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DIVINA- several arrows the names of the cities they intended to assault, and then, putting them all together promiscuously in a quiver, they drew them out thence as lots are drawn; and that city whose name was written on the arrow first drawn, was the city they first made war upon.'

From the East the visionary science of Divination passed into Europe. The imaginative character of the Greeks easily procured it their welcome and respect, particularly in the Province of Elis, where it was most especially cultivated in the families of the Iamidæ and the Clytidæ. But the Greeks were inquisitive as well as enthusiastic, and their Statesmen and Generals who countenanced Divination for its supposed political advancements, were ready to dispute its pretensions whenever these advantages appeared opposed to it. It seems, however, to have been more fortunate with the Philosophers; a circumstance only explicable by the supposed connection of this doctrine with that of the existence of the Gods, a point which few were willing to surrender. It was, however, consistently opposed by Epicurus, and openly attacked by Anaxagoras, Xenophanes of Colophon, and Democritus.

No nation ever attained a greater celebrity in the arts of Divination than Etruria. But although their discipline was manifestly derived from the East, they pretended to style themselves the authors of the science, or, at least, its first recipients from the Gods. The means by which they obtained so perfect an acquaintance with this mysterious branch of knowledge were altogether worthy of the subject. An Etrurian ploughman, happening to drive his share somewhat deeper than usual, was surprised by the sudden appearance of a boy from beneath the ground. The worthy rustic alarmed the neighbours, and, in consequence, all Etruria resorted to the spot and learned from the lips of the subterraneous stranger, who was no other than a God, named Tages, the doctrines of Divination, which were carefully committed to writing. The absurdity of this story is ridiculed by Cicero, who blames himself for undertaking the refutation of any thing so manifestly preposterous. (De Div. ii. 23.) Whatever credit it might receive from the Romans in general, the system of which this ridiculous legend was the professed origin and basis was diligently cultivated at Rome, where Diviners from Etruria were in the highest estimation, and whence youths of the first families were sent to the Etrurian nations to imbibe the rudiments of their discipline.

It is not improbable that the Etrurians, in order to establish this presumption of originality, purposely altered and invented many of the ceremonies for which they were indebted to the Lydians, or other nations. Their method of taking the auspices was directly contrary to that of the Greeks, and their auguries had frequently opposite interpretations to those received among the nations of Celtic origin; from which circumstances Cicero takes occasion to confute the whole theory of augury. (De Div. ii. passim.) The superstitions in use amongst ourselves, and those nations with which we are best acquainted, are of a mixed nature, partaking of the practices of their and our Scythian, Celtic, and Teutonic ancestors, and of those introduced by the universal influence of Rome, the great conservatrix of Etrurian mysteries.

The belief in natural Divination, as it is termed, is


no less general than that in artificial, and is, most DIVINA
probably, referable to the same traditional origin. It
is from this branch of the subject that the term artikÝ),
whereby the Greeks expressed Divination in general,
is derived; a naive, furo. (Plat. in Phædro.) The
persons affected with visions or oracular intelligence
became suddenly distracted, and uttered the dictates
of the inspiring power in obscure and incoherent
language. The period of approaching death, in parti-
cular, was regarded as especially favourable to these
prophetical ecstasies; and this opinion has been advo-
cated by many persons of cultivated abilities. Nothing,
certainly, in favour of it is to be concluded from the
circumstance of Jacob's prediction on his deathbed
concerning the fortunes of his posterity, or from
Isaac's declaration under the same circumstances;
Sacred Writ, if thus distorted, might be made to
prove the present ordinary influence of a prophetical
spirit. These early events, however, may not have
been without effect on the heathen nations, among
whom this belief has extensively prevailed. Even
at the approach of violent death, the spirit of prophecy
was supposed to be active, and thus Patroclus beneath
the spear of Hector foretels the ruin of his foe, which
Hector himself, afterward, retorts on Achilles. The
existence of natural Divination is still matter of im-
plicit faith in the Highlands of Scotland, and in parts
of Wales; in the former country it is called Second
Sight, and Dr. Johnson, in his Tour to the Hebrides,
although he admits that it is incapable of proof, can
scarcely be said to suspend his assent to it.

Natural Divination, among the Jews, was no less
strictly interdicted than artificial. The communica-
tions, indeed, with which it pleased God to favour
individuals of that nation, were, in strictness of speech,
natural Divination: yet were there among them pre-
tenders to the prophetical character, like those at the
Court of Ahab, the futility of whose authority was
soon demonstrated by the event. But those who were
principally forbidden were the i, eyyao¬píμvoor, as
the word is rendered by the LXX, persons who
pretended to give oracular answers from a spirit
within them. "The woman who had a spirit of
Python," mentioned in the Acts, was one of these. So
also was the Witch of Endor.

It is observable that although Divination is a science
which has been cultivated in all ages by every nation,
and after every conceivable manner, we have no au-
thenticated accounts of the reality of its operations,
and many demonstrations of its failures. The restless
propensity to inquiry which possesses the human
mind, has hitherto been unable to establish any philo-
sophical scheme for the discovery of those facts which
are the province of the Diviner's speculations; and
which are exploded.
his art is, therefore, most justly classed among those

saret, de Divinatione et magicis Præstigüis, &c.; Bulenger,
Peucer, de præcipuis Divinationum generibus; Bois-
Opusculorum Systema, vol. i.; Combachius, Disquisitiones
duo, de Caseo et de Divinationibus.

(Ilmi firáset) or art of discovering secret objects by the
Among the Arabs the science of Prognostication
interpretation of mysterious indications, known only
to adepts, is subdivided into twelve branches: 1. Phy-
siognomy, (firásah ;) 2. Phantasmognomy, (khaïlat-
wa-shamát; 3. Chiromancy, (ásárír ;) 4. Onomancy,
(aktáf;) 5.Ichnomancy, (iyafah ;) 6, Schematomancy,

DIVINA- (kiyafah ;) 7. the art of discovering the road in a TION. desert, (ihtida bi 'l berárá wa'l acfár ;) 8. of finding springs, (riyafah ;) 9. minerals; 10. the prognostication of storms, (nuzúli ghaith;) 11. Hydromancy, (crúfah ;) Spasmatomancy, (ikhtilaj.)


Some of these subdivisions are too well known to need further illustration; but of others, as being less familiar, a brief explanation may be given. The second teaches men to foresee and to foretell future or distant events from the images which fancy presents to the mind. This seems to correspond pretty nearly with the Second Sight of the Scotch. The fourth branch seems to be peculiar to the Arabs, and is closely allied to Chiromancy. It consists in predicting the future from the lines and dots on the shoulder blade of a sheep, when placed in the sun; and the discovery of it is ascribed to Ali. The fifth is the art of finding out the figure, peculiarities, occupations, &c. of men or beasts by the traces of their posture, position, and footsteps. This is exemplified in the celebrated story of Nezar and his sons, (Meidanii Prov. a Schultens, p. 301,) which suggested to Voltaire the well known passage in the beginning of Zadig. This, however, is rather the exercise of sagacity and observation, than the result of any supernatural knowledge. Nearly allied to it is the next subdivision, by which the tribe and family of a man, his birth, &c. are inferred from the form of his limbs, his make, gait, appearance, complexion, &c. The most skilful practitioners in this art are the Arabs of the tribe of Medíkh, among whom the study of it is hereditary. Nothing but experience can teach it, says the Imam Shaffi; and it is evidently as remote as the last from Divination in its proper sense. Such are likewise the three following branches, (Nos. 7, 8, 9,) which are acquired by study and observation, not derived from any divine impulse or preternatural faculty. The art of discovering the way through a trackless wilderness, is ascribed to a knowledge of the smell of the soil, and of the position of the stars. It was first learnt, say the Arabs, from horses or camels. Springs, minerals, and approaching storms, add their writers, in like manner may be discovered or foreseen by those who have carefully observed certain external signs in the earth and in the sky, which are infallible evidences of the existence of the one and of the approach of the other. The last branch but one is, however, more properly a kind of Divination, as it enables the adept to show in water or a mirror, the image of an absent person, what he is doing, &c. &c. It was by this art, we are told, that an unlucky husband saw his wife, whom he had left at home, indulging in some unseemly familiarities with another man; and discoveries, supposed to have been thus made, are among the most common incidents introduced into

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the Arabian romances. The last subdivision is pro- DIVINAperly a part of medicine, for it is the art of fortelling from convulsive twitchings of the limbs diseases by DIVORCE. which a man is about to be attacked.

Another mode of predicting future events is called Al-zaïrajiyyah by the Arabs, (D'Herbelot, Zairagiah,) but it is entirely astrological, and therefore does not come under this head. The uzlám, or headless unfeathered arrows, by which Pagan Arabs ascertained the will of Heaven, were certainly instruments of Divination in the manner we have described above. As such they were found in the hands of Hobal and of Abraham, when Mohammed commanded his followers to hew down those idols and cleanse the sanctuary of the Kâbah, (Pococke, Spec. 96;) and as these Divining arrows kept alive the recollection of the idols to whom they were dedicated, he prohibited the use of them. (Koran, v. 99.) Elfál, (the taking of an omen,) another of these practices is much in repute among the Arabs and Persians; aud it exactly corresponds with the Sortes Virgiliana of the Romans, being an augury rather than a species of Divination. Alretem, the tamarisk, signified among the ancient Arabs, the custom of tying together the boughs of one of those shrubs, on setting out on a journey, in order that the fidelity of the traveller's wife might be known to him on his return. If the boughs were found untied it was clear she had been inconstant. The flmu'r-reml, or Geomancy, is another of the occult sciences cultivated in the East, and closely allied to the present subject; it does not, however, strictly belong to it, and may be justly classed with the magic arts, as most of its professors are more desirous of being considered as conjurors than as philosophers.

D'Herbelot, Bibliothèque Orientale, ad voc. Aktaf, Zairagíah, and Raml.; Alcoranus, ed. Maracci; Sale's Koran; Pococke's Specimen Historia Arabum ; Chardin's Voyages; Sciences des Persans, ch. x. tom. v. p. 430, ed. de Langlès; M. Von Hammer's Encyklopædische Uebersicht der Wissenchaften des Orients, Leipzig, 1804, 8vo. ii. 462, seq.

DIVINATION, in Roman Law, was an inquiry respecting the accuser who should be selected when two or more persons offered themselves for that purpose. Asconius in his argument to Cicero's speech (Divinatio) previous to the trial of Verres, assigns the following reasons for its name, of which the reader may select for himself that which seems least forced. Divinatio dicitur hæc oratio, quia non de facto quæritur sed de futuro quæ est Divinatio et conjectura uter debeat accuAlii ideo putent Divinationem dici quod injurati judices in hac causá sedeant, ut quod velint præsentire de utroque possint. Alii quod res agatur sine testibus, et sine tabulis, et, his remotis, argumenta sola sequantur judices, et quasi Divinent.



Fr. divorcer; It. divorzare; Low Lat. divortiare; Lat. divertere, diversum, to turn away, aside or >apart; because then the wife divertitur a marito, is turned away from the husband.

To turn or put away or apart;

to part, to separate, to sunder; particularly applied te the separation of the bonds of matrimony.

The same law yt ioyneth by wedlocke without forsaking, the same law yeueth libell of departicion bicause of diuorce, both demned and declared. Chaucer. The Testament of Loue, fol. 309.


For whan they by such dyuorcementes attempte to drive the
againe to the nunery, they make theyr poor husbandes, advow-
terers in dede, in takynge other women, their owne wyues beynge
Bale. Apology, p. 84.

Why did not time your joined worth divorce,
T have made your several glories greater far?
Too prodigal was nature thus to do,
To spend in one age what would serve for two.

Daniel. History of the Civil Wars, book i.

So that instead of finding Prelaty an impeacher of schism or faction, the more I search the more I grow into the persuasion to think rather that faction and she, as with a spousal ring, are wedded together, never to be divorc'd.

Milton. Works, vol. i. fol. 51. The Reason of Church Government.
O! who would not recount the strong divorces
Of that great warre.
Spenser. Virgil's Gnat.
So much reverence in him did I find both then, and divers
times before, against this divorcement.

State Trials. Case of the Countess of Essex.
Patroclus (so enforc't
When he had forc't so much brave life) was from his own divorc't.
And thus the great divorcer brav'd.
Chapman. Homer. Iliad, book xvii. fol. 234.

In the ordinary bills of the Jewish divorce, the repudiated wife
had full scope given her of a second choice; as the words ran;
she was to be free, and have power over her own soul; to go
away: and to be married to any man whom she would: they
were not more liberal than our Romish divorcers are niggardly.
Hall. Works, vol. iii. fol. 849. Cases of Conscience. Decad. 4.
case 3.

If therefore the mind cannot have that due society by marriage, that it may reasonably and humanly desire, it can be no human society, and so not without reason divorcible: here he falsifies.

Milton. Works, vol. i. fol. 307. Doctrine, &c. of Divorce. This therefore may be enough to inform us, that divorcive adultery is not limited by our Saviour to the utmost act, and that to be attested always by eye-witness, but may be extended also to divers obvious actions, which either plainly lead to adultery, or give such presumption whereby sensible men may suspect the deed to be already done.

Id. Ib. fol. 205.

Thus our Eighth Henry's marriage they defame;
They say the schism of beds began the game,
Divorcing from the Church to wed the dame.

Dryden. The Hind and the Panther.


and married her, and it come to pass that she finds no DIVORCE.
favour in his eyes, because he has found some unclean-
ness in her, then let him write her a Bill of Divorce-
ment, and give it into her hand, and send her out of
his house. And when she is departed out of his house
she may go to be another man's wife; and if the
latter husband hate her and write her a bill of Divorce-
ment, and giveth it into her hand, and sendeth her
out of his house, or if the latter husband die which
took her to be his wife, her former husband which sent
her away may not take her again to be his wife, after
that she is defiled, for that is abomination before the
Lord." Whatever the uncleanness as the text, or the
matter of nakedness as the margin of our translation
renders, (and on this point the Commentators
are divided,) it is plain that it did not amount to adul-
tery, for this was punishable by death. (Deut. xxii.
22.) The school of Shammeh, which flourished
shortly before our Saviour, confined the uncleanness to
some act of infamy. Hillel (a disciple of Shammeh)
and his followers taught that much lighter causes
justified Divorce: namely, if the husband liked another
woman better; if the wife did not dress his meat well,
&c. It is plain, both from Josephus and Philo, that
the last of these Rabbis held the interpretation upon
which the practice of the Jews was most generally
founded. (Calmet, ad v.) The form of the Bill of Di-
vorcement, 50, is given by Godwyn, (Moses
and Aaron,) vi. 4, on the authority of Moses Kotsensis,
(fol. 133,) and Moses Egyptius, (ii. fol. 59,) and runs
as below:


[ocr errors]

Upon such a day of the week, such, &c. of the
moneth N, such or such a year of the Creation of the
World, according to the computation which we use
here in this city N, situate near the River N, that I of
the country N, the son of the Rabbi N, of the coun-
try N, but now I dwelling in such and such a place,
near such and such a river, have desired of my own
free will, without any coaction, and have divorced,
They urged the permission of Moses, who had allowed them to
dismissed, and cast out thee, thee I say, thee my wife
put away their wives, if they gave them a writing of divorcement.
Sharp. Works. Sermon 12. vol. iv.
N, of the country of N, the daughter of Rabbi N,
Who would have imagined that the desire which Henry VIII. dwelling in such or such a country, and dwelling now
in such or such a place, situate near such and such a
river, which hast been iny wife heretofore;
but now
I do divorce thee, dismiss thee, and cast thee out,
that thou mayst be free, and have the rule to thyself,
and to depart and to marry with any other man, whom
thou wilt; and let no man be refused by thee for me,
from this day forward for ever. Thus be thou law-
ful for any man, and this shall be to thee from me,
a bill of separation, a bill of Divorce, and a letter of
dismission, according to the law of Moses and Israel.

had to be divorced from his wife, would have brought about the
Reformation in England?
Priestley. On History, Lecture 3. part i.
On the 2d of April, 1800, Lord Auckland, after expatiating very
forcibly and eloquently upon the enormous increase of the vice of
adultery, and the perversion as well as the abuse of many divorce-
bills which had passed the legislature of this country, moved to
bring in a bill to prevent any person divorced for adultery from
intermarrying with the guilty person.

Horsley. Speeches in Parliament, p. 259.

The more ancient laws of Rome, which prohibited divorces, are extremely praised by Dionysius Halycarnassæus. Wonderful was the harmony, says the Historian, which this inseparable union of interests produced between married persons; while each of them considered the inevitable necessity by which they were linked together, and abandoned all prospect of any other choice or establishment.

Hume. Essay 19. vol. i. Of Polygamy and Divorces. Among the Romans, more than four ages elapsed, from the foundation of their city, without any complaint or process on account of adultery; and it was not till the year 521, that they saw the first divorce; when, though the cause was specious, the indignation of all Rome pursued the divorcer to the end of his days.

Horne. Works. Discourse 8. vol. vi. p. 109.

The Jewish Law of DIVORCE was founded upon
Deut. xxiv. 1-4. "When a man hath taken a wife


N, the son of N, Witness.
N, the son of N, Witness."

The ten following particulars were considered requisite for the foundation of a Divorce, according to the same authorities: "1. that a man put not his wife away but of his own will; 2. that he put her away by writing, not by any other thing; 3. that the matter of the writing to Divorce her and put her away, be out of her possession; 4. that the matter of the Divorcement be between him and her; 5. that it be written by her name; 6. that there be no action wanting after the writing hereof, save the delivery of it unto her; 7. that he give it unto her; 8. that he give it her before witnesses; 9. that

2 A

DIVORCE. he give it her by the law of Divorces; 10. that it be the husband or his deputy that delivereth it unto her."

The Bill of Divorcement was written by a Scribe. The Divorced woman was not permitted to marry within ninety days, in order that it might be ascertained whether she was pregnant, and thus to prevent her bearing a child concerning whose descent, on the father's side, any doubt might arise.

Josephus is of opinion that the Law does not permit women to Divorce their husbands; and therefore that it prohibits such as may have separated themselves from marrying again without a Bill of Divorcement. (Ant. xv. 11.) The practice, however, was widely different Salome, sister to Herod the Great, put away her husband, as is inferred from Ant. xviii. 7. So also did Herodias, (Mat. xiv. 3; Mark, vi. 17.) The three sisters of the Younger Agrippa Divorced their husbands: namely, Berenice, Polemo King of Pontus; Mariamne, Archelaus; and Drusilla, (who married Felix,) Aziz King of Emesa. (Ant. xx. 15.) The modern Jews throw more obstacles in the way of Divorce. Many formalities are appointed, which consume much time, and give opportunities for reconciliation; when all hope of this is extinct, the Bill of Divorcement is written by a woman, a scribe, or a deaf man, in the presence of one or more Rabbis, on vellum, in square letters, and in twelve lines. Many trifling and mysterious particulars are observed in the characters and mode of writing. The writers, the Rabbis, and the witnesses are all prohibited from being relations among each other, or to either of the parties. A Rabbi then examines the husband closely, to learn if the Divorce be voluntary on his part. Ten witnesses are required to be present to the whole proceeding, two more to the signature, and yet two more to the date of the Bill of Divorcement. If the Rabbi finds the husband fully determined, he commands the wife to open her hands and bring them close to each other, in order to receive the deed, lest it fall to the ground. He then examines the wife; after which the husband presents her with the parchment, and declares her free. The husband may marry again immediately, the wife after an interval of ninety days. (Calmet.)

The Grecian Law of Divorce varied in different States. In Sparta the practice must have been uncommon, for Lysander was fined by the Ephori for repudiating his wife, (Athen. xiii. 1, on the authority of Hermippus ;) and yet the Lacedæmonians, by the institutions of their singular legislator, were not permitted to place much regard on the delicacy of the marriage bed, if the violation of it could be supposed to contribute to the public welfare. In Athens, either husband or wife might procure a Divorce by exhibiting to the Archon a Bill containing some ostensible reason, and receiving the consent of a Jury appointed by that magistrate. Nevertheless, if we may form a judgment from the terms by which this measure was distinguished, as it regarded the different sexes, it may be believed that while in the man it was considered as a prerogative, which he might exercise at his discretion, in the woman it was looked upon, in some degree, as attended with disgrace. Such may be the deduction from the two words àоTоμ, dismission, and amoλeys, desertion. (Petit. Comm. in Leg. Att. vi. 3.) The Bill could not be presented

by proxy, and Plutarch (Alcibiades) has recorded DIVORCE. the advantage which Alcibiades gained by the necessity of this form. His wife, Hipparete, wearied by his infidelities, took refuge in her brother's house. While she was going from this, to appear personally before the Archon, in order to sue out a Divorce, Alcibiades seized her (as he was entitled to do by law) forcibly conveyed her to his home, and compelled her to remain with him till her death. The law, continues Plutarch, by enjoining this personal attendance of the woman, probably designed to give the husband such an opportunity to meet with and recover her. The portions of Divorced women were returned with them; and if the husband failed in doing this, nine oboli per month might be claimed from him as alimony. (Demosth. in Neæram.)

If Plutarch (in Rom.) may be credited, the founder of Rome did not permit a woman on any account to Divorce her husband. The husband might Divorce his wife for three causes: 1. poisoning his children; 2. counterfeiting his keys; 3. adultery. If he put her away on any other account, half his goods were forfeited to the wife, and the other half to Ceres. Whoever Divorced his wife, was also to make an atonement to the Gods of the earth.* It was long, however, before the Roman husbands exercised their privilege, which is believed to have been incorporated with the XII. Tables, and the name of the first who Divorced his wife is handed down to us, (Plutarch, Comp. of Rom. with Theseus ;) a. v. c. 523, Spurius Carvilius Ruga repudiated his wife for sterility. He made oath before the Censors that he was deeply attached to her, and that his act was solely occasioned by her barrenness, and his own wish to beget children for the good of the State. (Dion. Hal. xi. 25; and Aul. Gell. iv. 3.) Notwithstanding this declaration, he became eminently unpopular. Montesquieu has explained this circumstance by stating, that it was not the simple Divorce which created the odium against him, but his obsequiousness to the Censors, who sought to establish a precedent by which they might force the people to bring up their children.

The facility of Divorce in the latter days of the Republic, and in the whole course of Imperial Rome, may be traced in every contemporary writer. The right of the two sexes became equal. Augustus for a time endeavoured to check this licence, and required the presence of seven witnesses, before whom the marriage contract should be torn. If a marriage had been contracted by Confarreatio, the ceremony Diffarreatio (q. v.) was necessary for its dissolution. If by Coemptio (the mutual purchase, in which the bride and bridegroom delivered to each other, with certain forms, a small piece of money,) Remancipatio was required. The common forms used before the above-named witnesses, after the hearing of the


Gibbon has so strangely misrepresented this passage, that it is scarcely possible that he can have referred for it to the origi nal. According to Plutarch, Romulus allowed only three causes of a Divorce-drunkenness, adultery, and false keys. Otherwise the husband who abused his supremacy, forfeited half his goods to the wife, and half to the Goddess Ceres, and offered a sacrifice (WITH THE REMAINDER,) to the terrestrial Deities." (Decline and Fall, ch. xliv. vol. viii. p. 61.) It would be difficult to find the remainder of that man's property who had already forfeited two moieties of it. Drunkenness is not mentioned by Plutarch at all; and he plainly implies that all Divorces require an offering of expiation to the terrestrial Gods.

VORCE. contract, were the surrender of the keys by the wife, and her dismissal, in some such words as these. Res tuas tibi habeto. Tuas res tibi agito. Exi, exi ocyus. Vade foras. I foras, Mulier. Cede domo. If it were the wife who Divorced the husband, she said, Valeas, tibi habeas tuas res, reddas meas. In the Repudium, which was an annulment of betrothing before consummation, the form was Conditione tud non utar. The Theodosian Code (tit. de Repudiis) enumerated the following as legitimate causes for Divorce. If the husband could prove the wife to be an adulteress, a witch or a murderess; to have bought or sold to slavery any one freeborn; to have violated sepulchres; committed sacrilege; favoured thieves and robbers; been desirous of feeding with strangers, the husband not knowing or not willing; if she lodge forth without a just and probable cause; or frequent theatres and sights, he forbidding; if she be privy with those that plot against the State; or if she deal falsely; or offer blows. And if the wife can prove her husband guilty of any those forenamed crimes, and of frequenting the company of lewd women in her sight, or if he beat her, she has the liberty to quit him, with this difference, that the man after Divorce may forthwith marry again, the woman not till a year after, lest she may chance to have conceived.

Christianity has put an end to this capricious dissolution of the nuptial bond, which had become so common both in the Jewish and Pagan world at the time of the appearance of our Saviour. When the Pharisees tempted our Lord, by inquiring from him whether it was lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause; he showed them from the first institutions of nature that God had forbidden polygamy; and then, as a consequence, that Divorce ought not to be permitted unless on account of adultery: although the Jews from the hardness of their hearts were not prepared to receive this doctrine in the time of Moses, (Matt. xix.)

Our Saviour's declaration naturally became the foundation of the law of Divorce in all Christian

countries; but when the Romish Church exalted marriage into a sacrament, Divorce, considered in its legitimate meaning, was abolished; and the Canonists asserted that it was altogether impious and impossible. Hence arose the distinction still maintained in our English law; certain causes subsequent to marriage, and among these adultery, might give rise to a legal separation, in which, however, neither party was permitted to contract a new alliance in the life-time of the other; and certain other causes, existing at the time of marriage, might render it void ab initio; but in neither of these cases could Divorce strictly speaking be said to take place.

Thus therefore Divorce in our Law is of two kinds, a vinculo matrimonii and a menså et thoro. The former absolutely dissolves the marriage, and makes it void from the beginning; the causes of it being precedent to the marriage; as consanguinity or affinity within the Levitical degrees, præcontract, impotency, &c. comprised in the following lines, in which some of the obstacles require a clearer interpretation than it is in our power to afford :

Error, Conditio, Votum, Cognatio, Crimen,
Cultus, Disparitas, Vis, Ordo, Ligamen, Honestas,
Si sis affinis, Si forte coire nequibis,
Si Parochi et duplicis desit præsentia testis,
Raptave sit mulier, nec parti reddita tutæ.

By this the parties are separated pro salute animarum, and DIVORCE. are allowed to marry again, the wife receiving back all she brought with her, and the issue of such marriage being bastardized. (Coke, on Lit. 235.) The latter separates the parties a mensa et thoro for some cause arising subsequent to marriage; as ill treatment or adultery in either of the parties, but does not permit them to contract a second marriage whilst either party is living; for which, since it refuses that which our Saviour assigned to be the only fit cause for Divorce, the best reason that can be given, is that if Divorce were allowed to depend upon a matter within the power of either of the parties, they would probably become extremely frequent. (Blackstone, i. 15. 2.) The Court allows alimony to the wife, unless in case of elopement with the adulterer. This Divorce does not debar the woman of her dower, nor bastardize the issue.

The dissolution a vinculo matrimonii may however be obtained by an Act of Parliament specially for the purpose, after the sentence of Divorce a mensa et thoro has been pronounced in the Spiritual Court. The Bill generally originates in the House of Lords; on the petition for it an official copy of proceedings, and sentence of Divorce a mensa et thoro in the Ecclesiastical Courts, at the suit of the petitioner, must be delivered at the Bar; and upon the second reading the petitioner must attend the House, to be examined at its pleasure at the Bar relative to collusion, &c. A clause must be contained in the Bill, preventing the interinarriage of the offending parties; and when it arrives at a Committee of the House of Commons, evidence must be given that an action for damages has been brought against the seducer, and judgment obtained thereon, or a sufficient reason assigned for the contrary. Till the 44th of Elizabeth a Divorce for adultery was considered to be a vinculo matrimonii; but then in the case of Foliambe, in the Star Chamber, that opinion was changed, and Archbishop Bancroft, having advised with the leading Divines, held that adultery was only a cause of Divorce a mensa et thoro. 3 Salk. 138.

The quarrel of Milton with his wife, and his intention of repudiating her, in consequence of her contemptuous refusal to return to him, need not be detailed here. In defence of the resolution which he had adopted in his resentment he published in 1644, The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce; restored to the good of both sexes from the bondage of Canon Law, and other mistakes in the true meaning of Scripture in the Law and Gospel compared. Where also are set down the bad consequences of abolishing or condemning as Sin that which the Law of God allows, and Christ abolished not. tained in two Books, and addressed to the Parliament of England and the Assembly. Some of the arguments used in this Treatise might almost lead a careless reader to imagine that it had been penned ironically; the fifth reason advanced in favour of the continuance of the Law of Moses relative to Divorce, (which Milton asserts our Saviour neither did nor could abro

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gate,) is stated as follows, "That nothing more hinders and disturbs the whole life of a Christian than a matrimony found to be incurably unfit." The eighth is, "That it is probable or rather certain, that every one who happens to marry hath not the calling, and therefore upon unfitness found and considered, force ought not to be used." The first edition of this Tract was printed anonymously, "My name I did not publish, as not willing it should sway the reader either for me or against me;

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