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an yron chymney, a chare & a litle boord xx. xx pare of shets vj'. xiij3, iiija. xiij pare of pillowbers xxiij. iiij. iiij linen boord clothes & iiij harden xx. viij lining towels xiij. iiij. One diap' table clothe & a dosen diap' napkins xxvj. viijd. ij dosen table napkins xijs. THE CHAMBER OVER THE KITCHING. One pare of turned bedstokes (with bedding & hangings) vj'. xiij“. iiijd. One pare of cerved bedstokes (with bedding & hangings) iij. vjs. viijd. Two dosen quisshinges & a half xls. Lining clothe & harden ix'. One flanders chist one litle cupstole, one ehare, one yron chimney & a forme with the hangings on the chamber xxvj. viijd. In playt xxvj'. xiij. iiijd. His app'ell xl'. KITCHINGE All the brasen potts, spets, rackes and other kitching vessell vj'. xiij3. iiijd. THE NEW CHAMBER One Table ij trussing bedstokes, ij fetherbedds, iiijor blanketts, iiij cov❜letts iiij shets ij bolsters & one cov'ing iij. vj. viijd. THE CHEMBER OVER THE NEW CHAMBER. Two pare of bedstokes (with bedding) xxvj. viij. One litle yron chimney, ij chares and one chest xjs. viijd. THE LARDEr house One great troughe, iij tubbes & a runlett x3. THE CHAPPELL. CHAMBER One trussing bed one fether bed (with bedding) xxvj. viija. THE CHAPPELL LOFT Two bedstokes, ij mattresses &c xvj. THE STABLE LOFT & CHAMBER Three pair of bedstokes (beds & bedding) xx. THE MILK HOUSE The wood vessel lxxvj. viijd. ij garnish of puther vessel iij'. vj3. viijd. THE NEW GARNER. One quarter of malte xiij. iiijd. iij cheses & xiiij stone of butter iij'. THE OLD GARNER. One ark and ij tonies vjs. viijd. vj bushels of rye xvj3. vj bushels of grots vj.. viiijd. One spinninge whele, iij pare of cards, iij pare of sheres, one fleke & ij basketts vj. viijd. Woll xviij'. vj. viijd. THE BACK HOUSE & BREW HOUSE. viij seckes & ij window clothes xvj. iij bouting tubbes one long table with other stuff xx". ij grete tubbes v soes, ij maskfatts & ij litle tubbis xxvj. viija. THE OXE HOUSE Thre pars of

bedstoks (with bedding) xvj. viijd. not buried xx thraves liij. iiijd.


Cattle, furniture, &c.

In rye

GRAYSTONES the same.

Servants wages xxj'. x3. viijd. Funeral expenses xxx'.


In the name of god amen The xxt of maij in the yeare of o' lord god 1567 I will'm broune of gatished in the countye of duresme yeoman callinge to remembranne the transitorie stat of man to gither with the p'swasions of sathan is a enemye

to the saluac❜on of man do not only declare this my last wyll and testament in man' as a stay to my consienc my wyffe & chyldrein but also in few wordes declare ye some of my profession as a testimonie of my ffayth and confusione of the deuyll ffiyrst I p'fesse and confesse one god in trinitie & that ther is no sauio no mediator nor advocat butt onlye Jesus Christ god and man & yt he allon by ye sheddinge of his most precius blodd haith pacyfied the wrath of god Justlye conceyved against man & that there is no sanctaficac'on no redempc'on no purgac'on of synne but onlye by the merits of the Christs deaith & passion & all other superstitions & feyned cattells onlye deuised to illud the symple and vnlerned as ye vile abuses of ye sea of Rome I vtterlye detest & abhore and as tuchinge my last will and testament ffyrst I bequeth my soull to almightie godd and my bodye to be buryed within my p'ishe churche of gatisIt'm I gyve to the poore mans box ij§. &c.*



An Invitory of all ye goods & cattells we were margaret gascoignes singlewoman wtin ye bishopbrick of durha' lait deceased at ye whyt friers in london p'sed by Thom's lacy gentilman A° Dn'i 1567 ye xxiiij of march.

First one lease of grang called oxnold feld night dallington maid by ye Right honorable Henry lait Erle of Westmerland to hir in recompenc of hir childs porc'on wich he had remaining in his hands of ye yerely value of lx1 ye rents paid & all other paments discharged. Item ye said erle did by his last will & testament geve & bequith vnto hir all yt his interest & lease for terme of yeres we he had in ye deanrye of darlington of ye yerly value ye rents paid &c. of xl'. She nether aught any debts nor yet gave any legaces. First a goune of chaungable taffatie laid one w gold laic lxvj. viij. A goune of silk grogram laid one wt silke laic xlvjs. viijd. One old goune of moccado xxvj. viijd. Two kirtells wherof one of changable tafatie tho'ther of grogram xxx". Two peticotts thone of skerlet th'other of stamell xxxvs. Two frenche hodes wt lytle billiment of gold lxvjs. viijd. Other necessary app'ell xxvj3. viija. S'ma of ye app'ell xiiij'. xviijs. iiija.

Daughter, apparently, of Sir Henry Gascoigne, of Sedbury, in Richmondshire, by Margaret, daughter of Sir R. Cholmley, which Margaret after the death of her first husband, became the second wife of Henry, Earl of Westmorland, who seems to have got into his hands the fortune of the deceased, and to have granted her a lease near Darlington in its stead.




Inventory 3 Ap. 1557 Inter alia, Thre spones wt knoppes of our ladie & v wt lyons p'cell gilt xxx. A lytle peac of silver p'cell gilt xx". A lytle salt doble gilt x. Fleshe in ye backes xl. Geese & pullen vj. viija.


An trew Inventorye of all suche goods as Sir John Welles prest had in his chamber at Durham at the houre of his deathe the xxvij of Aprill 1567 One Iron chimney wth tonges and other things therto belonging v3. One happing two blanketts & two codds ijs. Two pressors one litle almerye two litle tables two charrs iiij quishons x3. Two gowens, ij clocks, one cotte and two pair of hose xx3. His books xiij. iiijd. His colles and his woode iij. iiijd. His songe books ijs. vjd. Mony in his purse xiijs. viijd. S'm lvj3. ija.


An Inve'tory of all the goods app'tening John fetherstone of hartilpole the vj day of marche (1567) deceased.

Inp'mis lawrenc botson owing vnto ye said John fetherston vj foder of lead xlij'. Rob't cuthbart j fodr of lead vij'—cuthbart natres halff j foder of lead the pric iij x3-Raphe howrd j foder & a half of lead the pric x-gye fetherston ij fod of lead xiij1 vj3 viija—myhell fetherstone j fod of lead vj1 xiij3. iiija— will'm lawe owing to ye said John ij lods of lead vre pric xxviijs -wm dobbinson half j lode of vre pc vijs-Raphe ritter j lode & iij horse lode of vre xxiiijs vjd-John wright & henry muthyson halfe j lode of vre pric vijs-the workme' of ye grengreves iij horse lod vre pric xs vjd-John watson & Rob't his sonne half j lode of vre pric vij-georg peirt iij horse lode of vre x' vjd. wm ruter half j lode of vre vijs-Roland gibson j lode of vre xiiijs-Ric heryson half j lode of vre vijs-xp'ofor baynbrig

1 Of the family of Featherston or Featherstonhaugh, of Stanhope, and stationed apparently at Hartlepool, then one of the principal sea-ports of the county, as a seller of the lead which constituted the chief wealth of his family. The price of lead at the period, and of the raw ore, in which the deceased had an interest, will not fail to attract attention.

mathew bay'brig & xp'ofor short iiij lode of vre & iij horse lode pric iij-The workmen of allersyk j lode of vre xviijs-John gibson ij lode of vre xxviijs-gvy fetherston iij lode of vre xlijs -Ric cuthbart j lode & a half vre xxj-Ravfe fetherston iij lode of vre xlijs-myhell fetherston iij lode of vre xlijs-thom's shell ij lode of vre xxviijs-Ric' watson j lode of vre xiiijswedowe Richardson half j lode of vre vijs-thom's blacket in mony xx3-wm Jacson half j lode of vre vijs-Ric' watson in mony xl-Rowland nattres in mony xxj'-georg burddese in mony xx3-thom's grise in mony ix-georg Robinson in mony vj viijd-thom's raice in monye ijs-thom's Robinson in mony xlvj viija-S'ma totals exijl viijs. x. Prased by thes iiij sworne men lanclot lanchestr Raphe fetherston John em'son & John gib



my mor

In the name of god Amen the iiij day of fabruarij ye yere of our lord god 1567 I Ravf Claxton of en'thornton [? enner throston] of ye p'ich of hart wthin ye countie of durhame of wholl mynd & good reme'branc thanks be to god maks this my testament wherin is conteyned my last will in man' & furme folowing ffirst & pryncypally I bequieth my soull to almightie god my maker & redem' & to all ye holye c'pany of heven & my bodie to be buried in the church of hartellpolle wt tuarie dew & accostomed by the lawe I geve to ye porc mens boxe xijd. I geve to Agnes Claxton my wyf all my household gere boith in the hawll house & in the cha'ber. I geve to georg claxton my sonne one bay meire I geve to xp'ofor Claxton my sonne one whyt felly stagg two yeres old. I geve to thom's claxton my sonne a folle of a yere old. I geve to hewelson one yewe & a lame & vjs viijd in monye I geve to esabell claxton my doughter iiij bz of wheat iiij bz of bigg iiij bz of peese & iiij bz of otts when god sends yt of the ground. Also I geve to my wyf Agnnes claxton the leas of my fremhold during hir lyf naturall if she mary not but & yf she mary then I will that georg claxton my sonne shall have the said lease & fermhold during all my yeres to come I give to ye said georg my sone the leas of my fermhold aft my wyfs decese I geve to bryane Claxton one Jackett I geve to my said wyf Agnes claxton my steaplead & one gray amling stagg the residewe of my goods not bequieth my debts & legacs paid my funerall expencs deduct I geve one thyrd of my said goods to agnes claxton my wyf one other thyrd of my goods to georg claxton

to thom's claxton and to xp'ofor claxton my somes & one other thyrd of my goods I geve the one half to agnes claxton my wyf whome I mak the one half executrix of this my last will & testament & the other half of the said thyrd pt of my goods I geve to georg claxton thom's claxton & to xp'ofor claxton my sons whome I mak the other half executors of this my last will & Testament providet allways that yf agnes claxton my wyf & georg claxton thom's & xp'ofor sones have no troble vexac'one nor busynes by Ric' Claxton my sone nor by h's meanes nether as I the said Ravf Claxton standith bound to one win heron of london in one band obligatorie in a certene some of xx the we obligac'on the said Ric' claxton haith co'fessed to me his father yt ye said obligac'on is discharged all redie & yf it be so according to ye saing of the said Ric' Claxton my sonne & yf he do according as before reheresed y' then I will yt the said Ric' claxton my sonne have as much & as larg a part of my goods as any as my iij sonnes yt is to say georg thom's and xp'ofor claxton my sonnes other wayes the said Ric' Claxton have no porc'on nor p't of my said goods Thes witnesses of this my last & testame't wm merman Rob Swalwell wm hereson wm hett Ric' tood wt other moy.




In the name of god Amen the xxvth day of Julij in the yeare of our lord god a thowesand five hundreth sextie and seven I Jane haule of the p'ishe of sothe bayle Ine the citie of durh'm wedowe hole of mynd and In good and perfect remembrance praised be god ordayne and maike this my p'sent testament and last will in maner and forme folowing first I geve and bequithe my soule to almightie god my redemer and savior my body to be buried in my said p'ishe church wth my mortuary according to the laudable custome of the lawes of this realme etc. It' I geve and bequithe to my Mr Mr will'm bennet' ij of the greatest candlesticks and a pair of linen sheats wth a pillober vj twilt napkings a silver spone and the riall wch his nece gave me geve to Thomas Sehame ij doblers, ij dishes. It' I geve to phillopp perkinson a dubler a dishe, a saucer, and a pother basing. It' I bequithe to Edward Writer a dobler a dishe, a saucer, a candlestick. It' I geve to John welche a dobler a dishe and a candlesticke. It' I geve and bequith to bartolemew florence

The first Prebendary of the Fourth Stall.

It' I

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