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70 Hic Andro, ille Samo, hic Trallibus aut Alabandis,
Esquilias dictumque petunt a vimine collem,
Viscera magnarum domuum dominique futuri.
Ingenium velox, audacia perdita, sermo

Promtus et Isæo torrentior. Ede, quid illum

75 Esse putes? quem vis hominem, secum adtulit ad nos: Grammaticus, rhetor, geometres, pictor, aliptes, a hat man Augur, schoenobates, medicus, magus: omnia novit.

Græculus esuriens in cœlum, jusseris, ibit.

Ad summam, non Maurus erat neque
Sarmata nec Thrax,
80 Qui sumsit pennas, mediis sed natus Athenis.

Amydon, in Pæonia a district of
Macedon. Hom. II. B 849. LU.

70. Andros one of the Cyclades. LU.
Samos an island off the coast of Ionia,
where Juno was especially worshipped.


Tralles a frontier town of Lydia. PR.
Alabanda a rich city of Caria. LU.
71. The Esquiline and Viminal
Hills,' two of the seven on which Rome
stood, are put for the city itself. The
former is now the Mount of St Mary
the Greater.' PR. It had its name from
esculi 'the bay-oaks' which grew there:
M. but ef. Ov. F. iii. 245. R.


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77. 'An Augur' divined the future from the flight, the feeding, and the chirping of birds: FA. 'an Aruspex'

from the entrails of sacrifices.

'A Rope-dancer' (from oxovos and Baivv) funambulus ; Ter.Hec.pr.4.34.FA.

In Persis augurantur et divinant magi : nec quisquam rer Persarum esse potest, qui non ante magorum disciplinam scientiamque perceperit; Cic. Div. i. 90. PR.

78. The diminutive Greekling' G. is used in contempt. cf. 61. R. Arist. Rh.

72. The vital organs.' PR.
73. Ingenium velox; Ov. M. viii. 254. III. ii. 6.

74. 'Than that of Isæus.' R. There
were two celebrated orators of this name:
(1) the preceptor of Demosthenes, who
came to Athens from Chalcis: Quint.
xii. 10. (2) An Assyrian, who fourished
at Rome in Hadrian's reign : Plin. Ep.
ü. 3. BRI.

'More rapidly fluent.' torrens dicendi
copia et facundia; x. 9 sq. 128. Quint.
III. viii. 60. Plin. xxvi. 3. cf. largus
et exundans ingenii fons; x. 119. Hom.
II. A 249. Hor. IV. ii. 5 sqq. R.
'Tell me ;' 296. &c. Quid; cf. i. 74.
xi. 33. Ov. Her. xii. 31. R.

75. He is a Jack of all trades:
nothing comes amiss to him; he is such
a universal genius.' M.

76. Terræ mensor; Hor. I Od. xxviii. 1 sq. PR. geometres must be scanned as three syllables: FA. thus uno eodemque igni; Virg. E. viii. 81.

'An anointer' of wrestlers in the gymnasium (from λúquv): FA. who had

Esuriens. Quis expedivit psittaco suum xaigs picasque docuit nostra verba conari ? Magister artis ingenique largitor venter, negatus artifex sequi voces; Pers. pr. 8 sqq. FA. via się σroudny śπaváysi καὶ πεπλανημένην ἔξω καὶ περὶ πολλὰ τὴν διάνοιαν κεχηνυῖαν πρὸς ἑαυτὴν ἐπιστρέφει Chrys. Or. IV. ad Ant. R. Necessity is the Mother of Invention."

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Ibit he will try.' cœlum ipsum petimus
stultitia; Hor. 1 Od. iii. 38. R.
79. In short.' LU.
Sarmata; ii. 1. PR.

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80. There is here a double allusion
(1) to Daedalus, i. 54. who was either
grandson or great-grandson, of Erechtheus
king of Athens: (2) to a man at Rome,
who made an attempt to fly in the reign
of Nero inter Pyrrhicarum argumenta,
Icarus primo statim conatu juxta cubiculum
ejus (Nermis) decidit, ipsumque cruore
respersit; Suet. Ner. 12. Mart. Sp. viii.
Though there is no certainty that this
latter was an Athenian. R. GŘ.

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Horum ego non fugiam conchylia? Me prior ille
Signabit? fultusque toro meliore recumbet

Advectus Romam, quo pruna et cottana vento? figs,
Usque adeo nihil est, quod nostra infantia cœlum
85 Hausit Aventinum baca nutrita Sabina?
Quid, quod adulandi gens prudentissima laudat.
Sermonem indocti, faciem deformis amici,.
Et longum invalidi collum cervicibus æquat
Herculis, Antæum procul a tellure tenentis?
90 Miratur vocem angustam, qua deterius nec
Ille sonat, quo mordetur gallina marito.

81. Conchylium, viii. 101. or murex, was the shell-fish from which the purple dye of the ancients was obtained. Plin. H. Ñ. ix. 36. viii. 1. It is here put for the purple robes' worn only by nobles and men of the first distinction. BRI. PR. R. Shall he take precedence of me in signing marriage-settlements, wills, &c. as a witness.' LU. Pers. v. 81. PR.

82. Effultum pluma versicolore caput; Prop. III. vii. 50. or rather on the elbow.' R. The middle couch was the 6 more honourable one.' GR. Hor. II S. viii. 20 sqq. M. cf. St Luke xiv. 7.

83. Imported from Syria.' LU. i. 111. M. mistus Phariis venalis mercibus infans; Stat. II S. i. 73. R.

The plums of Damascus' were famous. LU. They are mentioned in conjunction with cottuna; Plin. H. N. xiii. 5. xv. 13. Mart. XIII. xxviii sq. PR. IV. liii. 7. Stat. IV S. ix. 28. R. Hence our word DAMSONS, originally written


Syria peculiares habet arbores in ficorum genere: caricas, et minores ejus generis qua cottana vocant; Plin. xiii. 5. Mart. IV. lxxxix. 6. PR.

85. Hausit cœlum; Virg. Æ. x. 899. R. The Aventine,' one of the seven hills, is now the Mount of St Sabina. PR.

The Sabine berry' is opposed to 'the Syrian prunes.' The Sabine lands abounded in ‘olives,' (Virg. Æ. vii. 711. Sil. iii. 596. Mart. IV.iv. 10. R.) which are here put for the fruits of Italy in general: the species for the genus. BRI. FA.

86. For other descriptions of such flatterers, see Hor. A. P. 428 sqq. Theoph. Ch. ii. Ter. Eun. II. ii. III. i. Amm. Ep. xxv. (cf. 100 sqq. Ov. A. A. ii. 200


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Pronounces equal.' LU.

89. The conflict of Hercules with Antæus, son of the Earth, whose strength was renovated by falling on the bosom of his mother and who was ultimately crushed by being held on high in the arms of his antagonist, is described, Luc. iv. 589 sqq. LU. Apollod. II. v. 11. R. 90. He professes to admire.' LU.

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Shrill and grating,' which is a great imperfection in a speaker; Quint. xi. 3. PR. vocis acutæ mollities; Claud. Eut. i. 340 sq. R.

91. As the text stands, the construction is ille (maritus) sonat, (a) quo marito g. m. There are instances of an ablative of the agent without a preposition. CO, on Sall. B. 3. 15. 21. O, and RK, on Suet. Cæs. 19. HK. Various alterations however have been proposed; (1) cui for a quo as illi, scripta quibus comœdia prisca viris est; Hor. I S. x. 16. Sil. i. 208 sq. R. (2) Either deterior... sonus, quo (sono) ...; (3) or illa (vox) ..., quâ .... BRE. (4) Either illa..., quum... ; (5) or illa (gallina)..., quae CL. JA. ACH. In all these marito is the dative. The latter part of the line is merely a periphrasis for gallus, as olentis uxores mariti; Hor. I Od. xvii. 7. for cupella: ef. Virg E. vii. 7. in imitation of rav aiyav avg Theoc. viii. 49. PR. Vox ultra vires urgenda non est: nam et suffocata sæpe et majore nisu minus clara est, et

Hæc eadem licet et nobis laudare: sed illis

Creditur. An melior, quum Thaida sustinet, aut quum
Uxorem comœdus agit vel Dorida nullo

95 Cultam palliolo? Mulier nempe ipsa videtur,
Non persona loqui: vacua et plana omnia dicas
Infra ventriculum et tenui distantia rima.

Nec tamen Antiochus nec erit mirabilis illic
Aut Stratocles aut cum molli Demetrius Hæmo.
100 Natio comoda est. Rides? meliore cachinno
Concutitur: flet, si lacrumas conspexit amici,
Nec dolet: igniculum brumæ si tempore poscas,


great Crut Accipit èndromiden: si dixeris " Æstuo,” sudat.

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Non sumus ergo pares: melior, qui semper et omni
105 Nocte dieque potest alienum sumere vultum,
A facie jactare manus, laudare paratus,

interim elisa in illum sonum erumpit, cui
Greci κλωγμὶν nomen a gallorum imma-
turo cantu dederunt; Quint. xi. 3. LU.
92. With illis understand tantum. R.
cf. Suet. Ner. 22. PR.

93. Is a better actor to be found
than the Greek?'

Thais was a common name in comedy
for a courtezan. PR.
to sustain the part of,'
synonymous with agere 'to act.' M.
94. Comadus was the actor, comicus
the writer of comedy. LU.

Doris, the daughter of Oceanus and
Tethys, was the mother of Thetis and
other sea-nymphs by Nereus. LU. PR.
HG. Ora Doric girl.' The Spartan girls
were scantily and thinly clad; whence
δωριάζειν for παραφαίνειν καὶ παραγυμνοῦν
TOλÙ TOU σwμATOS Eust. Hesych. R.

95. A short mantle and hood,' ordinarily worn by this class of females. Mart. IX. xxxiii. 1. XI. xxvii. 8. cf. Ov.

A. A. i. 734. Suet. Claud. 2. R.

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λας, ἐγὼ δ ̓ ἐξέθνησκον γέλωτι Plut. Am. et
Ad. LU. σκώψαντι ψυχρῶς ἐπιγελάσαι,
τό τε ἱμάτιον ὦσαι εἰς τὸ στόμα, ὡς δὴ οὐ
duváμsvos xacaoxiïv vòr yiλwra· Theoph.
Ch. ii. risu tremulo concussa cachinnent
(corpora) et lacrumis salsis humectent ora
genusque; Lucr. i. 918 sq.
102. And yet grieves not in reality.' R.
Pers. vi. 1. PR.

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103. A great coat,' used in winter after gymnastic exercises to prevent catching cold. vi. 246. Mart. IV. xix. XIV. cxxvi. PR. The ideoides of the Greeks were shoes. R. cf. 67.

Estuo; i. 71. Such is Osric's character: "HAM. Your bonnet to his right use; 'tis for the head. OSR. I thank your lordship, 'tis very hot. HAM. No, believe me, tis very cold; the wind is northerly. Osn. It is indifferent cold, my lord, indeed. HAM. But yet, methinks it is very sultry and hot; or my complexionOSR. Exceedingly, my lord; it is very sultry,- -as 'twere,-I cannot tell howShakespeare Ham. V. ii. M.

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104. A match.' M.
'He has the best of it.'

106. iv. 118. Mart. X. x. 10. Tac. H. i. 36. Plin. xxviii. 2. R. This exactly coincides with what we call kissing the hand to any one; as is very frequently done when persons see each other at a distance, or are passing in carriages; which is looked upon as a token of This custom is men

100. A horse-laugh.' M. où μìv iy-friendly courtesy.

Si bene ructavit, si rectum minxit amicus,

Si trulla inverso crepitum dedit aurea fundo.

Præterea sanctum nihil est et ab inguine tutum;
110 Non matrona laris, non filia virgo, neque ipse
Sponsus levis adhuc, non filius ante pudicus.
Horum si nihil est, aviam resupinat amici.
Scire volunt secreta domus atque inde timeri..
Et quoniam cœpit Græcorum mentio, transi
115 Gymnasia atque audi facinus majoris abollæ.
Stoicus occidit Baream, delator amicum,
Discipulumque senex, ripa nutritus in illa,

tioned as an action of religious worship paid by idolaters to the host of heaven; Job xxxi. 27. M.

Paratus 'wont;' vi. 16. 207. ix. 7. 49. xii. 106. xiii. 108. R.

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107. Rectum for recte. FA. 108. This may refer to the vulgar smack of the lips, caused by draining the very last drop from the golden cup turned bottom upwards and orifice downwards. T. Hor. II S. iii. 144. Mart. IX. xcvii. 1. Or to dashing the liquor, left in the bottom of the cup, on the floor; from which practice arose the amusement of a person's tossing it into brazen saucers, to find by the sound how much his sweetheart loved him. A. PR. Or it may mean a golden stool-pan,' such as was used by luxurious Romans. Mart. I. xxxviii. This though its yields an indelicate sense is more in unison with the preceding line, and also with a similar passage of Diodor. Sinop. εἶθ ̓ ὕστερον τὸν Ηρακλέα μιμούμενοι τῶν εὐπήρων τινὲς, παρασίτους ἑλόμενοι τρέ. φειν, παρεκάλουν οὐχὶ τοὺς χαριεστάτους ἐκλεγόμενοι, τοὺς δὲ κολακεύειν δυναμένους καὶ πάντ ̓ ἐπαινεῖν· οἷς ἐπειδὴ προσερύγοι, jaqarida xui caægòv cíλougov xaraqayàv, la xai jod parav avràv ågiornxívar làv ♪ ἀποπάρδη μετά τινος κατακείμενος, τούτῳ προσάγων τὴν ῥῖνα δεῖς' αὐτῷ φράσαι, “ πόθεν τὸ θυμίαμα τοῦτο λαμβάνεις ;” Ath. vi. 9. &c. R. Or the golden flagon' may be put metaphorically for the rich man's paunch.' BRI. There is a beautiful and well-known metaphor of this kind in Eccles. xii. 6.

109. Safe from their lust.' LU. 110. Matrona laris i. e. materfamilias. LU. The lares were 'the household gods.' PR.


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114. Pass on to their schools of philosophy.' LU.

115. Major 'more ample' or 'dignified,' as that of the Stoics. FE.

Abolla was a cloak worn by philosophers, VS. military men, senators, and princes. iv. 76. Suet. Cal. 35. PR. It here means the philosopher himself. M.

116. P. Egnatius Celer was bribed to give the false evidence upon which Barea Soranus, an exemplary man, was capitally convicted under Nero. cf. i. 33. vi. 552. Tac. A. xvi. 21 sqq. particularly 32. Η. iv. 10. 40. LU. R.

Occidit, lavárwos, see 37. vi. 481. 483 sq. so metit and deponit; 186. pignerat ; vii. 73. vendit; vii. 135. punire; xvi. 13. damnare “to obtain a person's condemnation ;' Tac. A. iii. 36. iv. 66. Suet. Tib. 8. R.

117. Tarsus a city of Cilicia, on the banks of the Cydnus, fabled to be so named after sagròs a heel, hoof, or wing,' because either Bellerophon or Pegasus lost some feathers from the heel; but the story is variously told. VS. LU. Or Corinth.' GR. CAS. Or' Crete' according to others. Dio makes Egnatius a native of Berytus in Phoenicia. Ř.

Ad quam Gorgonei delapsa est pinna caballi.
Non est Romano cuiquam locus hic, ubi regnat
120 Protogenes aliquis vel Diphilus aut Erimarchus,
Qui gentis vitio numquam partitur amicum,
Solus habet. Nam quum facilem stillavit in aurem
Exiguum de naturæ patriæque veneno,

Limine submoveor: perierunt tempora longi
125 Servitii. Nusquam minor est jactura clientis.
Quod porro officium, ne nobis blandiar, aut quod
Pauperis hic meritum, si curet nocte togatus
Currere, quum Prætor lictorem impellat et ire.
Præcipitem jubeat dudum vigilantibus orbis,

118. Gorgonei pinna caballi may be merely a periphrasis for Pegasus, called 'Gorgonian' as sprung from the blood of Medusa when slain by Perseus: Ov. M. iv. 785. and delapsa est may mean devolavit. Pegasus alighted on Mount Helicon in Boeotia, where the fountain of Hippocrene (fons caballinus; Pers. pr. 1.) sprang from the stroke of his hoof. In this case Thebes, on the Ismenus, would be the Stoic's birth-place. BRI. R. Superas delapsa per auras Pallas adest; Ov. M. iii. 101 sq.

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Penna is the name for a feather' in general, and includes pinne quills,' pinion feathers,' and plume soft downy plumage.' LU.

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a hack,' G. properly, Caballus packhorse,' but used for a horse' generally. x. 60. R. Even the steed does not escape from the antipathy felt by our author to all that was Grecian. CAS.

119. Cf. 21 sq. R.

120. Protogenes was a heartless in former under Caligula. M. Dio lix. R. Diphilus a minion of Domitian. M. Of Erimarchus nothing is known. All three names may be fictitious. ST.

122. Habereto possess one's affections; Virg. E. i. 31. iii. 107. Cic. ad Div. ix. 16. R.

Facilis auris; v. 107. R. Instillare auriculis; Hor. I Ep. viii. 16. cf. Ov. Her. iii. 23. R.

123. It is possible that Erimarchus might have been an African. Tollite Massylas fraudes: removete bilingues insidias et verba soli spirantia virus; Claud. B. G. 284 sq. R. This metaphor is illustrated by the following pas

sage; "Upon my secure hour thy uncle stole, With juice of cursed hebenon in a vial, And in the porches of mine ears did pour The leperous distilment;" Shakspeare Ham. 1. v.

124. Limine cf. i. 96. R.

125. The loss is so soon supplied. PR. jactura is properly the throwing of goods overboard in a storm.' M. de illis potissimum jactura fit, quia pretii minimi sunt; Sall. Or. ii. ad Cæs. m. jactura servuli vilis; Cic. Off. iii. 23.

126. Cf. i. 95 sqq. 100 sqq. officium; ii. 132. R.

Ne nobis blandiar to tell the truth.' R.

127. Cum tu, laurigeris annum qui fascibus intras, mane salutator limina mille teras; hic ego quid faciam? quid nobis, Paulle, relinquis, qui de plebe Numæ, densaque turba sumus? quid faciet pauper, cui non licet esse clienti? dimisit nostras purpura vestra togas; Mart. X. x. G. Mane vel a media nocte togatus ero; Mart. X. lxxxii. 2. LU. i. 127 sqq. exigis a nobis operam sine fine togatam; Mart. III. xlvi. 1. PR. II. xviii. III. vii. xxxvi. IV. viii. X. lxxiv. The poor client' here may be a retainer of the prætor. R.

128. Cf. i. 101. PR. The prætor had six lictors, the consul twelve. LI. These lictors, on ordinary occasions, marched at a slow pace. M.

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129. Orbe widows without children,' viz. Albina and Modia; vigilantes up and dressed.' LU. "The childless matrons are long since awake." D. Or the orphans having been waiting in vain for the prætor to appoint their guardian.' VS.

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