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THE opinions of the Ex-President ADAMS in relation to the French people and the British government have produced very high-strained compliments from the democratick leaders. He

is now the patriot without stain or reproach, who formerly was a "hoary-headed incendiary." If he has changed his principles, let those, who admired his firmness and energy in 1798, seriously enquire whether, when he was in the full and vigorous enjoyment of his faculties, he was not probably as correct in his opinions, as at this moment, when he can condescend to reply to two obscure democrats in Northampton, whom he had never seen in his life. Here follows some extracts from the opinions of Mr. Adams, after the return of our ambassadours from the French Republick.

'As I have ever wished to avoid as far as prudence and necessity would permit, every concealment from my fellow citizens, of my real sentiments, in matters of importance, I will venture to ask you whether it is consistent with the peace we have made, the friendship we have stipulated, or even with civility, to express a marked resentment to a foreign power who is at war with another, whose ill will we experience every day, and who will, very probably in a few weeks, be acknowled an enemy in the sense of the law of nations? A power too, which invariably acknowledged us to be a nation for fifteen years; a power that has never had the insolence to reject our ambassadours; a power that at present convoys our trade and their own at the same time.'

The power, which he here so highly extols, is that very Great Britain, which he now so violently denounces. Observe what he says of France.

'For delaying counsels, the constitution has not made me responsible; but while I am entrusted with my present powers, and bound by my present obligations, you shall see no more delusive negociations. The safe keeping of American independence is in the energy of its spirit and resources. In my opinion, as well as yours, there is no alternative between war and submission to the Executive of France.'

"If the French will become the enemies of all mankind, by forcing all nations to follow their example, in the subversion of all the political, religious, and social institutions, which time, experience, and freedom have sanctioned, they ought to be opposed by every country, that has any pretensions to principle, spirit, or patriotism.'

"The real question before us seems to be, whether we shall involve ourselves in an unjust and unnecessary war of offence against one nation,-Or, be involved by the fraud and violence of another, in a just and necessary war of defence.-Besides, how many nations who have never injured, insulted or offended us are we to assist or contribute to destroy?

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Quid est, quod negligenter scribamus adversaria?—CIC.


I WISH that some of our clergymen, who are habituated to praying" an hour by the dial," would commit their prayers to memory, or to writing. In either case, an immense saving of time would be the consequence. Though I am no churchman, and hate the reading of prayers in publick worship, yet I would prefer a simple written form to an extemporaneous one, which is lengthened out with frequent tiresome pauses, and made disgusting by the most absurd and tautological repetitions, till dulness can no louder snore. Such prayers, instead of kindling, extinguish the flame of devotion. Instead of fixing the mind " on heaven and things above," they excite but little attention even among the most sober-minded of the hearers; and are fit objects for ridicule and laughter amongst those who are

less devout.

If a clergyman, from want of words or of thought, is oblig ed to repeat the same prayer six TIMES a day, why not give it to his people in writing, and let every one read it for himself? This method would at least have one advantage-if his imagination should wander from the subject, it would be in the power of some of the congregation to set him right. It would, also, shorten the usual time of publick worship one third : and surely this time might be more profitably spent in any other manner or place, than in the indulgence of peevishness of temper or levity of conduct in the HOUSE OF GOD.

This subject is recommended to the serious contemplation of those whom it may concern.


Ir is a subject of equal regret and mortification, that the religious enthusiasm, with which this country seems destined to be infected, should have attained to such outrageous extravagance and blasphemy among its sincere believers. It were se riously to be wished that the prostration and humility of mind, with which the Deity and his attributes should be mentioned, had never been displaced by a canting, familiar, and flippant conversation with heavenly beings, which has of late years disgraced many religious conventicles, and shocked the feelings of rational christians in every class of society. The manner in which some itinerant enthusiasts pretend to talk to the Deity, the expressions they utter, and the contortions of their bodies, are so disgusting and horrible to all the nicer feelings of christians, that we cannot speak of them without expressing, in the strongest language, indignation at their profanations. Let any rational man go into one of the midnight "conference meetings" of these enthusiasts; let him hear their language to the Deity, let him observe their conduct; and then let him undertake to repeat what he has heard and seen, and we venture to say, that the horrid blasphemies he would be obliged to utter in the relation would deter him from proceeding. All the low, mean, and disgusting allusions in human life are connected with the sublime attributes of God and his providence; and oftentimes, an ignorant, vain, and vehement preacher will use such language before his Maker, that every rational christian must tremble before the magnitude of his impiety, in the "undissembled homage of deferential horrour."


HAS finished his performances at the Boston Theatre, with great credit to himself, and satisfaction to the publick. He has played eight important dramatick characters,* with various success; in some of them, the powers he evinced were absolutely astonishing; in others he was deficient in force of utterance and identity of conception; but in all of them, his "defects were only as dust in the ascending scale of his merits."

* Norval, Zaphna, Romeo, Selim, Octavian, Tancred, Hamlet, and Rolla.


THE state of Connecticut is an example of an adherence to her original principles, highly honourable to that people, and the primitive integrity of their character. Like the needle, they have continued pointed directly to the polar star of Federalism, amidst the storms and tempests which surrounded them. The times demand that such a state should be exalted by the approbation of the wise and good. The following lines are extracted from a publication which originated in that very state, and does equal credit to the talents as well as principles by which it was conducted.


"And here, in erring reason's spite,
'Mid storms of truth, and floods of light,
Unmov'd by threats, unaw'd by fears,
CONNECTICUT her front uprears.
On democratick frontiers plac'd,
By spirits base and foul disgrac'd,
Annoy'd with Jacobinick engines,
And doom'd to governmental vengeance,
Strait on her course she firmly steers,
Nor gibes, nor tacks, nor scuds, nor veers,
Not the whole force they all can wield,

Can drive her vet'rans from the field.

The same pure, patriotick fires,

Which warm'd the bosoms of their sires,

That generous, that effulgent flame,

Which glow'd in Winthrop's deathless name,
Unsullied through their bosoms runs,
Inspires and animates her sons.'

We have been considerably gratified with the perusal of an unfinished manuscript Poem, entitled' A POLITICAL PRIMER, composed in a new patent rhyming machine, and stuffed with most touching tropes and classick doggerel, by TOBY TINGLE, Esq.' It consists chiefly of apostrophes to celebrated political characters in the United States. We shall endeavour to procure this poem, when complete, for the amuse

ment of our readers. In the mean time we present them with the following short extract, copied from the manuscript by permission of the author.

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* TINTO, a river of Spain, whose waters have the power of cementing


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