1.8 98-11-6 @ INTRODUCTION. a name It is impossible to get an adequate idea of the "Spectator" without some knowledge of the "Tatler," of which it was the direct outcome. English newspapers had been for many years under government control, and gave only such news as the government allowed. The "Tatler was a London newspaper founded by Richard Steele, and issued three times a week. It was designed to form and direct public opinion. Its price was one penny. Steele said its name was chosen in honor of the fair sex. The papers were signed "Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq.,”borrowed from one of Swift's characters. The first number was issued April 12, 1709. The news was grouped under the titles of the different public assembly houses, where the men of that day met to discuss and gossip over current topics of state, literature, and society, much as they do in the social club-houses today. Thus, under the title "White's Chocolate House" was grouped the news of pleasure and entertainment; "Will's Coffee House," that of poetry and the drama; the “Grecian,” learning; "St. James's," domestic topics, etc. The paper began by merely reporting the actions of men, but soon assumed the right to discuss the propriety of such actions. In the fifth number of the "Tatler " Addison discovered the identity of “Mr. Bickerstaff;" and he soon became one of the regular contributors, his first paper 200345 |