true: I must have it large-that was my forte-I was always quick in observing." I then noticed the great development of Locality, Weight, Size, and Form, told him the qualities of mind which they indicated, and remarked on the fondness for exploring other countries, which such a combination bestowed, and the facility which it gave of recollecting placeș and countries once seen. He said this also was correct, and that he found Locality useful even in stationing the ships of his fleet. I proceeded in my examination, and remarked, that I was disappointed to find the upper part of his forehead more retreating than I had anticipated-denoting less power of logical reasoning and systematizing than what I had conceived him to possess. He begged I would explain particularly the functions of that part of the brain; and when I gave him the usual account of Causality, he thought for a moment and replied, "Well, after all, you are perhaps not far wrong there either: I was not remarkable for reasoning power; observation and the other qualities were what I excelled in." My interest in the examination was becoming every moment more intense, and my eye was taking the direction of Firmness, an organ which seemed to be very largely developed, when, unfortunately, the vault-keeper came quietly up, and, tapping his Lordship on the shoulder, said all was ready for him down below, and he would thank him to resume his place, as he had not time to wait longer. His Lordship at once obeyed, and bade me good bye, with a slight bow, but without altering a single feature of his face. I then left the church, thinking how fortunate I had been to be there at such an interesting time, and soon after awoke. Such are the facts of my dream. I shall not attempt to explain them farther than by remarking, that they exhibit a striking instance of activity of some faculties co-existing with repose of others; a circumstance which can be accounted for only by the phrenological principle of a plurality of cerebral organs, each of which may be active while the others are at rest. The perfect recollection which I had, not only of Nelson's history, appearance, and death, and of the localities of St Paul's and the aspect of its monuments, but also of the phrenological doctrines and their applications in life, formed a singular contrast to the total absence of every feeling of awe, incongruity, wonder, or disgust, which, in the waking state, would have been so strongly excited. The only cause to which I can ascribe the dream, is having previously resolved to send to the library for Southey's Life of Nelson, which I had heard praised as an excellent piece of biography. I am, &c. A. C. EDINBURGH, 3d February 1835. ARTICLE XIII. PROSPECTUS OF A BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF MENTAL SCIENCE. By Sir GEORGE S. MACKENZIE, Bart. THE establishment of an Association for the advancement of Physical Science, naturally led several persons who have paid attention to the state of Mental Science to desire the promotion of the latter by a similar Association. Whether mental science be regarded as one hardly yet in existence, or as having advanced sufficiently to enable those who have particularly attended to it to perceive that it is minutely interwoven with human conduct and human institutions, it has been too long neglected. While physical science opens up to view many proofs of the immensity of creative power, and administers to the increase of human comfort, it likewise multiplies human wants, and contributes to the useless gratification, even to the extent of abuse, of appetites which were destined not to be the guides of human conduct, but to be subservient to the higher faculties, the exercise of which alone can direct, mankind to the rational use of physical discovery. The rational enjoyment to which physical science can administer, can be rendered so only by a knowledge of the real constitution of man; and such happiness as it may be permitted to us to enjoy in this world can be attained only by searching for the relation in which man stands to his fellow-men and to external nature-in other words, for the laws which it has pleased Almighty Power to establish for that relation-and by obeying those laws as part of the Creator's will. No doubt it has been discovered that the mind is so closely connected with the body as to produce mutual influence; and to investigate this is a branch-of physiology; and thus, mental science might appear capable of being connected with physical, in our present Association: But, since the mental faculties have not yet been all discovered, nor those known defined with sufficient accuracy, they have to be submitted to farther metaphysical inquiry; and it seems proper, from the wide extent of the subject, that a separate Association should be established. While mental science is truly one of observation, inquiry being applied in the first instance to the discovery of faculties, much discussion will be required before the definitions of discovered faculties are settled. Seeing, therefore, that this is what may be called a mixed science, and that its results are applicable to legislation, the administration of justice, political science, education, and the treatment of the insane, and, in short, to every sublunary concern of human life, it would be improper to attach it to an Association for the advancement of purely physical discovery, while its extent is ample for the full employment of a separate one. The immense importance of mental science to mankind has been overlooked, because for a very long period no discovery of any importance had been made in it. Philosophers had speculated only on their own individual consciousness, and had made themselves standards for the whole human race, neglecting, or setting aside as not worthy of regard, the marked differences of human talent and character. Attention has been attracted to physical science, because discoveries were, to all appearance, more easily made, and every discovery opened the field still wider, so that every one found a range for his prevailing talent. Physiologists, however, have at last withdrawn the veil which had obscured and rendered uninviting the track of those who had embarked on the ocean of metaphysics, without a single fact to serve as a pilot. Enough has been said to introduce what is proposed to be the manner of proceeding. As soon as a sufficient number of persons shall have announced their desire to be members, a general meeting will be held at such time and place as may appear convenient, at which officers will be selected, and rules for future government enacted. And, if they can be procured, reports will be read on the following subjects : 1. On the present state of mental science. 2. On the present state of our knowledge of the causes of insanity, idiocy, and other aberrations of the faculties. 3. On the present state of the criminal law, in reference to the mode of trial and punishment, and as applicable to the human faculties. 4. On the present mode of administering justice in civil cases. 5. On the present state of education. 6. On the present state of political science. 7. On the present customs and usages of society, as affecting the faculties. It is proposed that the inquiries to be instituted shall be remitted to different committees or sections as follows: 1. Enumeration and analysis of the human faculties; the physiology of the brain; the causes of difference in human talent and character; hereditary influences. 2. Education, in reference to health, and the discipline of the animal, intellectual, and moral faculties; the customs and usages of society, in reference to their influence on the human constitution. 3. Civil and criminal legislation; the relations of man to external things. 4. Political economy; colonization; in reference to the moral faculties. It is proposed that the sections shall report their proceedings daily to a general meeting, when, if any member shall choose to make observations, he shall be invited to deliver them, and some member of the section, on whose report the observations may be made, shall be at liberty to reply, after which no farther discussion shall be allowed; and a recommendation made to inquire farther into facts to be submitted to the section at the subsequent annual meeting. No question having any reference to religious creed to be admitted. The establishment of such an Association as that proposed by Sir George Mackenzie, is certainly most desirable; but we fear that, unless the members were phrenologists, the business of the meetings would consist of vain and endless speculations, and that the most opposite opinions would be advocated without the possibility of appealing for their support or refutation to any fixed and admitted standard. On the other hand, were half of the members phrenological, and the other half unphrenological, the Association would evidently prove inoperative, those ignorant of phrenology denying, doubting, or groping for principles which the phrenologists consider fully established; and the phrenologists, on their side, by no means consenting to be thus retarded in their progress. We would suggest, therefore, that the phrenologists of the United Kingdom should associate, and meet once a-year in some central place, such as York. Phrenologists would all agree on fundamental points, and it cannot be doubted, that, by such meetings, and the reading of reports like those suggested in Sir George Mackenzie's prospectus, a very decided impetus would be given both to the advancement and to the diffusion of phrenology. The public might be attracted to some of the meetings by lectures on the history and principles of the science. As the maturest consideration ought to be bestowed on this important subject, we recommend it to the attention of phrenologists and phrenological societies throughout the kingdom, and shall be happy to receive communications (post paid, through any of our publishers) from all who incline to favour us with their suggestions, or promise of support to the projected Association. Should insuperable difficulties present themselves, it deserves to be considered by Phrenological Societies whether they should not individually hold annual general meetings, as the Parisian Society does, and invite the public to hear reports of the labours of the preceding year, and the progress which phrenology is making throughout the world.-EDITOR. MISCELLANEOUS NOTICES. EDINBURGH. The following evening courses of Lectures are being delivered in the Waterloo Rooms, under the auspices of the Edinburgh Association for Procuring Instruction in Useful and Entertaining Sciences: -1. Lectures on Phrenology (twice a-week), giving a full view of the Philosophy of the Human mind. and embracing the applications of the Science to Education, Morals, Criminal Legislation, Insanity, Health, the elucidation of Character, and the Happiness and Moral and Intellectual Improvement of the Human Race. By Mr George Combe. 2. On the Laws of the Animal Economy (once a-week), embracing a Popular View of Anatomy and Physiology, and the application of their principles to the preservation of Health. By Dr Allen Thomson. And 3. A second course of Natural Philosophy (once a-week), on subjects which were either altogether omitted, or but slightly treated of, in last winter's course, such as the doctrine of Bodies or Matter in general-Atmosphere - Heat-Electricity - Meteorology-Galvanism-Magnetism, and the general features of Astronomy with a view to the formation of artificial Globes and the construction of Maps and Charts. By George Lees, A.M., of the Scottish Naval and Military Academy. The attendance at these Lectures is shown by the following statement of tickets sold, and visitors admitted, down to the 4th February 1835 : We extract the following from the Edinburgh Chronicle of 27th December 1834:"A correspondent in Melrose reminds us, that in making, some time back, a few remarks upon Phrenology, we promised that we would take an early opportunity to enter at more length into that important question. 'I have waited,' he says. ⚫ and watched for that number, but it has never ap. peared; and in the sickness arising from hope deferred, I have taken the liberty of begging that you will, in as early a number as possible, express your opinions upon its tendency and merits. The operatives in the south of Scotland are beginning to appreciate its merits. Nothing but cheap information on the subject is required. A public lecturer upon that interesting science would meet with certain and deserved success. Many of the readers of your journal in this quarter, have a faint perception of its doctrines, and the expression of your opinion would be an unspeakable benefit and pleasure.' We have no recollection of the particular occasion alluded to, but have no doubt we did make such a promise, and we assure our correspondent that we are exceedingly pleased to find that the subject excites so much interest. To those who are not acquainted with the principles of the science-and we can pretend only to a knowledge of these we dare say it may appear ultraabsurd; but our belief is, that were Phrenology generally understood-and it has only to be understood in order to be appreciated-it would lead to a complete and most beneficial social revolution. But we cannot enter into its merits at present, and are afraid it will not be in our power for some time, owing to the present state of the political world. We hope, however, in due time to be enabled to devote an article or two to its consideration." The January and February numbers of the Christian Pioneer, a Glasgow periodical, contain the first and second of a series of articles on phrenology, and a regular continuation is promised. " Considering the philosophy of mind," says the Editor, " to be one of the most important subjects that can engage human attention, and that every thing which tends to throw light on mental phenomena must be useful to man, we have requested a series of papers on phrenology from an individual well qualified to do justice to that interesting science; and though we do not pledge ourselves to coincide with every statement he may make, we are well satisfied that none will be made |