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the utility of classical learning, P. 10.-"It were easy to prove that

considered with reference to ethics and theology, are just and impor


every study by which the powers of the ed, has a tendency to improve us in the human mind are invigorated and enlargbelief and practice of true religion. Whatsoever extends the limits of our "All, undoubtedly, that it is essential knowledge, whether in the natural or in for a Christian to learn in the theory and the moral world, cannot fail to supply practice of Ethics, is contained in the additional proofs of the wisdom, power, books of the Old and New Testament: and goodness of the Deity. The abbut surely the topics of moral science struse sciences, by exercising the faculmay be enlarged and elucidated by the ties in the art of reasoning, enable it writings of philosophers in every clime, (them) to grasp more firmly the various and of every religion. And as this stu- arguments for the truth of Christianity: dy was no where pursued to such an ex- and even those studies, by which the tent, or with so much success, as by the fancy is warmed, and the taste matured, sages of Greece and Rome, skill in these dispose us to estimate more justly, and languages will at least discover much to feel more exquisitely, the lofty imageelaborate reasoning, much curious dis- ry, the appropriate diction, and the wintinction, much scientific arrangement. ning simplicity of the sacred writers: Our researches into this important sub- This, indeed, is the end to which every ject will be invited and rewarded by the part of knowledge should be ultimately rich variety of their matter, if not by the directed; nor can we set forth, in a fairer infallible truth of their speculations; by or more striking point of view, the adthe splendour and beauty of their lan- vantages of polite and recondite learnguage, if not by the irresistible cogency ing, than by shewing that it affords the of their arguments. Doubtless it were clearest perception of the excellency, as superfluous to prove that none can ap- well as truth, of revealed religion." P. prehend so accurately and completely 18,

the contents of the sacred volumes them-selves, as those who have stored their We were pleased to find, in p. minds with habits of critical investiga tion, derived from an early and intimate 14, a quotation from " the eleacquaintance with profane literature." gant and rational Jortin."

ART. VI.-A Sermon preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, on Thursday, June 5, 1806: being the time of the Yearly Meeting of the Children Educated in the Charity Schools, in and about the Cities of London and Westminster. By the Right Reverend JOHN, LORD BISHOP OF EXETER. Published at the Request of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 4to. Rivingtons. 1806.

The "Society for Promoting certifying that he is "of a sober Christian Knowledge," like the and religious life and conversa. "Society for the Suppression of tion; and of an humble, peaceVice," consists wholly of godly able, and charitable disposition,” persons, "well affected to his "excepting one of the Royal faMajesty King George, and his mily ora Bishop." "His Royal Government, and to the Church Highness George, Prince of Wales," of England as by law established." is, we are happy to see, at the No person residing within the bills head of the members.

of mortality, can be admitted a In a very short sermon, the member without a recommenda- "Lord Bishop of Exeter," pleads tion by "two members at least," the cause of charity towards poor

children, with considerable ear


He has an original remark, in p. 10, which we shall quote, as it may suffice to infuse into Unitarian Christians, who contend so zealously for the unrivalled supremacy of Almighty God, a more than ordinary degree of loyalty.

Christian morality is the true basis, on which all beneficial government must rest; and is most peculiarly the strength and permanence of that excellent form of polity, with which the people of this kingdom are blessed: where, from the union of Church and State, God may be truly said to be, all in all,”

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"Indeed, the awful state of our coun try, in these tremendous times, requires, even upon inferior motives, our most. zealous guardianship of these institu tions, where truth is taught unmixed with error; where the pure doctrines of our most Primitive and Apostolical Church, are inculcated with unremitting diligence; and where these poor innocent children are separated and preserved from those mischievous receptacles of The Bishop (Dr. Fisher) is tu- fanaticism, disloyalty, and DISSENT, tor of the Princess Charlotte, and which have of late been too long and too we may hope, judging from the precipitately encouraged; and, to the tendency of which, the eyes of the discernfollowing passage, that he will ing part of the community are timely prepare her to be, should she opened." P. 8.

ART. VII.-The English Liturgy, a "Form of Sound words." A Sermon, delivered in the Parish Churches of St. Bene't Grace-church, St. Mary, Stoke Newington, and St. Mary Islington. By GEORGE GASKIN, D.D. 8vo. pp. 25. 1s. Rivingtons. 1806.

We pity such of the beneficed Hold fast the form of sound words. clergy as believe the church to The form here alluded to, is, he be in danger; among whom is the supposes, the ancient "formulary "Rector of St. Bene't Grace- or confession of faith," required church, and of Stoke Newington; of all persons at baptism. He aland Lecturer of Islington." We lows that there is good reason shall not, therefore, criticise se- to think," that the creed comverely this attempt-zealous if monly called the Apostles', "was not wise-to preserve the sacred not prepared by the Apostolical vessel of the church from ship- College." wreck," in these times (as Dr. The object of the discourse is G. in his fear describes them) of to shew that the English Liturgy ecclesiastical anarchy." Men un- is a form of sound words, and der the influence of imaginary ter- ought therefore to be highly fors, are less to be censured for prized, and carefully retained. It the follies they commit, than com- is pure and perfect, contains no miserated, on account of the dis- errors, and omits no truth. It is ordered state of mind in which adequate to the wants of the good those follies originate. people of this country, possible as well as real. It cannot be re

Dr. G.'s text, is 2 Tim. i. 1

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moved or even altered without worship; and this should abate Dr. Gaskin's terror at the prospect of this change. Turn the

alarming detriment to the state, and to " every true son of the Church of England." Yet alas! conventicle into a church, (we do

this perfection, like the beauty of a Chinese belle, is local; it fades away when taken off consecrated ground.

not prophecy that this will ever be the case) and it will at once acquire all the sanctity and virtueinspiring power which it now


A description is given by the Dr. of the higher clergy of the English Church, which it would be entertaining to compare with the description of Christian teach

"Even this service, (says the Dr.) when performed as an act of public worship, by persons not in episcopal orders, or whose place of worship, though called a chapel, has not received the licence or sanction of the Bishop, but is opened in defiance of his jurisdiction, then ceases to be the service of the Church of Eng- ers in the N. T.; and we leave land; and the persons frequenting it, our readers to make the compaactually become schismatics from the rison. church, and Dissenters, of I know not what new description.”

"The governors of this society (the church) form a kind of aristocracy resTransplantation which, it seems, pecting the community at large; but deteriorates the delicate plant of each particular governor, in his proper the English Liturgy, might possi. district, is a sort of monarch, exercising his function, both towards the inferior bly improve in the same degree ministers and laity, according to the will the rough one of Nonconforming of the supreme head of the church."

ART. VIII.-Future Punishment of Endless Duration. A Sermon, preached at the Rev. J. Knight's Meeting-house, Collyer's Rents, Southwark; at a Monthly Association of Ministers and Churches, Dec. 11, 1806. By ROBERT WINTER. 8vo. pp. 35. IS. 1806.

The eternity of hell torments is from a tenet, which clothes the so dreadful a doctrine, so appa- parent of the human race with a rently subversive of the attributes character which in any one of his of the Deity, and so irreconcilea creatures would be execrable. Let ble with the spirit and design of any benevolent person ponder on the gospel, that it requires an ac- the following reflection, (p. 28.) cumulation of strong arguments and try if he can possibly reconand just criticisms, to bend down cile his heart to the creed which our reason, and stupify our feel. produced it. It is to Mr. Winter's ings into a persuasion and belief credit that the idea is not original, of its truth. Such arguments but has been advanced by almost and criticisms are not to be every preceding Calvinistic writer, found in this discourse, nor in and especially by Jonathan EdDan Taylor's sermon, on which wards. it seems to be built, and therefore it cannot be expected to answer "Who can imagine, what purposes of its design; though by exciting in. love and mercy may be accomplished to the myriads of the redeemed, by beholdquiry, it may be the means of ing the awful contrast which will be Bringing some pious persons off exhibited, in the wretched condition


of those who are suffering the awful doctrine maintained in this disconsequences of their own transgres- course, we cheerfully pay the author the compliment of admitting Yet, while we express our ab- that it is modest, well-written, horrence, as Christians, of the and not uncandid.


1807, January 5. "In his 65th year, at his chambers in Staple Inn, of which honourable society he had long been one of the antients, worn out by natural debility, though his mind retained its original firmness, ISAAC REED, Esq. a respectable solicitor and conveyancer. His father passed unambitiously through life in the useful occupation of a baker, and had the satisfaction of witnessing the son's literary attainments with that enthusiasm which so frequently prevails in a strong uncultivated mind. Placed in a situation which above all others, is frequently the road to riches and honour, Mr. R.'s principal ambition was, to acquize a fundamental knowledge of the juri prudence of his country; and thus far Fe was eminently successful. But the law, however alluring its prospects, had not charms sufficient to engage his whole attention; and while he venerated the system, he detested the chicanery of which he was almost daily a witness in many of its professors. An attempt to make" the worse appear the better cause" would havebeenwith him a breach ofmoral obligation. Hence an extensive line of business was necessarily precluded; but he had the satisfaction of numbering among his clients many highly valued friends; and other avenues to Fame, if not to Fortune, were open to his capacious mind. His intimate knowledge of antient English literature was unbounded. His own publications, though not very numerous, were all valuable; and he was more satisfied with being a faithful editor, than ambitious of being an original composer." After a rumerous catalogue of publications, commencing in 1768, Mr. Reed's concluding literary engagement appears to have been the last and splendid edition of Shakspeare, in 21 vols. 8vo. 1803, with his name prefixed; an effort which he with some difficulty was persuaded to make. So extremely averse, indeed, was he to appearing before the public, that, when he was asked, as a matter of course, to add enly his initials at the end of the prefa

tory advertisement to the volume of Dr. Young, [which he had edited] his answer was nearly in these words: I solemnly declare, that I have such a thorough dread of putting my name to any publication whatever, that, if I were placed in the alternative either of so doing, or of standing in the pillory, I believe I should prefer the latter.'-He was a valuable contributor to the Westminster Magazine from 1773 to 1780. The biographical articles are from his pen. He became also very early one of the proprietors of the European Magazine, and was a constant contributor to it for many years, particularly in the biographical and critical departments. He was also an occasional volunteer in the pages of Sylvanus Urban. So ample, indeed, was his collection of literary curiosities, so ready was he in turning to them, and so tho roughly able to communicate information, that no man of character ever applied to him in vain.

To follow Mr. Reed into the more retired scenes of private and domestic life. He was an early friser. Exercise was to him a great source both of health and pleasure. Naturally companionable, he frequently enjoyed the conversation of the table at the houses of a select circle of friends, to whom his great knowledge of books, and his firm but modest mode of communicating that knowledge, always rendered him highly acceptable. His collections of books, which are chiefly English, is perhaps one of the most extensive in that kind that any private individual ever possessed."

To the above account of Mr. Reed, given by his old and intimate literary friend, the editor of the Gentleman's Magazine, and which we have taken the liberty to abridge, it may be added, that Dr. Kippis, in the prefaces to the first and second volumes of the Biog. Britt. acknowledges very respectfully the assistance derived from his literary infor mation, and refers to him as an authority in several articles of that work.

Mr. Reed was buried in the church of

interview with his cousin, at Olney, cannot be described so well as in his

Amwell, a village near Ware, which intercourse with you, which is to me inhas been celebrated in "a Descriptive estimable." The gratification which Poem," in blank verse, by the Muse of Cowper received from the revival of Scott. In that village Mr. R. has passed their correspondence, and an expected. a great part of his leisure hours at the house of one of his intimate friends. Jan. 15, at Clifton, in an advanced age own words. "This is just as it should LADY HESKETH, widow of Sir be. We are all grown young again, Thomas H. Bart. Of the particulars and the days that I thought I should see of this lady's history we have no infor- no more are actually returned. I need nation, except as her name frequently only recollect how much I valued you accurs in the life and interesting letters once, and with how much cause, immeof Cowper, her first cousin, with whom diately to feel a revival of the same va she became intimate during her juvenile lue, if that can be said to revive, which years. The amusements of those years at the most has only been dormant for lived in his remembrance, when they want of employment. But I slander it had long departed. In a letter to Lady when I say it has slept. A thousand H. after a very playful account of their times have I recollected a thousand youthful frolics, he adds, "The hours scenes, in which our two selves have I have spent with you were among the formed the whole of the drama, with pleasantest of my former days, and are the greatest pleasure; at times, too, therefore chronicled in my mind so when I had no reason to suppose that I deeply as to fear no erasure." In an- should ever hear from you again. I other letter, almost the last which he hope that now our correspondence has wrote to this lady, or was in circum- received its last interruption, and that stances to write to any one, he says, we shall go down together to the grave, "Though nature designed you only for chatting and chirping as merrily as such my cousin, you have had a sister's place a scene of things as this will permit." in my affections ever since I knew you." Lady H. visited Cowper at Olney, in Lady H. was married before 1763, 1786, and passed several months in that when Cowper's correspondence with her village. She had zealously promoted commences. She visited him during the subscription to his Homer, and also his first derangement while he resided proposed to aid the pecuniary resources in the temple, the only time," he says, of the poet from her own purse, a pro"in which he ever saw her without posal which was made and accepted pleasure." On his recovery he renewed with a frankness highly creditable to their correspondence from Huntingdon, both the parties. Thus was Cowper aswhich after a few months was unac- sisted to make a very agreeable change countably discontinued for a period of in his situation, as he describes it to a twenty years. Mr. Hayley informs his friend. "Lady Hesketh is our good readers that Lady H. spent several of angel, by whose aid we are enabled to those years abroad with Sir Thomas, a pass into a better air and a more walkworthy man, with many peculiarities, able country. She stoops to Olney, lifts according to a letter of Cowper's. She us from our swamp, and sets us down on afterwards became a widow, and passed the elevated grounds of Weston-Underthrough much affliction. There was wood." Here in 1795, Lady H. atprobably some other cause of this extraordinary alienation; but Mr. Hayley, in his biography of Cowper, does not always write to convey information. Lady H's. attentions to her cousin revived in 1785, upon meeting with John Gilpin. The bard thus agreeably refers to this circumstance. "Above all I honour John Gilpin, since it was he who first encouraged you to write. I made him on purpose to laugh at, and he has served his purpose well; but I am now in debt to him for a more valuable acquisition than all the laughter in the world amounts to, the recovery of my

tended her cousin for some months, during his distressing derangement, justifying Mr. Hayley's remark that "her tenderness to her illustrious though unhappy relation, was exemplary through every period of his changeful life."

Lady H. appears by the manner in which Cowper addresses her, to have possessed a devout turn of mind, though there are no traces of her opinions and feelings being those so fondly called evangelical. Her correspondent himself when writing to her, indulges views of religion which must be approved by every serious Christian, allowing for his

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