Obrázky na stránke

All sorts of men, by my successful arts,

Abhorring kings, estrange their altered hearts
From David's rale; and 'tis their general cry,
Religion, commonwealth, and liberty.

Dryden. Absalom & Achitophel.

Hence, instead of a suspicious estrangedness, a servile dread, or an hostile disaffection towards God, there will spring up an humble confidence, a kindly reverence, a hearty love toward him.-Barrow, vol. i. Ser. 7.

He has nothing else to take up his thoughts, and nothing to entertain his desires with; which, by a long estrangement from better things, come at length perfectly to loath, and fly off from them.-South, vol. ii. Ser. 6.

Dumb as a senator, and as a priest

A piece of mere church-furniture at best;
To live estrang'd from God his total scope,
And his end sure, without one glimpse of hope.


Ha! how is this? your estridge plumes, that but
Even now, like quills of porcupines, seem'd to threaten
The stars, drop at the rumour of a shower,
And, like to captive colours, sweep the earth!

Massinger. The Maid of Honour, Act ii. sc. 3.
Tortoises and the estrich hatch their eggs with their looks
only; and some have designs which a dissembling face, or
an acted gesture can produce.-Bp.Taylor, vol. iii. Ser. 24.
Prince Edward all in gold, as he great Jove had been,
The Mountfords all in plumes, like estridges were seen.
Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 22.


Ver. All furnisht, all in armes,
All plum'd like estridges.-Shakes. Hen. IV. Act iv. sc. 1.
The Lat. Estus, Vossius
says, est commotio vel in igni,
vel in aquâ, vel in animo; a
Cowper. Tirocinium.
commotion either in fire, or in
water, or in the mind. Estuarium, qua mare
tum accedit, tum recedit, ut ait, Festus; where
the sea approaches and retires. And from Estus,
is astuare, which is said sometimes of those things,
quæ verè calent; which really heat,-sometimes
of the sea, and sometimes of the passions.

For Moses, to prevent any such estrangement, which some other parts of his institution, if abused, might occasion, was careful to acquaint the chosen family with the history of the human race, and of their descent from one man and woman. Warburton. The Divine Legation, b. v. s. 1.

ESTRA'Y, v. Į A. S. Strægan, to stray.
ESTRA'Y, n. To stray or wander.
See the quotation from Blackstone.

To wax hot, to scald or cast up hot vapours, (Minshew.) To boil, to rise and fall; to agitate, to be in a state of commotion or agitation.

And thus he often doth with the worst and vilest of men, whose lusts, though they estuate and boil within, are like the raging sea, raging and rouling in their hearts, yet God sets bounds to their proud wayes, and saith to them as he does to the great sea, hitherto shall ye proceed, and no farther.-Hopkins. Practical Exposition.

Some plates were sent abroad about the year 1530, eaten with aqua fortis after Parmesano; and etching with corrosive waters began by some to be attempted with laudable success.-Evelyn. Sculpturæ.

I have very seldom seen lovelier cuts made by the help of the best tempered and best handled gravers, than I have seen made on plates etched, some by a French and others by an English artificer.-Boyle. Works, vol. iii. p. 459.

The letters will be more or less deeply engraven (or rather etched) according to the time the sublimate is suffered to lie on.-Id. Ib. vol. iv. p. 317.

He that first invented printing or etching, had an idea of it in his mind before it ever existed. Locke. Of Hum. Underst. b. ii. c. 22. s. 9. ones, may be afforded us by the art of elching, whereby Another instance, of the same import with the foregoing copper and silver plates may be enriched with figures, which may seem to have been made by the tool of some excellent graver.-Boyle. Works, vol. iii. p. 459.

The author whom I hint at shall be nameless, but his countenance is communicated to the publick in several views warded by engravers, artists by way of mezzo-tinto, etchers, and aspects drawn by the most eminent painters, and forand the like.-Guardian, No. 1.

manufactures; he himself was the inventor of etching. Prince Rupert was also an encourager of useful arts and Hume. History of England, c. 71.


Fr. Eternel; It. Eternale; Sp. Eternal; Fr. Eternizer; It. Eternizare; Sp. Eternizar; Lat. Eternus, (q.d.) æviternus, from ævum; Gr. Αιων, i. e. ale wv, semper existens, ever being, everlasting, (qv.) See the quotations from Milton, Tillotson, and Clarke, for the full force of the adj.

This nymph one day, surcharg'd with love and grief, Which commonly (the more the pity) dwell As inmates both together, walking forth With other maids to fish upon the shore; Estrays apart, and leaves her company, To entertain herself with her own thoughts. Daniel. Hymen's Triumph. Estrays are such valuable animals as are found wandering in any manor or lordship, and no man knoweth the owner of them, in which case the law gives them to the king, as the general owner and lord paramount of the soil, in recompence for the damage which they may have done therein, and they now most commonly belong to the lord of the manor, by parts at the bottom, are not excited into astuations, and eternal, and noun eternity. The noun eternal is

special grant from the crown.-Blackstone. Com. b. i. c. 8.

E'STRE. From "Fr. v. Estre, to be; Fr. n. Estre, a substance or subsistence; an essence, being, state," (Cotgrave.) "Of your ester;" de tuo esse, de substantiâ vel statu tuo, (Skinner.)

Of estres, Mr. Tyrwhitt says, "the inward parts of a building;" and see Cotgrave, "Les estres d'une maison."

Whan he was turned, and went out of that affray,
For a bisshop he sent at morn whan it was day,
Sir Ode of Wynchestere, so that bisshop hight,
He told him of alle the estere, that him mette that nyght.
R. Brunne, p. 94.
All peinted was the wall, in length and brede,
Like to the estres of the grisly place,
That highte the gret temple of Mars in Trace.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 1973.
And she stert up also
And knew the estres bet than did this John,
And by the wall she toke a staf anon.

Id. The Reves Tale, v. 4293.
But of one thynge I would praie,
What shall I tell vnto Syluestre
Of your name or of your ester?

Gower. Con. A. b. ii.

ESTREAT, v. Į From the Fr. Extraict; ESTRE'AT, n. (Lat. Extractum, drawn out; past part. of the verb extrahere, to draw out.

For the legal application, see the quotation from Blackstone.

Towarde this vice, of which we trete,

[This] did quiet me thus far, that these vapours were not gone up into the head, howsoever they might glow and estuate in the body.-Bacon. A Speech about Undertakers.

And therefore rivers and lakes who want these fermenting therefore some seas flow higher than others according to the plenty of these spirits, in their submarine constitutions. Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. vii. c. 14.

We must seek to fix our mindes upon that incomprehensible course of God's providence, which changeth all things without any mutation in itself: and the nearer we come to shall be to the estuations of joys and fears, or the anxiety of this confixure unto that stability, the less obnoxious we wonder in all contingencies.

Mountague. Devoute Essayes, pt. i. Treat. 16 s. 5. From hence we double the Boulnesse, and come to an estuarie, whither three notable riuers doo resort, and this is named the Solueie mouth.

Holinshed. Description of Britaine, c. 14.

For the seas retaine
Not onely their outragious cesture there;
But fierce assistents, of particular feare,
And supernaturall mischiefe, they expire;
And those are whirlewinds of deuouring fire
Whisking about still.-Chapman. Homer. Odyssey, b. xii.
So, for ought I know, there may be in these vast internal
parts of the earth, whose thin crust only has been here and
there dug into by men, considerable masses of matter, that
may have periodical revolutions, or accensions, or eusta-
tions, [estuations] or fermentations.

Boyle. Works, vol. iv. p. 98.
Whether it be observed, that over the estuary, or in some
other neighbouring part of the place, where the mineral
water springs, there arise any visible mineral fumes or
smoak, (which, when they do appear, are wont to do it early
in the morning, or late in the evening,) and if such fumes
ascend, how plentiful they are, of what colour, and of what
smell?-Id. Ib. vol. iv. p. 799.

ESURIENT. Lat. Esuriens, pres. part. of

There ben yet tweie of thilk estrete.-Gower. Con. A. b. i. Esurire, to desire to eat :-greedy.

What are they but estreats of those originals
Whereof th' Almighty word engroue the portrature
Vpon the books of heau'n for euermore t' endure.
Lisle. Du Bartas, fol. 158.
The said commissioners are to make their estreats as
accustomed of peace, and shall take the ensuing oath.
Millon. On the Articles of Peace.

For if (as divines tell us) the poor be God's receivers, they seem to have a title, as well by justice as by charity, to the amerciaments that are estreated upon trespasses against their lord.-Boyle. Works, vol. vi. p. 24.

If the condition of such recognizance be broken, by any breach of the peace in the one case, or any misbehaviour in the other, the recognizance becomes forfeited or absolute; and being estreated or extracted, (taken out from the other records, and sent up to the Exchequer,) the party and his sureties, having become the King's absolute debtors, are sued for the several sums in which they are respectively bound.-Blackstone. Commentaries, b. iv. c. 18. E'STRICH, or E'STRIDGE.

i. e. the Ostrich, (qv.)

Sure it is that he [Philip Nye] was a most dangerous and
seditious person, a politic pulpit driver of independency, an
insatiable esurient after riches, and what not, to raise a fa-
mily, and to heap up wealth.-Wood. Athena Oxon.
ETCH, v.

Probably from the A. S. Ecge;
Ger. Ecge, an edge or point; be-
cause it is done with the point of

a needle. See HATCH.


emphatically applied to

The Creator of all things.

dow with length or duration of time; with lasting
To eternize is (with less force) to confer or en-
fame; to perpetuate, to immortalize.

The Eternall King reigning in three, two, and one,
Which all seeth, all knoweth, and all doth avise,
With hundred fould shall reward everychone,
Which here in their life this wretched world doth despise.
Abbot Maluern, in R. Gloucester, p. 584.

Elerne God, that thurgh thy perveance
Ledest this world by certain governance,
In idel, as men sain, ye nothing make.

Chaucer. The Frankeleines Tale, v. 11,177. The comon judgemēt of al creatures reasonable, then is yt God is eterne. Let vs consider then what is eternity, for certes that shal shewe vs togider, the divine nature, and the diuine science. Eternity then is perfit possession, and altogether of life interminable.-Id. Boecius, b. v.

It is the common judgment of all that live by reason, that God is everlasting, and therefore let us consider what eternity is. For this will declare unto us both the divine nature and knowledge. Eternitie is a perfect possession altogether of an endless life.-Translation by J. T. 1609.

Thou comfort of us wretches, do me endite
Thy maiden's death, that wan thurgh hire merite
The eternal lif, and over the fend victorie.

Chaucer. The Second Nonnes Tale, v. 15,502.
To broken been the statutes hie in heauen
That creat were eternally tendure.

Id. Balade of the Village.

[blocks in formation]

knowe them, and they folow me, and I geue vnto them
As I sayde vnto you: my shepe heare my voyce, and I
eternal lyfe, and they shall neuer perishe, neither shal any
man plucke them out of my hande-Bible, 1551. John, c. 10.
For thus he speaketh unto Moses, I am that I am; signi-
Udal. John, c. 9.

Vischer, viz. Cornelius (for there is another who has pub-fying an eternalitee, and a nature that cannot chaunge.
lished divers landskips) hath most rarely etched a certain
Dutch kitchen, where there is an old man taking tobacco,
whilst his wife is frying of pan-cakes; also a fiddler, accom-
panied with boyes and girles painted by Ostade; but above
all, admirable is the descent, or Christus Mortuus, after
Tintoret, both graved and etch'd, as indeed I should have
said of the rest.-Evelyn. Sculpturæ.

Giovanni Maggi was an excellent painter and etcher, as he
has sufficiently discovered in his rare perspectives, land-
skips, and his Roma in the larger Cartoon; likewise in the
nine privileg'd and stationary churches; with the three
Magi, who offer presents to our Saviour, in allusion to his
name. Id. Ib.

The great goodness of God geuyng them knowledge of the meane of saluacion, and of that Mediatour, by whose deth they and theyr offspring shuld be redeemed agayne to blysse, dya in the fayth of the sayd Mediatour, remytte and forgeue theim the eternalitie of the payne dew unto theyr offence.

Sir T. More. Works, p. 1292.

Why do we not spede vs hastely to come vnto that reste of eternitie whiche may be obteyned by oure litel and shorte labours here rather than folow ye voluptuous pleasures of this worlde, whereby we shall come in to euerlastynge defatigacyons and werynesse in hell.

Fisher. On the Seven Psalms, Ps. 143. pt. iL

Therefore Dauyd consideryng in him selfe how greuously he had offended Almighty God, and that man may beare and suffer hys punyshment, maketh his prayer that he vouchsafe neyther to punyshe hym eternally by the paynes of hel, neyther correcte him by the paynes of purgatory, but to be meke and mercifull to hym.)

Fisher. On the Seven Psalms, Ps. 6. There his name who love and prize, Stable stay shall eternize.

Sir P. Sidney, Ps. 69. Mac. O, full of scorpions is my minde, dear wife: Thou knowst that Banquo and his Fleans liues. Lady. But in them, nature's coppies not eterne.

Shakespeare. Macbeth, Act iii. sc. 2.

He there does now enjoy eternal rest
And happy ease, which thou dost want and craue
And farther from it daily wanderest.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 9.

A kingdom they portend thee, but what kingdom,
Real or allegoric, I discern not,

Nor when, eternal sure, as without end,
Without beginning.-Milton. Paradise Regained, b. iv.

And so with his burnt ashes, and the trophy of the scrowl, Don Quixote's valour is eternalized.

Shelton. Don Quixote, vol. iv. c. 3.

The house of endlesse paine is built thereby, In which ten thousand sorts of punishment The cursed creatures doe eternally torment.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 6.

[blocks in formation]

Not so. quoth I, let baser things deuise
To die in dust, but you shall liue by fame:
My verse your vertues rare shall eternize,
And in the heauens write your glorious name.

Spenser, son. 75.
Saint Alban's battell wonne by famous Yorke,
Shall be eterniz'd in all age to come.

Shakespeare. 2 Pt. Hen. VI. Act v. sc. 3. The eternal, supreme cause, has such a perfect, independent, and unchangeable comprehension of all things; that in every point or instant of his eternal duration, all things past, present, and to come, must be not indeed themselves present at once, (for that is a manifest contradiction ;) but they must be as entirely known and represented to him in one single thought or view, and all things present and future to be absolutely under his power and direction; as if there was really no succession at all, and as if all things had been, (not that they really are,) actually present at once. Clarke, vol. i. Ser. 4.

For how can we desire to be better assured, that our bodies shall not for ever sleep in the grave, but shall at last be reunited to our souls, and both soul and body live eternally in unspeakable bliss and happiness; I say, how can we have greater assurance of this, than by what was on this day brought to pass in our Saviour?-Sharp, vol. i. Ser. 12.

I would ask eternalists what mark is there that they could expect or desire of the novelty of a world, that is not found in this? Or what mark is there of eternity that is found in this?-Burnet. Theory of the Earth.

Eternity is a duration without bounds or limits: Now there are two limits of duration, beginning and ending; that which has always been, is without beginning; that which always shall be, is without ending. Tillotson, vol. ii. Ser. 102.

To say that immensity does not signify boundless space, and that eternity does not signify duration or time without beginning and end, is (I think) affirming that words have no meaning.-Leibnitz & Clarke. Dr. Clarke's fifth Reply.

Though poets immortality may give,

And Troy does still in Homer's numbers live;
How dare I touch thy praise, thou glorious frame,
Which must be deathless as thy raiser's name:

But that I wanting fame am sure of thine
To eternize this humble song of mine.
Otway. Windsor Castle.

Lorenzo since eternal is at hand,
To swallow time's ambitions; as the vast
Leviathan, the bubbles vain, that ride
High on the foaming billow; what avail
High titles, high descent, attainments high,

If unattain'd our highest?-Young. Complaint, Night 7.

To the ancient philosophers, creation from nothing appeared an unintelligible idea. They maintained the eternal existence of matter, which they supposed to be modelled

Notwithstanding the most extended concatenation that may exist in the series of productions, effects succeeding to their causes through incalculable ages, yet the mind must ultimately repose itself in a first cause; who, being uncaused, must exist from eternity.

Cogan. Theological Disquisitions, Dis. 1. c. 1. Nor would th' enamour'd Muse neglect to pay To Stanhope's worth the tributary lay; Did not his virtues eterniz'd remain The boasted theme of Pope's immortal strain. Smollet. Reproof. A Satire. ETE'SIAN. Gr. Ernoios, yearly, annual, from Eros, the year, Venti anniversarii: "Fr. Etestes; the easterly winds which commonly blow in the Dog-daies," (Cotgrave.)

Another opinion there is, more embraced than the rest, That whiles the forerunning winds blow and the Etesian blasts together, holding on continually for the space of fortyfive dayes, they force backe his [the Nile] streame, and by reason that his swift course is thus restrained, he swelleth, and his waves overflow.-Holland. Ammianus, p. 211.

So may th' auspicious Queen of Love
And the twin stars, the seed of Jove,
And he who rules the raging wind,
To thee, O sacred ship, be kind;
And gentle breezes fill thy sails
Supplying soft Etesian gales.—Dryden. Hor. b. i. Ode 3.

A. S. Ath, the termination of the third pers. sing.; is a lisping pronunciation of Es, (qv.) ETHE. i. e. easy, (qv. and also Eath.)

Wild the bicom Cristen, fulle eth I were to drawe,
Bot I dar not for tham alle one to leue our lawe.

R. Brunne, p. 194.
Leue thou in oure louerd God, that al the world wrought
Holy heuen eth on hey holliche he fourmede
And is Almyghti hymself, ouer alle his workes.

He [St. Paul] thereby has furnished us with so rich a variety of moral and spiritual precepts, concerning special matters subordinate to the general laws of piety and virtue; that out of them might well be compiled a body of ethicks, or system of precepts de officiis, in truth and in compleatness far excelling those which any philosophy hath been able to devise or deliver.-Barrow, vol. i. Ser. 6.

From ethical or theological composures, to take out les sons, that may improve the mind, is a thing much inferiour to the being able to do the like out of the book of nature, where most matters, that are not physical, if they seem not to be purposely veiled, are at least but darkly hinted. Boyle. Works, vol. ii. p. 340. My subject leads me not to discourse ethically, but Chris

tianly of the faults of the tongue.-Governm. of the Tongue.

Ye sacred tomes, be my unerring guide,
Dove-hearted saints, and prophets eagle-ey'd !
I scorn the moral fop, and ethic sage.
But drink in truth from your illumin'd page.

Thompson. Written on the Holy Bible. Ethicks extend to the investigation of those principles by which moral men are governed; they explore the nature and excellence of virtue, the nature of moral obligation, on what it is founded, and what are the proper motives of practice; morality in the more common acceptation, though not exclusively, relates to the practical and obligatory part of ethicks. Ethicks principally regard the theory of morals. Cogan. Ethical Treatise. On the Passions, Introd.

In a treatise on morals, we expect that the author should particularly enlarge upon the rules, or duties, and motives of practice and by an ethical treatise, we expect a more extensive investigation of whatever relates to the state and nature of man as a moral agent; and a more minute examination of the principles themselves, on which moral precepts are enforced.-Id. Ib.


Piers Plouhman. Crede. Christian faith.

But if thou couthest sette in rewle
The two, the three were ethe to rewle.

Gower. Con. A. Prol. Thus ēded this honorable man, [Hastings] a good knight and a gentle, of gret aucthorite with his prince, of living some what dessolute, plaine and open to his enemy, and secret to his friend; eth to begile, as he that of good hart and corage forestudied no perilles.-Sir T. More. Workes, p. 55.



Lat. Ether; Gr. Amp; Fr. Ethéré, Aristotle derives from aiei Deely, quod semper currat et moveatur, because it is ever in motion. Others,

ажо TOν deш, urere, quod igneus sit et incensus; because it is fiery and of flame. Others, again, anо Tоν Depew, hoc est ab calfaciendo; from its heat. Becman is not content with any of these, and resorts to the Hebrew.

Olympus, fair'st of hills, that heaven art said to be,

I [Malvern] envy not thy state, nor less myself do make;
Nor to possess thy name, mine own would I forsake:
Nor would I, as thou dost, ambitiously aspire
To thrust thy forked top into th' etherial fire.

Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 7.

Which of us who beholds the bright surfáce
Of this ethereous mould whereon we stand,
This continent of spacious heav'n, adorn'd
With plant, fruit, flower ambrosial, gemms of gold,
Whose eye so superficially surveyes
These things, as not to mind from whence they grow.
Millon. Paradise Lost, b. vi.

The mind employ'd in search of secret things,
To find out motions, cause, and hidden springs,
Through all th' ethereal regions mounts on high,
Views all the spheres, and ranges all the sky.
Blackmore. Creation, b. ii.

Ever learn

Quick ether's motion oft the scene is turn'd;
Now the blue vault, and now the murky cloud,
Hail, rain, or radiance.
Dyer. The Fleece, b. i.

O what a confluence of ethereal fires,
From urns unnumbered down the steep of heaven,
Streams to a point, and centers in my sight!
Young. Complaint, Night 9.
Gr. Heikos, from ηθος,
mores; which Lennep con-
ceives to have its origin in ew,
sum, versor. For the modern


Gr. Erikos, from evos, a nation or people. Applied

to nations

Not of the Jewish or

The ethnicke authours stirre the hearers, being well ap plied to the purpose.-Wilson. Arle of Rhetorique, p. 193.

Back, Flamen, with thy superstitious fumes
And cense not here; thy ignorance presumes
Too much, in acting any ethnick rite

In this translated temple.

B. Jonson. Part of the King's Entertainment. Shortlie after it so came to passe that Penda, King of Mercia, (that cruell ethnike tyrant) made sore warres vpon Egricus.-Holinshed. England, an. 652.

Yea, such was the detestation of this effeminate, unnaturall, odious practice of men's putting on women's apparell, even among the ethnickes, that the Lycians when they chanced to mourne, did usually put on the woman's garment, that the very deformity and infamy of that array might move them the sooner to cast off their foolish sorrow.

Prynne. Histrio-Mastix, pt. ii. Act. ii. sc. 2. Ethnicke would understand justice itself to have failed, as it is a virtue abstract, and may be considered without a person.-Ralegh. History of the World, b. i. c. 6. s. 4.

Lest I might seem to have no measure in raking up this ethnical dunghill, I will now leave the theology of the ori ginal of demons.-Mede. Apostasy of the Lat. Times, p. 19.

Be advised, therefore, (till you understand the case better) to forbear to take of the lamp of nature in the night of ethnicism; but know, that the light of the law of God, and right reason, and common practice, give sufficient allowance to that which your misprision cavills at.

Bp. Hall. Humble Remons. to the Parliament. Most strange is that which they write of certaine Brasilians within the land, which either hauing seen the religious rites of the Portugals, or instructed therein by some fugitiues or apostatas, had set vp a new sect of Christian ethnicisme, or mungrell-Christianity.

Purchase. His Pilgrimage, b. ix. c. 5. s. 3. "What means," quoth he, "this Devil's procession With men of orthodox profession? 'Tis ethnique and idolatrous,

From heathenism deriv'd to us."-Hudibras, pt. ii. c. 2. ETIQUETTE. Fr. Etiquette; Sp. Etiqueta. Bourdelot and Huet derive from Gr. Erixos, order; thus, σTixos, stichus, stichettus, stichetta, etiquette. And this etymology, Menage says, is natural enough! But the interpretation of Cotgrave leads plainly to the true etymology. It is

A ticket; delivered not only, as Cotgrave says, for the benefit or advantage of him that receives it, but also entitling to place, to rank; and thus

by the sovereign mind of the universe into the form which application of the word, see the first quotation applied to the ceremonious observance of rank or

the earth now exhibits.-Blair, vol. iii. Ser. 19.

No possible change can alter his mode of existence, or dissolve his being; therefore no law of his nature can prevent his being eternally as he is.

Cogun. Theological Disquisitions, Dis. 1. c. 1.

from Cogan.

T. Ca. buzz'd me at the ear. that though Ben had barrel'd | up a great deal of knowledge, yet it seems he had not read the ethicks, which, among other precepts of morality, forbid self-commendation.-Howell. b. ii. Let. 13.

place; to ceremony.

He cannot drink five bottles, bilk the score,
Then kill a constable, and drink five more;
But he can draw a pattern, make a tart,
And has the ladies' etiquette by heart.
Cowper. Progress of Errour

It [simplicity] Is guilty of ludicrous offences against the laws of custom, or the etiquettes of fashion, although by its reasoning wrong, according to prevailing ideas, it frequently evinces just and accurate conceptions of what is right.

Cogan. Ethical Treatise. On the Passions, c. 1. Disc. 2. ETTEN. Dr. Leyden says, " Ettyn, a giant; A. S. Eten. Hence Red-ettyn, the red-giant; forte a A. S. Etan, to eat; hence an Anthropophagus," (Gloss. to Complaint of Scotland;) and Benson, Etan, edere, eten, comestus, gigas. Somner says, perhaps from Oetus.

Wife. Faith, husband, and Ralph says true, for they say the King of Portugal cannot sit at his meat, but the giants and the ettins will come and snatch it from him. Beaum. & Fletch. Knight of the Burning Pestle, Act. i. sc. 1.

ETYMOLOGY. Fr. Etymologie; It. and ETYMOLOGER. Sp. Ethimo, etimologia; ETYMOLOGIST. Lat. Etymon, etymologia; ETYMOLOGIZE, v. Gr. Ervuoλoyia, (ETUμos, ETYMOLOGICAL. and Xoyos,) sermo de etyE'TYMON. mis, that is, oratio, quâ nominis ratio exponitur; a discourse in which the reason or cause of the noun or name is explained; or, in the words of Cicero, "quâ de causa quæque (verba) essent ita nominata, quam etymologiam appellabant."

Gr. Ervuos, from eros, verus, and hence etymologia, sive de verá vocum origine. T. H. in Lennep, (Tiberius Hemsterhuysius.)

retice, which, by euaporation, do shortely euacuate the ful-
nesse.-Sir T. Elyot. Castel of Helth, b. iii. c. 7.

Also vnctions with oyles and oyntementes, called Diapho- thinks is from ve, that is, valdè, and agi, i. e. ferri,
to be driven or carried forcibly along.) As the-
Fr. Evagation, a wandering, roving, straying
abroad," (Cotgrave.)

The parte of euacuation by lettinge of bloude, is incision
or cuttynge the vayne, wherby the bloud, whiche is cause of
syckenes or griefe to the whole body, or any particular part
therof, doth most aptly passe.
Sir T. Elyot. Castel of Helth, b. iii. c. 7.
For thou seest, O blessed Jesu, that there is now such an

hell of the spirits of errour broken loose into the world, as if
they meant to evacuate this part of the mysterie of godliness.
Bp. Hall. The Great Mistery of Godliness, s. 14.
The white [elebore] doth evacuat the offencive humours
which cause diseases.-Holland. Plinie, b. xxv. c. 4.

The best way therefore is, by sobriety and regular diet to
keep the body always in that moderate measure of evacua-
tion and repletion, that it may be able by proportionable
temperature, to maintain itself without any outward help.
Id. Plutarch, p. 512.

Take heed, be not too busy in imitating any farther in a dangerous expression, or in excusing the great evacuators of the law.-Hammond. Works, vol. i. p. 175.

If the prophesies recorded of the Messiah are not fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth, it is impossible to know or distinguish, when a prophesie is fulfilled, and when not, in any thing or person whatsoever: which would utterly evacuate the use of them.-South, vol. i. Ser. 6.

But whilst they were in debate concerning the articles,

they understood that Prince Rupert and others of the King's
party, were marched out of the town in pursuance of them;
and that the garrison would be entirely evacuated before
they could signify their pleasure to the army.
Ludlow. Memoirs, vol. i. p. 14.
Where the humour is strong and predominant, there the
South, vol. ix. Ser. 5.
The King Harfager, and the traitor Tosti, who had join'd
him, were slain in the battle: and the Norwegians were
forced to evacuate the country.

The true origin of words, of the meaning of prescription must be rugged, and the evacuation violent.


The first part of this name we haue found,
Let vs ethimologise the secound.

Chaucer. The Remedie of Loue.

[blocks in formation]

But how aptlie and trulie the same [chance and clere] may stand to make the etymon of chancellor. I leave to others to consider.-Holinshed. Scotland, an. 1578.

The author of the Parallel of the Ancient Architecture with the Modern, (which many years since I made English) had at the end of his treatise, began to explain a few of the hard words, technical terms belonging to the art, the etymologies whereof he thought necessary to interpret. Evelyn. Architecture.

Laws there must be; and "lex a ligando," saith the etymologer; it is called a law from binding.

Dr. Griffith. Fear of God and the King, (1660.) p. 82. The superstitious man is afraid of the gods, (said the etymologist,) δεδίως τους θεους ώσπερ τους τυράννους, fearing of God as if he were a tyrant, and an unreasonable exacter of duty upon unequal terms, and disproportionable, impossible degrees, and unreasonable, and great and little instances. Bp. Taylor, vol. i. Ser. 9.

I have been long of opinion, as may be seen by my book, that if we knew the original of all the words we met with, we should thereby be very much help'd to know the ideas they were first apply'd to and made to stand for; and therefore I must beg your lordship to excuse this conceit of mine, this etymological observation especially, since it hath nothing in it against the truth, nor against your lordship's idea of substance.-Locke. To the Bishop of Worcester.

For the Teutonick etymologies, I am commonly indebted to Junius and Skinner, the only names which I have forborne to quote when I copied their books; not that I might appropriate their labours or usurp their honours, but that I might spare a perpetual repetition by one general acknowledgment.

Johnson. Preface to the English Dictionary.

The explanation and etymology of those words (in, out, on, off, and at,) require a degree of knowledge in all the antient northern languages, and a skill in the application of that knowledge, which I am very far from assuming; and, though I am almost persuaded by some of my own conjectures concerning them, I am not willing, by an apparently forced and far-fetched derivation, to justify your imputation of etymological legerdemain.-Tooke. Div. of Purl. vol. i. c. 9. In exhibiting the descent of our language, our etymologists seem to have been too lavish of their learning, having traced almost every word through various tongues, only to show what was shown sufficiently by the first derivation. Johnson. Plan of an English Dictionary. Fr. Evacuer; Sp. Evacuar; It. Evacuare; Lat. Evacuare, (e, and vacuus,)


to empty out.

[ocr errors]

To empty out; to throw out or draw out, (sc.) till empty; to leave empty, and thus, to leave or quit; to void, to avoid or make void, or of no force or effect,


Burke. Abridgement of English History, b. ii. c. 6.
A country so exhausted of its coin, and harassed by three
revolutions, rapidly succeeding each other, was rather an
object that stood in need of every kind of refreshment and
recruit, than one, which could subsist under new evacua-
tions. Id. Reply of a Com. on the Affairs of India.
Fr. Evader; Lat. Evad-ere;
to go out, (e, and vad-ere; Gr.
Bad-ew, to go.)

EVA'DE, v.


To go out or away, to get away, to step aside or away, to escape, to elude.

I say that this their evasion is nothyng worth, neyther yet că I imagine any way wherby they may haue any apparéce of escape.-Frith. Workes, p. 59.

Hymselfe hath here deuised an euasion by meane of a
distinccion made by Melancthon, in which distinccion, as in
a miste, he weneth to walke awaye.

Sir T. More. Workes, p. 693.
But he (as louing his owne pride, and purposes)
Eundes them, with a bombast circumstance,
Horribly stufft with epithetes of warre.

Shakespeare. Othello, Act i. sc. 1.

I am out now

Six hundred in the cash, yet if on a sudden
I should be call'd to account, I have a trick
How to evade it, and make up the sum.

[ocr errors]

Thence about by Redgrave I shall make a circle hither again, taking perchance both universities in my line homewards. You married men are deprived of these evagations. Reliquia Wottonianæ, p. 759.

To bridle the evagation of the sound, when arrived so far, but withal not to make a confusion thereof, by any disagreeable repercussions, we may take notice of a very curious provision in those little protuberances, called the tragus and antitragus of the outward ear, of a commodious form and texture, and conveniently lodged for this use.

Derham. Physico-Theology, b. iv. c. 3.

If the law of attraction had not been what it is, (or at least, if the prevailing law had transgressed the limits above assigned,) every evagation would have been fatal; the planet once drawn, as drawn it necessarily must have been, out of its course, would have wandered in endless error. Paley. Natural Theology, c. 22. EVANE SCENT. Lat. Evanescens, pres. EVANE'SCENCE. Spart. of evanescere, to

wane, to decrease, to fall away or decay. For Vanus, Vossius proposes three etymologies of his own, and the same number from other writers. It is probably (as Tooke asserts) from the A. S. Wan-ian, to wane.

Waning, decreasing, falling away or decaying;
disappearing; from the sensations or perceptions;
and thus, insensible or imperceptible.
Nor to this evanescent speck of earth

Poorly contin'd; the radiant tracks on high
Are her [Philosophy] exalted range, intent to gaze
Creation through; and from that full complex,
Of never-ending wonders, to conceive

Of the sole Being right, who spoke the word,
And Nature mov'd complete.-Thomson. Summer.

The image of misery was, perhaps, originally suggested to some Poet by the conduct of his Patron, by the daily contemplation of splendour, which he never must partake, by fruitless attempts to catch at interdicted happiness, and by the sudden evanescence of his reward, when he thought his labours almost at an end.-Rambler, No. 163.

If a life be delayed till interest and envy are at an end, we may hope for impartiality, but must expect little intelligence; for the incidents which give excellence to biography, are of a volatile and evanescent kind, such as soon escape the memory, and are rarely transmitted by tradition.


Id. No. 60.

Fr. Evangile; It. and Sp. Evangelio; Lat. Evangelium; Gr. Ευαγγελιον, (from ev, bene, and ɑyyeAev, nunciare, to tell or announce,) the Gospel, in A. S. God-spell, (good, and spell, a speech, a story;) especially applied to-The history of the birth or nativity, the life, death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven of



Massinger. The City Madam. Jesus Christ.

How may I auoyde
(Although my will distaste what it elected)
The wife I chose, there can be no euasion
To blench from this, and to stand firme by honour.
Shakespeare. Troil. & Cress. Act ii. sc. 1.

But, as well them, as those light women aforesaid, he
banished all, that none ever after should by such delusion
of the law seek evasion.-Holland. Suetonius, p. 104.

He is likewise to teach him the art of finding flaws, loop-
holes, and evasions, in the most solemn compacts, and par-
ticularly a great Rabbinical secret, revived of late years by
the fraternity of Jesuits, namely, that contradictory inter-
pretations of the same article may both of them be true and
valid.-Spectator, No. 305.

A thoughtless fly or two, at most,
Is all the conquest thou canst boast;
For bees of sense thy arts evade,

We see so plain the nets are laid.-E. More. Spider & Bee.
But had they even wanted so plausible an evasion, yet
their prejudices would not have suffered them to be nice in
a case where the whole of their religion lay at stake.

Warburton. Julian's Attempt to Rebuild the Temple.
Although moral obligation, as referring to the grand
standard of virtuous conduct, may be the same; yet the
rougher vices of oaths and intoxication are appropriated by

men; while the evasive ones of artifice, &c. are deemed less
opprobrious in the female.-Cogan. The Passions, pt. ii. c. 2.

EVAGA'TION. Evaguer, evagation; Lat.
Evagari, atum, (e, and vagari, which Vossius


[Sente Peter] Pope was at Rome first, Cristendom to lere,
And sende Sent Mark the euangelist into Egypt for to

The Gospel that he hadde ymad, and Cristendom to teche.
R. Gloucester, p. 67.

For clergie seeth that he seih. in the seynt evangelie.
Piers Plouhman, p. 194.

And as the evangelist wytnesseth whan we maken festes
We sholde nat clypie knyghtes thrto. ne no kyne ryche.
Id. p. 206.

But we usen not this power, but we suffren alle thingis
that we ghyuen no lettyng to the evangelie of Crist.
Wiclif. 1 Corynth. c. 9.

I wondre, that so soone ghe ben thus moued fro him that clepide ghou unto the grace of Crist into a nothir euangelie. Id. Galathies, c. 1.

And he ghaf summe apostlis, summe profetis, othere euangelistis, othere scheppardis and techeris to the ful endyng of seyntis into the werk of mynysterie into edificacioun of Cristis bodi.-Id. Effesies, c. 4.

And Y am sent to thee to speke and to evangelise to thee these thingis, and lo thou schalt be doumbe.-Id. Luke, c. 1.

The lawe and prophetes til to Jon, fro that tyme the rewme of God is euangelised.-Id. Ib. c. 16.

Right so withouten any gile
Surmounteth this noble evangile

The worde of any euangelist.—Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose.
4 Y

This is to say, that tner is no wight that hath soveraine boantee, save God alone, as he himself recordeth in his evangelies.-Chaucer. The Tale of Melibeus.

And therfore sayth Seint John the evangelist; they shul folow deth, and they shul not finde him, and they shul desire to die, and deth shal flee from hem. Id. The Persones Tale.

If thou canst brynge with thee to the euangelyke saluaeyon, thy father, thy mother, thy bretheren, and thy sisters, dooe it. Udal. Marke, c. 9.

In the tother parte (as it were with an euangelik sermone) he calleth them all and vs to the knowledge of Cryste. Joye. Exposicion of Daniel, c. 2. The euaungeliste reherseth what Christ said, and did simplye and truely, whiche story we must so place in vnderstandyng, as we tryfle not the mysterie, at stayng and stoppyng of lettres and syllables.

Bp. Gardner. Explication of Transubstantiation, fol. 96. When the evangell most toil'd souls to winne, Even then there was a falling from the faith.

Stirling. Doomes-day. The Second Houre.

The righteousness evangelical must be like Christ's seamless coat, all of a piece from the top to the bottom; it must invest the whole soul.-Bp. Taylor, vol. iii. Ser. 1.

And thus was this land saved from infidelity; as the remain of the old world was from water, by an ark, through the apostolical and miraculous evangelism of St. Bartholomew.-Bacon. New Atlantis.

Blest mother of the church, be in the list,
Reckoned from hence the she evangelist,
Nor can the style be profanation, when
The needle may convert more than the pen.

Cartwright. To the Lady Pawlet.
Then with those twelve some happy men did haunt,
(Heaven's messengers, evangelizing peace)
As he who watered after Paul did plant,
And circumcis'd to please the Hebrew race.

Stirling. Doomes-day. The Ninth Houre.

The work of Christ's ministers is evangelization; that is, a proclamation of Christ, and a preparation for his second coming; as the evangelization of John Baptist was a pre. paration to his first coming.

Hobbs. Of a Christian Commonwealth, c. 42.

I shall bear you my faith and fidelitie of life and lim, and worldlie honour against all men, faithfullie I shall knowlege and shall doo you seruice due vnto you of the kingdome of Scotland aforesaid, as God me so helpe, and these holie euangelies -Holinshed. Description of Britaine, c. 22.

'Tis plain by v. 30 here, and the application therein of these words, Gen. ii. 23, to Christ and the Church, that the Apostles understood several passages in the Old Testament, in reference to Christ and the Gospel, which evangelical or spiritual sense was not understood, till, by the assistance of the Spirit of God, the Apostles so explained and revealed it. Locke. Ephesians, c. 6. (Note 32, w.)

It must be somewhat peculiar to the evangelic institution, somewhat that distinguishes the Christian scheme of duty from all others, which gave rise to this decision of the apostle; and that plainly is, the sublimity and rigour of those precepts of mortification and self-denial, by which Christians are obliged to walk.

Atterbury, Ser. vol. ii. Pref. p. liii. It appears, that acts of saving grace are evangelically good, and well-pleasing to God.

Bp. Barlow. Remains, p. 432. But the vnmasker complains there are too many of them; he thinks the Gospel, the good news of salvation, tedious frora the mouth of our Saviour and his apostles; he is of opinion, that before the Epistles were writ, and without believing precisely what he thinks fit to cull out of them, there could be no Christians: and if we had nothing but the four Evangelisis, we could not be sav'd.

Locke. Second Vind. of the Reasonableness of Christianity.

O fie; 'tis evangelical and pure:
Observe each face, how sober and demure!
Ecstasy sets her stamp on ev'ry mien;
Chins fall'n, and not an eye-ball to be seen.

Cowper. The Progress of Error.

The chosen seed, on cultur'd ground, are they
Who humbly tread the evangelic way.

Hart. Christ's Parable of the Sower. The same spirit diffused itself to the apostles, evangelists, and disciples, who maintained, throughout the whole course of their ministry, a certain vigour and vivacity of mind, which no calamity could depress.-Porteus, vol. ii. Ser. 1.

The criticks complain that the evangelistaries and lectionaries have often transfused their readings into the other manuscripts.-Porson. To Travis, p. 230.

Thus did our heavenly instructor most exactly fulfil the predictions of the prophets, and his own declarations, that he would evangelize to the poor.-Porteus, vol. ii. Ser. 12.

After the resurrection of their divine Master, the apostles, being delegated to evangelize, or teach the doctrines of Christ's mission, his death, resurrection, forgiveness of sins, and a future judginent, they were also furnished with similar eredentials.-Cogan. Excellences of Christianity, pt. iii. c. 4.

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For the decoction of simples which bear the visible colours of bodyes decocted, are dead and evanid, without the commixion of alum, argol, and the like. Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. vi. c. 12.

In theology, I put as great a difference between our new lights and ancient truths; as between the sun and an unconnected evanid meteor.-Glanvill. Van. of Dogmat. c. 19.

There is indeed taken notice of, a difference betwixt these apparent colours, and those that are wont to be esteemed genuine, as to the duration, which has induced some learned men to call the former rather evanid than fantastical.

Boyle. Works, vol. i. p. 691.

How evanid is it, therefore, when applied to a prophet under the impulse of inspiration, and speaking in the most scanty of all languages.-Warburton. Div. Leg. b. iv. s. 6.


To wane, to disappear from the sensations or
perceptions; to escape or get out of view.
Thus whilst for kindnesse both began to weepe,
My happinesse evanish'd with the sleepe.
Stirling. Avrora, son. 51.

Kindling o'er the view, the Muse
The naval pride of those bright days reviews;
Sees Gama's sails, that first to India bore,
In awful hope, evanish from the shore.

Mickle. Almada Hill.

EVA PORATE, v. Fr. Evaporer; Lat. EVAPORATION. Evaporatio; (e, and vaEVA'PORABLE. emit a steam, to reek.) Vapor, Vossius thinks, is from the Gr. Karos, a steam or smoke, an exhalation.

To emit a steam or smoke, an exhalation, a breath; to reek; to dissipate or disperse in steam or smoke; to vanish into air.

The same philosopher, [Democritus] whan he was a hundred yeres olde and nyne, prolonged his lyfe certayne dayes with the euaporation of honye, as Arestoxenus writeth. Sir T. Elyot. Castel of Helth, b. ii.

As for rosin and gum, they are mingled with the rest, to incorporate the drugs and spices, and to keepe in the sweet odour thereof, which otherwise would evaporate and soone be lost.-Holland. Plinie, b. xiii. c. 1.

So in pestilent fevers, the intention is to expel the infection by sweat and evaporation.—Bacon. Nat. Hist. § 968. Thus ancient wit in modern numbers taught, Wanting the warmth with which its author wrote, Is a dead image, and a senseless draught. While we transfuse, the nimble spirit flies, Escapes unseen, evaporates, and dies.

Granville. To Dryden, on his Translations.

The substances which emit these streams, being such as newly belonged to animals, and were, for the most part, transpired through the pores of their feet, must be in likelihood a far more evaporable and dissipable kind of bodies, than minerals or adust vegetables. Boyle. Works, vol. iii. p. 675. In the seven last months of the year 1688, the evaporation amounted to 22 inches 5 lines; but the rain only to 11 inches 6 lines: in 1689, the evaporations 32 inches 10 lines; but the rain 18 inches 1 line: in 1690, the evaporations 30 inches 11 lines; the rain 21 inches of a line.

Derham. Physico-Theology, b. i. c. 5. Note (7.)

from the church in the Old Jewry to the London Tavern ; To make this bountiful communication, they adjourned where the same Dr. Price, in whom the fumes of his oracular tripod were not entirely evaporated, moved and carried the resolution, or address of congratulation, transmitted by Lord Stanhope to the National Assembly of France.

Burke. On the French Revolution.

As I shall soon cease to write Adventurers, I could not

forbear lately to consider what has been the consequence of my labours; and whether I am to reckon the hours laid out in these compositions as applied to a good and laudable purpose, or suffered to fume away in useless evaporations. Adventurer, No. 137. Fr. Euchariste; It. Eucaristia; Sp. Eucharistia ; Lat. Eucharistia; Gr. Ev χαριστια, from Ευχαριστείν, to give thanks, (εν, bene, and xapis, gratia.)



A giving of thanks; especially applied to the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, taken "with a thankful remembrance of his death."

He [Gregory VII.] transubstanciated the eucharisticall bread, condemned the mariage of prestes, and comaunded monkes to abstain from flesh.---Bale. English Vot. pt. ii.

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The eucharistick bread being neither hypostatically united with the Divinity, nor being the medium through which any such supernatural tendency of the Divine Presence appears to us, adoration directed toward it cannot fail of being palpable idolatry.-More. Antidote against Idolatry, c. 2.

That in this sacred supper there is a sacrifice (in that sense wherein the Fathers spoke) none of us ever doubted: but that is then either Latreuticall (as Bellarmine distinguishes it not ill) or eucharisticall: that is here (as Chrysostome speakes) a remembrance of a sacrifice, that is, as Augustine interprets it, a memoriall of Christ's passion celebrated in the church.

Bp. Hall. No Peace with Rome, s. 19.

He, we see, is depressed before advanced, crucified before enthroned, and led through the vale of tears, to the region of eucharist and hallelujahs.-South, vol. vii. Ser. 1.

The Ethnick devotion, consisting (as it were totally) in the praise of their Gods, and acknowledgment of their benefits; the Jewish more than half in eucharistical oblations, and in solemn commemoration of providential favours.

Barrow, vol. i. Ser. 9.

For example, Justin Martyr speaks of the elements being eucharistized, or blessed by the prayer of the word that came from him.-Waterland. Works, vol. vii. p. 99.

Justin Martyr, more than once, calls the consecrated elements by the name of eucharistized food, which looks as if he thought that thanksgiving was the consecration. Id. Ib. p. 95.

I have certainly given long and great attention to the subject; and am not without hope that I shall afford some information to those who, for want of leisure, or opportunity, or inclination, have hitherto little considered or understood the nature and efficacy of the eucharist.

Knox. On the Nature, &c. of the Lord's Supper, Pref. "Except ye eat of this bread, and drink of this wine, ye have no life in you." Words too strong and too alarming to be lightly passed over by those who are sincere in their profession of Christianity; and yet words of comfort to those who understand them of the eucharistical bread and wine. Id. Ib.

EUCHOLOGY. Gr. Evxoλoyiov, (evxn, prayer, and Aoy-os, speech, discourse,) a little book, in which prayers are contained; a Book of Prayer.

A prayer taken out of the euchologion of the Greek church, to be said by or in behalf of people in their danger or near their death.-Bp. Taylor. Holy Dying, c. 4. s. 7.

He did not frame an entirely new prayer, in words of tis own conception, but took out of the ancient euchologies, or prayer-books of the Jews, what was good and laudable in them.-Bp. Bull. Works, vol. ii. p. 556.

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E'VENING, adj.

A. S. Efen; Dut. Avend; Ger. Abend; which Wachter derives from Ger. Aben, Dut. Aven, deficere; (A. S. Ebb-an, to ebb.) Quid enim (he asks) est Vesper, nisi dies deficiens? the failing day, or fall of the day. In Dut. Avenden; Ger. Abenden, vesperascere. Benson and Lye seem to consider it to be the same word as afen, even, æqualis.

The fall of the day. It is also applied to the watches or vigils, the wakes kept or observed in the evening preceding certain festivals.

"Brut," he saide, " passe northe al the lond of France
West, toward thike stude as the sonne draweth agen eue.”
R. Gloucester, p. 14.
He let caste thys traytor in the euenynge late
At fenestre in Temese.
Id. p. 312.

In chyrche he was devout y nou, vor hym ne ssolde non
day abyde,
That he ne hurde masse and matyns, and eueson, and
eche tyde.
Id. p. 369.

At Brunesburgh on Humber thei gan tham assaile,
From morn vnto euen lastell that bataile.

R. Brunne, p. 31

id. p. 174

The noyse was vnride, it lasted all day,
Fro morn tille euentide, ther of had many affray.

[blocks in formation]

But whanne the evenyng was come ther cam a ryche man of Armathi, Joseph bi name, and he was a disciple of Jhesus.-Wiclif. Matthew, c. 27.

mathia, named Joseph, which man also was Jesus's disciple.-Bible, 1551. Ib.

And thei leiden hondes on hem and puttiden hem into warde into the morewe, for it was then euen-tide. Wiclif. Dedis, c. 4. And they layde handes on them, and put them in holde vntyll the nexte day: for it was now eucn-tide.

Bible, 1551. Ib.

an equal or uniform surface, without asperities or roughness, without inclination or leaning; to equalize.

Even, the adj. is used (met.) equal, impartial, calm, steady; also, opposed to odd.

An Eme-Christian (qv.) or Even-Christian,-is a fellow-christian; an equal-christian.

Even, the ad. is,-equally; even-so; equally so, just so, exactly so, in a like or similar manner or Whe the even was come, there came a ryche man of Ara- degree. It is generally used with a strong ellipsis, "We must one even in that differas in Cowley, ence be," i. e. we must be one in that difference, even as, i. e. equally as, subaud., in other respects. So euene hot that lond ys, that men durre selde Here orf [cattle] in howse a wynter brynge out of the felde. R. Gloucester, p. 43. The barons portioned lond euen tham bituene, Harald tille his parte suld haf alle the north-ende, And alle the south-side tille Harknout suld wende. R. Brunne, p. 51. And with the Kyng Steuen thei held parlement, That Henry and he euen acorded or thei went.-Id. p.126. The date was euenlik, a thousand thre hundred and tuo. Id. p. 318. It sais of tham this sawe, That thei dred no thing God, no gemed [cared for] euenhed of lawe. Id. p. 65.

And so ferforth she gan our lay declare,
That she the constable, or that it were ere
Converted. and on Crist made him beleve.

Chaucer. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 4993.

Weping and wailing, care and other sorwe
I have ynough, on even and on morowe,
Quod the marchant, and so have other mo,

That wedden ben.-Id. The Marchantes Prel. v. 1890.

Parauenture the altitude of A, in the euening is xcii. degrees of height, than will the second altitude or the dawnyng be xxi. that is to sain, lesse than xcii. that was his first altitude at euen.-Id. Of the Astrolabie.

If even-song and morwe song accord,
Let see now who shall telle the first tale.

Id. The Prologue, v. 832. And this was gladly in the even-tide Or wonder erly, lest men it espide.-Id. Legend of Thisbe. Yet it is as bright as the day to all that know ye truth, how that our fastyng of theyr euens, and kepyng their holy dayes going bare foote, &c.-Tyndall. Workes, p. 398.

And [God] deuyded the light fro the darkenes, and called the light ye day and the darknes the nyght: and so of the euening and mornyng was made the first day. Bible, 1551. Genesis, c. 1.

Thus the yonge kyng entred into Reynes, the Saturday at euensonglyme, ryght well acompanyed with nobles, and mynstralles, and speciallye he had mo than xxx. trumpettes before him.-Berners. Froissart Cronycle, vol. i. c. 369.

Also the daie before Christmasse eeue, there chanced a great wind with thunder and rain, in such extreme wise, that inanie buildings were shaken and overthrowen.

Holinshed. England. Hen. III. an. 1237.

Now came still evening on, and twilight gray
Had in her sober liverie all things clad;
Silence accompanied; for beast and bird,
They to thir grassie couch, these to thir nest,
Were slunk, all but the wakeful nightingale.

Millon. Paradise Lost, b. iv.

Near to his evening region was the sun,
When Hurgonil with his lamented load,
And faithful Tybalt their sad march begun
To fair Verona, where the court aboad.

Davenant. Gondibert, b. ii. c. 1.

And by her side there ran her page, that hight Vesper, and whom we the euening-starre intend, That with his torche, still twinkling like twylight, He lightened all the way where she should wend, And ioy to weary wand'ring trauilers did lend.

Spenser. Of Mutabilitie, c. 6. s. 9.

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I consent thertille,

If thou has that manere, to do euenhede and skille.
Id. p. 193.
Hevene haveth evene numore. and helle is withoute num-
Piers Plouhman, p. 405.

And he that eete of that seede sholde be evene trywe.
Id. p. 381.

Ac ho so is hurt in the hand. evene in the myddes,
He may receyve ryght nouht.
Id. p. 329.

Therfore the Jewis soughten more to sle him, for not oonli he brak the Saboth, but he seyde, that God was his fadir, and made him euene to God.-Wiclif. Jon, c. 4.

And I gesside it nedeful to sende to ghou Epaphrodite my brothir and euene worchere and myn euene knyght. Id. Philipensis, c. 2.

It is ful faire a man to bere him even,
For al day meten men at unset steven, [no set time.]
Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 1525.
Euenhead of reward must been done by right.
Id. The Testament of Loue, b. iii.

Joy and wo they shal depart
And take euenly ech his part.-Id. Rom. of the Rose.
But the soueraine good (quod she) that is euenlike pur-
posed to the good and to the badde.-Id. Boecius, b. iv.
In kirtels and in copes riche
Thei were clothed all aliche,

Departed euen of white and blewe.-Gower. Con. A. b. iv.

For he right in semblable caas
Of Belus, whiche his fader was,
From Nembroth in the right line,
Lete made of gold and stones fine
A precious image riche

After his fader euenliche.-Id. Ib. b. v.
Musike with tunes, dilates the eare:

And makes vs thinke it heauven:
Arithmetike by nomber can make

Reckonings to be euen.-Wilson. Arte of Logike, fol. 2.

And yet for all that, howe euen a mind did shee beare, how humble opinion she had of herselfe also.

Vives. Instruction of Christian Women, b. i. c. 10. Imo. Thou art all the comfort The Gods will diet me with. Prythee, away, There's more to be considered; but wee'l euen All that good time will giue vs.

Shakespeare. Cymbeline, Act iii. sc. 4. Two Brutes more brave her ruines would maintaine, Yet were their aimes and ends in th' end not eaven, Whose glory was their God, and Rome their Heaven. Stirling. Doomes-day. The Sixth Houre.

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And the more pity the great folke should have countenance in this world to droune or hang themselues, more than their euen-Christian.—Shakespeare. Hamlet, Act v. sc. 1. Who so is out of hope to attain to another's vertue, wil seek to come at euen-hand, by depressing another's fortune. Bacon. Ess. Of Envie.

This even-handed justice Commends the ingredients of our poyson'd challice To our owne lips.-Shakespeare. Macbeth, Act i. sc. 7. Her hedges euen-pleach'd, Like prisoners wildly ouergrowne with hayre, Put forth disorder'd twigs.-Id. Hen. V. Act v. sc. 2.

If a man do sincerely endeavour to mortify or forsake his known, open sins, tho' he does not leave them at once, and for altogether, yet if he gains ground of them and commits them seldomer and seldomer; even such a man may be said to have entered into the state of repentance.

Sharp, vol. iii. Ser. 8. Whence in effect the more or less we love others, answerably the more or less we love ourselves, so that charity and self-love become coincident, and doth run together evenly in one channel.-Barrow, vol. i. Ser. 25,

In fig. ii. I have represented the appearance of the moon's edge on this last Nov. 4, 1714, soon after the quadrature, for the explication of what is said concerning the evenness of the surface of the lunar spots.

Derham. Astro-Theology. A Prel. Discourse.

Do what we can, bodily distempers will too much disorder our minds and discompose our thoughts. We can neither think freely, nor judge impartially, nor behave ourselves with that evenness of temper which we might do at another time.-Stillingfleet, vol. iii. Ser. 3.

The moderate movements of his soul admit
Distinct ideas, and matur'd debate,

An eye impartial, and an even scale;
Whence judgment sound, and unrepenting choice.

Young. Complaint, Night 8.

But when the ray passes without such opposition through the glass or liquor, when the glass or liquor are quite transparent, the light is sometimes softened in the passage, which makes it more agreeable even as light; and the liquor reflecting all the rays of its proper colour evenly, it hath such an effect on the eye, as smooth opaque bodies have on the eye and touch.-Burke. On the Sublime and Beautiful. EVENT, v. Fr. Esventer; Lat. Ventus, the wind. See VENT. To give vent, issue, or egress; "to puff, blow, breathe, give or yield wind," (Cotgrave.)

Oh that thou saw'st my heart, or did but know
The place from whence that scalding sigh evented.
B. Jonson. The Case is Altered, Act v. sc. 8.
Phoebus throws

His beams abroad, though he in clouds be closed,
Still glancing by them till he find opposed

A loose and rorid vapour that is fit

T' event his searching beams.

Marlow & Chapman. Hero & Leander, Sestiad 8 EVENT, v. EVENT, n.




Fr. Evènement; It. Evento; Lat. Evenire, eventum, to come out or forth.

That which has come out or forth; that has issued from, an issue; that has fallen, or sprung from, an accident or result; that has followed from, a consequence.

There are diuers things which are praised and dispraised, as deedes doen by worthy men and pollicies euented by great warriors.-Wilson. The Arte of Rhetorique, p. 11.

But he that is of Reason's skill bereft,
And wants the staffe of Wisdome him to stay,
Is like a ship in midst of tempest left,
Withouten helme or pilot her to sway,
Full sad and dreadfull is that ship's eucnt:
So is the man that wants intendiment.

Spenser. The Tearer of the Muses. And now I must expect to hear, that this is very severe, uncomfortable doctrine; and if one that shall eventually be shut out, may do all this, what shall become of the generality of religious men that never do so much? And if all this be short, what will be available? Who then shall be saved?-Glanvill, Ser. 1.

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