cakes. Plena domus libis venalibus. Accipe et istud Fermentum tibi habe: præstare tributa clientes Cogimur et cultis augere peculia servis. 190 Quis timet aut timuit gelida Præneste ruinam Aut positis nemorosa inter juga Volsiniis aut Simplicibus Gabiis aut proni Tiburis arce? Nos urbem colimus tenui tibicine fultam prop. Magna parte sui. Nam sic labentibus obstat 195 Villicus et, veteris rimæ quum texit hiatum, Securos pendente jubet dormire ruina. Vivendum est illic, ubi nulla incendia, nulli Nocte metus. Jam poscit aquam, jam frivola transfert Ucalegon; tabulata tibi jam tertia fumant: cut.' HK. ACH. cf. 116. The hardship, however, would be aggravated if we read amatus, implying that there was more than one favourite to be courted in each great man's house. R. 187. The libum was a kind of gingerbread, made of flour, honey, and oil. PR. or, according to Athenæus, λanoũs in yáλantos irgíwv Te naì μéditos' iii. 66. R. These cakes' were sent in such quantities as to be sold.' PR. 188. Take this if you can digest it, and let the leaven work within your spleen.' VS. LU. M. cf. i. 45. Pers. i. 24. Plaut. Merc. V. iii. 3. Cas. II. v. Aul. III. iv. 9. R. 189. Cultis i.e. amatis, 186. R. cf. 158. It may also mean respectfully courted:' M. pampered menials.' 17. Peculia 'the vails or perquisites.' M. 'That property of a servant or child, over which the master or parent had no power.' LU. 190. Præneste, being here feminine, comes from the nominative Prænestis, GRÆ, a town of Latium, now Palestrina.' It was cool' from its waters, as well as from its situation on a hill: PR. frigidum Præneste; Hor. III Od. iv. 22. R. altum; Virg. Æ. vii. 682. M. Ruinam; cf. 7 sq. 191. Now Bolsena,' a city of Tuscany. PR. 192. Gabii, a town of Latium between Rome and Præneste. R. Simple,' from being a dupe to the artifices of Sextus Tarquinius. Flor. i. 7. LU. Liv. i. 53 sq. PR. or unadorned' VS. cf. simplex munditiis; Hor. I Od. v. 5. pampered menials. Tibur, now Tivoli,' on the Anio; a town of Latium, built on a steep acclivity: hence called supinum; Hor. III Od. iv. 23. VS. PR. M. Arx denotes (1) 'a height,' (2) citadel,' (3) 'a city' in general. R. 6 a 193. Tibicen a prop or shore.' LU. 195. The steward, M. or the city surveyor;' cf. iv. 77. FE. or 'the landlord,' or 'the ædile;' R. or 'the village mason.' ACH. 'After closing the crack in the walls with a little plaster.' VS. 196. Without apprehension;' though not tutos 'secured from danger;' tuta scelera esse possunt, secura non possunt; Sen. ep. 97. Pendente impending.' FE. 197. Illic in the country.' cf. 190. 223 sq. R. 198. The repetition of the word jam three times, denotes the progress of the fire. 'Having saved his valuables in the first instance, he is now moving his lumber, without ever thinking of giving the alarm to his poor lodgers.' R. 199. The name of Ucalegon is introduced from Virgil's description of Troy in flames: jam Deiphobi dedit ampla ruinam, Vulcano superante, domus ; jam proximus ardet Ucalegon; E. ii. 310 sqq. VS. The third floor which you occupy.' The rich used to let the upper rooms of their houses to poorer people: cœnacula; x. 18. scalis habito tribus, sed altis; Mart. I. cxviii. 7. LU. cf. vii. 118. Hor. I Ep. 1.91. Plaut. Amph. III.1.3. Suet. Vit.7. R. 200 Tu nescis. Nam si gradibus trepidatur ab imis, 205 A pluvia, molles ubi reddunt ova columbæ. Et divina opici rodebant carmina mures. Nil habuit Codrus: quis enim negat? et tamen illud 210 Ærumnæ cumulus, quod nudum et frusta rogantem courts. Si magna Asturii cecidit domus: horrida mater, 200. You are sound asleep, and un- 'If the bustle and alarm (i.e. the fire) begin at the bottom of the stairs;' xarαBádny down stairs,' Arist. Ach. 386. as opposed to åvaßádný ́ in the garret ;' Ibid. 385. 374. Pl. 1123. 201. He will be burnt, though last of all.' LU. Not large enough for his better half.' Lectus minor, urceoli, parvulus can- 'Little jugs.' 204. Of his cupboard';' ' of a marble 205. A can:' gravis attrita pendebat cantharus ansa; Virg. E. vi. 17. PR. A reclining figure of the centaur Chiron, made of the same marble, supported the slab.' The rich used more costly materials than marble: xi. 122 sqq. FE. R. Codrus is the more to be pitied, as he was evidently an antiquarian, and no doubt attached a great value to every article in this catalogue. G. 206. The few Greek books which he had, were now consigned to the custody 207. Dia poemata; Pers. i. 31. R. The Opici or Osci were an Ausonian tribe, on the banks of the Liris, in Latium and Campania; who, on their admission among the Romans, introduced many barbarous innovations into the language and manners of that people. Dionys. H. i. 89. 455. Gell. ii. 21. xi. 16. xiii. 9. Plin. xxix. 1. Apoll. Sidon. ep. vii. 3. Virg. Æ. vii. 730. LU. LI. M. MNS. R. barbarians, goths.' 208. 'Codrus in short had nothing.' G. cf. St Matth. xiii. 12. SL, on xa n. 15. R. See note on our Her. vi. 22. 210. Cumulus, that which is over and above measure, being piled on when a measure is already brim-full, so as to rise in a heap above the rim of the vessel. In French comble; M. “ce qui reste enfaité au-dessus des bords d'une mesure, apres que le mesureur l'a remplie :" Nodier et Verger. Frusta broken victuals.' M. Tunc gemimus casus Urbis, tunc odimus ignem. 215 Ardet adhuc, et jam occurrit, qui marmora donet, Conferat impensas. Hic nuda et candida signa, latus. Hæc Asianorum vetera ornamenta Deorum, Hic libros dabit et forulos mediamque Minervam,bookshel 220 Hic modium argenti. Meliora ac plura reponit Persicus orborum lautissimus et merito jam Suspectus, tamquam ipse suas incenderit ædes. Si potes avelli Circensibus, optima Sora Aut Fabrateriæ domus aut Frusinone paratur, 225 Quanti nunc tenebras unum conducis in annum. Hortulus hic puteusque brevis nec reste movendus 214. We lament it as a national calamity: we exsecrate the very name of fire. LU. It was customary with mourners to extinguish their fires. VS. 215. The fire is yet raging.' LU. Occurrit comes forward.' R. " 216. Understand pecunias; begs to contribute towards the rebuilding.' LU. 'Of Parian_marble.' PR. cf. Plin. xxxiv. 5 s 10. R. 217. Some master-piece of Euphranor the sculptor and painter, or Polycletus the statuary.' LU. Quint. xii. 10. Plin. xxxiv. 8. PR. xxxv. 11. cf. viii. 103. R. 218. Nor will the fair sex be less attentive.' T. Asianorum 'taken long since in some of the victories gained in Asia.' R. 219. Books and book-cases and a bust of Minerva.' LU. R. 220. A bushel' used indefinitely. M. "The worthies of antiquity bought the rarest pictures with bushels of gold, without counting the weight or the number of pieces;" D, Dufresnoy. 'He replaces in the room of what he has lost by the fire.' R. : 221. Asturius we may suppose to be called Persicus in consequence of his oriental origin cf. 72. M. or from his luxurious style of living; Hor. I Od. xxxviii. 1. VS. Hence the presents in 218. MNS. He receives so much both 'because he is childless and because he is very rich.' ACH. Observe the contrast between his fate and that of Codrus. M. 222. Empta domus fuerat tibi, Tongiliane, ducenis: abstulit hanc nimium casus in Urbe frequens. Collatum est decies. 223. If you can tear yourself away.' 224. These towns are now called 'Sora, rovse In tenues plantas facili diffunditur haustu. Plurimus hic æger moritur vigilando: sed illum Ardenti stomacho. Nam quæ meritoria somnum he hired 235 Admittunt? Magnis opibus dormitur in Urbe : and rope is required:' a great acquisition in a country where so much watering was wanted as in Italy. M. 228. Devote your life to your field and your garden.' Of the pitch-fork' i. e. ' of husbandry.' LU. bidente vides oneratos arva colentes; Ov. Am. I. xiii. 15. R. 229. From the produce of which garden.' LU. The Pythagoreans abstained from meat (owing to their belief in the metempsychosis, R.) and observed a vegetable diet. LU. xv. 171 sqq. PR. 230. Cf. i. 74. est aliquid fatove suo ferrove cadentem in solida moriens ponere corpus humo; et mandare suis aliquid, sperare sepulcra, et non æquoreis piscibus esse cibum; Ov. Tr. I. ii. 53 sqq. R. 231. "We asked Dr. Johnson," says Boswell, "the meaning of that expression in Juvenal, unius dominum lacerta. Johnson-I think it clear enough; it means as much ground as one may have a chance of finding a lizard upon." And so it does! and this, the Doctor might have added, is very little in Italy. G. VS. LU. The green lizard is very plentiful in the gardens of Italy. Hor. I Od. xxiii. 7 sq. M. Plin. H. N. viii. 39. PR. cf. Mart. XI. xviii. R. rooms, cante pens. as workshops' VS. or as temporary lodgings.' M. If the former, the meaning will be that the incessant din of the artizans at work (Mart. XII. lvii. R.) effectually precludes sleep. LU. PR. In the latter case, it implies that as no one would take permanent lodgings in the noisiest parts of the city, the spare rooms in those quarters were let out by the night; where you might get a bed, but as for sleep, that was quite out of the question. 235. Dormitur impersonally, as trepidatur, 200. M. A person of large property may be able to obtain a mansion sufficiently spacious to have bed-chambers remote from the noise and bustle of the streets, or at any rate to overawe the neighbourhood into silence.' VS. LU. PR. M. 236. The rumbling of carts and carriages interrupted only by the vociferations and mutual abuse of the drivers blocked up by stoppages.' LU. PR. M. cf. Mart. V. xxii. 237. The narrow crooked streets' were owing to the great fire at Rome; Nero endeavoured to remedy the evil by another fire. Liv. v. 55. Suet. Ner. 38. PR. Tac. A. xv. 38. 43. Flor. i. 13. Diod. xiv. 116. R. Mandra a pen for cattle'' the cattle themselves' a team of horses or mules.' PR. The genitive case of the object: as παῦσαι βουλόμενος τὸν ̓Αχιλλέα τῆς bgyns TεlywTos Arist. Rh. II. iii. 3. see note on iwurou, Her. i. 129. 238. Ti. Claudius Drusus Caesar was very lethargic: Suet. Claud. 5. 8. but in all likelihood some well-known character of the day is here intended. 'Seals' are Si vocat officium, turba cedente vehetur 240 Dives et ingenti curret super ora Liburno Atque obiter leget aut scribet vel dormiet intus; Namque facit somnum clausa lectica fenestra. Ante tamen veniet: nobis properantibus obstat Unda prior: magno populus premit agmine lumbos, 245 Qui sequitur. Ferit hic cubito, ferit assere duro Alter; at hic tignum capiti incutit, ille metretam. tub Pinguia crura luto; planta mox undique magna fool, Calcor et in digito clavus mihi militis hæret. Nonne vides, quanto celebretur sportula fumo? also very drowsy animals. Plin. H. N. ix. 13. PR. LU. R. The humour in coupling Drusus with these sleepy creatures and placing the latter within ear-shot of the muleteers and coachmen in the heart of the city, is quite overlooked by the majority of Commentators; G. who, by introducing the alteration (1) somnos urso, cf. Plin. H. N. viii. 36. (BRI.) or (2) vetulisque maritis, (GRÆ.) entirely destroy the σχῆμα παρὰ προσδοκίαν so common in Aristophanes and other comic writers: neither is the correction vitulisve (JA.) necessary, notwithstanding the absurdity of que. 239. Officium; ii. 132. • The rich will move rapidly without impediment to the levees of the old and childless; while the poor, whose sole support probably depended upon their early appearance there, have to struggle at every step through dangers and difficulties.' G. 240 The crowd, as they make way, will look up at the great man in his litter; so that he will be carried above their faces.' M. Illos humeri cervicesque servorum super ora nostra vehunt; Plin. Pan. 24. PR. quos supra capita hominum supraque turbam delicatos lectica suspendit; Sen. R. The tall and sturdy natives of Liburnia, bordering on the north-eastern shore of. the Adriatic, were much employed at Rome as chairmen, &c. LU. PR. vi. 477. iv. 75. longorum cervice Syrorum; vi. 351. R. horridus Liburnus; Mart. I. 1. 33. BO. Make what haste we can.' M. 244. The tide of people.' PR. Virg. G. ii. 462. Sil. iv. 159. R. xuμa x&grałov cf. BL, on Æsch. Theb. 64. Premit; præcedentibus instans; Hor. I Ep. ii. 71. 245. With the hard pole of the litter.' vii. 132. Martial uses asser for the litter itself.' LU. 246. 'A ten-gallon cask' μergnrýs. GR. 247. Understand mea fiunt. R. cf. iii. 68, note. He now gets jostled among a party of soldiers. PŘ. Magna (cf. xvi. 14. R.) ' of a grenadier.' 248. In my toe.' LU. The soldiers' boots were stuck full of large hobnails. xvi. 24 sq. LU. cf. Plin. ix. 18. xxii. 22. xxxiv. 19. R. 249. Is frequented.' LU. Here the scene shifts. The difficulties of the morning are overpast, and the streets cleared of the shoals of leveehunters. New perils now arise, and the poor are obstructed in the prosecution of their evening business by the crowds of rich clients returning with their slaves from the dole of suppers at their patrons' houses. The kitchen' was a larger kind of chafing-dish, divided into two cells, in the uppermost of which, they put the meat, and in the lower, fire, to keep it warm. How often have I been reminded of the sportula (duævov iv oxuid T.) by the firepans and suppers of the Neapolitans! As soon as it grows |