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nism was decidedly not popular. Yet we may believe that it was an honest opportunism, and, despite all he said and did


in his efforts to attain the Presidency, admit the sincerity of his immortal “I would rather be right than President."

Nineteenth-Century Germany'

HE third volume of Mr. Bigelow's History of the German Struggle for Liberty takes the narrator from 1815, after Waterloo, to 1848-two dates of great meaning for every German. Mr. Bigelow describes how Germany gloried in Napoleon's defeat, sank into apathy under the police administration of the Holy Alliance, and finally, to avenge outraged manhood, inaugurated the Revolution of 1848. Though in the period covered by the present volume there is no such succession of stirring events as characterized the preceding volume, every student will agree that the years between 1815 and

1848 marked a no less impressive period of German history. The real leaders of this period were not a king and a prime minister, but a professor and a turnvater. In 1819 Turnvater Jahn, though so monarchical that he would not allow his soldiers to sing Schiller's "Freies Leben," was carried off to a dungeon, while Professor Arndt, of Bonn, author of a great German national song, found his house broken open, his papers seized, and himself haled off to be for twenty years under police surveillance. As Mr. Bigelow says:

The list of eminent, respectable, and most loyal monarchical Germans who were seized, sent to prison, or exiled would include names of which any healthy society would be proud. . . America is grateful that among those was the distinguished publicist Francis Lieber who took refuge in the United States and is gratefully remembered by students for his Civil Liberty and Government."

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in marked contrast with the sketches and estimates of Frederick William III., Frederick William IV., and of Metternich. Concerning the two monarchs Mr. Bigelow's criticism is unsparing:

We have to tell of a nation writhing in torment under the short-sighted administration of two Prussian kings whom the Gergard as illustrious, but whom we cannot but man school-boy of to-day is educated to rethink enemies of Germany.

does, according to Mr. Bigelow, because a man may not speak of the rulers of Germany, past or present, with that

The German school-boy thinks as he

freedom which he would use in discuss

ing any other subject.

In England the historical writer is free to France there is no dynastic influence to publish the truth about his royal house. In appease. The American historian is still more free. But in Germany, while the utmost independence is tolerated, nay, encouraged, in the fields of science, speculative philosophy, and even theology, the moment that the professor impinges upon the art of governing or the merits of those occupying a throne, he feels himself on dangerous ground.

It has been said that there is not a single German history of the nineteenth century which is reasonably free of bias or of a bigoted loyalty. If any history written in German impresses us as having a tendency in the liberal direction, however, it is that of Dr. Streckfuss. Himself a hero of the Revolution of 1848, he has known well how to combine the strong, pungent, sturdy fiber of a typical German nature with the skill of a born teller of stories, whether their period lies in one century or another. But especially does he show his story-teller's power when he describes the events of the middle years of the last century, in which he bore his protester's part. In the Streckfuss history, as in Mr. Bigelow's, we have a welcome background of various descriptions against which the great political and court figures of Germany


are projected; in Mr. Bigelow's case, some critics even opine that the pages devoted to Tocqueville and Mazzini and Kossuth are rather beside the mark in the narration of purely German history. In our opinion, however, the knowledge of certain great contemporary personalities in the political life of other countries brings out in sharper contrast and distinction those figures which occupy the middle of the German stage. The histories of Mr. Bigelow and Dr. Streckfuss have another quality in common-that of telling us a great deal about prominent people in their private as well as in their public life. We see the people in great part without their cumbersome court clothes; they move, speak, and act as do ordinary human beings of our own day; and, according to both historians, they certainly had not only ordinary but very extraordinary human frailties. We know of no more direct and personal account of the history of Berlin for half a millennium-and that was often the history of Germanythan may be found in Dr. Streckfuss's admirable but, alas! too closely printed pages. If in matter the anecdotal forges to the fore, the author's manner fits it; his style is vigorous and sometimes almost unconventional. It is always entertaining, and delights us by its remoteness from any dry-as-dust "historical manner." His book deserves translation. It would certainly further a better understanding in this country, not only of German history, but also of German character. As before hinted, the work is especially strong in its description of the period between the battle of Waterloo and the German Revolution of 1848. In that year a loyal, thrifty, peaceful, and monarchically inclined people drove the Prince of Prussia, later Emperor William I. of Germany, out of the country.

It is interesting to know that in 1848 the contrast between German agriculture and industry, now so acute, had already begun. In April of that year, as we learn from this admirable translation of "The Correspondence of William the First and Bismarck," the Iron Chancellor wrote concerning the Landtag that "the final sitting was held day before yester

day, after I alone had protested, in a long speech, in the interests of the agricultural portion of the country, against Hansemann's extravagance in favor of industry."

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This correspondence is but another evidence that the work of 1848 was only half done. Even in 1852 Otto von Manteuffel wrote to Bismarck: "I regard a constitutional system, where majorities have the dominion, as anything but Protestant." Indeed, these other letters" from and to Prince Bismarck, which accompany the royal correspondence, are of greater interest, because the letters are more spontaneous. The first show the condition of the court; these reveal the conditions of the people. And what a host of notable letter-writers cross the stage! First of all the Emperor, with his Chancellor, of course, then the Crown Prince, the Hohenlohes, Manteuffels, Bülows, Gortschakoff, Andrassy, Schleinitz, Roon, Motley, Virchow, and many others.

Out of all this correspondence the real Bismarck appears almost a different Bismarck than we have known from his own "Reflections and Reminiscences," or his "Love Letters," or from the various biographies of him-Mr. Lowe's, Mr. Headlam's, Mr. Stearns's, Mr. Jacks's, M. Andler's, Herr Busch's. We here see Bismarck the letter-writer. We here see Bismarck the diplomat. Of course some of the letters show traces of editing, and this is avowedly a selected correspondence, selected first of all by the writer himself, who, we know, chose from the piles of his correspondence only those letters which were intended to be printed after his death. The work is thus confessedly fragmentary and of uneven value. We could dispense with certain notes of congratulation and thanks for the privilege of reading certain letters omitted which the internal evidence of the rest of the book shows would have been extremely instructive and possibly racy reading. Why should the book's title, then, be "The Correspondence," etc.? But enough remains to show to us not only the policy of an empiremaker, but the character of that empiremaker. Bismarck was bound to make the empire even if he had to do some


incidental wrong to others. We discern in the grim founder of German unity a man bound to break down all opposition, a man who could be unscrupulous in method if necessary, a man who could descend to bitternesses and littlenesses in railing at his enemies, a man who was not above certain small and mean jealousies of his co-laborers.

These volumes are another proof of the fact that Bismarck's influence with the old Kaiser was largely due to that club which the Chancellor held over the King by threatening to retire if not per

mitted to have his way. As early as 1863 this was evident, and for the next quarter of a century it made its appearance at fairly regular and frequent intervals. Of course the excuse of ill health was worked for all it was worth. On the other hand, the Emperor is shown to be often complaining because his independent Chancellor had left him in the dark about certain important matters. Under circumstances like these, in order to carry his point, Bismarck had to show not only an Italian hand but sometimes his own stout German fist.

Books of the Week

This report of current literature is supplemented by fuller reviews of such books as in the judgment of the editors are of special importance to our readers. Any of these books will be sent by the publishers of The Outlook, postpaid, to any address on receipt of the published price, with postage added when the price is marked "net."

Beautiful Possibility (A). By Edith Ferguson Black. The Union Press, Philadelphia. 5x74 in. 330 pages. 90c., net. (Postage, 10c.) Directory of Institutions and Societies Dealing with Tuberculosis in the United States and Canada (A). Illustrated. Compiled by Lilian Brandt. Published by the Committee on the Prevention of Tuberculosis of the Charity Organization Society of the City of New York, New York. 6x9 in. 263 pages.

Early Eastern Christianity: St. Margaret's Lectures, 1904, on the Syriac-Speaking Church. By F. Crawford Burkitt. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 5x8 in. 228 pages. $2. It is far Eastern Christianity with which these lectures are concerned, not that of the Greek and other Eastern Churches within the ancient Roman world. Its chief seat was Edessa, in the Euphrates valley, the ancient "Ur of the Chaldees," the fatherland of Abraham. Here was a chief seat of Oriental learning, and a seminary which in the fourth and fifth centuries supplied Mesopotamia and Persia with Christian pastors. Here, perhaps, in the fourth century, originated the apocryphal letter to Jesus of Abgarus, King of Edessa. Into this unfamiliar field these lectures conduct the reader, through an interesting account of the Bible, the theology, and the internal life of a longextinct but once flourishing and distinctively characterized Church.

French Home Cooking Adapted to the Use of American Households. By Bertha Julienne Low. McClure, Phillips & Co., New York. 4×8 in. 332 pages.

Glossary of Words, Phrases, Names, and Allusions in the Works of English Authors, Particularly of Shakespeare and His Contemporaries. By Robert Nares, A.M., F.R.S., F.A.S. New Edition, with Considerable Additions both of Words and Examples. By J. O. Halliwell, F.R.S., and Thomas Wright, F.S.A. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 52x8 in. 981 pages. $3, net.

A new edition of a valuable reference-book.

One is rejoiced to open at least one book of this kind which uses legible type.

Harmony of the Gospels for Historical

Study (A). By William Arnold Stevens and
Ernest Dewitt Burton. (Third Edition, Revised.)
Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 62x8%1⁄2 in.
283 pages.

Before the appearance of the present edition this "Harmony" had been recognized as a standard work, and has been commended as such by The Outlook. Its plan attempts no reconstruction of the order of events in the Gospels, but rather to discover and use this as the basis for such final arrangement as Biblical criticism may ultimately determine. Historical Geography of Bible Lands. By John B. Calkin, M.A. The Westminster Press, Philadelphia. 6x9 in. 196 pages.

History of Carleton College (The): Its Ori

gin and Growth, Environment and Builders. By the Rev. Delavan L. Leonard, D.D. The Fleming H. Revell Co., New York. 5x8 in. 421


History of Civilization, which Includes a History of Life and also a History of Ideas (The). By Julian Laughlin. Illustrated. Published by the Author, St. Louis, Mo. 6x9 in. 526 pages.

Holy Roman Empire (The). By James Bryce, D.C.L. (A New Edition, Enlarged and Revised Throughout.) The Macmillan Co., New York. 5x8 in. 575 pages. $1.50, net. Reserved for later notice.

Home Ideals. By Wayland Hoyt, D.D., LL.D. Griffith & Rowland Press, Philadelphia. 42X71⁄2 in. 115 pages.

These short essays on a great and vital subject are sensible and practical, a good "tract for the times."

Home Mechanic (The): A Manual for Industrial Schools and Amateurs. By John Wright. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 5x9 in. 345 pages. $2.50, net. An English book, well equipped with diagrams and cuts, and carefully designed to


teach the use of tools and the construction of machines.

In the Name of Liberty: A Story of the Terror. By Owen Johnson. The Century Co., New York. 5x8 in. 406 pages. $1.50. A rather unusually spirited tale dealing with a subject that never loses its fascination as a background for passion, tragedy, danger, and escape-the French Revolution. We have seen a list of one hundred romances dealing with this period, and have little doubt that the list might be doubled. Mr. Johnson has created two or three flesh-and-blood characters, has put them. into trying crises, and has made them work out their own moral salvation or ruin as they respond or fail to respond to the test. The book has life and energy.

John Bunyan. By W. Hale White. Illus

trated. (Literary Lives.) Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. 5x7 in. 222 pages. $1, net. An interesting and well-written biography, with so much of quotation from Bunyan as to give it some of the characteristics of an autobiography. But it lacks background. The picture of the times is inadequate. Less space devoted to an analysis of John Bunyan's allegories, more to a portraiture of John Bunyan's times, would have made a book both more interesting and more valuable. The analysis of Puritanism in the last chapter may serve as a reply to Matthew Arnold's analysis, but it is not adequate, and seems like an afterthought to the book. Nor do we share the pessimism of the last three sentences in the book: "We cannot bring ourselves into a unity. The time is yet to come when we shall live by a faith which is a harmony of all our faculties. A glimpse was caught of such a gospel nineteen centuries ago in Galilee, but it has vanished." We think, on the contrary, that the religion of to-day, with all its defects, is much more Christlike in its essential spirit than was that of either Cavaliers or Puritans, of either Laud or Bunyan.

Journalisten (Die): A Comedy. By Gustav

Freytag. Edited by Leigh R. Gregor, B.A., Ph.D. Ginn & Co., Boston. 4x64 in. 231 pages. 45c. Letters of William Stubbs, Bishop of Oxford, 1825-1901. Edited by William Holden Hutton, D.D. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 5x9 in. 428 pages. $4, net.

This volume outlines the life as well as contains its self-expression in the letters of one who was esteemed by those who best knew him " a great Bishop," conspicuous for learning, judgment, and kindness, a truly greathearted man. More than as a prelate of the Anglican Church Dr. Stubbs will be known as a historian. What John Richard Green was for English history, Williams Stubbs was for the history of the British Constitution, on which he wrote the work most widely read. His intercourse with leaders of his Church and nation is revealed in these let ters, in which his personal characteristics as a Christian pastor, an ecclesiastical statesman, a scholar, a wit, a friend, combine in the portrait of a strong, sincere, and faithful man.

Millionaire Baby (The). By Anna Katharine

Green. Illustrated. The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, Ind. 5x71⁄2 in. 358 pages. $1.50. The abduction of a child is made the center around which the author first winds and then unwinds an intricate mesh of crimes and clues. As a detective story it is ingenious; as fiction in any other sense it is worth


Miscellaneous Essays and Addresses. By Henry Sidgwick. The Macmillan Co., New York. 52X9 in. 374 pages.

The many-sided activity of the late professor of moral philosophy at Cambridge is strikingly represented in this collection of essays and addresses. Sixteen in number, they take for theme subjects of an ethical, sociological, economic, educational, and purely literary interest, in all of which domains of thought Henry Sidgwick was well qualified to speak. Probably the essays that will be most warmly welcomed by the many who cherish his memory are the literary, for it was in literary criticism that the characteristics which stamped him as one of the finest thinkers of his generation best found expres sion. But in all the papers herein included these characteristics are palpably apparentthe intellectual sincerity, the open-mindedness, the faculty of acute analysis, the precis ion of statement, the discriminating taste that were so emphatically his. Undoubtedly the subtlety of his reasoning and his aversion to general statement make some of his essays, as his larger writings, rather difficult reading. Nor will the student lack occasion to dissent from opinions expressed. But he cannot fail to be stimulated to fresh points of view, cannot fail to find his mental horizon considerably enlarged. An idea of the varied contents of this helpful volume may be conveyed by a few chapter titles: "Ecce Homo" (a criticism of J. R. Seeley's study of the life of Jesus), "The Poems and Prose Remains of Arthur Hugh Clough," "Shakespeare's Methods," "Shakespeare and the Romantic Drama," ""Bentham and Benthamism in Politics and Ethics," "The Scope and Method of Economic Science," "The Economic Lessons of Socialism," "The Relation of Ethics to Sociology," "The Theory of Classical Education."

My Little Book of Prayer. By Muriel Strode. The Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago. 4x6 in. 56 pages.

Napoleon Myth (The). Translated by Henry

Ridgely Evans. Illustrated. The Open Court Publishing Co., Chicago. 6x91⁄2 in. 65 pages. Our readers may remember a Russian folklore story about Napoleon, translated for The Outlook by Mr. George Kennan some time ago. That was a real Napoleon myth; Pérèz's satire, "The Grand Erratum," long since out of print, in its English form at least, and here reproduced, was a purely artificial myth, or rather an attempt in fiction to prove that Napoleon himself was a myth, the argument being that all human testimony is fallible and (as applied by Dr. Paul Carus in an introduction) that the Bible


is a mixture of fact and fancy. Whatever may be one's views as to this point, all must agree that Pérèz leaves the impression of being clever and ingenious rather than that of one who presents a logical argument. New Second Music Reader. By James M. McLaughlin and W. W. Gilchrist. (Educational Music Course.) Illustrated. Ginn & Co., Boston. 6x73⁄4 in. 122 pages. 30c.

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Old Florence and Modern Tuscany. By Janet Ross. Illustrated. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 5x71⁄2 in. 229 pages. $1.50, net. Mr. Carmichael and Mr. Hewlett have been enlightening us as to Tuscany; now comes Mrs. Ross in a smaller volume but with almost equal information, especially as to the Tuscan peasants, among whom she has lived for over thirty years-that peasant who still proudly speaks his pure "lingua Toscana in a "bocca Toscana "-the Tuscan tongue as spoken by a Tuscan mouth, no matter what the arrogant Roman south of him may have to say as to the authoritative character of the "bocca Romana." The pride of the Tuscan in his speech seems also reflected in his opulent manner of life. While the rich, fruitful country saves him from beggary, he has a cheerful willingness to work not found further south, and he manifests a spontaneous generosity towards all mankind. The result is, as Mrs. Ross reminds us, that in Tuscany there are no almshouses or poorhouses, save in the chief towns, and that most villa proprietors and managers set aside one or two days in the week when alms are distributed to all who come and ask. The ancient system of half and half tenure, the proprietor finding the capital and the peasant the labor, is also described by the author, who does not fail to point out the strong bond of affection as well as of interest which unites the peasant families living from one generation to another on certain great estates to the owners of those estates. She tells us about the vintaging, the oil-making, the agriculture, and we see again the very methods used to-day which Virgil described as in use in his day. While we learn more about modern Tuscany than about old Florence-that medieval town which never loses its fascination-Mrs. Ross's account is noteworthy, although for a more exhaustive treatment one will turn to the volumes by Mr. Gardner, M. Yriarte, and Mrs. Oliphant.

On Holy Ground: Bible Stories with Pictures of Bible Lands. By William L. Worcester. Illustrated. The J.B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. 6x91⁄2 in. 492 pages.

It may seem a commendable feature of this new series of Bible stories for children that each one is introduced by an explanatory summary in larger type. The illustrations are copious and good.

Parsifal: An Ethical and Spiritual Interpre

tation. By R. Heber Newton. The Upland Farms Alliance, Oscawana-on-Hudson, New York. 6x91⁄2 in. 66 pages.

A homily, not a critique. Those who wish to get an ethical and religious interpretation will find it here well expressed from one point

of view. Those who wish to understand better the qualities of "Parsifal" as a work of art will doubtless look elsewhere. Those who object to "Parsifal" altogether, on the ground that it is a preachment thinly disguised as a work of art, will probably not read this white-bound booklet, but will welcome it as an unconscious witness on their side.

Poems of Algernon Charles Swinburne (The). In 6 vols. Harper & Bros., New York. 52x81⁄2 in. Limited Edition. $40.

Reserved for later notice.

Presence of God (The). By Chester Wood. The Young Churchman Co., Milwaukee, Wis. 6X91⁄2 in. 62 pages.

Princess in Calico (A). By Edith Ferguson Black. The Union Press, Philadelphia. 42X7 in. 140 pages. 75c., net.

Quintin Hogg: A Biography. By Ethel M. Hogg. Illustrated. (Second Edition.) E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 52x9 in. 419 pages. $3, net.

The life of this British philanthropist is a lesson on the opportunities of useful work for the children of the poor, especially in great cities. Mr. Hogg was an early beginner in this line. Coming from school at Eton to the post of errand-boy in a London merchant's office, his heart went out at once to the beggarly street boys. Two of these he persuaded to let him teach them to read, with the Bible for text-book, by the light of a candle stuck in a bottle. Out of this grew the London Polytechnic, on which Mr. Hogg ultimately spent half a million dollars. To this he devoted his life, "the boy's friend," with a boy's heart to the end-"a life every day of which," says the Duke of Argyll, "can be looked back upon as hearty, manly, and useful." In particular, the story of his early days in the City, when he was barely of age, is an extraordinary record of a love for the lowest as devoted as that of a canonized saint.

Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. By A. C. Bradley. The Macmillan Co., New York. 5X9 in. 498 pages. $3.25.

Those acquainted with Dr. Bradley's previous work as a commentator will anticipate an intellectual treat from this his latest volume, and will find themselves in no wise disappointed. The originality, the analytical ability, the poetic perception of which he has already shown himself the possessor, combine to the attainment of the purpose for which he sets himself to study anew the four tragedies, "Hamlet," "Othello," " King Lear," and "Macbeth"-that purpose, as expressed in his own words, being "to increase our understanding and enjoyment of these works as dramas; to learn to apprehend the action and some of the personages of each with a somewhat greater truth and intensity, so that they may assume in our imagination a shape a little less unlike the shape they wore in the imagination of their creator." To the single task of interpretation he accordingly devotes himself, examin

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