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From Wм. SMITH to Dr. BELL.


Devanelli Fort, 8th April, 1794.

I TAKE the liberty to inform you that we arrived here the 28th ultimo, without any particular occurrence in the way. The day after our arrival we made our firft vifit to the Sultaun, and he entertained us at his court for upwards of three hours.

On the 1ft instant Captain Doveton fent me an order to open the boxes, and lay out the machines, to fhew them to the Sultaun. Accordingly on the 3d I was fent for, and I exhibited the following experiments, viz. head and wig, dancing images, electric ftool, cotton fired, fmall receiver and ftand, hemifpheres, Archimedes's fcrew, fyphon, Tantalus's cup, water-pump, condenfing engine, &c. Captain Doveton was prefent, and explained, as I went on, to the Sultaun, who was giving an inftance of his being acquainted with fome of thefe experiments. He has fhewn us a condenfing engine made by himself, which fpouted water higher than ours. He defired me to teach two men, his aruz-begs.

On the 7th I was again fent for, and the following were exhibited: tumbler and balls, fealing-wax, twelve men fhocked, among whom were several khans and vackeels-electric ftool: a man of eminent rank stood, and the Sultaun applied his hand about the man to receive fhocks. Inflammable air fired; at which he was aftonished at firft, and afterwards greatly pleased. Bladder burft; after which he applied his hand upon the receiver; bladder and weight. Pneumatic bell; microfcope; mechanical powers. At his own request the following were exhibited: fyphon, Archimedes's fcrew, waterpump, Tantalus's cup, and condenfing engine. Captain Doveton was not prefent. The Sultaun walked round the inftruments, and handled feveral apparatufes. He defired me more than once to teach a man, who profeffed feveral mechanic arts, the doctrine of the fyphon, Archimedes's fcrew, and the water-pump.

After the experiments were over, the Sultaun requested me to stay eight of ten days, and promised to fend with me a couple of hircarrahs to Kiftnagherry, the place I told him where is my employment as a writer.

I am now removed into the fort, where a very good place is provided for me and the machines. Tippoo Sultaun was pleafed to prefent me with a hundred rupees, which, except thirty, I have delivered to Captain Doveton, in order to have it conveyed to Captain Read.

I am, Reverend Sir,

With the moft fincere gratitude and refpect,
Your very humble fervant,


WILLIAM SMITH. Kiftnagherry, May 4th, 1794.-I was nineteen days detained in the fort of Devanelli, at which interval of time I taught the aruz-begs every experiment, that the apparatus can admit of being performed. The Sultan was pleased to fend me with an hircarrah and two fepoys to conduct me out of his country, whom I difmiffed at Ryacotah, with a receipt from Lieut. Macgregor, of the 4th bat. of nat. inf. commanding Ryacotah.

Tripatore, 12th May, 1794.I have the honour to inform you that I arrived here the 6th inftant, and commenced writing for Captain Read, and to fuperintend the boys. Of fome particulars that occurred while I remained at Devanelli, after I wrote the letter dated 8th April, I now take the liberty to write you.

--It would, I believe, be otherwife, if I were to handle those instruments. But the cafe was thus: the aruz-begs were to perform what experiments they wanted to learn, while I, at the distance of three or four yards, was only to inform them when they were.wrong.

The object I had in view, before I begun to make out directions how to perform experiments, was, that if the Sultaun wanted his men to be taught, I might have the directions tranflated into their language. Accordingly I afked those men if they wanted written directions, but they answered me, that they have no names to give to the apparatus, elfe they would fet about tranflating it.

May 28th. I most heartily thank you for this last kind favour (which I received the 20th inftant,) among many other very ftrong proofs of your attention and intereft towards my welfare; and I hope I will always have it in the best of my power to deferve fuch.

I will, with the greatest pleasure, inform you whatever elfe happened during my refidence in the Sultaun's country.

I can affure you that Tippoo Sultaun was mightily pleafed with the electric machine, and the air-pump, efpecially the electric machine. He was prepared for every experiment I exhibited, except the firing of the inflammable air.

I was greatly furprised when he called out to thofe, who were juft preparing hand in hand, in order to receive a fhock, to ftand without emotion, and that they will presently feel fomething fuddenly pafs through them; and when it was done, he laughed much at their staring at one another without speech.

When a man ftood on the ftool, I gave him the large metallic knob into his hand; but the Sultaun defired me to take it back from him, telling me, at the fame time, that it is of no use, and that the man's fift is fufficient.

It did coft me feveral minutes before the firing of the inflammable air proved fuccessful (having never understood that, by the point of the discharger applied to the knob of the piftol, I could more effectually discharge it than by the knob), during which interim he was in a very impatient emotion; and when that was done, it did indeed furprise him. He defired me to go over it three times.

--I take the liberty to write for your information the familiar difcourfe Tippoo Sultaun was pleased to enter into with me, that took place at the clofe of the experiments.

There were fome filver trumpets newly made brought into him for his infpection, and which he defired the trumpeters to found hauw and jauw, i. e. come and go. After which he asked me if they were like those I saw at Madras. I answered "Yes; but thofe at Madras are made of copper." He asked me again, whether the tune were any thing like what I have ever heard. I answered, No. "How then," fays he, and prefently, ordering the inftrument to be put into my hands, defired me to blew. I told him very civilly, that I could not blow. "No," fays he, "you could; what are you afraid of?" I told him again that I fpoke truth, and that I was brought up in a school, where my mafter informed me what lying was, and always punished those boys that spoke untruths. He begun again, in afking, if I knew how the trumpets were used for fpeaking on board of fhips? I told him that I never was on board of ships. "Why," fays he, "did you never take a walk on the fea-fhore to fee fuch things?" "Yes, fir," answered I, "I have been several times on the fea-fhore, but the fhips are at a great distance from me; I can hardly difcern a man on the maft or deck of a fhip." Question: Whether only one fort of mufic, or more, are used at Madras? Ans. Many of each fort, and they are diftinguished by these names, viz. drums, fifes, flutes, clarinets, French-horn, and baffoon. Question: On what occafion de they use these mufics? Ans. For foldiers to march, to falute, to retreat, and fuch like.

The fubject on mufic he ended, and the next was to this effect.

He asked me whether I am an Englishman. I answered, Yes; but that I am a native of India. Queftion: What employment are those Englishmen and natives of India put into? Ans. Firft they are put into school inftituted by the firkar, and, at the age of twelve or fourteen years, they are put out in order to learn trade or business-as a mechanic, merchant, failor, writer, and fuch like. Queft. Whether they are enlisted as foldiers? Ans. No.

June 11th. After this the Sultaun arose-(five hours being elapfed) to quit the court, and defired the prefent (of a hundred rupees) to be delivered into my hands, with thefe words: "This is given you as a prefent for the trouble you took in performing thofe experiments, which verily pleafed me:" and a command, that I am to ftay in the fort ten days: "After which," he continued, "I will fend you to Kiftnagherry with rwo hircarrals, in order to conduct yon fafely through my country." I returned the compliment with falam, in the manner I was inftructed, saying, that I thankfully accept hi prefent, and am willing to obey his commands. The language which the Sultaun ufed, was the Carnatic Malabar. Mine very little differed from his. Poornhia was the interpreter of such terms as the Sultaun did not understand, and Capt. Doveton favoured me with his butler (who underflood and spoke the Moor language to perfection) to help me in going through the experiments,









ON THE 28TH OF JUNE, 1796.

THAT HAT the Right Honourable the Governor, for the time being, be folicited to become Prefident, and the Members of Council, and Commander in Chief, Vice Presidents.

2. That a number not lefs than Sixteen, nor exceeding Twenty-four Gentlemen, moft likely to refide at the Prefidency, be conftituted Directors, of which number the following, from their official fituations, fhall be confidered per


The Chaplains,

The two Church Wardens,

The Military Secretary,

The Civil Secretary,

The Military Auditor General,

The Commandant of Artillery,

The Chief Engineer,

The Adjutant General of the Army,

The Quarter Mafter General of the Army,

The Phyfician General,

The Adjutant General, or Deputy Adjutant General, of his Majefty's

[blocks in formation]

3. That a felect Committee of Six Directors (exclufive of the Treasurer and Secretary) be chofen, who are to be a ftanding Monthly Committee, to meet regularly at the Asylum, on the first Wedne day of every month, for the difcuffion of the current business of the Inftitution; any two of whom, with the Prefident, or Senior Director present, acting as such, are to be confidered as a competent Committee.

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