... one he glided out of the wainscoting and crept down the corridor. On reaching the room occupied by the twins, which I should mention was called the Blue Bed Chamber, on account of the colour of its hangings, he found the door just ajar. Wishing to... Lord Arthur Savile's Crime & Other Stories - Strana 124podµa Oscar Wilde - 1891 - Počet stránok 168Úplné zobrazenie - O tejto knihe
 | Dorothy Scarborough - 1921 - Počet stránok 464
...occupied by the twins, which I should mention was called the Blue Bed Chamber on account of the color of its hangings, he found the door just ajar. Wishing...so, the consequences might have been very serious. should be attacked by the twins. The final blow he received occurred on the 1gth of September. He had... | |
 | Počet stránok 959
...an 'twere in death!' He then retired to a comfortable lead coffin, and stayed there till evening. IV slightest noise. For five days he kept his room, and...he could go, and the next day he was laid up with a He now gave up all hope of ever frightening this rude American family, and contented himself, as a... | |
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