot sun dipped below the horizon, night dropped like a curtain, black and sudden. It was very contrary of him, no doubt, but no sooner had the Spectator grown accustomed to this perfect weather than he began to wish it imperfect. He called the broad sunshine garish, and longed in an ecstasy of homesickness for the soft gray shadows stealing over a Berkshire hillside, for the witchery of twilight, for the patter of rain on the roof. Again, when tropical fruits became his daily portion, he wearied of their strangeness and their bland insipidity. He would have given all the mangoes and alligator-pears, nay, even the creamy pineapples and superb oranges, for the privilege of setting his teeth in a tart and juicy northern apple.

With the plant life of Rio it was much the same. The Spectator was prepared

for luxuriance and gorgeous bloom, and the flowers came up to his expectation. Roses bloomed the whole year through; bignonias and scarlet poinsettias were common in all the gardens. As for heliotrope, the Spectator knew one particular plant which attained to the dignity of a bush, growing full four feet high and spreading a prodigal profusion of deep purple blooms. Yet the Spectator was peevishly discontented with Brazilian gardens. The Portuguese gardener, since in Rio grass costs a king's ransom, surrounds his roses with a glaring carpet of white sea-sand; envious ants snip and carve away at the glowing petals, and weeds, growing with truly tropical luxuriance, create a lavish but picturesque disorder. Worst of all, Brazilian taste demands that the flower-gardens be studded generously with low posts bearing globes of cheap red and blue glass! The Spectator will put up cheerfully with the unprodigal bloom of the green north.

And now it is time to speak of that fortune the Spectator went out to amass.

Alas! that was the fondest of his illusions and the soonest dashed. The

princely salary, out of which he hoped to save a goodly nest-egg of capitalwhat of that?

It went to buy him illfitting English shoes at ruinous prices;

it went for whisk-brooms at three milreis

(about a dollar and a half) apiece, for potatoes from Portugal, for apples from New York at two dollars the dozen, the same being speckled with decay and strongly flavored of bilge-water. In short, it went for the bread-and-butter things of life, for which he paid at the price of luxuries. That was one side of the shield. The Spectator had gone to Brazil with half-formed plans for introducing the Brazilians to American conveniences. A year's stay convinced him

that the Brazilian is in love with inconvenience, that his business methods are not as our business methods, and that the American who wants to keep his temper had better not try to hurry the South,


Reduction of Representation in the South'

By John B. Knox

President of the Late Constitutional Convention of Alabama

INCE the late Presidential election the Southern people have been favored by the Northern press with a great deal of advice, accompanied in almost every instance with assurances of a deep interest in our welfare. It has been something like forty years since the Civil War ended. If it is ever to appear at all, it is time that some spirit of magnanimity towards the people of the South should begin to assert itself in the North. In the face of these kindly expressions and perhaps wellmeant advice comes the proposition of Senator Platt, of New York, to reduce the South's representation in Congress. I suppose, of course, that his bill will be couched in general terms, and nominally apply to all the States, but we will not be misled in interpreting the real object of the measure.

This measure, no doubt, is framed, under the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment, as a punishment to those Southern States which have undertaken suffrage reform. Most enlightened people in the North now admit that the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment, and the reconstruction measures coincident thereto, whereby our former slaves were invested with the right of suffrage and placed in the control of the Governments of all the Southern States, was a mistake, and yet many of them do not hesitate to condemn in unmeasured terms the efforts of these States to relieve themselves, so far as they may in view of the limitations of the Federal Constitution, of the great disaster which this mistake inflicted upon them.

But, without regard to the partisan and implacable spirit which inspires this measure, the inquiry is pertinent as to whether the Southern States which it is proposed to punish have, in the new Constitutions which they have adopted, violated either the Fourteenth or Fifteenth Amendments of the Federal Constitution.

1 Editorial comment will be found elsewhere.-THE EDITORS.

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First, as to the Fourteenth Amendment. Mr. Blaine, in discussing this question, expresses the view that the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment seriously modified the effect and potency of the second section of the Fourteenth Amendment-the only section of the Fourteenth Amendment which relates to the reduction of representation. Under that section a State could exclude the negro, qua negro, from the right of suffrage, if willing to accept the penalty of the proportional loss of representation in Congress which the exclusion of the colored population from the basis of apportionment would entail. He says:

"When, therefore, the Nation, by subsequent change in its Constitution, declared that the State shall not exclude the negro from the right of suffrage, it neutralized and surrendered the contingent right before held, to exclude him from the basis of apportionment. Congress is thus plainly deprived by the Fifteenth Amendment of certain powers over representation in the South, which it previously possessed under the provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment. Before the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment, if a State should exclude the negro from suffrage, the next step would be for Congress to exclude the negro from the basis of apportionment. After the adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment, if a State should exclude the negro from suffrage, the next step would be for the Supreme Court to declare that the act was unconstitutional, and, therefore, null and void. The essential and inestimable value of the Fourteenth Amendment still remains in the three other sections, and pre-eminently in the first section."

I know of no Southern State which has prescribed as a condition to suffrage any other than an educational or property qualification, and am unable to understand how any well-trained lawyer can reach the conclusion that a constitutional provision-whether adopted by

a State in the South or in the Northprescribing an educational or property qualification can be considered as an abridgment of the privilege of suffrage within the meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment. Judge Cooley, in his work entitled "The General Principles of Constitutional Law in the United States of America," in discussing the Fourteenth Amendment, says:

"To require the payment of capitation tax is no denial of suffrage; it is demanding only the preliminary performance of public duty, and may be classed, as may also presence at the polls, with registration, or the observance of any other preliminary to insure fairness and protect against fraud. Nor can it be said that to require ability to read is any denial of suffrage. To refuse to receive one's vote because he was born in some particular country rather than elsewhere, or because of his color, or because of any natural quality, or peculiarity, which it would be impossible for him to overcome, is plainly a denial of suffrage. But ability to read is something within the power of every man; it is not difficult to attain it, and it is no hardship to require it. On the contrary, the requirement only by indirection compels one to appropriate a personal benefit he might otherwise neglect. It denies to no man the suffrage, but the privilege is freely tendered to all, subject only to a condition that is beneficial in its performance and light in its burden."

There seems to be a misunderstanding in the minds of people generally as to the basis of representation in Congress. It is not apportioned upon the number of votes cast, but is based on the population in the States respectively. A study of the returns through a series of years would show that it frequently occurs, both in the North and in the South, that the absence of a contest reduces the number of votes, whereas a spirited contest brings out a full vote, often showing great disparity in the same locality under different conditions. This, in itself, would be sufficient to show how impracticable it would be to base representation upon the vote as actually cast.

Second, as to the Fifteenth Amend

ment. This Amendment, as has more than once been declared by the Supreme Court of the United States, does not confer the right to vote, but protects the negro from being discriminated against on account of his race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

At the formation of the Federal Government there was a party, headed by Edmund Randolph, which favored making the qualifications of citizenship the same in all the States; but Benjamin Franklin and others opposed it, on the ground that it was a subject on which the people were jealous, and it would not be well to excite their opposition by depriving some of them of the right to vote as to Federal officers, when the same citizen might have the right to vote for State officers. It was, therefore, determined, after full discussion, to leave the question of fixing the qualifications of voters to the States respectively, and the following provision was adopted and has remained unchanged as a part of the Federal Constitution:

The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several States, and the electors in each State shall have the

qualifications requisite for the electors in the most numerous branch of the State Legislature.

The same rule obtains with reference to the selection of Presidential electors, the whole question, by the terms of the Constitution and the action of the Convention, being left to the States, each of which was to "appoint in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in Congress."

Now, the new Constitutions of the Southern States, and especially the new Constitution of the State of Alabama, with which I am more familiar, do not discriminate against the negro on account of his race, color, or previous condition of servitude, within the inhibition of the Fifteenth Amendment. The permanent provision now in force is not materially different from that of the State of Massachusetts, in that it prescribes that every citizen, whether white or black, who can read or write any


clause of the Federal Constitution in the English language is entitled to vote. This provision was intended, and has the effect, to put the control of the Government in the hands of the intelligent and virtuous; but it is objected by our opponents that we, in the temporary plan, excepted certain classes of our citizens from the operation of the educational clause embodied in the permanent plan. I grant it. In doing so,

what more did we do than did the State of Massachusetts ? The election law of that State, as I understand it, provides that the voter must be able to read the Constitution of the Commonwealth in the English language, and to write his name, 'except that no person who is prevented from reading and writing as aforesaid by physical disability, or who had the right to vote on the first day of May, in the year 1857, shall, if otherwise qualified, be deprived of the right to vote by reason of not being able to read or write."

The truth is that every statesman who proposes legislation for the benefit of his people must proceed along practical lines. If his measure is to be submitted for the ratification of the voters, it would be supreme folly for him to expect them to accept and approve a measure which, by its terms, proposes a qualification which would exclude them. Hence it is that every such measure, whether submitted for the ratification of voters in the South or in the North, must contain a saving clause which protects the rights of existing voters, or such a number of existing voters as will give reasonable promise of its acceptance. Hence the insertion of the saving clause in the Alabama Constitution which protects the right to vote of all who fought the battles of the country without regard to the army in which they enlisted, Federal or Confederate.

The charge made against us is that we adopted this constitutional provision for the purpose of excluding the negro. The true philosophy of the movement was to establish restricted suffrage, and to place the power of government in the hands of the intelligent and virtuous; and while any provision for restricted

suffrage would exclude more negroes than white men, in its practical operation the Alabama provision, so far as the permanent plan is concerned, and the exaction of a poll tax as a condition to suffrage, so operates as to exclude not only a large mass of negro voters, but quite a number of white voters who do not feel sufficient interest in their own Government to contribute to the school fund the small amount exacted as a poll tax, and who are so indifferent to their own interests as that they fail to meet the provision of the Constitution which requires that any voter under the permanent plan shall be able to read and write any clause of the Constitution in the English language, although the free public schools of the State are open to them.

As stated by Judge Cooley, the right of suffrage is not a natural right, because it exists, where it is allowed to be exercised, only for the good of the State. To say that those whose participation in the affairs of the State would endanger and imperil the good of the State have, nevertheless, the right to participate, is not only folly in itself, but it is to set the individual above the State.

You will hear it frequently said that the provisions of the Southern Constitutions which protect the right of the worthy and intelligent negro to vote are not fairly enforced. We have but one case arising in this State which puts this question to the test. In the county of Limestone in this State a negro who had fought in the Union army claimed the right to register under what is commonly designated as the grandfather clause in the temporary plan of the new Constitution of Alabama. The right was denied by the registrars in that county, whereupon he appealed to the Circuit Court, under a provision of the Constitution authorizing such appeal without cost by any person whose right is denied. In that court his right was passed upon by a jury composed entirely of white men. The court and jury upheld his right to vote, and this right, upon an appeal prosecuted by the registrars in the name of the State, was sustained by the Supreme Court of Alabama.


Japanese Army

By Major Louis L. Seaman, M.D.

CRISIS is at hand for the authorities of the United States to decide, a military question of the gravest importance; namely, whether the Medical Department of the American army shall remain in its present utterly deficient condition owing to lack of numbers, organization, and power to cope with the emergencies certain to arise in any great conflict, as was so humiliatingly proved in our late war with Spain, or whether it shall be reorganized upon a basis in keeping with the most advanced thought and science of the age.

In considering this subject, Congress cannot do better than take a wholesome lesson from the example Japan is now giving to the world, for I unhesitatingly assert that we are as far behind the Japanese in matters of military medical organization and sanitation as were the disciples of Confucius in the days of Kublai Khan.

The writer recently returned from the scene of conflict now raging in the Orient. He was led thither after a personal experience in Porto Rico and Cuba in the Spanish-American war in 1898 and the war in the Philippines in 18991900. In these countries he had seen two great armies largely invalided and decimated through the effects of a wretchedly inappropriate commissariat, while the great causes of mortality were ferments, toxins, and microbes rather than bullets. The death-rate among the men from these preventable causes was so appalling that he desired to see the results of a war in which the effects of powder and shell played at least an incidental part in the tragedy, and in which soldiers qualified for something besides admission to hospital wards.

He was astounded, as was the rest of the world, at the marvelous success of the Japanese, and set about to study the methods by which they had attained it.

He found various reasons given for Japan's uninterrupted series of victories: courage and bravery, perfection of detail, a fanatical spirit of patriotism inspired by the devoted self-sacrifice of the entire people, being among the theories advanced; but, on deeper study, he saw that the real reason for Japan's achievements lay in her masterly preparation for war, a preparation the like of which has never been recorded in history. Japan is making war on strictly scientific principies; she is making it a national business. She is not experimenting with conditions that arose after the clash of arms, and already she has taught other nations profound and convincing lessons in many fields, the most impressive of which is that the normal condition of the soldier is health, and that those who die in war should die from wounds received on the firing line and not from preventable disease in quarters.

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Ten years ago, at the conclusion of her war with China, Japan found herself in possession of Port Arthur and the Liaotung peninsula. This territory was permanently ceded to her by the terms of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, signed in 1895. Later she was ousted from it by the concert of Russia, Germany, and France, England weakly acquiescing. Unable to cope with these allied powers, which ostensibly and hypocritically stood for the "territorial integrity of China," but really for their own cunningly laid plans to plunder China themselves, she was forced to relinquish the fruits of her victory and to accept instead a small monetary indemnity and the island of Formosa.

Right there modern statesmanship sprang into full existence in Japan. Robbed of her legitimate conquest, a great light dawned upon her. Her statesmen foresaw that not only would China be despoiled by the other nations, but that her own independence was

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