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Probably your thoughts have been all along anticipating a consideration with which my mind is impressed more than I can express, I mean the consideration of the favourableness of the present times to all exertions in the cause of liberty.-Burke. On the French Revolution.

Perhaps had he [George I.] lived longer, he would have judged more favourably of his situation; and experienced that to be truly a British King is in fact to be the greatest monarch in Europe.-Maty. Memoirs of Lord Chesterfield.

Hence ev'ry state, to one lov'd blessing prone,
Conforms and models life to that alone:
Each to the fav'rite happiness attends,
And spurns the plan that aims at other ends;
Till carried to excess in each domain,
This fav'rile good begets peculiar pain.

Goldsmith. The Traveller.

And, O, if ought thy Poet can pretend
Beyond his fav'rite wish to call thee friend,
Be it that here his tuneful toil has drest
The Muse of Fresnoy in a modern vest.

Mason. To Sir Joshua Reynolds.

It has been remarked, that there is no Prince so bad, whose favourites and ministers are not worse.

Burke. A Vindication of Natural Society.

It is this unnatural infusion of a system of favouritism into a government which in a great part of its constitution is popular, that has raised the present ferment in the nation. Id. On the Present Discontents.

FA/USEN. A very large fish of the eel kind. Skinner says, "I know not whether from the Lat. Falx, (q.d.) falcinus, because in its length and frequent bending it so far resembles a falx or hooked cutter."

Thus pluckt he from the shore his lance, and left the waues to wash

The waue sprung entrailes, about which, fausens and other fish

Did shole, to nibble of the fat, which his sweet kidneys hid. Chapman. Homer. Iliad, b. xxi.

FAWE, i. e. fain; glad, (qv.)

I governed hem so wel after my lawe,
That eche of hem ful blisful was and fawe
To bringen me gay thinges fro the feyre.

Chaucer. The Wif of Balhes Prologue, v. 582.

FAWN, v. Minshew says, perhaps from FAWN, R. Gr. Pue, to speak, to say. SkinFA'WNING, n. ner,-from A.S. Fandian, to try; FA'WNER. His Vir Rev. from Eng. Fain, FA'WNINGLY. glad; (Quia, sc. Blandientes solent præ se ferre alacritatem.) And it is perhaps from the same source as fain, i. e. the A. S. Fagn-ian, gaudere, lætari, to be glad, to rejoice, to fain.

To show or manifest signs of pleasure, joy or gladness, of gratitude or fondness; and thus, to blandish, to cringe, to court or sue flatteringly, servilely; to sue for kindness, to subserve.

And woneden in wildernesse a mong wilde beastes
Ac dorat no beste byten hem. by daye ne by nyghte,
Bote myldeliche whan thei metten maden louh chere
And feyre by fore tho men. fawhnede whith the tayles.
Piers Pouhman, p. 286.

And as I went there came by me

A whelp that fawned me as I stood

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Wee must be ware that we open not our eares to flatterers, nor suffer ourselues to be wonne or ouercomed with fauning or humble behauiour of others toward vs.

Udal. Flowers of Latine Speaking, fol. 67.

Instead thereof he kist her wearie feet,
And lickt her lilly hands with fawning tong;
As he her wronged innocence did weet.

O how can beautie maister the most strong.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 3.

Hee boulder now, uncall'd before her stood
But as in gaze admiring: oft he bowd
His turret crest, and sleek enamel'd neck,
Fawning, and lick'd the ground whereon she trod.
Milton. Paradise Lost, b. ix.

Too like that pretty child is childish Love That when in anger he is wrong'd, or beat, Will rave and chide, and every passion prove, But soon to smiles and fawns turns all his heat, And prays, and swears he never more will do it. P. Fletcher. Boethius, b. iii. Cæs. Thanks, Horace, for thy free, and wholesome sharp

nesse :

Which pleaseth Cæsar more, than servile fawnes.
A flatter'd Prince soone turnes the Prince of Fools.
B. Jonson. Poetaster, Act v. sc. 1.

Our race is then restles, our sleeping vnsounde;
Our waking is warfare, our walking hath woe;
Our talking is trustles, our cares do abound;
Our fauners deemd faithfull, and friendshippe a foe.
Mirrour for Magistrates, p. 85.
With flattering wordes he sweetly wooed her,
And offered faire guiftes t' allure her sight;
But she both offers and the offerer

Despysde, and all the fawning of the flatterer.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iii. c. 8.

All the cittie besides was joious, the dictator [alone] gave no credit either to the bruit that was blased, or to the letters; saying withall, that if it were true, yet he feared more the fawning than frowning of fortune.-Holland. Livivs, p. 447.

A woman scorn'd, with ease I'll work to vengeance;
With humble, fawning, wise, obsequious arts,
I'll rule the whirl and transport of her soul;
Then, what her reason hates, her rage may act.
Smith. Phædra & Hippolitus.

As he doth not affect any poor base ends, so he will not defile his fair intentions by sordid means of compassing them; such as are illusive simulations and subdolous artifices, and servile crouchings and fawnings, and the like. Barrow, vol. i. Ser. 5. He that fawningly enticed the soul to sin, will now as bitterly upbraid it for having sinned.-South, vol. ix. Ser. 1. In Bishop Gardiner he supported the insolent dignity of a persecutor; and, compleatly a priest, shifted it in an instant to the fawning insincerity of a slave, as soon as Henry frowned.-Walpole. Anecdotes of Painting, vol. iv. c. 1.

FAWN, v. Fr. Faon, fan, from infans, (MeFAWN, n. nage.)

"Fr. Fan,-a fawn or hind-calf; the young one of any such beast: as also, of an elephant." To fawn,-to bring forth a fawn.

And many an hart, and many an hinde
Was both before me and behind,

Of fawnes, sowers, buckes, does

Was full the wodde, and many roes-Chaucer. Dréame.

The dow lacking her faune: the hind her calfe, braie no longer time after their losse, but seeing their lacke to be without remedy, they cease their sorow within short space. Wilson. Arte of Rhetorique, p. 78.

Knowest thou the time when ye wylde goates brīge their yonge amōg the stony rockes? or layest ya wayte when the hyndes vse to fawne.-Bible, 1551. Job, c. 39.

The cook, sir, is self-will'd, and will not learn
From my experience: there's a fawn brought in.
Massinger. A New Way to Pay Old Debts, Act iii. sc. 2.
Then as a tyger, who by chance hath spi'd
In some purlieu two gentle fawnes at play,
Straight couches close, then rising changes oft
His couchant watch, as one who chose his ground
Whence rushing he might surest seize them both
Grip't in each paw. Millon. Paradise Lost, b. iv.
She rais'd her voice on high, and sung so clear,
The fawns came scudding from the groves to hear,
And all the bending forest lent an ear.

Dryden. The Flower and the Leaf.
So with her young, amid the woodland shades,
A timorous hind the lion's court invades,
Leaves in that fatal lair the tender fawns,
Climbs the green cliff, or feeds the flowery lawns.
Pope. Homer. Odyssey, b. iv.
The Nymphs, that o'er the mountain's brow
Pursue the lightly-bounding roe,

Or chase the flying fawn.-Fawkes. Ode to Summer. FAXED. A. S. Fear, the hair of the head; a bush of hair, the locks, (Somner.)

They [the old English] could call a comet, a faxed starre, which is all one with stella crinita, or cometa.

Camden. Remaines. The Languages. FAY, i. e. faith, by my faith, by my troth or


And with hire hed she writhed fast away,
And sayde; I wol not kisse thee by my fay.

Chaucer. The Milleres Tale, v. 3284.
As God me helpe, I laugh whan that I thinke,
How pitously a night I made hem swinke,
But by my fay, I tolde of it no store.

Id. The Wif of Bathes Prologue, v. 5785.

I set hem so a-werke by my fay,

That many a night they songen wa la wa.

Chaucer. The Wif of Bathes Prologue, v. 5188,

Beg. These fifteene yeares, by my fay, a goodly nap. But did I never speake of all that time,


Shakespeare. Taming of a Shrew, Ind. 2.

And thou, Nymphidia, gentle fay,
Which meeting me upon the way,
These secrets didst to me bewray
Which now I am in telling.-Drayton. Nymphidia.
-They said that all the field
No other flowre did for that purpose yeeld;
But quoth a nimble fay that by did stand:
If you could give 't the colour of yond hand.

Browne. Britannia's Pastorals, b. ii. s. 3

I thank the wise Silenus, for his prayse,
Stand forth, bright Faies, and Elves, and tune your layes
Unto his name: then let your nimble feet
Tread subtill circles, that may alwayes meet
In point to him.-B. Jonson. Oberon the Fairy Prince.

FEAGUE. Skinner says, Fease or feag, flagellare, virgis cædere, to whip, to beat with rods,→→ from Teut. Fegen, to sweep, to cleanse; or from ficken, to rub. Feige, carpere, obtrectare, also from Ger. Fegen. See FAG.

And eke my feare is well the lasse,
That none enuie shall compasse,
Without a reasonable wite

To feige and blame that I write.-Gower. To the Reder. When a knotty point comes I lay my head close to it, with a snuff-box in my hand; and then I feague it away i'faith. Duke of Buckingham. The Rehearsal.

FE/ALTY. Fr. Feaulté; It. Fedeltá; Sp. Fieldad; Lat. Fidelitas, fidelis, fides, faith. Fideles homines, (as Skinner observes,) pro servis, occurs as early as Ælius Lampridius, in vitâ Alexandri See also Du Cange. Severi Augusti. Per fideles homines suos.

Fidelity or faithfulness. See the quotation from Blackstone.

Whan thise Bretons tuo were fled out of this lond,
Ine toke his feaute of alle that lond helde.
B. Brunne, p. 3.

For the Emperour vowed to the Pope not an oath of alleageance and fealtye, but of defendinge the Christian fayth, for as much as the taking of this oath maketh not greater dignitye in temporall thinges.

Bale. Pageant of Popes, fol. 135.

And whe he was comen to the citie of Reynes, thyder came vnto hym many nobles, as well out of Burgoyne as out of other partyes of Frauce & dyd vnto hym feauty & homage.—Fabyan, vol. i. c. 131.

Henry deceasing, Maude the empresse his right heire (to whom the prelates and nobles had sworne feally in her father's life time) was put by the crowne by the prelates and barons; who thought it basenesse for so many and great peers to be subject to a woman, and that they were freed of their oath by her marrying out of the realme, without their consents.-Prynne. Treachery and Disloyalty, &c. pt. i. p.35.

In your Court

Suitors voluptuous swarm; with amorous wiles
Studious to win your consort, and seduce
Her from chaste fealty to joys impure,
In bridal pomp; vain efforts!

Fenton. Homer Imitated. Odyssey, b. il. There is a natural allegiance and feally due to this domineering paramount evil, [avarice,] from all the vassal vices, which acknowledge its superiority, and readily militate under its banners; and it is under that discipline alone that avarice is able to spread to any considerable extent, or to render itself a general publick mischief.

Burke. On the Nabob of Arcot's Debts. The condition annexed to them (fees or fiefs) was that the possessor should do service faithfully, both at home and in the wars, to him by whom they were given; for which purpose he took the juramentum fidelitatis, or oath of feally. Blackstone. Commentaries, b. ii. c. 4.


A. S. Far-an,-to fear, to terrify or make afraid, (Somner.) Sw. Fara; Dut. Vaeren; Ger. Faren, timere, metuere, terrere, facere ut metuat; to fear or cause to fear. The common etymology is the Lat. Vereor. (See AFFEARD.) But the Sw. Fura; Dut. Vaeren; Ger. Faren; and A. S. Faran, signify, to go, to go away; and hence, probably, to run or cause to run away: and from the motion


extended to the feeling which caused it, i. e. to feel or cause the feeling of, dread or terror.

To flee, or cause to flce, or escape or avoid, from, (sc.) any ill or risk of ill; to have or cause, sensations of terror, of dread, of timorousness, of awe; to scare, to terrify or affright, to dread; to affray or be afraid. See the second quotation from Cogan.

Fearful,-full of fear, full of that which causes fear; dreadful; also of the sense or feeling of fear; timid, cowardly.

Heo ferden rigt as gydie men, myd wam no red nas.
R. Gloucester, p. 166.
The hors neyde & lepte, that yt was gret fere.-Id. p. 459.
Some with grete processyon in gret anguysse and fere.
Wepynde byuore the kyng, and her relykes myd hem bere.
Id. p. 177.
Malcolme, whan he it herd, fled for ferd.

R. Brunne, p. 88.
Ther speres poynt ouer poynt, so sare and so thikke,
& fast togidere Joynt, to se it was ferlike. Id. p. 305.
For Godes blesside body. hit bar for our bote.
And hit a fereth the feonde.-Piers Ploukman, p. 365.
Ran cow and calf, and eke the veray hogges
So fered were for berking of the dogges,
And shouting of the men and women eke,
They ronnen so, hem thought hir hertes breke.

Chaucer. The Nonnes Preestes Tale, v. 15,892.

Then was I ferd, for that was min office.

Id. The Chanones Yemannes Tale, v. 16,392. Unmighty is that wretchedness, which is entred by the ferdfull wenyng of the wretche himself.

Chaucer. The Testament of Loue, b. ii.

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And then it [air] breketh the cloudes all,
That whiche of so great noyse craken,
That thei the fearefull thonder maken.-Id. Ib.

Lyke as the good husbande, whan he hath sowen his grounde, setteth vp cloughtes or thredes, which some call shailes, some blechars, or other lyke shewes, to feare away byrdes, whiche he foreseeth redye to deuoure and hurte his corne.-Sir T. Elyot. Governor, b. i. c. 23.

And though none of the wonders feared them, yet were they afrayd at the beastes which came vpon them, and at the hyssinge of the serpentes.

Bible, 1551. Apocrypha. The Boke of Wisdome. Therefore Jesus minding to make them bolde and voide of all feare, and also conquerours agaynste al assaultes of the moste sore and vehement troubles, rebuking theyr greate feare: Why feare ye [quoth he] ye menne of lytel fayth.-Udal. Matthew, c. 8.

The verie houre and instant that they should goe forward with their businesse; a wonderfull and terrible earthquake fell throughout all England: whereupon diuers of the suffraganes being feared, by the strange and wonderfull demonstration, doubting what it should mean, thought it good to leaue off from their determinate purpose.

Fox. Martyrs, p. 401. Wiclif's Articles Condemned. And at the last some that would not obey, hee put to death, to feare the rest withall.

Vives. Instruction of a Christian Woman, b. i. c. 11.
Fellowship and Friendships hest
With thy fearers all I hold

Such as hold thy biddings best.-Sidney, Ps. 119. H.
And you his fearers, all the rest

The same to say with me be prest-Id. Ps. 118.

Suche of them as wold seme to be lesse fearefull, sayd they feared not the enemy, but the narrownes of the wais, and the greatnes of the woods that laye betwene them and Ariouistus: or else they cast doubts howe theyr grayne should be commodiously conueyed after theym. Golding. Cæsar, fol. 30.

When the king vnderstoode that they made towardes him with such speede, he fled for feare, and leauing behinde him his hoste and all his furniture for the warres, he fearefullye retyred vnto his kingedome.-Id. Justine, fol. 10.

Fearfulnes is nothing els, but a declarynge that a man seketh helpe and defence, to answere for him selfe.

Bible, 1551. The Book of Wisdome, c. 17.

The next morning, thinking to fear him, because he had never seen elephant before, Pyrrus commanded his men that when they saw Fabricius and him talking together, they should bring one of his greatest elephants, and set him hard by them, behind a hanging: which being done, at a certain sign by Pyrrus given, suddenly the hanging was pulled back, and the elephant with his trunk was over Fabricius's head, and gave a terrible and fearful cry.

North. Plutarch, p. 340.

Ant. Thou canst not feare vs Pompey with thy salles.
Weele speake with thee at sea.

Shakespeare. Antony & Cleopatra, Act ii. sc. 6.

Ang. We must make a scar-crow of the Law,
Setting it vp to feare the birds of prey,
And let it keepe one shape, till costume make it
Their pearch, and not their terrout.

Id. Measure for Measure, Act ii. sc. 1.

Pet. Now for my life Hortentio feares his widow.
Wid. Then neuer trust me if I be affeard.
Pet. You are verie sencible, and yet you misse my


I meane Hortentio is afeard of you.

Id. Taming of the Shrew, Act v. sc. 2.

O coward conscience! how dost thou afflict me?
The lights burn blew. Is it not dead midnight?
Cold fearefull drops stand on my trembling flesh.
What? do I fear myselfe? There's none else by.
Id. Rich. III. Act v. sc. 3.

Malbecco seeing them resolved in deed
To flame the gates, and hearing them to call
For fire in earnest, ran with fearfull speed,
And, to them calling from the castle wall,
Besought them humbly him to beare withall.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iii. c. 9.

The image of a wicked heynous fault
Liues in his eye; that close aspect of his
Does shew the mood of a much troubled brest,
And I do fearefully beleeue 'tis done
What we so fear'd he had a charge to do.

Shakespeare. King John, Act iv. sc. 2.
He knew great mindes disorder'd by mistake,
Defend, thro' pride, the errours they repent;
And with a lover's fearfulness he spake
Thus humbly, that extremes he might prevent.
Davenant. Gondibert, b. iii. c. 1.

A gay matter indeed, and a proper device to salve their
cowardice, under a colour of civile dissention to cloke their
fearfulnesse.--Holland. Livivs, p. 74.

Then Talus forth issuing from his tent

Unto the wall his way did fearelesse take
To weeten what that trumpet's sounding ment.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. v. c. 5.
Frequence of conversation gives us freedome of accesse to
God; and makes us poure out our hearts to him as fully and
as fearelesly as to our friends.

Bp. Hall. Cont. Of the Calling of Moses.

The best of the heathen emperours [that was honoured
with the title of piety] iustly magnified that courage of
Christians which made them insult over their tormenters,
and by their fearelesness of earthquakes, and deaths, argued
the truth of their religion.-Id. Heaven upon Earth, s. 3.

Now glut yourselves with prey; let not the night,
Nor those thick woods, give sanctuary to
The fear-struck hares, our enemies.

Massinger. The Bashful Lover, Act ii. sc. 5.
Long mute he stood, and leaning on his staff,
His wonder witness'd with an idiot laugh;
Then would have spoke, but by his glimmering sense
First found his want of words, and fear'd offence.
Dryden. Cymon & Iphigenia.

In dreams they fearful precipices tread;
Or, shipwreck'd, labour to some distant shore:
Or in dark churches walk among the dead;
They wake with horrour, and dare sleep no more.
Id. Annus Mirabilis.

But it seems he did it covertly and fearfully, and was
afterwards drawn off, either by the love of the world or the
fears of the cross: of which it appears Bucer had then some
apprehensions, though he expressed them very modestly.
Burnet. History of the Reformation, an. 1547.

All the various and vicious actions of men were overruled
by his providence; the falseness of Judas, the fearfulness of
Pilate, and the malice of the Jews were subservient to God's
eternal design.-Bates. Harmony of the Divine Attrib. c. 13.
And like a lion, slumbering in the way,

Or sleep dissembling, while he waits his prey,
His fearless foes within his distance draws,
Constrains his roaring, and contracts his paws;
Till at the last, his time for fury found,
He shoots with sudden vengeance from the ground.
Dryden. Absalom & Achitophel.

To dare undauntedly to revile the Maker of all things, and
show their fearlessness even of God himself, by openly
trampling upon his commandments in their lives, and re-
proaching his name by vain oaths and profane speeches.

Clarke, vol. i. Ser. 51.

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Fear is a painful sensation, produced by the immediate apprehension of some impending evil.

Cogan. On the Passiors, c. 2. s. 3

Yet the disgraced religion, by courage and constancy in suffering, still kept its enemies anxious amidst all their success, and fearful amidst all their power, for what might be the final issue.

Warburton. Julian's Attempt to Rebuild the Temple.
With hasty step a figure outward past,

Then paus'd-and turn'd-and paus'd-'tis she at last!
No poniard in that hand-nor sign of ill-
"Thanks to that softning heart-she could not kill!"
Again he look'd, the wildness of her eye
Starts from the day abrupt and fearfully.

Byron. The Corsair, c. 3. s. 9.
That religion, which renders void the first precept of my
text, by taking away the fear of God, will always be for
introducing a form of government which renders void the
And so,
second, by taking away all honour from the king.
reciprocally, will an honourless king promote the worship of
a fearless God.-Warburton. Works, vol. ix. Ser. 14.
In these circumstances they should still continue to trade
cheerfully and fearlessly as before.
Burke. On a late State of the Nation.

This fearlessness of temper depends upon natural constitution as much as any quality we can possess, for where the animal system is strong and robust it is easily acquired, but when the nerves are weak and extremely sensible they fall presently into tremours that throw the mind off the hinges and cast a confusion over her.

Search. Light of Nature, vol. i. pt. i. c. 31.

Judging that we should soon come into cold weather, I ordered slops to be served to such as were in want; and gave to each man the fear-nought jacket and trowsers allowed them by the Admiralty.-Cook. Voyages, b. i. c. 2.

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Paul. What's your suit, sir?

Infor. 'Tis feasible: here are three arrant knaves Discovered by my art.

Massinger. The Emperor of the East, Act i. sc. 1. So Charles VIII., King of France, finding the warre of Britaine (which afterwards was compounded by marriage) not so feasible, pursued his enterprise upon Naples, which he accomplisht with wonderful facility and felicity.

Bacon. On Learning, by G. Wals, b. ii. c. 12. Hence it is, that we conclude many things within the list of impossibilities, which yet are easie feasibles. Glanvill. The Vanity of Dogmatizing c. 12. Whereby men often swallow falsities for truths, dubiosities for certainties, feasibilities for possibilities, and things impossible as possibilities themselves.

Brown. Vulgar Errours, D. i. c. 5.

An opinion of the fecibleness or successfulness of the work being as necessary to found a purpose of undertaking it, as either the authority of commands, or the persuasiveness of promises, or pungency of menaces, or prospect of mischiefs upon neglect, can be imagined to be.

Hammond. Works, vol. i. p. 473.

They discoursed of surprising the guards; and that the Duke, the Lord Grey, and Sir Thomas Armstrong (as he remembers) went one night to view the guards; and the next day at his house they said it was very feasible if they had strength to do it.

State Trials. William Lord Russell, an. 1683.

Some discourse there was about the feasibleness of it, and several times by accident, in general discourse elsewhere, I have heard it mentioned as a thing might easily be done, but never consented to as fit to be done.-Id. Ib. p. 692.

Yet this did not hinder me from prosecuting a design, whose feasibility I considered.-Boyle. Works, vol.iii. p.569. Here is a principle of a nature, to the multitude, the most seductive, always existing before their eyes, as a thing feasible in practice.-Burke. Thoughts on French Affairs.


Fr. Fester, festoyer; It. Festare, festeggiare; Sp. Festear, festejar, from the Lat. Festum, and festum or festus dies, from the Gr.'EoTiar, i.e. festum diem agere; as when we celebrate with a banquet a natal or wedding day. The verb éoriar, Vossius adds, is from éoria, which signifies as well the lares or hearth, as Vesta, foci vel ignis præses: and thus, éoriav, is properly, to receive or entertain any one-convivio apud larem suum, i.e. in his house.

To receive or entertain with food or victuals in the house, at the table; to feed plenteously or lavishiy, luxuriously; to banquet, to supply with plenty or abundance, with luxuries, with dainties.

Alle the noble men of this lond to the noble fest come, And heore wyues & heore dogtren with hem mony nome. R. Gloucester, p. 156. Thulke festes he wolde holde so noblyche, Wyth so gret prute & wast, & so rychelyche, That wonder yt was wanene [whence] yt com.-Id. p. 376. The baronage & the clergie were somond to Kyngeston, Ther was fest holden, & gyuen him the croune. R. Brunne, p. 28. Lytel is he a lowed there fore. among lordes of festes. Piers Plouhman, p. 185. But by the feeste day he was wont to leeve to hem oon of men boundun whome ever thei axiden.—Wiclif. Mark, c.15. At that feast Pylate was wonte to delyuer at their pleasure a prysoner: whome soeuer they would desyre.

Bible, 1551. Ib.

This Theseus, this duk, this worthy knight,
Whan he had brought hem into his citee,
And inned hem, everich at his degree,

He festeth hem.-Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2195.

Walter hire gladeth, and hire sorwe slaketh,
She riseth up abashed from hire trance,
And every wight hire joye and feste maketh
Til she hath caught agen hire countenance.

Id. The Clerkes Tale, v. 8985.

In suffisaunce, in blisse, and in singings
This Troilus gan all his life to lede
He spendeth, iusteth, and maketh festings.

Id. Troilus, b. iii.

He must han knowen love and his service,
And ben a festlich man, as fresh as May,
That shulde you devisen swiche array.

Id. The Squieres Tale, v. 10,595.

A great meruaile it is for thy,
Howe that a maide woll lette
That she hir tyme ne besette,
To haste into that thilke feste, [of marriage]
Wherof the loue is all honeste.-Gower. Con. A. b. iv.

And whan thei had ben well feested at Valencenes, than the Bysshoppe of Lyncolne, and part of his cōpany, went to the Duke of Brabant, who feasted them greatly, and agreed, and promysed to sustayne ye Kyng of Englonde, and all his

copany in his contrey.-Berners. Frois. Cron. vol. i. c. 28. Was not Chryste ones crucyfyed in his own person? & yet in a mystery (which in the remembraunce of his very passion) he is crucyfied for the people, not onely euery feaste of Easter, but euery daye.-A Boke made by John Fryth, fol. 37. This dooe Jesus then at length taking vpon him to be a feaster & a feder of the bodies also, which came to fede the souls & to teache in dede his disciples that they should neuer lacke foode, which being giuen vnto the Ghospel, regarded Aitel their vitaile: took in his handes the fiue barley loaues, & the two fishes.-Udal. Matthew, c. 14.

In this yere also and vpon the feestfull day of Easter, fyll a chauce in Lodon, whiche, to the fere of all good Christen men, is necessary to be noted.-Fabyan, vol. ii. an. 1417.

And they had pleasure and appetite in goodlye harnesse great horses for war, more than in harlottes, and in feasting, banketting, or reuellyng.

Udal. Flowers of Latine Speaking, fol. 124.

Hope, the world's welcome, and his standing guest,
Fed by the rich, but feasted by the poor;
Hope, that did come in triumph to his breast,
He thus presents in boast to Ulfinore.

Davenant. Gondibert, b. iii. c. 2.

Lud was hardy, and bold ir. war, in peace a jolly feaster.
Milton. History of England, b. i.

The virgins also shall on feastfull days
Visit his tomb with flowers, only bewailing
His lot unfortunate in nuptial choice,
From whence captivity and loss of eyes.

feeding their eyes, and tastes, with one seruice after another in both kinds.-Purchas. Pilgrimage, c. 18. s. 5.

All eyes you draw, and with the eyes the heart;
Of your own pomp yourself the greatest part.
Loud shouts the nation's happiness proclaim,
And heaven this day is feasted with your name.
Dryden. To his Sacred Majesty.
There, my retreat the best companions grace,
Chiefs out of war and statesmen out of place.
There St. John mingles with my friendly bowl,
The feast of reason and the flow of soul.

Pope. Horace, b. ii. Sat. 1.

But vengeful Pallas, with preventing speed,
A feast proportion'd, to their crimes decreed;
A feast of death, the feasters doom'd to bieed.

Id. Homer. Odyssey, b. xxi. So spoke the wretch, but, shunning farther fray, Turn'd his proud step, and left them on their way, Straight to the feastful palace he repair'd, Familiar enter'd, and the banquet shar'd.-Id. Ib. b. xvii. The jury finding the book (to the best of their skill and knowledge,) of no other tendency, but to encourage such as were virtuous to take upon them the government of the city of London, with good husbandry, and sober methods, as might neither dishonour God by excess in feastings, nor yet ruin their own families.-State Trials, an. 1680. Fran. Smith.

The league of mightiest nations, in those hours
When Venice was an envy, might abate,
But did not quench, her spirit-in her fate
All were enwrapp'd; the feasted monarchs knew
And loved their hostess, nor could learn to hate,
Although they humbled.

Songs in strains of wisdom drest,
Great Saturnius to record,
And by each rejoicing guest
Sung at Hiero's feastful board.

FEAT, v.
FEAT, n.
FEAT, adj.



Byron. Ode, s. 3.

West. Pindar. The First Olympic.

Fr. Faict; Lat. Factum, any thing done, a deed. Upon the Fr. part. Faict, done, made, framed, formed or fashioned, Shakespeare seems to have founded his verb to feat, to form or fashion. The same adjective, done, performed, achieved, finished, accomplished, (whence also the Fr. Faictis; neat, feat, comely, well made,) has also furnished us with the adjective feat; (q. d.) bien fait, bene factus; well done or made, fit. A feat,—

An act, a deed, an exploit, an achievement.

For Jamys the gentel. suggeth in hus bokes
That feith without fet. ys febelere than nouht
And ded as a dore nayle.
Piers Plouhman, p. 22.

Not only this Grisildis thurgh hire wit
Coude all the fete of wifly homliness,
But eke whan that the cas required it,
The comune profit coude she redresse.

Ful fetis damosels two

Chaucer. The Clerkes Tale, v. 8305.

[blocks in formation]

He appeared to be a man of singular actiuitie, & no less Id. Samson Agonistes. | skyll in feates of warre than in knowledge of philosophie. Brende. Quintus Curtius, fol. 2. Therefore be sure Thou, when the bridegroom with his feastful friends For the labour and care of man can make nothing so Passes to bliss at the mid hour of night, proper and feacte as the prouidence of nature dooeth. Udal. Matthew, c. 6.

Hast gain'd thy entrance, virgin wise and pure.-Id. son.9.

Yeares write thee ag'd, yet thou,

Youthful and green in will,
Putt'st in for handsome still,

And shameless dost intrude among
The sports and feastings of the young.

Cartwright. Horace, lib. iv. Ode 13.

They are hyred vnto feasts, whither they come prouided for what play shall be demanded, offering to that end their book of comedies to the feast-master, to chuse which he liketh which the guests behold in their feasting-time with such pleasure, that they continue sometimes ten houres in

A student at his boke so plast,

That welth he might haue wonne;
From boke to wife did flete in hast,
From welth to wo to runne,
Now who hath plaied a feater cast
Since iugling first begonne?

Vncertaine Auctors. A new Married Student.

As those that teache in schooles,
with buttred bread, or featusse knacks,
Will lewre the little fooles,

to learn a pace theyr A B C.-Drant. Horace, b. i. Sat. 1.

- [He] liu'd in Court

(Which rare it is to do) most prais'd, most lou'd, A sample to the youngest: to th' mere mature, A glasse that feated them.

Shakespeare. Cymbeline, Act i. sc. 1.

Madge. Nay, Sue has a hazel eye, I know Sue well, and by your leave, not so trim a body neither; this is a feat bodied thing I tell you.

Beaum. & Fletch. The Coxcomb, Act iii. sc. 1. Thus have I made this wreath of mine, And finished it featly.

Drayton. The Muses' Elysium, Nymphal 5.
Then they spake most properly and featly.
North. Plutarch, p. 44

She wore a frock of frolick green
Might well become a maiden queen
Which seemly was to see;

A hood to that so neat and fine,
In colour like the columbine,

Ywrought full featously.-Drayton. Pastorals, Ecl. 4. They haue also dancers on the rope, tumblers, and other featworkers.-Purchas. Pilgrimage, c. 18. s. 5.

This trophy from the Python won,
This robe, in which the deed was done,
These, Parnell, glorying in the feat,
Hung on these shelves, the Muses' seat.

Parnell. The Book-Worm.

So featly tripp'd the lightfoot ladies round,
The knights so nimbiy o'er the greensward bound,
That scarce they bent the flowers, or touch'd the ground.
Pope. January & May.

Not victories won by Marlbro's sword,
Nor titles which these feats record,
Such glories o'er the dead diffuse
As can the labours of the Muse.

Jenyns. Horace, b. iv. Ode 8. Imit.
Meantime some rude Arion's restless hand
Wakes the brisk harmony that sailors love;
A circle there of merry listeners stand,
Or to some well-known measure featly move
Thoughtless, as if on shore they still were free to rove.
Byron. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, c. 2. s. 21.


A. S. Fether ; Dut. Veder; Ger. Feder; Sw. Fjaeder. Luke, xvi. 6, "Nim thine fethere;" Take thy caution. Accipe cautionem tuam. On which Somner remarks, that fethere does not signify cautio, but calamus. In the Gothic version it is bokos, thy book. The word is derived (Wachter) from the Gr. Птeр-ov, a wing (from TTE-EI, πetew, volare, to fly.) And thus, a feather is that which fleeth. To feather, to act with or upon the feathers.


To strip of, to clothe in, the feathers, with plumage; to dress or fit with, to move in, the feathers; to trim, to gather or collect them; and thus, (met.) to feather the nest; to gather or collect the means of warmth and comfort.

Ac for hus peyntede fetheres. the pokok his honourede. Piers Plouhman, p. 239

And ten broad arrowes held he there,

Of which fiue in his hond were

But they were shauen well and dight

Nocked and fethered aright.-Chaucer. Rom. of the lose. And to the crowe he stert, and that anon And pulled his white feathers everich on, And made him blak, and raft him all his song And eke his speche.-Id. The Manciples Tale, v. 17,253. Lordes, sayd this frere, there was ones a fowle appered in this worlde without ony fethers; and when al other fowles knew yt he was borne, they came to se hym, bicause he was so fayre and pleasaunt to beholde.

Berners. Froissart. Cronycle, vol. ii. c. 42.

Then he cried them mercy, and sayd, that he wolde amende himselfe, and noo more be prowde; and so then agayne these gentyll byrdes had pyte on hym and fethered hym agayne.-Id. Ib.

When, as from snow-crown'd Skidaw's lofty cliffs Some fleet-wing'd haggard, tow'rds her preying hour, Amongst the teal and moor-bred mallard drives, And th' air of all her feather'd flock doth scour. Drayton. The Barons' Wars, b. vi. They stuck not to say, that the king cared not to plume his nobilitie and people, to feather himselfe. Bacon. Hen. VII. p. 111

What pity it is that those wise masters were not of the counsel of the Almighty, when he was pleased to give a being to his creature; they would surely haue devised to make a winged elephant, and a corpulent gnat: a feather'd man, and a speaking beast.-Bp. Hall, Sol. 21.

This very word of patterning or imitating, excludes Episcopacy from the solid and grave ethical law, and betrays it to be a mere child of ceremony, or likelier some misbegotten thing, that having pluckt the gay feathers of her obsolete bravery, to hide her own deformed barrenness, now vaunts and glories in her stolen plumes.

Milton. Reason of Church Government, b. i. c. 3.
And Wisdom's self

Oft seeks to sweet retired solitude;
Where, with her best nurse, Contemplation,
She plumes her feathers, and lets grow her wings,
That in the various bustle of resort

Were all-to ruffled, and sometimes impair'd.-Id. Comus.

Thus works the hand of nature in the feathery plantation about birds.-Brown. Cyrus Garden, c. 3.

Which seems to be some feathery particle of snow.
Id. Vulgar Errours, b. ii. c. 1.
So when the new-born Phenix first is seen,
Her feather'd subjects all adore their queen,
And while she makes uer progress through the east,
From every grove her numerous train's increas'd:
Each Poet of the air her glory sings,
And round him the pleas'd audience clap their wings.
Dryden. To the Duchess of York.
Dame Partlett was the Sovereign of his heart,
Ardent in love, outrageous in his play,
He feather'd her full twenty times a day.

Id. The Cock & the Fox.

I took you into my house, placed you next myself, and made you governante of iny whole family. You have forgot this, have you, now you have feathered your nest?

Congreve. The Way of the World, Act v. Relin. Ay, on my conscience, fat as a barndoor fowl; but so bedeck'd, you would have taken them for Friesland hens, with their feathers growing the wrong way.

Id. The Old Batchelor, Act iv. Thither the household feathery people crowd, The crested cock, with all his female train, Pensive, and dripping.

Thomson. Winter.

Our resolutions are light and feathery, soon scattered by a storm of fear; it is as dangerous to trust in a heart of flesh, as in an arm of flesh.

Bates. Spiritual Reflections Unfolded, c. 12.

And yet at the first encounter of a strong temptation, our resolutions may cool and faint, and our vows of obedience may vanish as the "morning dew before the heat of the sun;" there is such a levity and featheriness in our minds, such a mutability and inconstancy in our hearts.

Id. The Sure Trial of Uprightness.

From Eurus, foe to kitchen ground,
Fenc'd by a slope with bushes crown'd,
Fit dwelling for the feather'd throng,
Who pay their quit rents with a song.-Green. The Spleen.

The volunteers have cloaths as fine, feathers as high, music of as martial a character, decorations of all sorts as captivating and imposing, as those of the regular troops. Windham. Speeches. Additional Force Bill, June 5, 1804.

At a word,

His feathery subjects in obedience flock
Around his feeding hand, who in return
Yield a delicious tribute to the board,
And o'er his couch their downy plumage spread.

Dodsley. Agriculture, c. 1. FEATURE, n. Minshew says Feature or FEATURED, adj. making. Fr. Faicture; It. FEATURELESS. Fattura; Sp. Hechurc Lat. Factura, from Facere, to make, form or fashion. Applied to

The form or fashion, the make, (sc.) of the body; of the face or countenance: (met.) of any subject of thought or speech.

Therto he was the semlieste man,
That is or was, sithen the world began;
What needeth it his feture to descrive?

A man of goodly presence and well favoured, and comely shape and feature of bodie, his lims streight and proportionably compact.-Holland. Ammianus, p. 27.

Their clay well featur'd, their well temper'd mould
Ambitious mortals make their chief pretence
To be the objects of delighted sense.

Beaumont. Of the Miserable State of Man.
Let those whom nature hath not made for stone,
Harsh, featureless, and rude, barrenly perish.

Shakespeare, son. II.

Words are but pictures, true or false design'd,
To draw the lines and features of the mind.

Butler. Satire upon Human Learning, pt. ii.
There Herbert sate-the love of human kind,
Pure light of truth, and temperance of mind,
In the free eye, the featur'd soul display'd,
Honour's strong beam, and mercy's melting shade.

Langhorne. The Country Justice, pt. i.

Her tow'ring domes let Richmond boast alone;
The sculptur'd statue and the breathing stone:
Alone distinguish'd on the plains of Stowe,
From Jones's hand the featur'd marble glow.

Id. Studley Park.

[blocks in formation]

As in the formerly mentioned instance of hops, currants, and salt, neither any of the ingredients inwardly given, nor the mixture hath been (that I know of) noted for any febrifugal virtues.-Boyle. Works, vol. ii. p. 158.

The same febrile matter, either by a deviation of nature or medicines improper or unskilfully given, is discharged sometimes upon the pleura, or membrane that lines the side of the chest, sometimes upon the throat, sometimes upon the guts.-Id. Ib. vol. iv. p. 766.

But the aliment will not be concreted, nor assimilated into chyle and so will corrode the vascular orifices, and thus will aggravate the febrific symptoms.

Fielding. The History of a Foundling, b. viii. c. 3. The acidity occasioned by the febrile matter may stimulate the nerves of the diaphragm, and thereby occasion a craving which will not be easily distinguishable from a natural appetite.-Id. Ib.

FEBRUARY. Į Fr. Feurier; It. Febraio, FEBRUA'TION. febraro; Sp. Febrero; Lat. Februarius; so called, because then the people (februaretur, hoc est, expurgaretur) were purified by sacrifices for the manes of the dead. Februa formed—a fervendo, whence also febris, fever, (qv.)

See Vossius.

Who being upon sending for corne, and having a presage or perceivance of the businesse to bee performed (as hee had

an inckling given him even by continuall dreames) would

neither be seene nor come abroad for two daies, avoiding the bissext or odd daye of the leap yeare in the moneth of Februarie.-Holland. Ammianus, p. 284.

March which before was the first, he made now the third, Chaucer. The Manciples Tale, v. 17,070. and January the first, which under Romulus was the eleventh and February the twelfth and last yet many are of opinion that Numa added these two, January and February.-North. Plutarch, p. 60.

Of all her feiters he shall take hede,
His eyen with all her limmes fede.-Id. Rom. of the Rose.

He made an image of entaile,
Liche to a woman in semblance,

[blocks in formation]

Some fantastick rites and februations to chase away mormoes and spectres.-Spenser. On Prodigies, p. 227. FE CES. FECULENT.



Fr. Fèces, féculent; Lat. Fer, fecis, is the excrement of any thing so called-a faciendo'; according to Perottus, (but Vossius is not decisive.) And thus feculence isFilth or foulness, impurity, the dregs.


Blessed be heaven,

I sent you of his feces there calcined.

B. Jonson. The Alchymist, Act ii. sc. 3. Herein may be perceived slender perforations, at which may be expressed a black and fæculent matter. Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. ill. c. 17.

And by the favour of an easie simile we may affirm them [Philosophical souls] to be to the body as the light of a candle to the gross and faeculent snuff; which, as it is not pent up in it, so neither doth it partake of its stench and impurity. Glanvill. Vanity of Dogmatizing, c. 24.

Besides the vinous liquor, the fermented juice of the grapes is partly turned into liquid drops or lees, and partly into that crust or dry feculency, that is commonly called tartar.-Boyle. Works, vol. i. p. 580.

That a subtile terrestrious substance may lurk undiscerned, even in limpid liquors, may appear in wine, which rejects and fastens to the sides of the containing vessel a tartar, abounding in terrestrious feculency. Id. Ib vol. ii p. 78. He [Joseph] preserved his sincere and constant innocence, as the sun its undefiled lustre, in the midst of all the fecuient exhalations that ascend from the earth.

Bates. The Great Duty of Resignation.

That the inhabitants of the air, (birds and insects,) need the air as well as man, and other animals, is manifest from their speedy dying in too feculent or too much rarefied air. Derham. Physico-Theology, b. i. c. 1. (Note 4.) Thither [to cities] flow

As to a common and most noisome sewer,
The dregs and feculence of every land.-Cowper. Task, b. i.

It was long before the spirit of true piety and true wisdom, involved in the principles of the Reformation, could be depurated from the dregs and feculence of the contention with which it was carried through.-Burke. Sp. at Bristol.

FECIAL. Lat. Fecialis or fetialis; plainly so called, says Varro, a fatu, that is, fando: because they were the orators or spokesmen employed on certain great public occasions.

When the greater number of them there present accord thereunto, then by generall consent they were wont to proclaime war in this order: that the fecial or king at armes should go with a javelin, having an iron head, or with a red bloodie spear burnt at the end, as far as to their borders or marches.-Holland. Livius, p. 24.


Fr. Fécond, (Cotgrave has also the verb féconder, to make fertile or fruitful;) Lat. Facundus, from Fetus, which Scaliger thinks is from the Gr. POT-av, coire; Vossius, from the ancient Feo, fetum; of the same meaning. Generating, producing, fruitful.

But the Cornyshe men inhabytyng the least parte of the realme, and the same sterile and without all fecunditee compleyned and grudged greatly, affyrmyng that they were not hable to paye suche a greate somme as was of theim demaunded.-Hall. Hen. VII. an. 12.

The more sickly the years are, the less fecund or fruitful of children also they be.-Graunt. Obs. on Bills of Mortality.

These meditations naturally issue and run to the right hand and to the left, for this head; and may properly refresh and fecundate ev'n the best mould they fall upon, as well as soften and unparch the dryest and barrenest earth they pass over.-Mountague. Devoute Essayes, pt. ii. Treat. 4. s. 4.

Hence we cannot infer a fertilitating condition or property of fecundation.—Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. vii. c. 7.

In God there is this inexplicable mystery, there is unity, of the divine essence, there is a natural fecundity and emanation of a plurality of persons, in which consists God's incapacity of solitariness.-Mount. Dev. Ess. pt. i. Tr. 17. s. 1.

and singleness without solitude; for out of the singularity

by seed with a lasting vitality, that so if by reason of exces sive cold, or drought, or any other accident, it happen not to germinate the first year, it will continue its fecundity, I do not say two or three, nor six or seven, but even twenty or thirty years.-Ray. On the Creation, pt. i.

And for the security of such species as are produc'd only

We shall find in each the same vivacity and fecundity of invention, the same life and strength of imaging and colouring, the particular descriptions as highly painted, the figures as bold, the metaphors as animated, and the numbers as harmonious, and as various.-Pope. Homer. Odyssey, Post.

The flowers of the male plant are produced under water, and as soon as the fecundating farina is mature they sepa rate themselves from the plant, rise to the surface, and are wafted by the air, or borne by the currents, to the female flowers.-Darwin. Botanic Garden, 1. 395. Note.

From this vessel projects a tube, through which tube the farina, or some subtile fecundating effluvium that issues from it, is admitted to the seed.-Paley. Nat. Theol. c. 20.

What further shows, that the system of destruction amongst animals holds an express relation to the system of fecundity; that they are parts indeed of one compensatory scheme; is that in each species the fecundily bears a proportion to the smallness of the animal, to the weakness, to the shortness of its natural term of life, and to the dangers and enemies by which it is surrounded.-Id. Ib. c. 26.

The Press from her fecundous womb Brought forth the Arts of Greece and Rome.



Green. The Spleen. Lat. Fœdus. Of the various etymologies which Vossius has collected, he prefers a fide. See FIDE


Of or pertaining to a league or covenant. Fedary and federary, in Shakespeare, are the same word differently written, (having no connection whatever with feud or feudatory,) and signify, a colleague, associate or confederate. See Feodary, in Minshew.

As are the degrees of our restitution and accesse to the first federal condition, so also are the degrees of our pardon. Bp. Taylor. Great Exemplar, pt. ii. Dis. 9. This rite of eating together the Gentiles did use, especially after such sacrifices as were federal, unto this intent, that by that superadded custom of eating together, upon or after sacrificing, they might the more ratify and confirm such covenants, first made, and begun by sacrificing.

Goodwin. Works, vol. i. pt. iii. p. 21. She's a traytor, and Camilla is

A federarie with her.

Shakespeare. Winter's Tale, Act ii. sc. 1. O damn'd paper, Black as the inke that's on thee: senselesse bauble, Art thou a foedarie for this act; and look'st

So virgin-like without?-Id. Cymbeline, Act iii. sc. 2. Sweden and Denmark were united by a foederal compact under one monarch; but the Swedes judging a separation more for their interest, broke off and chose Gustavus I. for their king.-Proceedings in the Parliament of Scotland relating to the Union.

In the weaker and more imperfect societies of mankind, such as those compos'd of the federale tribes, or mix'd colonies, scarce settled in their new seats, it might pass for sufficient good-fortune, if the people proved only so far masters of language as to be able to understand one another, in order to confer about their wants, and provide for their common necessities. Shaftesbury. Advice to an Author, pt. ii. s. 2. They who eat in the feast on that sacrifice are partakers of the supposed benefits of the sacrifice, and consequently, are parties to the federal rites which confirmed those benefits; so that the same man could not, consistently with himself, be partaker of the Lord's table, and that of Devils.

Warburton. Divine Legation, b. ix. c. 2.

We see every man that the Jacobins chuse to apprehend, taken up in his village or in his house, and conveyed to prison without the least shadow of resistance; and this indifferently, whether he is suspected of royalism, or federalism, moderantism, democracy royal, or any other of the names of faction which they start by the hour.

Burke. Remarks on the Policy of the Allies. In a federate alliance, the two societies still subsist intire; though in a subordination of one to the other; in which case, it seems agreeable to natural equity, that no alteration in church government be made without the joint consent of both.-Warburton. Alliance between Church and State, b.ii.

The potentates of Europe have by that law, a right, an interest, and a duty to know with what government they are to treat, and what they are to admit into the federative society, or, in other words, into the diplomatick republic of Europe.-Burke. Remarks on the Policy of the Allies.

Is he obliged, from the concessions he wished to be made to the colonies, to keep any terms with those clubs and federations, who hold out to us as a pattern for imitation, the proceedings in France, in which a king, who had voluntarily and formally divested himself of the right of taxation, and of all other species of arbitrary power, has been dethroned? Id. Appeal from the New to the Old Whigs.

FE'DITY. Lat. Fadus, filthy, foul. Of uncertain etymology.

A second may be the fodity and unnaturalness of the match.-Bp. Hall. Cases of Conscience, Dec. 4. c. 10.

For that hee seeing and perceiving what sodomiticall feditie and abomination, with other inconueniences, did spring incontinently vpon that his diabolicall doctrine, yet for all that would not give ouer his pestilent purpose. Fox. Martyrs, p. 1063. Priests Marriage.

Somner thinks from the A. S. Feo, (Goth. Faihu,) pecunia, preProbably from the See FEALTY, ENFEOFF,

FEE, n. FEE, V. FEELING, n. tium, opes. old Fr. Fe; Lat. Fides. FEUD, &C.

Any thing granted by one, and held by another, upon oath or promise of fealty or fidelity; any thing paid, given, and received, upon trust reposed of a faithful performance of duty; as a reward or recon pence, a perquisite.

The Glossarist to G. Douglas explains Fee, be Fee; quia olim sola præmia et munera erant pecora; because cattle were formerly the only rewards or gifts; but there seems no necessity for a second etymology.

Zuf a man of holi chirche halt eni lay fe,
Person, other wat he be, he sal do theruore
Kinge's servise.
R. Gloucester, p. 471.
Therfor vnto tham tuo he gaf Gryffyn's feez,
For South Wales holy thei mad the kyng feautez.
R. Brunne, p. 63.
The said defendant, by untrue surmises of a conceale-

ment, hath obtayned in fee-farme a hospitall, not dissolved nor disolvable.-Id. p. 417. Account of a Hospital, &c.

Without that, that this complainant ought not to be priveledged in this courte, to sue or impleade her majestie's fee-farmer, or the tenements of the saide hospitall, supposed to be concealed.-Id. Ib.

Han made hire kyn nyghtes. and knyght fees purchase.
Piers Plouhman, p. 79.

What shuld I saye? but at the monthes ende
This joly clerk Jankin, that was so hende,
Hath wedded me with great solempnitee,
And to hime yave I all the lond and fee
That ever was me yeven therbefore.

Chaucer, The Wif of Bathes Prologue, v. 6212.

I see that chance hath chosen me
Thus secretlye to liue in payne,
And to another geuen the fee,

Of all my losse to haue the gayne.

Wyatt. The Louer complaineth his Estate.

But if any be vsurers, they take of them satisfaction and bribes and so be permitted to vse their vsurie, no lesse than before, so that they may haue their old fees and bribes. Fox. Martyrs, p. 326. Usury craftily objected agst. Laymen.

This paper has vndone me. 'Tis th' accompt
Of all that world of wealth I haue drawne together
For mine owne ends; (Indeede to gaine the Popedome,
And fee my friends in Rome.
Shakespeare. Hen. VIII. Act iii. sc. 2.
Thou would'st be fee'd I see, to make me sport.
Id. 1 Pt. Hen. VI. Acti. sc. 4.

What should I speake of the secret frands in contracts, booties in matches, subornation of instruments, hiring of oathes. feeing of officers, equivocations of answers, and tenne thousand other tricks that the heart of man hath devised for the conveyances of sin.-Bp. Hall. The Great Impostor.

I was sent for, (who least thought it) and received the free collation of the poor dignitie, it was not the value of the place. (which was but nine nobles per annum,) that we aimed at, but the freedome of a goodly church, (consisting of a dean and eight prebendaries competently endowed,) and many thousand souls lamentably swallowed up by wilfull recusants, in a pretended fee-farme for ever.

Id. Some Specialties of his Life.

If this man having fee-simple in his lands, yet will take a lease of his own lands from another, this shall be an estopple to him in an assize from the recovering of his own land.

Milton. Colasterion.

When I came to pay the clerk of the council his fees, she refused to pay them for me, and told me I had betrayed her; and so notwithstanding her promise I was obliged to pay the fees myself at the council."

State Trials, an. 1680. Elizabeth Cellier.

Watch the disease in time: For when, within
The dropsy rages, and extends the skin,
In vain for hellebore the patient cries;
And fees the doctor: but too late is wise.

Dryden. Perseus, Sat. 3. And therefore Sir Henry Spelman defines a feud or fee to be the right which the vasal or tenant hath in land, to use the same, and take the profits thereof to him and his heirs, rendering to the Lord his due services.

Blackstone. Commentaries, b. ii. c. 7.

[blocks in formation]

The common verb now, is to enfeeble, (qv.) To weaken, to debilitate; to impair or diminish, the strength or vigour, the firmness or stability.

Feblyche he lyued al hys lyue, and deyde in feble dethe.
R. Gloucester, p. 301.

Uter, the gode kynge, (of wham we speke by vore,)
Was feble after that he was in the hors bere y bore,
That he moste vor feblesse nede holde hym stylle,
Ther vore the luther Saxons so much adde her wylle.
Id. p. 165.
Kyng Wyllam wende agen, tho al thys was ydo,
And bygan sone to grony & to febly al so.-Id. p. 380.
This wer agrete trespas, a gayn myn owen inwitte,
So febli forto wirke, for drede of Gode's awe.
R. Brunne, p 156.
For hii eteth more fisch than flesch. and feble ale drenken.
Piers Plouhman, p. 95

So feble were his spirites, and so low, And changed so, that no man coude know His speche ne his vois, though men it herd. Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 1371. For loke how greatly sheweth the feblenesse and infirmitie of wicked folk, that ne mowen not commen, to that her naturall entencion leadeth hem.-Id. Boecius, b. iv.

My hors is nowe feble and badde,

And all to tore is myn arraie.-Gower. Con. A. b. iv.
And thus feeblesse is set alofte,

And strengthe was put vnder foote.-Id. Ib. b. ii. His back against the tree, sore febled all with faint, With weary sprite, he stretcht hym vp and thus he told his plaint. Surrey. Complaint of a Dying Louer, &c. Thus feblyshed thenglisch capitaynes: for the same yere there dyed also the Lorde Spensar, a great baron in England, and a good knight.-Berners. Froiss. Cron. vol. i. c. 315. His heed maye be harde, but feble his brayne.

Skelton. Prologue to the Bouge of Court. And yet when by the places cōferred wel togither, the feblenesse of his answere shal appeare: then shall he lese prayse of shortnesse to.-Sir T. More. Workes, p. 931.

By easie journeys he brought him to the abbey of Leycester, the xxvii. day of November, where for very feeblenesse of nature, caused by purgations and vomites, he died the second night following, and in the same abbey lieth buried. Fox. Martyrs, p. 909. Death of Cardinal Wolsey.

If thou be feble-harted, saye, Lorde increase my faythe. Bale. Image, pt. L

Mir. "Tis true, ye are old, and feebled;
Would ye were young again, and in full vigor.
Beaum. & Fletch. Wild Goose Chase, Act i. sc. 3.
Many a burning sun

Has sear'd my body, and boil'd up my blood,
Feebled my knees, and stampt a meagerness
Upon my figure, all to find out knowledge.

Id. The Island Princess, Act iv. sc. 1.
Yet whilest I in this wretched vale doo stay,
My wearie feete shall ever wandring be,
That still I may be readie on my way,

When as her messenger doth come for me;

Ne will I rest my feete for feblenesse.-Spenser, Daph. 6.

Close by each other laid, they press'd the ground,
Their manly bosoms pierc'd with many a griesly wound;
Nor well alive, nor wholly dead they were,
But some faint signs of feeble life appear.

Dryden. Palamon & Arcite. With continual pains teaching the grammar-school there, and preaching, he changed this life for a better, in great feebleness of body more than of soul and mind.

Strype. Memorials. Q. Mary, an. 1554 Yet there I've wander'd by the vaulted rill; Yes! sigh'd o'er Delphi's long deserted shrine, Where, save that feeble fountain, all is still.

Byron. Childe Harold's Pilgrimage ^.1. Alas, Hilaria! what is life's short date But the brief passage to our endless state! Of which Heav'n wisely hides the term assign'd In pity to our feebleness of mind.

Boyse. To the Disconsolate Hilaria.
Scarce her legs

Feebly she drags, with wheezing labour, on,
And motion slow; a willow wand directs
Her tottering steps, and marks her for the grave.


| FooDY.

Thomson. Sickness, b. il. Goth. Fodjan; A. S. Fed-un; Dut. Voeden; Ger. Weiden, faden; Sw. Foeda. (Junius would derive from Bore, and Skinner from Lat. Pasc-erc.) A. S. Fed-an, fovere, pascer, nutrire; to feed, to nourish, to cherish, (Somner.) To which may be added,

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