Obrázky na stránke


Page 46, line 9 from foot, for about, read above.

72, line 5 from foot, for seventy-eight tons each, read ninety-eight tons each.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

General Observations upon the Causes, physical, and moral, which influence Population, in every Country.-The Populousness, Commerce, and Power, of England, prior to the Demise of Edward III. -The Number of People, 1377.-Reflections.

Or the existing numbers of Mankind, in successive ages of the world, various writers have given dissimilar accounts; because they did not al-. ways acknowledge the same facts, nor often adopt the same principles, in their most ingenious disquisitions.

The Lord Chief Justice Hale * formerly, and Sir James Stuart, and the Count de Buffon, lately, t

* In his Primitive Origination of Mankind Considered.

In his Political Economy.


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