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minis tui fideliter susci- olive-tree, which thy serpiunt; ut in quemcum- vants take with faith, for que locum introducti the honor of thy name, fuerint, tuam benedic- that into whatever place tionem habitatores loci they may be carried, the illius consequantur: et inhabitants of that place: omni adversitate effu- may obtain thy blessing; gata, dextera tua protegat quos redemit Jesus Christus, Filius tuus, Dominus noster: qui tecum vivit et regnat, etc.


and thy right hand preserve from all adversity, and protect those that have been redeemed by our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son, who liveth and reigneth, etc.

Let us pray.

Deus, qui miro dispo- O God! who by the sitionis ordine, ex rebus' wonderful order of thy etiam insensibilibus dis- providence wouldst even pensationem nostræ sa- in insensible things show lutis ostendere voluisti: us the manner of our da quæsumus, ut devota salvation, grant, we betuorum corda fidelium seech thee, that the de salubriter intelligant, vout hearts of thy faith.. quid mystice designet ful may savingly unin facto, quod hodie derstand the mystical cœlesti lumine efflata, meaning of that cereRedemptori obviam pro- mony, which the multicedens, palmarum atque tude performed, when olivarum ramos vestigiis by direction from heaejus turba substravit. ven, going this day to Palmarum igitur rami meet our Redeemer, they

de mortis principe tri- strewed under his feet umphos expectant: sur- palm and olive branches culi vero olivarum spiri- -the palms represent tualem unctionem adve- his triumph over the nisse quodammodo cla- prince of death; and the mant. Intellexit enim olive-branches proclaim, jam tunc illa hominum in some manner, the beata multitudo præfi- spreading of a spiritual gurari, quia Redemptor unction. For that pious noster humanis condo- multitude knew even lens miseriis, pro totius then what was signified mundi vita cum mortis by them; that our Reprincipe esset pugnatu- deemer, compassionatrus, ac moriendo trium- ing the miseries of manphaturus. Et ideo talia kind, was to combat for obsequens administra- the life of the whole. vit, quæ in illo et trium- world with the prince of phos victoriæ, et mise- death, and to triumph ricordiæ pinguedinem over him by his own declararent. Quod nos death. Hence it was quoque plena fide, et they made use of such factum et significatum emblems as might deretinentes, te Domine clare both the triumph. sancte, Pater omnipo- of his victory, and the tens, æterne Deus, per riches of his mercy. We, eundem Dominum nos- also, with a firm faith trum Jesum Christum retaining both the cere suppliciter

exoramus; mony and its significa ut in ipso, atque per ip- tion, humbly beseech sum, cujus nos membra thee, O holy Lord, alfieri voluisti, de mortis mighty Father, eternal imperio victoriam repor- God! through the same tantes, ipsius gloriose Lord, Jesus Christ; that

resurrectionis participes we, whom thou hast

esse mereamur: qui tecum vivit et regnat, etc.


made his members, gaining by him, and in him, a victory over the empire. of death, may deserve to be partakers of his glorious resurrection; who liveth and reigneth with thee, etc.

Let us pray. Deus, qui per olivæ O God! who by an ramum pacem terris co- olive branch didst com lumbam nuntiare jussis- mand the dove to pro ti: præsta, quæsumus, ut claim peace to the world; hos olivæ, cæterarumque grant us, we beseech arborum ramos, cœlesti thee, thy grace to sancbenedictione sanctifices, tify by thy heavenly be ut cuncto populo tuo nediction these branches proficiant ad salutem. of the olive and other Per Christum Dominum trees; that they may be nostrum,

R. Amen.


Benedic, quæsumus

serviceable to all thy people for their salvation; through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

Let us pray.

Bless, O Lord! we be

Domine, hos palmarum seech thee, these branchseu olivarum ramos: et es of the palm-tree or præsta, ut quod populus olive-tree; and grant tuus in tui venerationem that what thy people hodierna die corporali- this day corporally perter agit. hoc spiritualiter form for the honor of

summa devotione perfi- thy name, they may with ciat, de hoste victoriam the greatest devotion reportando, et opus mi- spiritually accomplish, sericordiæ summopere by gaining a victory diligendo. Per Domi- over their enemy, and aum nostrum, etc.

ardently loving works of mercy; through our Lord, etc,

The Priest sprinkles the Palms with Holy Water, and fumes them with Incense, and says:

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R. And with thy spirit.

Let us pray.

O God! who for our salvation didst send into this world thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, that humbling himself to our

Deus, qui Filium tuum Jesum Christum, Dominum nostrum, pro salute nostra in hunc mundum misisti, ut se humiliaret ad nos, et nos revocaret condition he might read te: cui etiam, dum call us to thee: who, Jerusalem veniret, ut also, as he was going to adimpleret Scripturas, Jerusalem to fulfil the credentium populorum Scriptures, was met by turba, fidelissima devo- a multitude of faithful tione vestimenta sua people, with zealous decum ramis palmarum in votion, spreading their via sternebant: præsta, garments together with quæsumus, ut illi fidei branches of palm-trees viam præparemus, de in his path; grant, we qua remoto lapide offen- beseech thee, that we sionis et petra scandali, may prepare him the

frondeant apud te opera way of faith from which. nostra justitiæ ramis; ut the stone of offence and ejus vestigia sequi mere- the rock of scandal amur: qui tecum vivit being removed, our acet regnat, etc.

tions may flourish with branches of justice, so that we may be able to follow his steps: who liveth and reigneth, etc.

The Palms being blessed, they are distributed by the Priest to the clergy, and to the laity. The Palms are received kneeling. The receiver kisses the Palm and the Priest's hand. During the distribution the following Antiphons are sung:


UERI Hebræ


orum portantes ramos olivarum obviaverunt Domino, clamantes et dicentes: Hosanna in excelsis.


HE Hebrew Ant. children carrying olive-branches met our Lord, crying out, and saying: Hosanna in the highest.

Another Ant. The He

Alia Ant. Pueri Hebræorum vestimenta brew children spread prosternebant in via, et their garments in the clamabant dicentes: way, and cried out, sayHosanna filio David: benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.

ing: Hosanna to the Son of David! blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

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