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Designed for the Use of Schools. By R. CLAGGett, A. M., late Principal of Central High School, Providence. Second Edition.

Although this work has been published but a few months, a large edition has been called for, it having been introduced into many of the first schools in New England.

From among the many recommendations received, we select the following:

At a meeting of the School Committee of the City of Providence, holden at the Council Chamber, on Thursday, the 28th of May, 1836, the following vote was passed unanimously :


"Voted, That the book recently published by Rufus Claggett, Esq., entitled The American Expositor, or Intellectual Definer,' be introduced into all the public Writing Schools in this city."

A true copy.


WM. APLIN, Sec'y.

"The American Expositor, or Intellectual Definer," having come under my notice, I take pleasure in saying, that I deem it a valuable acquisition to our school classics; and shall be happy to do what I can to facilitate its general introduction into schools. SAMUEL ANGELL,

Principal of Seekonk Seminary, Providence.

I think "The American Expositor" well calculated to answer the intended purpose of its author.


Young Ladies' High School, Union St., Providence. 11

Gould, Kendall, & Lincoln's Publications.

Boston, July 6.

To provide the means for a more thorough understanding of the meaning and uses of the words of our language, is the main purpose of "The American Expositor and Intellectual Definer." As a means of intellectual discipline, the study of words on this plan must be highly favorable. The first edition of the work is already disposed of, and we hope that discerning teachers will not fail of adopting it in their schools. The change must be, in every way, favorable to the teacher and the taught. A. BRONSON ALCOTT.

"The American Expositor, designed for the Use of Schools," will unquestionably become a popular and valuable school book. We have no hesitation in saying that it meets with our entire approbation, and is highly creditable to the judgment and experience of its author. GUILD & HARPER,

Teachers of English and Classical School, Newport

Arcade Classical Institute, March 16, 1836. "The American Expositor" is an excellent little work, well adapted to the object for which it is designed, and worthy the attention of those engaged in the instruction of youth. I shall immediately introduce it into the seminary with which I am connected. C. E. TOOTHAKER.

I think the arrangement good, and the definitions clear and concise. I should think it would prove a useful addition to our school books. OLIVER ANGell,

Principal of Franklin High School, Providence

Boston, July 7, 1836.

"The American Expositor, or Intellectual Definer, designed for the Use of Schools," by Rufus Claggett, Esq., is, in my opinion, a work of great merit. It embraces a regular course of instruction in definitions, by which the minds of pupils may be successfully disciplined, and a ready, free and correct use of words acquired. I will only add, that, were I to recommend a set of text-books on elementary instruction, the American Expositor would be one of the first on the catalogue.


Principal of Wells Public Grammar School.

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