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Buch kind of things or events, whether good or evil, as will certainly come to pass, may fall under computation, and be estimated as to their several degrees, as well as things present.-Wilkins. Natural Religion, b. i. c. 2.

And liberty being too high a blessing to be divestible of that nature by circumstances; I (nat seldom deplore him, who by losing his mistress recovers himself.) think, that Hermione has but [not] intentionally, nor eventually disobliged you. Boyle. Works, vol. i. p. 248.

But not the voice of Bradamant I hear,
Whose sweetness stole upon my raptur'd ear,
Not such the thanks that Bradamant would pay
To him she loves, on this eventful day.

Hoole. Orlando Furioso, b. XXV.

The man of faith thro' Gerar doom'd to stray,
A nation waiting his eventful way,

His fortune's fair companion at his side
The world his promise, Providence his guide.

Langhorn. The Origin of the Veil. Creating a new paper currency, founded on an eventual sale of the church lands.-Burke.

By this fortunate principle [novelty] we are eventually roused from that lethargic state in which customs and habits, whether national or personal, would have for ever detained us.-Cogan. Ethical Treatise. On the Passions, pt.i.c.1. Fr. Eventrer; from Lat.

EVENTERATE. Venter, the belly.

To take out the belly, the bowels or entrails; to debowel.

In the valley of Anania about Trent, in a bear which the hunters eventerated or opened, I beheld the young ones with all their parts distinct; and not without shape, as many conceive. Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. iii. c. 6.

EVENTILATE, v. Į Lat. Eventilare, atum, EVENTILATION. (e, and ventus, wind,) to eventilate; which Cockeram explains, to winnow, to blow wind: as in Digby,-to sift.

I cannot forbear to touch another circumstance which might seem at first to be a miracle of Nature, beyond the causes which I have alledg'd; but having well eventilated it we shall find that it depends upon the same principles. Digby. The Sympathetick Powder.

Now for the nature of this heat, it is not a destructive violent heat, as that of fire, but a generative gentle heat, joined with moisture, nor needs it air for eventilation.

Howell, b. i. s. 6. Let. 35.

(It is an opinion of some moderns) that it (vital flame) requires constant eventilation, through the trachea and pores of the body for the discharge of a fuliginous and excrementitious vapour.-Bp. Berkeley. Siris, s. 205.

E'VER. A. S. Efre, semper, (Af-ere.) By usage equivalent to

At all or any time or times, whether a point of time or the duration or continuance of time. Also, (generally) any.

Ever is much used in composition.

For particular usages of Everlasting, see the quotations from J. Taylor, and Barrow.

A batayle ther was while in the contre of Rome,
The meste that euer was, as me hath herd y lome.
R. Gloucester, p. 9.
Thys holy man Seyn Athelwold bulde there vaste,
And a uayre abbey ther bygan, that euereft ath ylaste.
Id. p. 281.
That Londone he ys now ycleped, and worth euermo.
Id. p. 44.
We bere the and thyne euermore truage.-Id. p. 47.
Tuo dukes and tuo bisshopes for euer toke ther leue
The kyng was alle affraied, ther dede gan him greue.
R. Brunne, p. 16.

A werreour that were wys. desceyt suld ever drede.
Wele more on the nyght, than opon the day.
In mirke withouten sight wille enmys mak affray.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

No man sigh euere God, no but the con bigutun Sne, that is in the bosum of the Fader, he hath teeld out. Wiclif. Jon, c. 1.

But now ghe delyuered fro synne and maad seruauntis to God han ghoure fruyt unto holinesse and the ende everlastynge lyf; for the wages of synne is deeth, the grace of God is euerlastynge lyf in Crist Jesu oure Lord. Id. Romaynes, c. 7.

But now are ye delyuered from synne, and made ye seruantes of God, and haue youre frute that ye shoulde be sanctifyed, and the ende euerlastynge life. For the rewarde of sinne is death; but eternal lyfe is the gyfte of God thorowe Jesus Christ oure Lorde.-Bible, 1551. Ib.

an object. The foundation of this principle is totally evers't by the most ingenious commentator upon immaterial beings, Dr. H. More, in his book of Immortality.

Glanvill. Vanity of Dogmatizing, c. 4. Supposing overturnings of their own errour to be the eversion of their well established governments. Bp. Taylor. Cases of Conscience. I shall say nothing so consonant unto reason, which (by the conceit of a strange reason) he will not seek to evert; yea, and take a pride too in it. Fotherby. Atheomania, (1626.) p. 5.

E'VERY. Anciently written everich, ever-each ; ever, and the old English ich or ig, now pronounced or y.

For evermore ye schulen have pore men with you, and i whanne ye wolen ye moun do wel to hem, but ye shulen not evermore have me.-Wiclif. Mark, c. 14.

I loved never by no discretion,
But ever folwid min appetit.

Chaucer. The Wif of Bathes Prologue, v. 6205. The joye of God, he sayth, is perdurable, that is to sayn, everlasting.-Id. The Tale of Melibeus.

And in a tour, in anguish and in wo,
Dwellen this Palamon and eke Arcite,
For evermo, ther may no gold hem quite.

Id. The Knightes Tale, v. 1009.
Remembre wel, and beare it in your minde
Al your felawes and ye must come in blewe
Euerlyche able, your maters for to sewe.
Id. The Assemblie of Ladies.
And thus for suche a cooke

I maie go fastinge euermo.-Gower. Con. A. b. vi.
And forto loken euermore,

It hath and shall ben euermore,
That of knighthode the prowesse

Is grounded vpon hardiness

Of hym that dare well vndertake.-Id. Ib. b. iv.

Whereupon they that were ever apte for the warres, and redy to do all thinges, beganne to bee ioyfull that wyth the losse of their baggage, they had preserued their disciplyne accustomed in the warres. Brende. Quintus Curtius, fol. 152. Aptly have you styl'd it A providence, for ever in chaste loves Such majesty hath power.


Ford. The Fancies, Chaste and Noble, Act v. sc. 2. Whereas they say that God called it an everlasting covenant it is certain that even amongst the Jews, the word everlasting did not always signifie infinitely, but to a certain definite period. For the law relating to the land of their possession, in which God promised them an everlasting inheritance; as their possession of the land is everlasting, so is the covenant, and they expired together.

Bp. Taylor. Rule of Conscience, b. ii. c. 2. Rule 1. Ham. Oh that this too, too solid flesh, would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew:

Or that the everlasting had not fixt
His cannon 'gainst selfe slaughter. O God, O God!

Shakespeare. Hamlet, Acti. sc. 2.
But since now safe ye seised have the shore,
And well arrived are, (high God be blest!)
Let vs deuise of ease and euerlasting rest.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 12.

But it will everlastingly rebound
Unto the glory and benignity
Of Britain's mighty monarch, that thou wert
By him advanced for thy great desert.

Daniel. On the Earl of Devonshire.
Nothing could make me sooner to confess
That this world had an everlastingness.

Donne. Of the Progress of the Soul. The conscience, the character of a God stampt in it, and the apprehension of eternity, do all prove it a shoot of everlastingness.-Feltham, Resolve 64.

So, Prudentius, Eternal worms, and unextinguished flames, and immortal punishment is prepared for the evernever dying souls of wicked men.-Bp.Taylor, vol. i. Ser. 3.

First, I shall readily grant, that the words for ever and ever-lasting, do not always in Scripture signify an endless duration, and that this is sufficiently proved by the instances alledged to this purpose. But then, secondly, it cannot be denied on the other hand, that those words are often in Scripture used in a larger sense, and so necessarily to signifie an interminable and endless duration.

Barrow, vol. i. Ser. 35. Everlastingness, that may reach to us and our posterity to all generations.-Wilkins. Natural Religion, b. i. c. 13. Fr. Evertir, eversion; Lat. Evertere, eversus, to turn out. To overturn, to overthrow.


[The third hypothesis] is that of Mr. Hobbs, that memory is nothing else but the knowledge of decaying sense, which is made by the reaction of one body against another; or, as he expresses it in his Humane Nature, a missing of parts in

Thys man come the verthe day byuore the kynge there,
And he gef hem large gyftys, euere as hii wurthe were.
R. Gloucester, p. 192.

Vor the Deneys come agen, and in eueryche ende
Hym worrede her & ther, that he nuste wuder wonde.
Id. p. 294.
For my god heo louede me, & now he habbeth euerydel,
He nul not geue me of myn owne mid god herte a mel.
Id. p. 35.
An quoynte tour hii lete make euerydel of tre
Vp four weoles also strong as hii mygte be.-Id. p. 408.
A message tille him nam vnto Normundie,
Teld William eueridele of Malcolme robberie.

R. Brunne, p. 78.
Bifor tham euerilkone he told Kyng Richerie,
Ded is Kyng William.

Id. p. 149. Quickliche cam a catchepol. and craked a two here legges And here armes after. of everich of tho theoves. Piers Plouhman, p. 343.

And Jhesus ghede abovte al Galilee techinge in the synagogis of hem and preachynge the Gospel of the kyngdome, and heelynge every langour, and ech sicknesse, among the peple.-Wiclif. Matthew, c. 3.

He wolde thresh, and therto dike and delve,
For Christes sake, for euery poure wight,
Withouten hire, if it lay in his might.

Chaucer. The Prologue, v. 515.

The mother was an elfe by aventure
Ycome, by charmes or by sorcerie,
And everich man hatith hire compagnie.

Id. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 5176.

Gret chere doth this noble senatour
Toking Alla, and he to him also;
Everich of hem doth other gret honour.

Id. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 5402.

Now ben these listes made, and Theseus
That at his grete cost arraied thus
The temples, and the theatre everidel,
Whan it was don, him liked wonder wel.

Id. The Knightes Tale, v. 2093.

Id. Ib. b. i.

Hir frendes wisten all wele, That it was falshede euerydele.-Gower. Con. A. b. vii. So that I wol nothing forbere. That I the vices one and one Ne shall the shewe euerychone. Therein the merry birdes of every sorte Chaunted alowd their chearefull harmonee, And made emongst themselues a sweete consort, That quick'ned the dull spright with musicall comfort. Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 5 But above all, an every-day care for the drying up of the great fountain of leprosie in the heart.

Hammond. Works, vol. iv. p. 508.

And the whole drifte of his discourse is this, that Christ being both God and man, by the nature and substance of his Godhed is everywhere; but by the nature and substance of his manhoode, and truth of his body, is onely in one place and not in more.-Jewell. Defence, p. 88.

Euery thing is endowed with such a natural principle, whereby it is necessarily inclined to promote its own preservation and well being.-Wilkins. Natural Religion.

So that he [Jesus] himself was obliged to proceed with much caution in opening the extent of his commission, and Saint Paul everywhere speaks of the design to save the Gentiles as the profoundest mystery, as that which had been kept secret since the world began.

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Hurd. Works, vol. vii. Ser. 33.

EUGHEN. The Yew-tree, (qv.)

Long he them bore above the subject plaine,
So farre as ewghen bow a shaft may send,
Till struggling strong did him at last constraine
To let them downe before nis flightes end.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, d. 1. c. 11

She said; and from her quiver chose with speed
The winged shaft predestin'd for the deed:
Then to the stubborn eugh her strength apply'd:
Till the far distant horns approach'd on either side.

Dryden. Virgil. Eneid, b. xi.

EVICT, v. Fr. Evincer; Lat. Evincere, EVICTION. evictum, (e, and vincere, to conEVINCE, v. quer,) which Vossius thinks EVINCIBLE. may be formed from vik-av, by EVINCEMENT. a transposition of the two first Literally, evince is,— letters and prefixing v. To overpower, to overthrow; and also, met. (sc.) in argument, and thus to prove, to shew; and evict is also to prove (upon trial) to be guilty, to adjudge or sentence to be guilty; to adjudge to be forfeited; and hence, to expel from possession.

O Saviour, distance was no hinderance to thy work; why

should the demoniack be brought to thee? was it that this deliverance might be the better evicted, and that the beholders might see it was not for nothing that the disciples were opposed with so refractory a spirit?

Bp. Hall. Cont. The Stubborne Devill Ejected. There are two cautions to be added to make the rule perfect. 1. That if the disciple relying upon his master's authority, more than his own ability to judge, ask the doctor, whether upon his knowledge and faith that argument does evict the question; it, &c.

Bp. Taylor. Rule of Conscience, b. i. c. 2. Now, for the eviction of this, these two mediums are to be taken.-Id. Of the Real Presence, § 11.

If out of simplicity, or gross ignorance, a man shall take upon him to maintain a contradiction to a point of faith, being ready to relent upon better light, he may not be thus branded: eviction and contumacy must improve his error to be heretical.-Bp. Hall. Cases of Conscience, Dec. 3. c. 5.

It is no more disparagement to our reasons, that they cannot evince those sacred articles by their own unaided force, than it is a disgrace unto them that they cannot know that there are such things as colours, without the help of our eyes; or that there are sounds, without the faculty of hearing.-Glanvill, Ess. 5.

Give me but a little leave, and you shall see by what testimonies, confessions, arguments, I will evince it, that most men are mad.-Burton. Democritus to the Reader.

They are in themselves highly reasonable and useful to their ends, and evincible by true reason to be such.

Hale. Origin. of Mankind, p. 62.

Now if these ways of secret conveyance may be made out to be really practicable, yea if it be evincible, that they are as much as possibly so, it will be a warrantable presumption of the verity of the former instance.

Glanvill. The Vanity of Dogmatizing, c. 21.

That horrid proneness of man's will to all vice, that inundation of lewdness with which such an unresisted facility, or rather such an uncontrouled predominance has spread itself over the whole world, is a sad, but full eviction of this fatal truth.-South, vol. iv. Ser. 5.

Thus said the dame, and smiling thus pursu'd:

I see, tradition then is disallow'd,

When not evinc'd by Scripture to be true;
And Scripture, as interpreted by you.

Dryden. The Hind and the Panther.

I answer, that to my present purpose it is not needful, in this place, to make use of arguments, to evince the world to be finite, both in duration and extention; but it being at least as conceivable as the contrary, I have certainly the liberty to suppose it, as well as any one hath to suppose the contrary.-Locke. Of Hum. Underst. b. ii. c. 14.

The evincement thereof may give rise to many trials, that may enrich the history of cold.

Boyle. Works, vol. ii. p. 499.

And give me leave to tell you, that it is no weak evince-
ment of my passion for, and concern in, your happiness,
that I can refrain envying you, whilst every packet almost
brings me the news of the great things you do and are un-
dertaking; whilst unhappy I am condemned to lead an use-
less life in a country, where I can scarce get time to think of
chemistry, much less opportunities to improve it.
Id. Ib. vol. vi. p. 54.

From dearth to plenty, and from death to life,
Is Nature's progress when she lectures man
In heav'nly truth; evincing, as she makes
The grand transition, that there lives and works
A soul in all things, and that soul is God.

F/VIDENT, adj.



Cowper. The Task, b. vi.

Lat. Evidens, (e, and videns, from videre, to see; Gr. Eid-ev.) To evidence ;

To show clearly, to make clear, to the sight; to make manifest, to discover clearly; to make plainly certain; to ascertain, to prove.

Evidence, the noun, is sometimes applied to the person who gives evidence, who bears witness or testimony.

These aren euydences. quath Hunger. for hem that wolle nat swynken.-Piers Ploukman, p. 142.

Lytel Lowis my son I perceiue well by certaine euidences thyne abilite to learne sciences, touching nobres and proporcions.-Chaucer. Of the Astrolabie.

And then all the darkenesse of his misknowing, shall
seeme more euidetly to the sight of his vnderstanding, then
the sunne ne semeth to the sight without forth.
Chaucer. Boecius, b. iii.

Thus with your high reuerence,
Me thinketh that this euidence,
So as this point, is suffisant.

Gower. Con. A. b. i.

& for that ylke white cerue was an euydent token of her martirdome, therfore alle men and women hadden greet deuocion in her wordus; and in alle her doyngus. Account of St. Wenefride. See R. Brunne, p. cxcviii. And in this wise, the Greekes despeired Dempt plainly by tokens euident.

Lidgate. The Story of Thebes, pt. iii. With that Nichomacus, Metron, and Cebaltinus weare broughte forth, euery one of them geuing in euidence that they had spoken afore, yet appeared it not by anye man's tale that Philotas was priuie to that conspiracye. Brende. Quintus Curtius, fol. 161.

Nothinge wyl be hidden from him that asketh wt mekenesse, seketh in faith, and in prayer desyreth the glory of the Lord. Euident wyll those secrete mysteryes be vnto hym whyche are preuylye hydde vnto other vndre darke ambages and parables.-Bale. Image, Pref.

Yet be ye so blinde, that ye vnderstande not your owne case, nor your neighbor's miserie, nor the ruine of the whole common welth, which doth euidently folowe, your so fowle and detestable sedition.-Sir J. Cheeke. Hurt of Sedition.

Som. And on my side it is so well apparall'd,
So cleare, so shining, and so euident,
That it will glimmer through a blind man's eye.

Shakespeare. 1 Part Hen. VI. Act ii. sc 6.

Down on my bed my loathsome self I cast,
The bed that likewise gives in evidence
Against my soul, and tells I was unchaste,
Tells I was wanton, teils I follow'd sense.

Daniel. The Complaint of Rosamond.

God will judge the world in righteousness, viz. with impartial equity. To evidence this, let us consider the Judge in the three great qualifications of his wisdom, justice, and power.-Glanvill, Ser. 8.

And now most euidently in your replie, yea this very answer of yours to this article, verifyeth the same to haue place in you, whiche in this 20th article is ascribed to the Anabaptists.-Whitgift. Defence, p. 47.

I call that physical certainty, which doth depend upon the evidence of sense, which is the first and highest kind of evidence, of which human nature is capable.

Wilkins. Natural Religion, bai. c. 1.

Indeed, now after his death, his resurrection was also commonly required to be believed as a necessary article, and sometimes solely insisted on: it being a mark and undoubted evidence of his being the Messiah, and necessary now to be believed by those who would receive him as the Messiah.-Locke. The Reasonableness of Christianity.

The effect of this divine assistance, evidenced itself in a very visible and remarkable manner in the primitive times. by the sudden, wonderful, and total reformation of far greater numbers of wicked men, than ever were brought to repentance by the teaching and exhortations of all the philosophers in the world.-Clarke. On the Evidences, p. 331.

If it might be allowed me, I would fain distinguish all miracles into providential and evidential ones; those should be evidential ones, which God enables men to work in order to gain belief, and which they know beforehand they shall work these are such miracles as Moses and our Saviour Wrought, and other prophets, and such as we have all along been speaking of.-Bp. Fleetwood. On Miracles, p. 229.

For even the Angels stoop down and pry into the mysteries of God, and particularly that of the incarnation, as it is in 1 Pet. i. 12. Therefore they do not fully and evidentially know them, for these are the postures not of those who know already, but of those that endeavour to know. South, vol. ix. Ser. 11.

But Sir Henry Vane so truly stated the matter of fact relating to the treaty, and so evidently discovered the design and deceit of the King's answer, that he made it clear to us, that by it the justice of our cause was not asserted, nor our rights secured for the future.-Ludlow. Mem. vol. i. p. 232.

No idea, therefore, can be undistinguishable from another, from which it ought to be different, unless you would have it different from itself; for from all other it is evidently different.-Locke. Of Hum. Underst. b. ii. c. 29. s. 5.

Evidence signifies that which demonstrates, makes clear, or ascertains the truth of the very fact or point in issue. either on the one side or on the other. Blackstone. Commentaries, b. iii. c. 23.

E'VIL, n. E'VIL, adj. E'VILLY. Greek etymologies have been E'VILNESS. suggested for this word; all most unsatisfactory. Wachter thinks it possible that the Ger. Bal, cruciatus, may be the root of ubel; and then the Goth. Bail-yan, torquere, to twist, to wring, (past part. wrong,) will evidently be the origin of the Goth. Ubils; supplying an etymology similar in the cause of the application of the word to that which Tooke has given for wrong. We have still the Goth. Bail-yan, subsisting in the English word bale, (qv.) And evil may be, as bale has been, explained_

Ger. Ubel; Dut. Evel; A. S. Efel, fel, Goth. vous

Torture, writhing, wretchedness, misery, (wickedness;) that which causes (injury,) mischief, calamity, ruin, destruction.

A. S." Ac alyse us of yfle," (Wiclif,)" But delyvere us from yval."

Evil is much used prefixed.

Thurghe evelle conceille was slayne fulle snelle, [quick,]
The Duke of Gloucestre, the Erle of Arundelle.
R. Gloucester, p. 593

Of him in holy kirke men said euelle sawe
His stepmoder Juwet he weddid agayne the lawc.
R. Brunne, p. 20.

- Wherfor the clergy
Gaf a grete cursyng on whilk of tham so brak,
Bigan a wikked thing, that euelle bituex tham spak.

Id. p. 147

A good man bryngith forth gode thingis of good tresoure, and an yvel man bryngith forth yvel thingis of yvel tresoure. Wiclif. Mall. c. 12.

A good man out of ye good treasure of hys hert, bryngeth forth good thinges. And an euyll man oute of hys euell treasure bryngeth forth euell thynges-Bible, 1551. Ib. Now, Dame, quod he, let all passe oute of mind: Come down, my life, and if I have missaid, God helpe me so, as I am evil apaid.

Chaucer. The Marchantes Tale, v. 10,266. And right so as by richesses ther comen many goodes, right so by poverte come ther many harmes and eriles: for gret poverte constreineth a man to do many evils. Id. The Tale of Melibeus.

Or els if it be longe on you,
The soth shal be preued nowe,
To stoppe with your euyll worde.

Gower. Con. A. b v.

Indeed, then said the Prince, the erill donne
Dies not, when breath the body first doth leaue,
But from the grandsire to the nephewe's sonne,
And all his seede the curse doth often cleaue,
Till vengeaunce utterly the guilt bereaue:
So straitly God doth judge.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 8.
All keepe the broad high way, and take delight
With many rather for to goe astray,

And be partakers of their euill plight,
Then with a fewg to walke the rightest way;
O foolish men! why haste ye to your owne decay?

Id. Ib. b. i. c. 10.

Read therefore who it is which this hath wrought,
And for what cause; the truth discouer plaine,
For neuer wight so erill did or thought.
But would some rightfull cause pretend, though rightly
Id. Ib. b. iv. c. 12.

Is yon despis'd and ruinous man, my Lord,
Full of decay and fayling? Oh monument,
And wonder of good deeds enilly bestow'd.

Shakespeare. Timon of Athens, Act iv. sc 3. The apostle hath taught how wee should feast not in the leuen of evilnesse, but in the sweet dough of puritie ard truth-Lisle. Du Bartas, pt. ii. Serm. on Easter-dny.

The moral goodness and congruity, or erilness, unfitness, and unseasonableness of moral and natural actions, which falls not within the verge of a brutal faculty.

Hale. Origin. of Mankind, s. 1. c. 2. But the unbelieving Jewes stirred up the Gentiles and made their mindes evil affected against their bretheren. Bible. Acts xiv. 2.

Qu. No, be assur'd, you shall not finde me (daughter) After the slander of most stepmothers, Euill-ey'd vnto you.-Shakesp. Cymbeline, Act i. sc. 2. That which hath in it a fitness to promote this end (its own preservation and well-being) is called good. And on the contrary, that which is apt to hinder it is called evil. Wilkins. Natural Religion, b. i.

6 July, 1660. His Majestie [Charles II.] began first to touch for the Evil, according to the custome thus: His Marie sitting under his state in ye Banquetting House, the chirurgeons cause the sick to be brought or led up to the throne, where they kneeling, ye King strokes their faces or cheekes with both his hands at once.

Evelyn. Memoirs, vol. i. p. 323. Whosoever pursues evil designs, and is a slave to base affections, must necessarily intangle himself in infinite labyrinths through the course of his life.-Sharp, vol. i. Ser. 5. Thus, after having clambered, with great labour from one step of argumentation to another, instead of rising into the light of knowledge, we are devolved back into dark ignorance and all our effort ends in belief, that for the evils of life there is some good reason, and in confession, that the Johnson. Review of a Free Enquiry, &c. Edward the Confessor was the first that touched for the King's Evil: the opinion for his sanctity procured belief to this cure among the people: his successors regarded it as a part of their state and grandeur to uphold the same opinion. Hume. History of England, c. 3.

reason cannot be found.

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Not to speak of Origen and some others that have voluntarily evirated themselves.

Bp. Hall. Of Christian Moderation, s. 4.

In this conflict there dyed of our part also men of no small account, among whom was Valerianus, the principal of all the guard in ordinarie, and a certain esquier or targuetier, borne a verie erirate eunuch, but such an expert and approved warriour, that he might be compared either with old Sicinius or Sergius.-Holland. Ammianus, p. 321.

For which he saith, the Lacedæmonians, also, were stirred up and provoked against them, because they had saved the children of Greeks from eviration.-Id. Plutarch, p. 1004.

EVISCERATE, v. Fr. Eviscerer; Lat. Eviscerare, (e, and viscera, the bowels.)

To debowel, to draw or take out the bowels.

And then my silly weake patient, takes all these elogiums to himselfe; if hee be a scholler so commended for his much reading, excellent style, method, &c., he will eviscerate himself like a spider, study to death.

Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy, p. 125. Thus, my noble lord, have I eriscerated myself, and stretched all my sinews.-Howell, b. ii. Let. 60.


Fr. Eviter; Lat. Evitare, (e, and vitare, to shun.)

"Fr. Eviter,-to avoid, eschew, EVITATION. shun, shrink from."

In an old writer quoted by Drake, is found the (not common) verb to evite: "When they would evite and eschew the wonderful blasts of the wind, they plunged into water with great shouts and cries, lamentable to hear." See Dr. Drake's Shakespeare and his Times, vol. i. p. 380.

Since therein she doth euitate and shun

A thousand irreligious cursed houres Which forced marriage would haue brought vpon her. Shakespeare. Merry Wives of Windsor, Act v. sc. 5. Which consideration for all that did not hinder St. Paul from throwing corne into the sea, when care of sauing men's liues made it necessary, to lose that which else had beene better saued. Neither was this to doe euill, to the end that good might come of it. For of two such euils, being not both euitable, the choice of the less is not euill.

Hooker. Ecclesiasticall Politie, b. v. § 9.

What can be more profitable to man, then by an easie charge, and a delightful entertainment, to make himself wise by the imitation of heroick vertues, or by the evitation of detested vices.-Fellham, pt. ii. Res. 38.

The continual use of the air is so absolutely necessary to our life; the good or bad temperature of it is so important to our health, and the scarce evitable presence and powerful pressure of it, has so great an interest in many of the phanomena we meet with here below, and even in divers, where its agency is not suspected; that among mere bodies there are perhaps few subjects, that inore deserve our curiosity. Boyle. Works, vol. v. p. 611.

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If you cannot conceive, wonder: the Son of God hath wedded unto himselfe our humanity, without all possibility of divorce; the body hangs on the crosse; the soule is yeelded, the Godhead is eviternally united to them both; acknowledges, sustaines them both.


Bp. Hall. The Passion Sermon, an. 1609.

Fr. Euloge, Éloge; It. Élogio, eulogia; Sp. Elogio; Lat. Eulogia ; Gr. Ευλογία,


It was actually one of the pretended feats of these fantas tick Philosophers, to evoke the Queen of the Fairies in the solitude of a gloomy grove, who, preceded by a sudden rustling of the leaves, appeared in robes of transcendent lustre. Warton. History of English Poetry, vol. iii. p. 496. EVOLATION. Lat. Evolare, atum, to fly out, (e, and vol-are, to fly.)

A flying out, or forth, or away.

from ev, well, and Aoy-os, speech. Cockeram interprets it, blessing; as the Greek noun is used in the New toward that heaven which is open to receive it, and in that Testament, (see Parkhurst ;) and the verb, Evλoyear, to bless, and Evλoynтos, blessed. See ELOGY. A speaking well of, in favour, praise, or commendation of; and thus, praise, commendation. Eulogist is not at all an uncommon word. Now change your praises into pittious cries, And eulogies turne into elegies.

Spenser. Teares of the Muses. Salust could say of Cato, that he had rather be, than appear good; but indeed this eulogium rose no higher than (as I just now hinted) to an inoffensiveness, rather than an active virtue.-Tatler, No. 138.

Take away this love, and the whole earth is but a desert; and though there were nothing more worthy eulogies than virginity, it is yet but the result of love, since those that shall people Paradise, and fill heaven with saints are such as have been subject to this passion, and were the products of it.-Boyle. Works, vol. vi. p. 292.

So I, designing other themes, and call'd
T adorn the Sofa with eulogium due,
To tell its slumbers, and to paint its dreams,
Have rambled wide.

Cowper. Task, b. iii.
Yet gnats have had, and frogs and mice long since,
Their eulogy, those sang the Mantuan Bard
And these the Grecian in ennobling strains,
And in thy numbers, Philips, shines for aye
The solitary shilling.

Id. Ib.

The eminent theologian, Bishop Horsley, with a liberality that did him honour, as his politics were known to be at variance with the author's, publicly eulogized this treatise in the charges delivered to his clergy, recommending it to their particular perusal, and he made it the occasion of soliciting the friendship of the writer, which continued till the Bishop's death.-Knox. On the Lord's Supper, Pref. p. 8. Fr. Eunuque; Sp. and It. Eunuco; Lat. Eunuchus; Gr. Euvouxos, which Vossius considers to be nomen officii; evvn, cubile, a bed or couch; and exe, curare, to take care of, to guard: because to them the care of wives and daughters was commonly intrusted.


and to come from

Dart not your balls of wild-fire here, go throw
Those flakes upon the eunuch's colder snow,
Till he in active bloud do boile as high
And he that made him so in jealousie.

Beaumont. The Glance. Therefore it were not only a fruitless attempt, but impossible act, to eunuchate or castrate themselves. Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. iii. c. 4. That camphor eunuchates or begets in men an impotence to venery, observation will hardly confirm.-Id. Ib. b. ii. c. 7. Positions widely licentious, and such as leave no place for a gracious eunuchisme.—Bp. Hall. Chris. Moderation, s. 8. Our present writers indeed, for the most part, seem to lay the whole stress on their endeavours upon the harmony of words; but then, like eunuchs, they sacrifice their manhood for a voice, and reduce our poetry to be like echo, nothing but sound.-Lansdown. The Argument to Peleus &Thetis. They eunuch all their priests; from whence 'tis shewn That they deserve no children of their own.

Creech. Lucretius.

From the domestic service of the palace, and the administration of the private revenue, Narses the eunuch was suddenly exalted to the head of an army; and the spirit of an hero, who afterwards equalled the merit and glory of Belisarius, served only to perplex the operations of the Gothic war.-Gibbon. The Roman Empire, c. 41.

EVOKE, v. Lat. Evoc-are, to call out, (e, has both the verb and noun. EVOCATION. and vocare, to call.) Cockeram

To call out, or call forth; to summon forth. Would Truth dispense we could be content with Plato that Knowledge were but a remembrance; that intellectual acquisition were but reminiscential evocation, and new impressions but the colourishing of old stamps which stood pale in the soul before.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, Pref. ad init.

Jonson evokes Fancy out of her cave of cloud, those cells of the mind, as it were, in which during her intervals of rest, and when unemployed, Fancy lies hid; and bids her,

like a magician, create this stream of forms.

Hurd. On the Marks of Imitation.

Upon the wings of this faith is the soul ready to mount up act of evolation puts itself into the hands of those blessed Angels, who are ready to carry it up to the throne of glory. Bp. Hall. The Christian, s. 13. EVOLVE, v. Lat. Evolvere, utum, to roll EVOLUTION. Sout, (e, and volvere, to roll, which Tooke thinks is from the A. S. Wealow-ian, circumferri.) See CONVOLVE.

To roll out, to unfold, to develope.

This little active principle, as the body increaseth and dilateth, evolveth, diffuseth and expandeth, if not his substantial existence, yet his energy and virtue, to the utmost confines of his little province and every particle and atom thereof.-Hale. Origin. of Mankind, p. 33.

They lye more torpid and inactive, and inevident, unless they are awakened and exercised, like a spark involved in ashes; and being either suppressed or neglected they seem little better than dead, but being diligently attended, inspected, and exercised, they expand and evolve themselves into more distinction and evidence of themselves. Id. Ib. p. 63.

It must have potentially at least the whole systeme of human nature, or at least that ideal principle or configuration thereof, in the evolution whereof the complement and formation of the humane nature must consist. Id. Ib. p. 259

As intuition quick, he snatch'd the truth,
Yet with progressive patience, step by step,
Self-diffident, or to the slower kind,

He through the maze of falsehood trac'd it on,
Till, at the last, evolv'd, it full appear'd,
And ev'n the loser own'd the just decree.

Thomson. To the Memory of Lord Talbot. This notion of the end of Poetry, if kept steadily in view will unfold to us all the misteries of the Poetic art. There needs but to evolve the Philosopher's idea, and to apply it, as occasion serves.-Hurd. On the Idea of Universal Poetry

The wise, as flowers, which spread at noon
And all their charms expose,

When evening damps and shades descend,

Their evolutions close.-Young. Resignation, pt. i.

I am too old, too stiff in my inveterate partialities, to be ready at all the fashionable evolutions of opinion. Burke. Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol.




Lat. Evomere, to throw forth, (e, and vom-ere; Gr. Eμ-Eiv.)

To throw forth, emit or eject.

These hath he not yet all, as vnsauerye morsels erometed for Christ, diffinynge rather wyth Aristotle than with Paule in hys dayly disputations.-Bale. Image, pt. ii. Pref.

To [this] he was to apply close for a certain space, and by a fugitive faculty peculiar to the ears of that animal, receive immediate benefit, either by eructation, or expiration, or evomitation, [in some ed. evomition.]

Swift. Tale of a Tub, s. 4. EUPATHY. Gr. Ευπάθεια, (εν, and παθος, passion, feeling.) See the examples.

And yet verily they themselves againe do terme those joyes, those promptitudes of the will, and wary circumspections by the name of eupathies, i. e. good affections, and not of apathies, that is to say, impossibilities: wherein they use the words aright and as they ought. For then it is truly called eupathie, i. e. a good affection, when reason doth not utterly abolish the passion, but guideth and ordereth the same well in such as be discreet and temperate.

Holland. Plutarch, p. 62.

In Laertius we read recorded for a Stoick sentiment, that as the vitious man had his wa@n, or perturbations: so, opposed to these, had the virtuous his evabera, his eupathies, or well-feelings, translated by Cicero constantiæ. The three chief of these were Will, defined rational desire; Caution, defined rational aversion; and Joy, defined rational exultation. To these three principal eupathies belonged many subordinate species.

Harris. Three Treatises. Note on Treat. 3.

EUPHONY. Fr. Euphonie; It. and Sp. EUPHONICAL.Eufonia; ́ Lat. Euphonia; Gr. Eupavia, ev, and own, voice, sound. As we say in English, Euphonia gratia, for good sound's sake, (Minshew.)

Our English hath what is comely and euphonical in each of these, without any of their [other European languages] inCoveniences. Wilkins. Real Character, pt. iii. c. 14.

The principal feature of Ischia is the mountain anciently named Epopæus, now for euphony softened into Epomeo. Eustace. Tour through Italy, c. 1.

EUPHRASY. Fr. Euphrasie; Gr. Eu-opaσia, from eu, and pair-ev, to gladden.

A plant so called, because it clears or sharpens the sight; eyebright.

But to nobler sights

Michael from Adam's eyes the filme remov'd,
Which that false fruit that promised clearer sight
Had bred then purg'd with euphrasie and rue
The visual nerve, for he had much to see.

Milton. Paradise Lost, b. xi.

Yet euphrasy may not be left unsung,
That gives dim eyes to wander leagues around.
Shenstone. The Schoolmistress.

If she, whom I implore, Urania, deign
With euphrusy to purge away the mists
Which, humid, dim the mirrour of the mind.

Thompson. Sickness, b. ii.

EURIPIZE. A word formed from Euripus, (now the channel of Negropont,) a strait between Euboea and Boeotia, which, Pliny says, "hath seven tides to and fro in a day and a night," (b. ii. c. 97.)

By this may Aristotle be interpreted, when in his Problems he seems to borrow a metaphor from Euripus: while in the five and twentieth section he enquireth, why in the upper parts of houses the ayr doth euripize, that is, is whirled hither and thither.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. vii. c. 13.

EURYTHMY. Gr. Ευρυθμία, εν, and ῥυθμος, proportion of numbers.

From these three ideas then it is, that same eurythmia [in some ed. Eurythmy] majestic, and Venusta species ædificii does result, which creates that agreeable harmony between the several dimentions, so as nothing seems disproportionate, too long for this, or too broad for that, but corresponds in a just and regular symmetry and consent of the parts with the whole.-Evelyn. On Architecture.

EUTAXIE. Gr. Eurasia, eu, well, good, and Takis, order. See ATAXY.

Neither is there any ataxie to be feared in bringing in this distinction betwixt pastors and flock; it is an eutaxie rather, and such as without which nothing could ensue but confusion.-Bp. Hall. Episcopacy by Divine Right, pt. iii. s. 1.

EUTHANA'SIA. Gr. Ev@avaria, ev, well, and Oavaros, death.

A good, an easy death.

But let me prescribe and commend to thee, my son, this true spirituall meanes of thine happy euthanasia, which can be no other than this faithfull disposition of the labouring soul, that can truly say, I know whom I have believed. Bp. Hall. Balm of Gilead.

A recovery in my case, and at my age, is impossible: the kindest wish of my friends is euthanasia.

Pope. Leller from Dr. Arbuthnot. Absolute monarchy, therefore, is the easiest death, the true Euthanasia of the British Constitution.

Hume. Ess. On the British Government.

EVULSION. Fr. Evulsion; Lat. Evulsio, from evellere, evulsus, to tear up, (e, and vellere, to tear.)

A tearing or plucking up.

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EWE. A. S. Eowe, ovis fœmina; Dut. Ouwe;
Sp. Oveja. All from the Lat. Ovis, (Junius and
Skinner.) But see YEAN.

To purge their springs, and sanctify their grounds,
The simple shepherds learned I the mean,
And sov'reign simples to their use I found
Their teeming ewes, to help when they did yean.
Drayton, Ecl. 9.

He said; and rising, chose the victim ewe,
With silver fleece, which his attendants slew.
Pope. Homer. Iliad, b. xxiv.

But he whose aim
Ambitious should aspire to mend the breed,
In fruitful autumn stocks the bleating field
With buxoin ewes.
Dodsley, Agriculture, c. 3.

E/WER. The Fr. Euaier, from eau, which
Wachter derives from the A. S. Ea, water, is ap-
plied to a gutter or channel for water. Ewer, in
English is

A vessel to hold water.

Gre. First, as you know my house within the city
Is richly furnished with plate and gold,
Basins and ewers to laue her dainty hands.

Shakespeare. Taming the Shrew, Act ii. sc. 1.'
When he came into the bath he saw the basons and eures,
the boxes, and viols for perfumes, all of clear gold, excel-
lently wrought.-North. Plutarch, p. 567.

His girdle, his leathern mantle, his staff, his sacrificial cord, and his ewer, he must throw into the water, when they are worn out or broken, and receive others hallowed by mystical texts.-Sir W. Jones. The Laws of Menu, c. 2.

EXACERBATION. Fr. Exacerber, exacerbation; Lat. Exacerbare, (ex, and acerbus, from acer; Gr. Akis, acies.) Acerbus is applied to that sharpness which we call bitterness.

Increase, or increased state, of bitterness, sore-
ness, agony.

Likewise the patient himself may strive, by little and
little, to overcome the symptome, in the exacerbation, and
so, by time, turn suffering into nature.
Bacon. Naturall History, § 61.

S. Paul express'd that sense in a sharper strain of passion,
and indignation, than Tullie could do against Antonie, when
on the same exacerbation he brake out into that stout piece
of eloquence, Quid putem? contemptumne me? non video
quid sit in moribus aut vitâ meâ, quod despicere possit Anto-
nius.-Hammond. Works, vol. iv. p. 541.

This duty is not more difficult in any state than in diseases intensely painful, which may indeed suffer such exacerbations as seem to strain the powers of life to their utmost stretch, and leave very little of the attention vacant to precept or reproof.-Rambler, No. 32.

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Exact, the adj. is,-severely correct, strictly
accurate, punctually careful.

And he againe restored his coutrey vnto him, exacting
nothing of his, but that of his three sonnes he should send
twoe wyth him to serue his warres.
Brende. Quintus Curtius, fol. 220.

The common people vppon a wilfulnesse outragiously and
importunately exacted to haue all dettes clerely released,
and the landes of the rich men parted among them.
Golding. Justine, fol. 81.
Yea, there was nothing appertaininge either to God or
man, wherin he [Josephe] semed not to have had exact

knowledge.-Id. Ib. fol. 137.

As concerninge the mischaunce of Cotta and Sabinus, he
learned the treuth more exactly by hys prisoners.
Id. Cæsar, fol. 141.

And when he [Sophocles] had rehearsed before them his
tragedie called Oedipus Colonaus, whiche he had written at
the very time of his accusation, marueilous exactlye & cun-
ningly, did aske the judges in his owne behalfe, whether
they thought any sottishe or dotinge man coulde doo the
like peace of woorke.-Jewell. Defence, p. 78.

And daily such exactions did exact,
As were against the order of the State;
Presuming those great sums he did impose,
About his private uses to dispose.

Daniel. Civil Wars, b. iv.
And when desert shall seem t' exact reward,
It breeds a loathing in the heart of grace,
That must work free out of her own regard
And have no dues t' upbraid her to her face.
Daniel. Passion of a Distressed Man. Pars altera.
But lend it rather to thine enemie,
Who if he breake, thou maist with better face
Exact the penalties

Shakespeare. Merchant of Venice, Act i. sc. 3.
But to satisfy you in present, I keep myself to the course
of our ordinary stories, by reason of difficulty in finding an
exact truth in all.-Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 9.

In setting down the pitch that an unregenerate man may attain to, and yet be damned, some of our preaching wrers are wont duly to conclude with this peremptory doctrine, That a meer moral man, though never so severe a censor of his own ways, never so rigid an exactor of all the precepts of nature and morality in himself; yet of this man there is less hope, either that he shall be converted or saved, than the most debauched ruffian under heaven.

Hammond. Works, vol. iv. p. 623.
Hereby the land was filled with bitter cursings (though in
secret) by those that wish such vnreasonable exactors neuer
to see good end of the vse of that monie.
Holinshed. Hen. III. an. 1229.

Nor was it such, as it could lay on me
Any exaction of respect so strong,

As t'enforce m' observance beyond thee,
Or make my conscience differ from my tongue.
Daniel. On the Death of the Earl of Devonshire.
When he had put vnto death diuers of his nobles, to the
atteindor, he oppressed the people by continuall exactions
end he might haue their lands and goods as forfeited by
also each day more than other.
Holinshed. History of Scotland, an. 1002.

But that, which we especially require in him [the Poet] is an exactnesse of studie, and multiplicity of reading, which maketh a full man, not alone enabling him to know the history, or argument of a poeme, and to report: but so to master the matter, and stile, as to shew he knowes how to handle, place, or dispose of either, with elegancie, when need shall bee.-B. Jonson. Discoveries.

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'Tis no dishonour to confer your grace
On one descended from a royal race:
And were he less, yet years of service past
From grateful souls exact reward at last.

Dryden. Palamon & Arcite. The Parliament, for divers reasons, thought it not conve nient to comply with the King's propositions; and, in anwhat was due to them, requiring them to withdraw their swer to the Scotts, demanded of them an exact account of garrisons from such places as they possessed in England. Ludlow. Memoirs, vol. i. p. 151.

It enjoyns the clearest, and openest, and the sincerest dealing both in words, and actions; and is the rigidest exactor of truth, in all our behaviour, of any other doctrine, or institution whatsoever.-South, vol. i. Ser. 12.

The service of sin is perfect slavery; and he who will pay obedience to the commands of it shall find it an unreasonable task-master, and an unmeasurable exactor.

Id. vol. ii. Ser. 1.

He may teach his dioces. who ceases to be able to preach to it for he may do it by appointing teachers, and by a vigilant exacting from them the care and the instruction of their respective flocks.-Id. vol. i. Ser. 5.

It will draw to itself the disposal of all places; the exaction of goods.-Barrow. Of the Pope's Supremacy.

To which purpose I consider, that in the life to come, when we shall questionless glorify God exactliest, we shall have little either need or use of faith, prayer, liberality, patience, and resembling graces; but our worship will chiefly consist in elevated notions, and a prostrate veneration of God's omnipotence, wisdom, goodness and other perfections. Boyle. Works, vol. ii. p. 33.

Only in other sciences great care is to be taken that they establish those intermediate principles with as much caution, exactness, and indifferency, as mathematicians use in the settling any of their great theorems.

Locke. Conduct of the Understanding, § 20.

The generous spark extinct revive,
Teach me to love and to forgive,

Exact my own defects to scan,

What others are, to feel, and know myself a man.
Gray. Hymn to Adversity.

Turn around thy searching eyes
Thro' all the bright varieties;
And, with exactest care,
Select from all the shining crowd,
Some lasting joy, some sov'reign good
And fix thy wishes there.

Blackmore. The Wish Satisfied.
His own exactions, and the Persian's boons,
O'erload his treasure.

Glover. Athenaid, b. xv. For let it be remembered, that, whilst a man's handwriting is the same, an exactitude of order is preserved, whether he write well or ill.-Paley. Natural Theology, c.9

Instead of the present mode, which is troublesome to the officer, and unprofitable to the publick, I propose to substitute something more effectual than rigour, which is the worst exactor in the world.-Burke. Economical Reform.

Let him be ever so careful in the choice of a substitute, can he be perfectly sure that nothing necessary will be omitted, and that not only all the stated offices of the church, but all the various, and no less important, private duties of the pastoral care, will be performed with the same exactness and punctuality as if he himself had been present. Porteus. Charge to the Diocese of London.


Exacuere, acutum, (ex, and acuere, to sharpen, from acer, Gr. Axis, acies ;)

To sharpen, to give a sharp, keen, or cutting edge to.

And sense of such an injury receiv'd

Should so exacuate and whet your choller,

As you should count your seife an host of men,
Compar'd to him.

B. Jonson. The Magnetick Lady, Act iii. sc. 3.

EXAGGERATE, v. Fr. Exaggérer;__ It. EXAGGERATION. Essagerare; Sp. EraEXAGGERATORY. gerar; Lat. Exaggerare, (ex, and agger-are; ad, and gerere, to bear to, and thus make a heap,) to heap up, to accumulate.

Cotgrave says, "To lay on load; and add heap unto heap, or heap one on another;" to aggravate, augment or amplify; to increase or enlarge.

In praising or dispraising, wee must exaggerate those places towardes the ende, which make men wonder at the straungeness of any thing.

Wilson. Arte of Rhetorique, p. 117.

If he wil rather take Chrysostome's meaninge, it appeareth, his purpose was, to rebuke the negligence of the people, for that of so populous a cittie, thei came to the holy communion in so smal companies: whiche companies, he in a vehemencie of speache by an exaggeration in respecte of the whole, calleth nobody.-Jewell. Replie to M. Hardinge, p.88.

The appearance therefore of the dry land was by the excavation of certain sinus and tracts of the earth, and exaggerating or lifting up other parts of the terrestrial matter; and by this means the water subsided into those caverns and valleys prepared for its reception.

Hale. Origin. of Mankind, p. 299. Whether this excavation of the terrestrial body, or elevation of other parts thereof, whereby the water subsided, were immediately by the immediate power of God; or whether he did it by the instrumentality of the water, working room for itself in the more soft and penetrable part of the earth, and exaggerating and raising islands and continents in other parts by such exaggeration.-Id. Ib.

With this, all comfortless and hoarce, home they went, where they told their friends, neighbours, and acquaintances, what had happened in the search for the ass, the one exaggerating the other's cunning in braying.

Shelton. Don Quixote, vol. iii. b. ii. c. 24.

And, if the diligence of wicked persons be so much to be blamed, as that it is only an emphasis and exaggeration of their wickedness. I see not how their courage can avoid the same censure.-Cowley. On the Government of Cromwell.

A friend exaggerates a man's virtues, an enemy inflames his crimes. Spectator, No. 399.

Others there are, that use to represent that they swear not but when they are angry; and then (for all our clamours and exaggerations) they mean no harm at all.

Boyle. Works, vol. vi. p. 11.

But, as I said before, a case,
So far remov'd by time and place,
Is seldom faithfully related,
Or, in most points, exaggerated

Cambridge. A Dialogue. Dick & Ned.

I think it a duty in that case, not to inflame the public mind against the obnoxious person, by any exaggeration of his faults.-Burke. Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs.

"Dear Princess," said Rasselas, "yon fall into the common errours of exaggeratory declamation. by producing, in a familiar disquisition, examples of national calamities, and scenes of extensive misery, which are found in books rather

than in the world, and which, as they are horrid, are ordained

to be rare."-Rasselas, c. 28.

EXAGITATE, v. Fr. Exagiter; Lat. Eragitare, (x, and agitare, from ag-ere, to drive,) to drive about.

To shake or toss about, to discuss, to harass, to trouble, to vex, or cause to be troublesome or vexatious.

This their defect and imperfection I had rather lament in such case than exagitate. Hooker. Ecclesiasticall Politie, b. iii. § 11.

Therein Hippocrates condemneth it as too much ezagi- from its upright by a preponderant quantity? The tating.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. iv. c. 9. application of examine (from either source) is To weigh, to balance; to try or prove the weight: and then, generally, to search or inquire into; to question.

EXALT, v. Fr. Exalter; It. Essaltare;
EXALTATION. Sp. Exaltar; Lat. Exaltare,
EXALTEDNESS. to rise or raise on high; (ex,
I to rise or high.)

To raise on high, to lift up or extol; to heighten, to elevate.

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O noble sisters, cryed Pyrocles, now you be gone, who were the only eralters of all womenkind, what is left in that sex, but babling and business?-Sidney. Arcadia, b. iii.

Then, noble friend, the next way to control
These worldly crosses, is to arm thy soul
With constant patience: and with thoughts as high
As these be low, and poor, winged to fly
To that exalted stand, whither yet they
Are got with pain, that sit out of the way
Of this ignoble age.-Drayton, To Mr. W. Brown.

But those robes of light and glory, which we shall be cloath'd withall at the resurrection of the just, and those heavenly bodies which the Gospel hath then assur'd unto us, they are not subject to any of these mischiefs and inconveniencies, but are fit and accommodate instruments for the soul, in its highest exaltations.

Bp. Rust. Serm, at the Funeral of Bp. Taylor.

That the angels and saints should, upon the account of the exaltedness of their natures, see and hear from thence what is done or said from one side of the earth to the other, is extremely incredible. More. Antidote against Idolatry, c. 2. But thou, Lord, art my shield, my glory, Thee through my story

Th' exalter of my head I count.-Milton, Ps. iii. 9.

Still, as you rise, the state exalted too
Finds no distemper while 'tis chang'd by you;
Chang'd like the world's great scene, when without noise
The rising sun night's vulgar lights destroys.

Waller. To my Lord Protector.

Then in some close-pent room it [fire] crept along,
And, smouldering as it went, in silence fed;
Till th' infant monster, with devouring strong,
Walk'd boldly upright with exalted head.

Dryden. Annus Mirabilis.

Thus it is ordinary with them to praise faintly the good qualities of those below them, and say it is very extraordinary in such a man as he is, or the like, when they are forced to acknowledge the value of him whose lowness upbraids their exaltation.-Spectator, No. 468.

But who is he, whose brows exalted bear,
A wrath impatient, and a fiercer air?
Awake to all that injur'd worth can feel,
On his own Rome he turns th' avenging steel.

Collins. Epistle to Sir T. Hanmer.

A certain elevation, becoming the majesty of insulted virtue, is united with a lively sense of the depravity and meanness of the offender; and a contrast is instantaneously formed between exaltedness of character and the state of degradation into which he has fallen.

Cogan. On the Passions, pt. i. c. 2. Class 2.


EXAMINE, v. Fr. Examiner; It. EssaEXAMEN. minare; Sp. Examinar; Lat. EXAMINANT. Examinare. The Lat. EraEXAMINATE. men, a swarm of bees, (apes EXAMINATION. i. e. nectere,) or apere, EXAMINATOR. bees clustered together, fast EXAMINER. together, Vossius derives from the Gr. Etaueva, the past part. of the verb EEUTT-Ev, to bind or fasten together. Examen is also applied, and for the same reason, (i. e. because it is the bond or ligamen,) to the filum, quo trutina regitur: siquidem filum istoc ligamen trutinæ est.

An objection to this etymology is, that the Gr. did not themselves so apply the past part. Ekaueva. May it not then be Exagimen, exagmen, examen, from ex-igere, to drive out: bees, driven out, from a nest or hive too full; a beam driven or forced

Examened tham and cast ilk amountment.

R. Brunne, p. 248. And he mai not undirstond, for it is examyned goostli. Wiclif. 1 Corynth. c. 2. Neither can he perceaue them, because he is spiritually examined.-Bible, 1551. Lb.

And afterwarde, then shullen ye take conseil in yourself, and examine wel your owen thoughtes, of swiche thinges as you thinketh that ben best for your profit.

Chaucer. The Tale of Melibeus.

Now wol I teche you how ye shuln examine your conseil after the doctrine of Tullius. In examining than of your conseillours, ye shuln consider many thinges.-Id. Ib.

And eche of hem his reason hadde,

And thus with tales he hem ladde
With good examinacion,

Tyll he knewe the condicion,

What men thei were bothe two.-Gower. Con. A. b. ii.

If we wyll examyne the autorytees of St. Austin and Beda before alleged, we shall espye that besyde the probacion of this foresayde proposicyon, they open the mysterie of al our matter to them that haue eyes to see.

A Boke made by John Fryth, fol. 4.

Cesar at the sute of the Heduanes was the wyllynger to beare wyth them, and accepted their excuse, for as muche as he thought that the sommer tyme was rather to be employed aboute the warre that was at hand, then about examination of matters.-Golding. Cæsar, fol. 148.

Here lo they wanted oure bisshop's doctrine, (here they wanted. lo) a lytle of the examiner of the hunting of the foxes highe diuinitie, for after his doctrine thei might haue kneled downe to Nebucadnozar's golden image.

Joye. Expos. of Daniel, c 3

These noble tryers, iustly then
Examining the cause,

With reuerent note of her, who heard
And spoke to euery clause,
Did, after diuers daies so spent,
Adiudge, by verdict trew,
Her guiltie of most trayterous
Conspiracies, not fewe.

Warner. Albion's England, b. x. c. 56 Those arts were conveyed down along to them from one hand to another, and the successours still took them up from those that preceded without a philosophical scrutiny or examen.-Glanvill. Witchcraft, p 84.

Following the wars under Anthony, the course of his life would not permit a punctual examen in all.

Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. i. c. 8.

Said Riggs told him this examinant, That there would be a rising of divers godly people in arms, for preservation of religion, about the time the Queen came to town; and that they intended to seize the King's person about Camberwell, in his passage to see the Queen-mother at Greenwich.

State Trials. Examination of George Phillips, an. 1662. After many inquisitions therefore by torments holden one after another, and some examinats through excessive and dolorous tortures killed, there were not found so much as any presumptions of those crimes which were layed against them.-Holland. Ammianus, p. 363.

In the examination, that freed servant, who had much power with Claudius, very saucily, had almost all the words: and amongst other things, he asked in scorne one of the examinates, who was likewise a freed servant of Scribonianus, "I pray, sir, if Scribonianus had been an Emperor, what would you have done?" he answered, "I would have stood behind his chair and held my peace."

Bacon. Apophthegms.

Although it be urged by divers, yet is it methinks an inference somewhat Rabbinical; and not of power to persuade a serious examinator.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. vi. c. 6. These and all other inferiour magistrates to be chosen as netians, and such again not be eligible, or capable of magistracies, honours, offices, except they be sufficiently qualified for learning, manners, and that by the strict approbation of deputed examinators.

the literati in China, or by those exact suffrages of the Ve

Burton. Democritus, To the Reader, p. 64.

In the delivery whereof I have been careful, as an exafree report; which is the historical part: the critical now miner and relater, to set down nothing but her bare and remaineth, for after the examination of circumstances, there is a liberty of judgment.-Reliquie Wottonianæ, p. 549.

But surely nothing that is self-evident, can be the proper subject of examination, or tryal: al examination being to make something clearer and better known, by being cra mined, than it was before, which in things self-evident, clear, and unquestionable, can have no place.

South, vel. v. Ser. 7

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