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Highlandman, John, My gallant braw,
Song of, 467

Hill, Peter, Bookseller, Edinburgh,
Letters to, 654. 660. 673. 689. 692.
701. 713-notice of, 617, n.
Hinches, Lieutenant, his "Farewell to
his Sweetheart," n. 418
Hogg, James, his description of drunk-
enness in Scotland, 51-his anecdote
of Burns, 274-his remark on the
queer old song of "Duncan Gray,"
553, n.-his castigation of Ritson,
556 his anecdote of Sir George
Murray, 559

Hoggie, My, Song of, 365

Holy Fair, The, notice of, 20-poem of,

195-sternly censured by a clergyman,
49-Dr. Blair's alteration of a word
in, 50-illustration of a scene in, 199
Holy Tuilzie, notice of, 20-Poem of, 190
Holy Willie's Prayer, notice of, 20.-

Poem of, 192.-described by a Mauch-
line mason, 21-origin of, n. 192—
jeu d'esprit relating to, n. 192-epi-
taph on, 193

Hood, a gentleman who accompanied
the Poet to England, 57

Hood, Souter, a celebrated ruling elder,
epitaph on, 328

Hooly and fairly, Song of, 562
Hornbook, Dr., Death and, 185-hero
of the poem, n. ib.

How cruel are the parents, Song of, 504
How lang and dreary is the night, Song
of, 371-second version, 489.
Hoy, James, Librarian at Gordon Cas-
tle, Letters to and from, 68. 631-2-3.
-notice of, 633, n.

Hughie Graham, Patriotic ballad of.
with additional stanzas by Burns,

Human life, The grand end of, 750
Humphrey, James, a noisy polemic,
Epitaph on, 328

Hunter, John, of Bar-mill, the luckless
hero of the song, "I had a horse,
and I had nae mair," 561
Hunting song, 351

Hutchison, Dr. Copland, his recol-
lections of the Poet, 120
Hypocrisy, To unmask, a favourite pur-
suit of the Poet, 229

Hyslop, Mrs., her meeting with Burns,



Ideal loveliness, in his solitary wander-
ings, 107

I do confess thou art sae fair, Song
of, 398

I had a horse, and I had nae mair, Ca-
pital comic song of, 561

I hae a wife o' my ain, Song of, 403
I'll aye ca' in by yon town, 424
Illness of a Favourite Child, Lines on

I'm o'er young to marry yet, Song of,

Independence, Altar to, poetical in-
scription for, 321
Indigestion, Horrors of. 654
Innocence, Lines on, 336

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Jacobites, Ye, by name, Song of, 408
James V., a poet, warrior and musi-

cian, his song of "The Gaberlunzie
Man," 566

Jamie, come try me, Song of, with va-
riations, 379

comes hame, There'll never be
peace till, 397

Gay, notice of the song of, 524
thou hast left me ever, 474
Young, pride of a' the plain,
Song of, 420

Jean, Bonnie, Burns's courtship with
his, 31-original stanza in honour of,
173-Song of, 350-Songs in praise
of, 399. 418. 424
Jeannie's bosom, Song of, 418
Jedburgh, Romantic situation of, 54-
Magistrates of, present the
freedom of the town to Burns, 55
Jeffrey, Francis, Lord, his praise of
"The Holy Fair," &c. 200-"The
Mouse," 224-"The Cotter's Sa-
turday Night," 236-his remarks on
Burns's Correspondence, 585-8, n.
Jeffrey, Jean, the "blue-eyed Lass" of
the song, 91-notice of her family,

Jenny, Fair, Song of, 478

McCraw, a fragment, 431
Jessie, Young, Song of, 455
Jessy-Here's a health to ane I lo'e
dear, 512

Jinglan Johnnie, Song of, 528
Jockey's ta'en the parting kiss, 413
Jockey, Young, Song of, 391

My dear, Song of, 524

John Anderson, my jo, Song of, 385-
additional verses, ib.-ancient ver-
sion, ib.

John Barleycorn, Ballad of, 342
Johnnie's grey breeks, Ancient version
of, 526

John o' Badenyon', Song of, 572
Johnson, Dr., his interview with Dr.
Blacklock, 286—singular anecdote of,

Johnson, James, Publisher of "The
Museum," assistance rendered him,
619. 632-3-his terms, 632-letters
to, 663-6. 734 and 743.
Johnson's "Musical Museum," Con-
tributions to, 71. 86-the Poet's pre-
face to the second volume, 547
Johnston of Westerhall, Sir James, 109
Johnstone of Hilton, Miss Lucy, Song
in honour of, 424

Jolly Beggars, The, described, 26-

criticisms on, 184-Poem of, 179-
scene of, n. ib.

Jolly Mortals, fill your glasses, Song
of, 183

Joyful Widower, The, Song of, 359
Jumping John, Song of, 365
Junius, his style, Burns a great ad-
mirer of, 42


K-, Lord, Anecdote of, 243
Kate of Aberdeen, Song of, 531
Katherine Jaffray, Song of, 354
Ogie, Air of, 448
Katy, My, Canst thou leave me thus ?

Keith-Marischall, Noble family of, 1
Kellyburn Braes, The carle of, Song of,
412-additional verses to, 413
Kemble, Mrs., Lines on, 333
Ker, a member of the Farmer's Club
of Kelsoe, 55-accompanies the Poet
in his jaunt to England, 57
Kenmore, Inn at, Lines written over
the mantel piece, 65, 277

Kenmure, Viscount, Song in honour
of, 403-his gallantry, 404
Kennedy, Jean, the "Kirkton Jean" of
Burns, 6

John, his description of an
interview with Burns and Jean Ar-
mour, 35-Poetical invitation to, 325.
-epitaph on, 327-a farewell to, ib.
-letters to, 595. 600

Miss of Dalgarroch, 97-af-
fecting anecdote of, 410-letter to,

Key, Jane, heiress of Edinbelly, forced
by Rob Roy, 582

Keys, Black, in music, Story of, 493
Killie, Sons of old, Song of, 353
Killiecrankie, Battle of, Song of, 393
Kilmarnock, Description of, 200, s.
-Lodge, Masonic, repa.

tation of, 353
Kilravock Castle, Wild scenery and
grandeur of, 643

Kinnoul, Lady, her conversation with
James I. relative to Wallace and
Bruce, 734, n.

Kirkoswald School, Burns's residence
at, 6-great fair, 8-Fair Lass of, 12
Kirkpatrick, Rev. Mr., Reproof of his
sermon against the House of Stuart,

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Lapraik, John, a brother poet, 22. 217
-Burns's epistle to him, 24. 215-his
reply, 217-his "Deil's answer," 174
second epistle to, 218-third epistle
to, 221-his song addressed to his
"sweet wife," 563

Lass o' Ballochmyle, Song of, 357-
found to be a defamatory libel! 611
o' Livingston, Song of, 525
o' Patie's mill, Song of, 527
that made the bed to me, Song of,
422 and 560

Lassie wi' the lint white locks, 492
Last May a braw wooer cam down the
lang glen, Song of, 508

Last time I came o'er the moor, Song
of, 526

Laura, Song of, by G. Turnbull, 481
Laurie, Rev. Dr., Dr. Blacklock's let-
ter to him respecting the Poet, 39
and 602-Prayer for his family, 251-
letter to, 601

Rev. G., Letters to and from,
608 and n.-notice of, n.

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tory, 335

on Folly, written on a window
of the Globe tavern, 335
Linlithgow, Old Royal Palace of, 64
Literary Scoldings and Hints, n. 319
Little, Janet, Letter and poetical epis-
tle from, 680, n.

Lochlea, farm of, leased by Burns's fa-
ther, 2. 187

Lochlomond, Address to, criticism on
the poem, 660

Lochmaben, the residence of Robert
Bruce, n. 295

Lochroyan, Lass of, an old ballad, no-
tice of, 452-two stanzas of, 453.

Lockhart, J. G., his defence of the
"Lass o' Ballochmyle," 38-interest-
ing letter of Sir Walter Scott to, re-
specting the Poet, 45-his description
of the Poet among the Literati of
Edinburgh, 51-of his reconciliation
with Jean Armour, 59-his remarks
on Bannockburn, 64-on Lord Dun-
dee's stone, 65, n.-on the irascible
pedant Nicol, 68-on the Poet's lin-
gering stay in Edinburgh, 70-on his
accounts with Creech, 74-on his
jealousy of men of high station, 77—
on his Letters to Mrs. Dunlop, 87-
on his perambulations in Dumfries-
shire, 93-his anecdotes of the Poet,
100-his remarks on the stately Tory-
ism in Dumfries, 114-his eloquent
eulogium on the Poet's works, 144-
his history of "The Kirk's Alarm,"
189 his remarks on "The Poet's
Welcome," 244-on his general Cor-
respondence, 586-on the Letters of
Gilbert Burns with the Poet, 630-
his national song of "The broad
swords of Old Scotland," 772

-George, Merchant, Glasgow,
Letter to, 653
Logan Braes, Song of, 461-Mayne's
version, ib.

Logan, Major, Laird of Afton, stanza
to, in "The Kirk's Alarm," 189-
poetical epistle to, 263-letter to, 679

Miss Susan, Verses to, 268
Lorimer, Jean, "The Lass of Craigie-
burn-wood," her levity, 97-Songs in
honour of, 395. 422. 450. 485-8
Lothian Lassie, The ballad to the tune
of, 508-9

Lounger, The, the periodical work

which first recommended Burns to
public notice, 45. 604

Louse, The, Poem of, 241-author's
defence, 48

Love adventure, A, 54
Love, Illicit, 16

is the cause of my mourning, 549
Music, and Poetry, their con-
nexion, 748

Lowe of Airds, notice of his song of
Mary's Dream," 532

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Loyal Natives, The true, Lines on, 337
Luath, one of the heroes of
Twa Dogs," 257
Luckless Fortune, Song of, 340
Lumsdale, Harry, the hero of " 'High-
land Harry," 376, n.


M'Adam, Mr., Poetical epistle to, 252
M'Auley, Mr., Dumbarton, Letter to,

M'Creddie, John, The supposed author
of "The Owl," 260
M'Culloch, David, of Ardwell, his anec-
dote of Burns, 114-letter to, 733
M'Diarmid, Mr., his record of the
Poet's family, 143

M'Gill, Rev. Dr., the thunder of the
Kirk directed against him, 91. 189-
his heretical book! 683
M'Gregor of Ruara, his Lament, 371
M'Kenzie, Dr., of Irvine, an early com-
panion of the Poet, 22-letter to, 603
notice of, ib. n.

- Henry, his patronage of the
Poet, 41-5-6-Remarks by, 205-Ju-
venile compositions of, 563-his com-
pliment to Miss Laurie, 609-letter
from, to Burns, 694, n.-the Poet in
raptures with his "Mirror," "Loun-
ger," and "Man of Feeling," 694
M Kinlay, Rev. Mr., of Kilmarnock,
the hero of "The Ordination," 202
M'Lehose, Mrs. (Clarinda), Lines to, 71
M'Leod, Miss Isabella, of Rasay, Song
on, 371

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Phillis, another of the Poet's
heroines, Song in honour of, 466
M'Neil, Hector, his fine ballad of
"Donald and Flora," 569
M'Pherson, his translation of Homer's
famous "Cestus of Venus," 707, n.
M'Pherson's Farewell, Song of, 361-2
Lament, 362-the original
song, ib.-notice of, 362, n. 363
M'Whinnie, Mr., Ayr, Letter to, 595
Maggie by the banks of Nith, 295

Lauder, Inquiry respecting, 533
My, Ancient song of, 522
Maid, The ruined, her lament, 290
The, that tends the goats, Song,

Mailie, Poor, Death and dying words
of, 166

Elegy of, 167

Maine, John, author of the "Siller
Gun," notice of, 661

Maimed soldier and his doxy, charac-

ters of, in "The Jolly Beggars," 27
Malcolm, Sir John, Old song of, n. 300
Man, naturally a kind, benevolent ani-
mal, 653

Man was made to mourn, Pocm of, 213
-origin of, 214

Mar, Earl of, at the battle of Sheriff-
muir, 580

Marie, The Queen's, Ballad of, 689
Mark yonder pomp of costly fashion,
Song of, 504

Marquis, The, Epitaph on a person
nick-named, 335

Marriage, On, variance of the Kirk of
Scotland, with the civil law, n. 666
Martin, John, the distinguished painter,

560, n.

Mary, Song addressed to, 437
Mary Campbell, Burns's "Highland
Mary," notice of, 30. 388. 447
Mary, Queen of Scots, the room where
she was born, 64-Drama of, 289-
Lament of, 306

Mary in Heaven, Lyric of, 92. 388
Prayer for, 356
Mary's dream, Lowe's beautiful song
of, 533

Mashlum bannocks, description of, n. 227
Masonic Anniversary, Invitation to, 335
Masterton, Allan, his air of "Strath-
allan's Lament,' 72 a steadfast
friend of the Poet, 377

Ann, the heroine of "Bon-

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Maxwells, The noble, Song of, 405
Maybole youth, Burns's early friend, 6
-anecdote of, 8-his farewell of the
Poet, 9 his friendship slighted,
ib. n.

May eve, or Kate of Aberdeen, Song
of, 530

Mayne, John, his poem of Halloween,
212-his song of "Logan Braes,"
461-notice of, 661, n.

Meg o' the Mill, Song of, 436-second
version, 457

Melville, Lord, his neglect of Burns,
n. 66. 741

Menie, Song of, 354

Mercer, Andrew, his Ode to the memory
of the Poet, 161

Merry Andrew, character of, in "The
Jolly Beggars," 27

Michie, Willie, Epitaph on, 331
Mickle, William Julius, Notice of,
534-his memorable ballad, ib.
Miller, Captain, of Dalswinton, Letter
to, 477

James, Edinburgh, his air of
the "Banks o' Doon," 409

Janet, Song in honour of, 482
Mrs., Anecdote of, 657

of Dalswinton, his reception of
the Bard, 58. 82. 604-his agreement
with him, 80-letter to, 723-his grief
on the death of the Poet, n. ib.

Peter, jun., of Dalswinton, Let-
ter to, 735-his sympathy for the
Poet, n. ib.

Rev. Mr., of Kilmaurs, notice
of, n. 197

The Dusty, Song of, 367
Mill-hole-brae, Dumfries, the residence
of the Poet, 118

Mill, mill, O, The, Song of, 552
Mirk night o' December, Song of, 425
Mitchell, Collector of Excise, Poem ad-
dressed to, 324-letter to

Mitchell, Dr. Andrew, Monkton, one of
the heroes of "The Kirk's Alarm,"
Character of, n. 188

Moffat, Inn at, Lines written there, 332
Monboddo, Lord, his splendid suppers,
notice of, 309, n.

Monkland Friendly Society, order for
books, 674-notice of, ib. n.
Monody on a lady famed for her ca-
price, 314

Montagu, Mrs. Basil, her interview
with Burns, 135

Montgomery, Captain, of Coilsfield,
notice of, n. 266-his affair of crim.
con., 611

Colonel Hugh, Earl of

Eglinton, notice of, 226

James, his Verses to the
memory of Burns, 158
Montgomery's Peggy, Songs in honour
of, 343-5-9. 352

Montrose, finely situated, handsome
town of, Visit to, 68

Duke of, the Laird o' Gra-
ham, stanza in allusion to, 227
Moodie, Rev. Mr., of Riccarton, one of
the heroes of "The Twa Herds,"
191-and "Holy Fair," 196
Moore, Dr., Letters to and from, 607.
609 and n. 615. 622 (autobiography)
667. 672 and n. 695. 704 and n.-bio-
graphical notice of, 607-8, n.

Edward, his Song of "Happy
marriage," 527

Moore, Sir John, The heroic, glimpse
of the household in which he was
born, 609-10 n.

More, Hannah, Lines on presenting a
lady with a work of, 325
Morehead, or Muirhead, Rev. James,

of Urr, his Song of "Bess the Gaw-
kie," 519

Morison, Mary, Song in honour of, 30.


Morison, the Mauchline Cabinet-maker,
Letter to, 659

Morton, Miss, one of "The Mauch-
line Belles," her frankness, 31
Mossgiel, Burns's farm of, near Mauch-
line, 11. 194. 205, n.

its situation described, 17. 32
The Poet's return to, 58
Mother's, A Lament, for the death of
her son, 280

Motherwell, his remark on an assertion
of the Poet, 519, n.

Mount Oliphant, farm of, leased by
William Burness, 2

Mountain daisy, The Poem of-how
composed, 27-stanzas to, 239
Mouse, The, poem of, 223-how com-
posed, 27

Muir, Robert, Kilmarnock, Letters to,
595, 600-2-4. 628. 646-notice of, 595.
n. 604, n.

Murdoch, John, Burns's Preceptor, 3-
his excellent instructions, ib. - his
description of the Poet and his bro-
ther Gilbert, 9-notice of, 589, n.-
letters to and from, 589. 695-6, n.

Rev. Mr., of Maclennan, spe-
cimen of a Song by, 553
Murray, Euphemia, of Montrose, Song
in honour of, 372

Murray, the gallant Sir George, Anec-
dote of, 559

Murray, Sir William, of Ochtertyre,
Visit to, 276, n.

Musical Museum, contributions to, 71
Musing on the roaring ocean, Song of,

Muthie, its famous caverns, and wild
romantic coast, 68

Mylne, poor, poems of, Burns's advice
regarding their publication, 671
My ain kind dearie, O, 444-Fergus-
son's song of, 536

-bonnie Laddie 's lang o' growin',

ancient Ballad of, 411, n.
-bonnie Mary, Song of, 379
Chloris, mark how green the
groves, Song of, 491
-Collier Laddie, 404-ancient ver-
sion, n. ib.

-dearie, if thou die, Song of, 543
-Father was a farmer, Song of, 341
-handsome Nell, Song of, 339-

the Poet's criticism on, 340
Harry was a gallant gay, 375
-heart was ance as blythe and free,
Song of, 346

-heart's in the Highlands, 384-an-

cient Song of, ib. n.

Highland Lassie, Song of, 344
-Hoggie, 365-anecdote of, ib.
-Jean, Ramsay's Song of, 350
jo, Janet, Song of, 549
lady's gown, there's gairs upon it,
Song of, 429

-love she's but a lassie yet, Song
of, with variations, 379
-Nannie, Song of, 347--ancient ver-
sion, n. ib.

-Sodger Laddie, ancient Song of,

-Tocher's the jewel, Song of, 396
-remarks on the tune, 576
-Wife's a winsome wee thing, 445
-stanza by Thomson, 448


Nancy, Luckie, Allan Ramsay's Song
of, 580

-My lovely, Song of, 480
-My spouse, Song of, 481
Nancy's Ghost, Song of, 562
Nannie, a farmer's daughter, one of
"The Maidens of Kyle." 30

Song in honour of, 399
O my, Song of, 347

Nannie's awa', My, Song of, 499
Nasmyth's picture of Burns, 45.
610, n.

National Songs, Heroic, of the Poet,
118. 411. 414. 434. 436. 456. 471
Nature's Law, Poem of, 252
Naval Victory, Lines on the occasion
of a, national thanksgiving for, 335
Neilson, Mrs., Burns's "Fair Filette,"
Peggy Thomson, his passion for, 3
Nell, My handsome, Song of, 339
Nelly, Blooming. Song of, 378
New and Old Light Factions, descrip-
of, 19

Newcastle, Burns's dinner in, 57
Newspaper, Lines to one who had sent
a, 293

New-year's-day, a Sketch, 289
Nicol, Rev. T., Inverleithing, his song
of "Muckin o' Geordie's byre," 546
William, the obstinate son of
Latin prose, Anathemas against
him, 631

William, Master of the High
School, Edinburgh, his intimacy
with Burns, 44. 52. 62-his High-
land Tour with him, 64-his foaming
passion at the apparent neglect of
Burns, 67-Burns's irony towards
him, 116-song in honour of his
house-heating, 92. 392-letters to,
617-8. 620. 690.714

Neil, Tom, of facetions fame, notice
of, 561

Nightingale, The singing of, 458—song
of, 481

Nith, Banks of, Laddies by, 297-song
of, 393

-Loved, To thee, Song of, 427
-winding, Adown, 468

Nithsdale, Burns's appearance in, 79
Farmer, condition of, 94

Nithsdale's welcome hame, 405
Nithside Beauties, Burns's, 107
Niven, John, the young bedfellow of
the Poet at Ballochniel, 7
Nollekins, the Sculptor, Anecdote of,
n. 492

Northern Lass, Ancient Song of, 350
Northumberland Maxim, touching the

hungry Scotch! 57

Now Spring has clad the grove in
green, 506

Oatmeal, the staple of a poor Scots-
man's life, 588, n.
Ochtertyre, Hills of, a wild scene
among, 276

O'er the hills and far away, Song of,397
O'er the water to Charlie, Song of 375
Of a' the airts the wind can blaw, Song
of, 381

Old and New Light Factions, descrip-
tion of, 19

On a bank of flowers, Song of, 378
O'Neil, Shelah, Song of, 367
On the seas and far awa', Song of, 484
Ordination, The, described, 20-poem

of, 200

Ossian, The Poet an admirer of, 458
Oswald, Mrs., of Auchencruive, Ode to
her memory, 283-notice of, 672

Mrs. junr., Song in honour of, 1
424-notice of, 425

the Music Composer, notice
of, 519. .
Out over the Forth, Song of, 420
Owl, The, Address to, 200


O aye, my wife she dang me, 432— an-
cient version, я. ib.

O bonny was yon rosy brier, 307
O can ye labour lea, young man, 382
O condescend, dear, charming mand,
by Gavin Turnbull, 480

O'er the moor amang the heather, 578
O for ane-and-twenty, Tam, 403
O gie my love brose, brose, 387
O, gin my love were yon red rose, 462
O, guid ale comes, and guid ale goes,


Oh, ono chrio! 545

O, Kenmure's on and awa', Willie, 403
O, Lady Mary Ann, 410-ancient bal-
lad of (Craigton's growing), 411

O lay thy loof in mine, lass, 434
O let me in this ae night, 501-ancient
version, ib.

O, lovely Polly Stewart! 425

O luve will venture in, 406 — ancient
version, n. ib.

O May, thy morn was ne'er so sweet,


O, Mally's meek, Mally's sweet, 439
O merry hae I been teething a heckle,

O, my luve's like a red, red rose, 418-
ancient version, n. ib.

O mount and go, mount and make you
ready, 381

O Philly, happy be that day, 495

O poortith cauld, and restless love, 450
O saw ye my dear, my Phely? 488

O steer her up, and haud her gaun, 432
O tell na me o' wind and rain, 501
O this is no my ain lassie, 506
house, 566

O Tibbie, I hae seen the day, 341
O that I had ne'er been married, 345

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Panmure, Lord, his kindness to the
Poet's Widow, 127

Park, Andrew, his song for the anniver-
sary of the Poet, 771

Parker, Hugh, Poetical epistle to, 282

-William, Kilmarnock, his sub-
scription for Burns's Poems, 35
Parson's looks, The, Epigram on, 334
Pastoral verse, Examples of, 496
Paternoster Row Booksellers, Anecdote
of, 690, n.

Patison, Bookseller, Paisley, Letter
to, 617

Paton, Elizabeth, the mother of "Son-
sie, smirking, dear-bought Bess,"
34. 243, n.

Peace and Plenty, the deities which the
Poet adored, 335

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Peebles, Dr. William, the "Poet Wil-
lie" of "The Kirk's Alarm, his
centenary sermon, n. 187-8. 197
Peep, Johnny, Lines by the Poet in the
character of, 331

Peg-a-Ramsay, Bonny, Song of, 439
Peg, Bonnie, Song of, 367

Peg Nicholson, a good bay mare, elegy
on, 293-death of, 690
Peggy, M'Millan's, Song of, n. 34
Peggy, My, Saw ye nae, ancient song
of, 522

Peggy, the sister of a Carrick farmer,
and one of the "Maidens of Kyle," 30
-Montgomery's, Songs in honour
of, 343-5-9. 352

Peggy's face, My, Song of, 428
Percy, Dr., his song, "Fairest of the
fair," the most beautiful ballad in
the English language, 529

Perry, of the Morning Chronicle, his
sympathy for the Poet, 735 and n.-
letter to, and notice of, 738 and n.
Peyster, De, Colonel, Poem on Life,
addressed to, 325

Phillis the fair, Song of, 466
Phillips, Ambrose, his translation from
Sappho, 534

Pigmy-scraper, The, described, 27. 183
Pindar, Peter, his very name an acqui-

sition to Thomson's Melodies, 452
Pinkerton, John, consigned to dam-
nation by Ritson, 487. 569, n.
Pitt Administration, their neglect of
Burns, 131

Right Hon. William, n. 227-Ad-
dress of the Scotch distillers to, 740
Player's Benefit, a, Letter to a lady in
favour of, 729

Pleasure, a wanton Trout, 335

Pleyel, the composer, his engagement
with Thomson, 442-3-his sympho-
nies, &c., 455. 460

Poughman, Up wi' the, Song of, 369-
ancient version, 370

The merry, Lines on, 405
Poetry, Pastoral, Poem on, 316
Poet's, The, Welcome to his illegiti-
mate child, 243

Poets, Lives of the, a rueful narrative,

Poland, the tack of, by whom held,

290 n.

Polwart on the Green, notice and song
of, 548

Poor and honest sodger, The, song of,

Poor man's porridge, 225
Poosie Nansie's Club, the scene of
"The Jolly Beggars," 27-Cham-
bers's description of, 179, n.
Pope, Alexander, his translation of
Homer's "Cestus of Venus," 707, n.
Posie, The, Song of, 406-original ver-
sion, n. 407

Posthumous Child, a, On the birth of

Poverty, Eloquent apostrophe to, 701
Visions of, 99. 637
The creed of, 334

Prayer, A, for Mary, 356

left at Dr. Lawrie's, in the room
where the Author slept, 251
and Stanzas on the prospect of
death, 238

under the pressure of violent
anguish, 238
Presbyterian place of worship, poor
pimping business! 64

Kirk, Old Light portion

of, 215
Pringle, Lucky, the landlady of a tavern
in Edinburgh, frequented by Burns
and Nicol, 44

Prudence, I, dwell with Wisdom, 46.

Psalm, the first six verses of the First,
236 ancient version, ib.
Nineteenth, 237

[ocr errors]


version, ib.
Publishing Poetry, Burns's experience
in, 671

Purdie, Andrew, a relation of Jean
Armour, 33

Queen Charlotte, Poetical compliment
to, 255
Mary, her four attendants, 689, n.
Queensberry, Duke of, On the destruc-
tion of Drumlanrig woods, the do-
main of, 290-stanzas on, 291-bitter
allusion to, 684, and n.


Rab the Ranter, Name of, why adopted
by the Poet, 222

Rabina, Fair, the original of "Fair
Eliza," 408

Rake-helly dogs, Advice to young, un-
married, 677

Ramsay, Allan, the model of Burns, 45—
his song of "Fair Celia," 378-his spi-
rited imitation of the "Socrate" of
Horace, 524-his "Lass of Living-

,"525-his song of "The last
time I came o'er the moor," 526-his
"Lass of Patie's Mill," 527-" O my
bonnie Highland Lad," 529- his
"Tea-table Miscellany," 531-Col-
lier's Bonny Lassie," 536-Mary
Scott, "The Flower of Yarrow," 537
-"Wauking o' the fauld," 545-his
"Corn rigs are bonnie," 546-“ Pol-
wart on the Green," 548-"My Jo,
Janet," 549-" Lucky Nansy,'
of the happiest of all his songs, 580
-"Bob o' Dumblane," modernized
by, ib.
Ramsay, David, of the "Edinburgh
Courant," his bedaubing paragraphs,



of Ochtertyre, Burns's visit
to, 61-adventure with, 96
Rankine, John, one of the Poet's early
companions, 22-epistle to, 242-
anecdote of, n. ib.-his odd Dream,
243-verses to, ib. Farewell lines

to, 337

Rantin' dog, the daddie o't, Song of,


Rattlin', roarin', Willie, Song of, 374
-ancient version, ib.

Raving winds around her blowing, Song
of, 371-the original melody of, ib.
Recruiting Sergeant, a, anecdote of, 682
Remorse, the most painful sentiment
that can embitter the human bosom,

a Fragment, 256
Revelations, reading of three verses
of chap. vii., Noble enthusiasm in-
spired by, 588
Richardson, Gabriel, Epitaph on, 336
Mrs. G. G., Lines to the
memory of Burns, 161
Riches, encumbered with care, Song
of, 555

Richmond, John, a Writer's apprentice,
with whom the Poet shared his bed,
40-his recollections of him, 44-no-
tice of, n. 594-letters to, 594-9. 621.


Riddel, Capt., of Friar's Carse, his epi-
taph, 118-his description of the Poet,
130-lines written in his hermitage,
279. 280-verses to, on returning a
newspaper, 280-his contest for "The
Whistle,' 308-sonnet on his death,
317-notice of, ib. n.-his hospitable
table, lines sent to a gentleman whom
the Poet had offended at, 320-Song
in honour of his marriage, 378-let-
ters to and from, 681-2-6. n. 748

Maria, of Woodleigh Park, sa-
tirized by Burns, 117-her affecting
interview with the Poet, 123-her
character of the Poet, 127-Monody
on, 314-her inscription for a hermit-
age, ib.-her verses on the fate of the
Poet, ib.-her beautiful song, "To
thee, lov'd Nith," 736, n.-Esopus
to, 315-notice of, ib.-Impromptu
on her birth-day, 317-her song of
Stay my Willie," 498 Song in
honour of, 501-her introduction to
Smellie, 713-letters to and from,
729, 730-1, 742-3, n.
Rigidly Righteous, The, Address to, 16,

[ocr errors][merged small]

Rigs o' Barley, Song of, 343
Ritson, his Collection of Scottish Songs,
487-his remarks on the air, "Hey,
tuttie, taitie," 555-his bantam-cock
courage, 569, n.
Robertson, Captain, of Lude, supposed
letter to, 729

the historian, his opinion of

the Poet, 130
Robin, lively chant, called, 17. 350
Gray, Auld, Song of, 569

shure in hairst, Song of, 348
Rob Roy, Song and notice of, 582
Rodger, Hugh, the parish schoolmas-

ter of Kirkoswald, notice of, 6-his
bigotry, 7-anecdote of, ib.

Rodney's Victory, in 1782, Toast in
honour of. 334

Ronald, Lord, my son, Stray verse in
the ballad of, 578

Roscoe, William, his ode on the death
of Burns, 156

Rose, Mrs., of Kilravock, visit to, 67—
letters to and from, 643

Rosebud, A, by my early walk, Song
of, 373

To the, Song of, by one John-
son, a joiner of Belfast, 578
Roslin Castle, Songs of, 520-1

Landlady at, Verses to, 332
Ross, Alexander, of Lochlea, notice of,
by the authoress of " Roy's wife of
Aldivalloch," 570-his song of The
Bridal o't, 571

the Poet, his "Scota," the fore-
runner of "Coila," 290
Rothemurche's rant, beautiful air of,

Roxburgh Castle, Ruins of, visit to, 54
Ruin, Ode to, 237-when composed, 238
Ruisseaux, Robert, Elegy on his death,

[blocks in formation]

Scotch metaphysicians, their doctrines,
703, n.

-, The, Sarcastic verses against,

Scotland, described, on her mountain
throne, 51-drunkenness in, ib.
The Tears of, Smollet's song
of, 551-disadvantages of the Union
with, 412, n.
Scotsmen, The, dying on a battle field,
their Song of Death, 414
Notice of, 108-Ode of, 471-im-
proved version, 476

Scott, Mary, the flower of Yarrow, Song
and notice of, 537-Traditionary set
of, n. ib.

Miss Jane, of Ecclefechan, Lines
on, 329-notice of, ib. n.

Mrs., of Wauchope, notice of,
37. 55-poetical epistles to and from,

Scott, Sir Walter, his recollections of
Burns, 45-his remark on Bannock-

burn, 97-his account of the old Beg-
gar, 168, n.-his criticism of The
Jolly Beggars, 184-his lines on Edin-
burgh, 262-his opinion of Tam o'
Shanter, 304- his account of Mac-
pherson, 362- his remarks on the
Union, n. 412-his notice of Mary
Lilias Scott, 531, n. 537-his correc-
tion of Burns, 548-"The dowie dens
of Yarrow," escaped his notice, 582—
his remarks on Burns's Correspond-
ence, 585-on Burns's Scotch letter
to Nicol, n. 618

Scott, Sir William, author of "The
blythesome bridal," 539
Scottish airs, Origin of, difficult to
trace, 493

[blocks in formation]

Peasantry, Condition of, 424
Representatives, The, 26-
earnest cry and prayer to, 226

Songs, Old, their irregu-
larity, 751
Scroggam, Ancient song of, improved,

Selkirk, Lord, Burns's visit to, 109-
Grace, The, 336

Semphill, Francis, of Belltrees, notice
of his song, 543

Sensibility, Verses on, 319

Shanter, the farm of Douglas Grahame,

whose character is delineated in
"Tam o' Shanter," 301, n.
Sharpe, Charles, of Hoddam, Letter to,
687-notice of the family, 687, n.
Shaw, David, of Coylton, described, n.


Dr. Andrew, of Craigie, de-
scribed, n. 191

Sir James, his kindness to the
family of the Bard, 127
Shelah O'Niel, Song of, 367
Shenstone, the Poet, his cure for ennui,
659-his observation on love verses,

Shepherd, John, Muirkirk, n. 189
Shepherd's, The Poor, mournful fate,
Song of, 552

preference, Song of, 571
Sheriff-muir, Battle of, 390-ancient
version of, n. ib.

She rose and let me in, Song of, 543
She says she lo'es me best of a', Song
of, 485

She's fair and fause, Song of, 417
Sic a wife as Willie had, Song of, 410
Sidmouth, Viscount, his Verses in hon-
our of Burns, 68-his kindness to
the Poet's eldest son, 127
Sillar, David, one of the Poet's early
companions, 22-his sketch of the
Poet, ib.-Burns's epistle to him, 168
-his reply, 170 Burns's second
epistle, 171-his visit to Mrs. Stewart
of Stair, with the Poet, ib.-his reply
to "The Calf," 202
Simplicity confounded with vulgarity,


Simpson, William, Ochiltree, Epistle to,
219-notice of, 221

Sinclair, Sir John, Letter to, 686-letter
of Robert Riddel, Esq., to, respect-
ing the Poet, 686, n.
Skinner, Rev. John, of Linshart, his
song of "Tune your fiddles," 562-
"John o' Badenyon," 572-"Tulloch-
gorum," 573-Ewie wi' the crooked
horn," 574-letters to and from,
632-3, n. 642-his poetical compli-
ment, 769

Skirving, a farmer near Haddington,
anecdote of, 548--his song of "Tran-
ent muir," ib.

Sleep'st thou, or wak'st thou, fairest
creature? Song of, 490
Sloan, Thomas, Letters to and from,
306, n. 709

Smellie, William, Printer, Lines cm, 329
-letter to, and notice of, 713, and a.
Smiling Spring comes in rejoicing, Song
of, 415

Smith, Charlotte, Sonnet to the shade
of Burns, 163-notice of her sonnets,
695 and n.

James, one of the Poet's early
friends, 22-notice of epistle to, 24-
his scene with Burus, at Poosie Nan-
sie's, 27-poetical epistle to, 203-
epitaph on, 328-notice of, 594 and a.
letters to, 599. 618. 649

[ocr errors]

Rev. George, Galston, the hero
of Irvine-side, 189 and n. 197
Smollett, Tobias, his pathetic song of t
the "Tears of Scotland," 331-his
ode to independence, 697
Sodger, I'll go and be a, Song of, 349
The poor and honest, Song of,

Soldier Laddie, The, song of, 181

The maimed, described, 27. 188
Soldiers, Burns's dislike of, 115
Soldier's joy, The song of, 180
Somebody, For the sake of, Song of,


Somerville, Dr., sadly addicted to pan- ¦
ning, 54-notice of his family, 55
Honest John, modest anec-
dotes given to him, 654
Song of Death, Heroic, 101. 414
Sons of Old Killie, Song of, 353
Sotheby, his translation of Homer's

famous "Cestus of Venus," 707
Soul's immortality, the Poet's belief.
in, 666

Southland, Jennie, Specimen of the
song of, 576

Staig, Jessie, Song in honour of, 455
Star, London, letters to the editor,
287. 661-Lines to, 338
Stay, my Charmer, Song of, 364

Willie, yet believe me, Mrs.
Riddel's song of, 498
Stenhouse, William, his correction of
Burns, n. 543

Steven, Rev. James, hero of "The
Calf, ," poem addressed to, 202
Stewart, Dugald, Professor, his patron-
age of Burns, 37-his description of
his manners, character, and conduct.
41-described in "The Vision,” zań,
n. 650-letters to, 650, 663-bis letter
to Alison on the association of ideas,
703, n.

-- of Stair and Afton. Mrs...
Burns's first and kindest patroness,
13. 37. 171. 602, n.-a mother's la
ment for, 280 and n.-songs in bon-
our of, 415. 425-letters to, 602
Anna, of Afton, conversation
with, 13

Willie, Welcome to, 134
Stirling Castle, Lines on viewing, 30.
330-the reproof on ditto, s. ib.
St. John, The Divine Apostle, persecu
tion of, 604

Stobie, a young expectant in the Excise.
his kindness to the Poet, 122
Stock and horn, description of, 497–
dissertation on, by Dr. Leyden, s.is
Strange, Sir Robert, Adventure of,
Strathallan, Viscount, his lament, 72

Strathmore, The flower of, Song =
honour of, 372

Strephon and Lydia, Mr. Wallace's
Song of, 549

Struthers, Rev. J., his sequel to “Wile
brew'd a peck o' maut," 391, .
Stuart, House of, compared, 409
Eulogium on the



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