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whose books, as different as
works of fiction well can be,
stand highest in the apprecia-
tion of those who value the best.


because of his novels will probably live long as the
great interpreter of Spain-a land which desper-
ately needs to see herself and have the western
world know her as she is. Look at the list:

The Mayflower (Published April 9)

"Its characters are real. Its scenes are real. One
smells the fragrance of Valencian flowers and the
salt sea. The story has the breathless speed, the
vigor and sweep and rush of Blasco Ibanez at his
best."-N. Y. Times in closing a long review of
this story of Valencian fishermen. Price $2.00

The Shadow of the Cathedral
Deals with the Church and education.

Blood and Sand

A brilliant panorama of what bull-fighting has
meant to all Spain.

La Bodega

Pictures the wine-growers of Cadiz.

Woman Triumphant

The problems of an artist in Madrid.

The Enemies of Women

A story of Monte Carlo in war-time.

Mare Nostrum

A story of the sea-and of the difficulties and temp-
tations of a neutral country during the war.

The Four Horsemen

of the Apocalypse

The book which made him world famous-the one
great picture of the war, still tremendously influ-
Each, $2.15


"has written," said an eminent English writer
recently, "the best short stories published in Eng-
lish in the last fifty years." And his fellow-authors
"fell all over each other," as Barrie put it, "for
the honor of writing prefaces" to his books. And
among them besides Barrie are such men as W. D.
Howells, G. K. Chesterton, W. Robertson Nicoll,
H. G. Wells, Maurice Hewlett, Arthur Pinero, W.
J. Locke, Neil Monroe and A. Neil Lyons, who says
that the volume published April 18

A Chair on the Boulevard

is" one of the few really amusing books published
during my lifetime" and contains "the funniest
story of this century." Its humor has a gay
stimulating sparkle like that of

While Paris Laughed

Pranks and Passions of the Poet Tricotrin.

The Man Who Understood Women
and Other Stories

Compact of wise and witty insight.
Conrad in Quest of His Youth

A quaint and whimsical story of a sentimental
effort to recapture well remembered associations.

The Worldlings

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On beautiful, historic, secluded, wooded peninsula on Casco Bay Forty acres spruce and pine and thirty acres field. Best of care, food and instruction, with trained supervisors. Excellent boating, bathing, hiking, fishing and sports.

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In the wooded hills of Vermont. Tennis, basketball,
swimming, canoeing, horseback riding. Bungalows.
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for Girls on Great Bay, New Market, N. H., near Portsmouth. Boating,swimming, hiking,athletics, handicrafts, motor trips cruises. Send for booklet. ETHEL B. MAYALL, Princeton, N.J

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Largest Manufacturers of High-Grade Varnishes in the World-Established 1832
New York Chicago Boston Toronto London Paris Amsterdam


W. P. FULLER & Co., Pacific Coast


The Varnish That Won't Turn White

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MAY 4, 1921



most of us, at any time, the principal problem of life is the cost of living. Most of us, therefore, will take particular interest in reading the just published reports of the Federal Trade Commission and of the Department of Labor concerning this matter.

From these reports we note that the retail cost of food and other necessities has not declined as much as has the wholesale price. For instance, comparing wholesale prices with those of a year ago, we find that food has declined 39 per cent, but the percentage decrease in the retail prices on food was 22 per cent. Thus retail prices have not come down in proper ratio to the decrease in the wholesale prices of raw materials.

With regard to other necessities, we find that clothing has decreased 46 per cent and farm products nearly 48 per cent. On the other hand, fuel and lighting materials are about 8 per cent higher than they were a year ago.

The causes of the high cost of living, according to the Federal Trade Commission, are unfair methods of competition; important elements of transportation and credit; and especially the excessive price of coal, which also vitally affects the cost of other commodities, to say nothing of the effect upon the health and comfort of the people; moreover, the existence of typical corporate monopolies; open-price associations, tending to maintain unduly high prices; interference with the channels of trade by distributer and trade associations; and, finally, conditions with respect to foreign combinations in the international markets.

The Commission suggests the following remedies:

Legislation to meet judicial objections to the Commission's authority to continue its efforts in obtaining and publishing information respecting the ownership, production, distributing, cost, sales, and profits in the basic industries.

Prosecutions under the Anti-Trust Laws with a view to strengthen them to meet present conditions.

Encouragement of co-operative associations of agricultural producers and of co-operative organizations of


Legislation to eliminate unnecessary reconsignments and brokerage operations, including "gambling in futures." A conference of official representatives of the trading nations to consider the question of clearing the channels of international commerce

The Announcement of the Prize Winners in The Outlook's Second Prize Contest is on page 40

so as to eliminate undesirable combinations.

Protection of the farmers by extending Federal assistance in giving more adequate and timely information concerning market conditions and in affording better market and storage facilities for the conservation of perishable products.

We note the absence of any reference to the tariff as a panacea for all ills, which is welcome; but we think it strange that no emphasis is laid upon the chief of all the causes for the high cost of living-inflation.



CCORDING to the newspapers, Mr. W. Jett Lauck, the "economist" for the railway labor unions, has charged that a "capital combine" has inaugurated a policy of Nation-wide shut-downs. Mr. Lauck, so it is reported, named about one hundred men who, through interlocking directorships, have centered in a dozen institutions the control of our wealth in basic raw materials and in railways. He is quoted as follows: "This interrelated capital group deliberately deflated the farms and then undertook, by precipitating industrial stagnation, to deflate labor. The dozen financial institutions-all of them New York institutions-are:

"The Guaranty Trust Company.
The Mutual Life Insurance Company.
The First National Bank.

The Equitable Trust Company.
J. P. Morgan & Co.

The Equitable Life Assurance Com


The American Surety Company.
The National Surety Company.
The Mechanics and Metals National

The National City Bank.
The New York Trust Company.
The Chase National Bank."

Mr. Lauck's summary of the situation, according to the newspaper reports, was to the effect that this "capital combine"

molds our economic destiny; that it has the power to adjust or to misadjust relative prices in a manner to stimulate or to suppress industrial activity; that this "focal capitalist group" has deliberately maintained high prices of steel, cotton, cement, and other basic materials;" that "the railways, financed by the same interests, have refused to place orders for plant maintenance, or even the orders necessary to prevent plant and equipment deterioration;" finally, that the greater factors in American industry "are all closely bound together by intercapitalist relations and interlocking directorates coming to focus in the house of Morgan." While the railways are pleading poverty, the banks, we read, "are making unprecedented profits and declaring unprecedented dividends, and the same applies to steel, coal, and railway equipment concerns." Finally, the "capital combine," in preparing to precipitate unemployment, adopted, it is alleged, the policy that the railways "should do it first."

With regard to these statements, The Outlook wrote to the dozen concerns in Mr. Lauck's list. The replies brought were, as might have been expected, denials of the allegations that a combination existed to deflate industry. For instance, Mr. Alvin W. Krech, President of the Equitable Trust Company,


The notion that there may exist in this country a league of banking interests to break down the industrial life of the Nation is too silly to discuss, and therefore unnecessary to deny. So far as I know, the large banking interests of the country, and particularly my own company, are doing their utmost in a very difficult situation to maintain and support the Nation's activity. If a denial of the ridiculous charges said to be made... is necessary, you may make it as emphatic as the English language can frame it. . . . The charge probably developed from the loose talk originating with Senator La Follette.

Another President, Mr. Charles H. Sabin, of the Guaranty Trust Company, said:

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Tariff Bill. All tariff bills are given the name of the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee in the House of Representatives-as, for instance, the Dingley Tariff, the Payne Tariff, and now the Fordney Tariff.

From the quick and emphatic Republican vote which the Emergency Tariff Bill received in the House one might expect that it would go through the Senate with proportionate speed. The tendency there, however, to pass makeshift measures is not as great as it is in the House.

Doubtless most of the proponents of the measure believe that the addition of import duties on agricultural products will check the importation of those products at a time when their prices have been declining rapidly; that an emergency law, operating three months (the period provided for by the present bill), will help the farmer by relieving the pinch, and, indeed, will help to steady the general situation. Certainly no group was harder hit by the recent sharp decline in wholesale foodstuffs prices than that of the farmers. The Fordney Tariff, moreover, provides against the practice of "dumping"-that is, selling foreign goods cheaper than they are sold in the country of their origin, and prevents scaling of present tariff duties by valuations made in the depreciated currencies of Europe.

The opponents of the bill, on the other hand, who are strong in the Senate, believe that it has been drawn for its political rather than for its economic effect; that it will benefit chiefly the speculators who are holding large quantities of farming products which they bought before the decline in prices; that it is in the interest of the sugar, meat,

and wool trusts; that the amount of the import taxes will be added to the price. the consumer pays-according to the Democratic minority, some $2,000,000,000 would thus be added to the cost of living; and finally that, if we want to help Europe to settle her debts to us, we must. be prepared to buy from her; and, as Europe can pay only in goods, we cannot be paid unless we welcome the commodities which we need and which Europe is prepared to send to us; and therefore we should avoid any possible display of sectional or National selfish


The Fordney Tariff is frankly experimental and temporary. It has the merit



of recognizing the claims of one great body of producers who have been generally overlooked in protective tariff legislation, and who, in the interest of the whole country, should not be ignored.



HE Senate, after a bitter debate, passed the Colombian Treaty on April 20 by a vote of 69 to 19. The Senators who voted against the treaty included 15 Republicans and 4 Democrats. The Republican Senators were Borah, Capper, Johnson, Jones of Washington, Kellogg, Kenyon, La Follette, Lenroot, McNary, Nelson, Norbeck, Norris, Poindexter, Townsend, and Wadsworth. The Democrats were Senators Dial, Reed, Simmons, and Watson of Georgia. Senator Cummins, Republican, and Senator Tramwell, a Democrat, were paired against the treaty.


We publish these names as a roll of honor.

This list of names may also be said to constitute not only a roll of honor, but a roll of intelligence, for these Senators were the only ones who voted against the poorest bargain which the American

Government has entered into in many


With the Colombian Treaty the Government hopes to buy the unpurchasable commodity of good will. There are Senators, too, who hope to secure from the payment of this money certain commercial advantages for America which are unspecified in the treaty. We are paying twenty-five million dollars in the hope that the Government to which it is paid may endure long enough to deliver goods which it has not promised to deliver. As a guaranty of the fulfillment of this lively expectation of favors to come we are relying upon the faith of a Government which has proved faithless in the past. The chance is one which would hardly interest even a moderately cautious gambler.




HE opening of the professional base

ball season has shown by the crowded grand stands and the full-page newspaper reports that the American lovers of the game (rooters and fans, in the language of the bleachers) have not lost their interest because of the scandals and crookedness of last year. Baseball has been given a chance to establish itself in public confidence as clean sport. "In a very real sense," says the New York "Tribune," "baseball is starting fresh, with a new lease of life and a revival of good will and old-time zest and applause."

All the more, therefore, serious responsibility rests on managers and on Judge Landis, now the supreme arbitrator in baseball law and ethics. If baseball is to remain truly the National game, it must not be allowed to be used by gambling syndicates and bribe-givers.

At the opening of the season Judge Landis issued a statement to the players. He told them frankly that every player who makes an error in a game or who fails to play up to the standard expected of him will fall under suspicion. There are charges even now circulating that baseball players are planning to make money out of their own misplays. Hugh S. Fullerton in the New York "Evening Mail" recounts some of these charges. One, for instance, is that the team to win this year's pennant is already decided upon. Another is that a pitcher is to get money for home runs made off his pitching. Certain of these stories Mr. Fullerton has himself disproved. The chances are that none of them are true at all. The fact that they are circulating, however, is an indication of the state of mind of the people who patronize ball games.

There is a strong feeling that the exposures of last year were not followed by sufficiently severe and drastic punish

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