1. Observations on Religious Fanati- 2. Lectures on Phrenology; delivered 3. Suggestions for Facilitating and Ex- 4. Mr Carmichael's Examination of 5. Casts of the Heads of two Swedish 1. Christian Ethics; or Moral Philo- 233 12., A Singular Dream, 13. Prospectus of a British Associa- tal Science. By Sir GEORGE S. Notices, A Fragment on Mackintosh; be- 2. Hints on the Formation and Con- ib. Атики No. XLVI. 1. Thoughts on Physical Education; being a Discourse delivered to a Convention of Teachers in Lexing- CALDWELL, M. D. (Review),. 481 3. Comments on Mr Hancock's "Let- ter on the Functions of the Or- contained in No. 45. of the Phre- nological Journal. By H. C. WAT- 4. On the Uses and Modes of Acti- vity of Destructiveness. By Mr 5. Journal de la Société Phrénolo- gique de Paris, April and July 6. Case of Impairment of the Faculty 10. Observations on Religious Fanati cism; illustrated by a Comparison of the Belief and Conduct of noted Religious Enthusiasts with those of Patients in the Montrose Lu- BROWNE, Medical Superintendent of that Institution (continued) d) 532 11. Account of the System of Educa- 494 12. Phrenological Analysis of the Cha- 498 " 505 515 517 519 13. Dublin Phrenological Society, vancement of Mental Science, 561 15. The Christian Examiner, No. 65. 566 570 2. On the Authenticity of the Skulls of Dean Swift and Stella. By Dr being an Attempt to determine the 9. Observations on Combativeness; 1. Observations on Religious Fanati- noted Religious Enthusiasts with. those of Patients in the Montrose BROWNE, Esq. Medical Superin. 2. Lectures on Phrenology; delivered before the Young Men's Associa- tion for Mutual Improvement of DEAN. (Review),. 3. Suggestions for Facilitating and Ex- tending the Study of Mental De- 4. Mr Carmichael's Examination of, Mr Macnish's Objections to his Laplanders, and of the Skull of a 6. Remarks on Inhabitiveness and 7. Christian Phrenology; or the Teachings of the New Testament respecting the Animal, Moral, and Intellectual Nature of Man. By 9. Letter from Sir G. S. Mackenzie, Bart., on Mr Simpson's Views as 10. Cerebral Development and Inferred Character of Kabooti, an Egyp- 11. Observations on the Phrenologi- 12. The Constitution of Man consi- 1. Christian Ethics ; or Moral Philo- sophy on the Principles of Divine A Fragment on Mackintosh; be- 2. Hints on the Formation and Con- ib. |